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So, horrendously expensive education and a rampant housing market is the EU‘s fault? Sorry, but that’s the UK‘s responsibility.

I suppose the argument goes we can't stop immigration if we are inside the EU and those numbers are why we have such an upward pressure on house prices.

I don't think that is illogical reasoning, the idea that we can just build more houses is a tempting cop-out if you want to take the EU side in this argument.

Yes, we could build more houses, probably even enough to house everyone who is coming but why should we be forced to build more houses where we don't want to just because the EU says we are not allowed to limit demand? It might be cheaper, in the long run, to tell the EU to get stuffed and bring in policies to limit migration to levels more easily coped with.

We have a substantial domestic demand for more houses and admitting that there could be a problem building a new city the size of Birmingham every 3 to 5 years in order to house those new arrivals alone and that that could be why we have an insufficient supply isn't unreasonable.
And yet it never happens.

Well the Tories wouldn't have done it for the hundred plus years they had an inbuilt Lords majority. Labour did greatly reduce the Lords but never considered it worth the huge amount of parliamentary time it would take to completely abolish it, and replace it with something else. Topically, we're now spending that time on leaving the EU instead.

Nothing stays the same. The Lords will go one day.
Apologies but a bit off-topic. How do people feel about this (guessing it’s true):

I suppose the argument goes we can't stop immigration if we are inside the EU and those numbers are why we have such an upward pressure on house prices.

I don't think that is illogical reasoning, the idea that we can just build more houses is a tempting cop-out if you want to take the EU side in this argument.

Yes, we could build more houses, probably even enough to house everyone who is coming but why should we be forced to build more houses where we don't want to just because the EU says we are not allowed to limit demand? It might be cheaper, in the long run, to tell the EU to get stuffed and bring in policies to limit migration to levels more easily coped with.

We have a substantial domestic demand for more houses and admitting that there could be a problem building a new city the size of Birmingham every 3 to 5 years in order to house those new arrivals alone and that that could be why we have an insufficient supply isn't unreasonable.

Spot on!

My opinion with the immigrants coming here to do the lower paid jobs that Brits 'do not want' is that they should be given 5-7 years work visas and none issued after a certain age say 35.
People on low pay will eat less healthily and be more susceptible to degenerative diseases and need the NHS more. If they only have 5-7 year work visas that will not be an issue for the UK and also we wont need to build x number of new cities as our population will not keep growing so fast.
I suppose the argument goes we can't stop immigration if we are inside the EU and those numbers are why we have such an upward pressure on house prices.

I don't think that is illogical reasoning, the idea that we can just build more houses is a tempting cop-out if you want to take the EU side in this argument.

Yes, we could build more houses, probably even enough to house everyone who is coming but why should we be forced to build more houses where we don't want to just because the EU says we are not allowed to limit demand? It might be cheaper, in the long run, to tell the EU to get stuffed and bring in policies to limit migration to levels more easily coped with.

We have a substantial domestic demand for more houses and admitting that there could be a problem building a new city the size of Birmingham every 3 to 5 years in order to house those new arrivals alone and that that could be why we have an insufficient supply isn't unreasonable.

He talked about being unable to be a homeowner. Sorry, but the ground and home prices in your typical middle class suburbia are not influenced by immigration. They are very much influenced by the stupid UK regulations in regards to assigning new housing areas. Because please tell me: why is it such a problem in the UK, but not in Germany in France, both having higher or the same number of immigrants? It’s bullshit.
Spot on!

My opinion with the immigrants coming here to do the lower paid jobs that Brits 'do not want' is that they should be given 5-7 years work visas and none issued after a certain age say 35.
People on low pay will eat less healthily and be more susceptible to degenerative diseases and need the NHS more. If they only have 5-7 year work visas that will not be an issue for the UK and also we wont need to build x number of new cities as our population will not keep growing so fast.

Maybe I did not understand it vlearly, because my english is limited. But basically you are proposing use them when they are healthy (and pay their taxes to the NHS) and chuck them when they are worn out (not being able to use the taxes that they fairly paid to the NHS)?
Apologies but a bit off-topic. How do people feel about this (guessing it’s true):

Taking this at face value, the article seems to indicate that it is ordering journos not to report on immigrant stories. That is bullshit in itself.
OK so here we go: whois lookup:

Domains Administrator

Eldon Insurance Services Limited

Lysander House Catbrain Lane, Cribbs Causeway


South Gloucestershire

Postal Code:
BS10 7TQ




Eldon Insurance Services Founder: Arron Banks

In November 2017, the Electoral Commission announced that it is investigating whether election rules were broken during the EU referendum, in donations worth a total of £8.4 million to Leave.EU campaigners made by Banks and by Better for the Country Ltd, a company of which Banks is a registered director.

Is it a trustworthy source?

feck no :lol:
just a new form of indentured servitude. (i dont know if you know what that means)

Had to check, but yes, It is what it looks like.

