Need cheering up and remembered this. Seems quite apt

Need cheering up and remembered this. Seems quite apt
EEC would work EU doesn't
Being part of the EEC means making payments to the EU the leavers promised to use for the NHS. People like to refer to Norway. Maybe should look up what the relationship between Norway and the EU entails...
Are you kidding? They export more to UK then they import from them so is a no brainer.
There will be trade, but GB won't be the partner to dictate the terms as they see fit.
The UK doesn't import all the goods for fun. An example: When your local Nissan or Ford or Mini plant wants to produce cars, it needs components manufactured on the continent. Your win-loss scenario bears no substance.
These people make me want to punch my screen. Fecking idiots. The first guy, movement around EU is fine but people from Africa and Syria/Iraq are not allowed to come in. How would you fecking feel if you were living in a fecking war zone/extremely poor living conditions fearing for your life every single day. Fecking Imbecile.
UK is the 5th biggest economy and again they would lose more if they move away.
Movimento 5 Stelle on the other hand might be a problem. They are pretty much anarchist, and they are in coalition with UKIP in European parliament. And they are getting stronger.
That is very true from a morale´s standpoint, but what is even more frustrating is that leaving the EU and fecking over their country does not change anything in that regard. In the current refugee crisis the EU did not force refugees onto the UK. They did not even take part in the official relocating plan of the Union and faced no consequences. In the end they took far less refugees than the other big players.
Too many for the people of Barnsley obviously.That is very true from a morale´s standpoint, but what is even more frustrating is that leaving the EU and fecking over their country does not change anything in that regard. In the current refugee crisis the EU did not force refugees onto the UK. They did not even take part in the official relocating plan of the Union and faced no consequences. In the end they took far less refugees than the other big players.
Salvini is not going to win anything. All his support comes in Veneto and Lombardia eventhough the main right wing party is weaker than ever. Even in Veneto, he is despised by pretty much everyone who is educated.
Movimento 5 Stelle on the other hand might be a problem. They are pretty much anarchist, and they are in coalition with UKIP in European parliament. And they are getting stronger.
You see? Idiots everywhere even Trump would had a chance to be the PM in UK"What is the EU" is the top UK search in Google. What is wrong with this country?
Of course it's about England, they're English. What do you expect it to be about...America, Russia, the Seychelles...what?
It's always about fecking England. Bunch of cnuts.
It's always about fecking England. Bunch of cnuts.
UK is the 5th biggest economy and again they would lose more if they move away.
You see? Idiots everywhere even Trump would had a chance to be the PM in UK![]()
It's always about fecking England. Bunch of cnuts.
Whenever I see people like this I feel conflicted. I know that they will never change if their views are never challenged. I just can't be arsed though.These people make me want to punch my screen. Fecking idiots. The first guy, movement around EU is fine but people from Africa and Syria/Iraq are not allowed to come in. How would you fecking feel if you were living in a fecking war zone/extremely poor living conditions fearing for your life every single day. Fecking Imbecile.
This is interesting as well (if true)
"Paradoxically Brexit won at Sunderland where there is a factory of Nissan employs 7,000 employees and is now likely to close"
Brains of Britain there...This is interesting as well (if true)
"Paradoxically Brexit won at Sunderland where there is a factory of Nissan employs 7,000 employees and is now likely to close"
Of course it's about England, they're English. What do you expect it to be about...America, Russia, the Seychelles...what?
That is very true from a morale´s standpoint, but what is even more frustrating is that leaving the EU and fecking over their country does not change anything in that regard. In the current refugee crisis the EU did not force refugees onto the UK. They did not even take part in the official relocating plan of the Union and faced no consequences. In the end they took far less refugees than the other big players.
This is interesting as well (if true)
"Paradoxically Brexit won at Sunderland where there is a factory of Nissan employs 7,000 employees and is now likely to close"
I wonder if Farage will share a pint with those lads after they are on dole
It's that line that always gets me. Then they promptly go off on a racist rant. Usually you say if they had a brain they would be dangerous, but it is the lack of brainpower that has made this lot dangerous.In other Channel 4 vox pops we had "Foreigners? Get 'em out. Kick 'em all out" and something along the lines of "I'm not racist, that's colour, it's the takers I don't like. If you let the Turks here, they'd drain us dry"
Apparently it's a trend:
UK is the 5th biggest economy and again they would lose more if they move away.
Could Scotland and NI remain a union and simply take the place of the UK?
Why do you argue with absolute numbers? That would only make sense if the EU would be a super state, where all the money and economy is centralised? It is not. The EU is an Union, an umbrella organisation/federation for 27 countries which is supposed to create a place to work and trade with each other.
The difference in the economical power scale and consequences can actually be summed up rather easily. As long as the UK won´t be a part of the single market, 27 individual nations will have a harder time to trade with a single country. That country on the other hand will have trouble to trade with all of the 27 nations. It loses easy trading access to a whole region. The damage for the UK will be concentrated completely on them, while it will be split amongst all of the EU members. They would have a way easier time to deal with that than the UK.
Let´s take my country for example. We are the most affected by the Brexit as we are their most important business partner in Europe. In theory from an economical standpoint we have the biggest reason to allow the UK to stay inside the single market. The problem here is that we also have the biggest political reason for not letting them off easily here and offer them a good trade deal. We want a stable EU, we need a stable EU the most out of all EU members. While we are the biggest contributor to the Union, we also profit the most from it as we are not only the biggst economy but also in difference to the UK an economy clearly geared towards export and the majority of our wealth comes from that.
The government will try everything they can to prevent a chain reaction of other EU members leaving from happening. That is why our political