So basically, you have a young and strong worker (whatever education paid by country of origin) you use it to build up your economy (via first, second, third private sectors), consume from your economy (ergo building up more your economy), pay taxews (building up more your economy via public sector. And then, when he/she needs what he earned. Nah sorry mate, get the feck our of my country. Well, you are hot, maybe as a prostitute till you get ugly?

And please, say thanks you you ungrateful cnut
OK so here we go: whois lookup:

Eldon Insurance Services Founder: Arron Banks

Is it a trustworthy source?

feck no :lol:

I'm unsure what you're saying here but I'll take a punt and guess that we need cross reference West Monster with East Monster and the Loch Ness Monster just to be completely sure

Is Nessy on twitter?
Had to check, but yes, It is what it looks like.

So basically, you have a young and strong worker (whatever education paid by country of origin) you use it to build up your economy (via first, second, third private sectors), consume from your economy (ergo building up more your economy), pay taxews (building up more your economy via public sector. And then, when he/she needs what he earned. Nah sorry mate, get the feck our of my country. Well, you are hot, maybe as a prostitute till you get ugly?

And please, say thanks you you ungrateful cnut

He didn’t say he’d force anybody to come here.

Would you prefer if the border was closed to people completely and therefore nobody could exploit them in the manner you are fearful of?

The conspiracy theorist in me says that Johnson has been rumbled as a foreign agent but the cat hasn't been let out of the bag yet, so the FO are in damage limitation mode.

In reality it's because the FO (and everyone else) know that hes a fecking idiot and extremely likely to cause offence.
OK so here we go: whois lookup:

Eldon Insurance Services Founder: Arron Banks

Is it a trustworthy source?

feck no :lol:

Good find! It's the brexiteers once again lying to have a basis for their arguments. The mind boggling thing is that there's still people who shut their eyes to what is so open to see for everyone, and tell themselves 'I believe'.
He didn’t say he’d force anybody to come here.

Would you prefer if the border was closed to people completely and therefore nobody could exploit them in the manner you are fearful of?

So you basically would be in favour of any law that could exploit everyone (labour, sexual, slavery, etc...) in any way under their responsability. feck human rights or basic decency.

There is nothing like, for sheer luck, being born in a place to feel entitled to tell others feck you, better luck in the next reincarnation.

The conspiracy theorist in me says that Johnson has been rumbled as a foreign agent but the cat hasn't been let out of the bag yet, so the FO are in damage limitation mode.

In reality it's because the FO (and everyone else) know that hes a fecking idiot and extremely likely to cause offence.

Foreign agent?! Bit extreme, even as someone who detests him.
He talked about being unable to be a homeowner. Sorry, but the ground and home prices in your typical middle class suburbia are not influenced by immigration. They are very much influenced by the stupid UK regulations in regards to assigning new housing areas. Because please tell me: why is it such a problem in the UK, but not in Germany in France, both having higher or the same number of immigrants? It’s bullshit.

In the UK we tend to feel that if you work full time pay your taxes and follow the rules then after 25 to 30 years, you should be able to own your own home. I think that's a good thing and gives people a stake in the society they live in and something to aim for.

Prices follow supply and demand, increase the population and you increase the demand and the price follows. The land is finite and people don't want the homes they own and the area they bought to live in changed after they bought. It is understandable and given that resistance to new building why not limit demand?

I don't give a shit about what you do in Germany or France you can live in tents, shanty towns or build houses on the moon for all I care. Let everyone in the whole world come and live there if it's not a problem but I bet it is a problem and I bet you know most people would have a problem with it.

So I call bullshit on your Greasy Strangler of an argument.
Immigrants raise housing prices, but not the poor or middle class ones, or at least not significantly. They are no competition for the locals. Is Offer and demand. A poor immigrant will never be able to match the offer. Rich retired brittish in Spain in the other hand...
In the UK we tend to feel that if you work full time pay your taxes and follow the rules then after 25 to 30 years, you should be able to own your own home. I think that's a good thing and gives people a stake in the society they live in and something to aim for.

Prices follow supply and demand, increase the population and you increase the demand and the price follows. The land is finite and people don't want the homes they own and the area they bought to live in changed after they bought. It is understandable and given that resistance to new building why not limit demand?

I don't give a shit about what you do in Germany or France you can live in tents, shanty towns or build houses on the moon for all I care. Let everyone in the whole world come and live there if it's not a problem but I bet it is a problem and I bet you know most people would have a problem with it.

So I call bullshit on your Greasy Strangler of an argument.

Poor way to react. Ground here is just as finite as it is in the UK. Yet we don’t have the same problems...and the reasons for it were actually a topic in an C1 English course I took a few years ago.

Just a small example how low key investment can solve expensive problems (if you wanted to go against private investors):
Poor way to react. Ground here is just as finite as it is in the UK. Yet we don’t have the same problems...and the reasons for it were actually a topic in an C1 English course I took a few years ago.

Just a small example how low key investment can solve expensive problems (if you wanted to go against private investors):

Assuming you are living in Germany.

The previous German govt seemed pretty upset about the rest of the EU's reluctance to take migrants from Germany if I recall correctly. If you have all the answers and they are so obvious I wonder why it vexed you so?

You haven't got a government just yet and as I understand it that was in a large part because of political changes in voting patterns brought about on migrant-related issues, so perhaps there are some problems for some people in Germany.

My 52 years living in the UK is clearly no match for the insight you gained into how things work in the UK on your C2 English course.

I guess I should bow out.
Assuming you are living in Germany.

The previous German govt seemed pretty upset about the rest of the EU's reluctance to take migrants from Germany if I recall correctly. If you have all the answers and they are so obvious I wonder why it vexed you so?

You haven't got a government just yet and as I understand it that was in a large part because of political changes in voting patterns brought about on migrant-related issues, so perhaps there are some problems for some people in Germany.

My 52 years living in the UK is clearly no match for the insight you gained into how things work in the UK on your C2 English course.

I guess I should bow out.

If the events of the last couple of years have taught us anything, it's that several decades spent living in the UK does not automatically equate to bragging rights when it comes to political acumen.
If the events of the last couple of years have taught us anything, it's that several decades spent living in the UK does not automatically equate to bragging rights when it comes to political acumen.

If by us you mean the majority on this forum,

Brexit can't possibly happen.

Trump can't get elected as the Republican nominee.

Trump can't get elected president.

May and Merkle were both a shoe-in for re-election with an increased majority.

So events have taught us your views are on average more likely to be wrong than the average Brexit voter's dog.
If by us you mean the majority on this forum,

Brexit can't possibly happen.

Trump can't get elected as the Republican nominee.

Trump can't get elected president.

May and Merkle were both a shoe-in for re-election with an increased majority.

So events have taught us your views are on average more likely to be wrong than the average Brexit voter's dog.

My views?

It depends on what you mean by "wrong" really. I take it that you think the actual outcomes to the four events you mentioned were better for the UK, the US and the World than the outcomes most on here were hoping for?
Assuming you are living in Germany.

The previous German govt seemed pretty upset about the rest of the EU's reluctance to take migrants from Germany if I recall correctly. If you have all the answers and they are so obvious I wonder why it vexed you so?

You haven't got a government just yet and as I understand it that was in a large part because of political changes in voting patterns brought about on migrant-related issues, so perhaps there are some problems for some people in Germany.

My 52 years living in the UK is clearly no match for the insight you gained into how things work in the UK on your C2 English course.

I guess I should bow out.

First of all: not the reasons for the break down of coalition talks between a centrist, a left, and libertarian party. Those are inherently difficult as you can imagine, but you are not interested in deeper understanding of foreign politics, as you have just displayed with this very statement. Second of all: we do have a gouvernment. Third of all: the German gouverment certainly didn’t push for migrant distribution because of a non existent housing crisis.

Anyway: the reason I pointed out that C2 course that I gained any additional insight. The reason was that I wanted to highlight just how obvious those British problems are. So obvious that they are even teaching material for courses for non English speakers.
First of all: not the reasons for the break down of coalition talks between a centrist, a left, and libertarian party. Those are inherently difficult as you can imagine, but you are not interested in deeper understanding of foreign politics, as you have just displayed with this very statement. Second of all: we do have a gouvernment. Third of all: the German gouverment certainly didn’t push for migrant distribution because of a non existent housing crisis.

Anyway: the reason I pointed out that C2 course that I gained any additional insight. The reason was that I wanted to highlight just how obvious those British problems are. So obvious that they are even teaching material for courses for non English speakers.

That's not true, I just don't give a shit about your view of UK politics. I don't think your C2 English course subject matter qualifies you as an expert in the UK housing issue and I think you are being disingenuous about the cause of Germany's current political difficulties which are related to both the rise of AFD and the effect that has had on mainstream German political parties and their willingness to sanction open border migration policies and enter government with parties which espouse or embody them.
First of all: not the reasons for the break down of coalition talks between a centrist, a left, and libertarian party. Those are inherently difficult as you can imagine, but you are not interested in deeper understanding of foreign politics, as you have just displayed with this very statement. Second of all: we do have a gouvernment. Third of all: the German gouverment certainly didn’t push for migrant distribution because of a non existent housing crisis.

Anyway: the reason I pointed out that C2 course that I gained any additional insight. The reason was that I wanted to highlight just how obvious those British problems are. So obvious that they are even teaching material for courses for non English speakers.

Not yet you don't.
What paper, what organization, founded by whom and by how much ... sorry, but it’s just bullshit. One article and I know I wouldn’t even touch that website with the tip of my big toe.

Westmonster, sounds like a legit source

:lol: Blue tick though mate so take it as gospel.

OK so here we go: whois lookup:

Eldon Insurance Services Founder: Arron Banks

Is it a trustworthy source?

feck no :lol:

Errrrrr I meant re: the actual document which is linked in the article.
Here it is in case missed (or commented without opening the link):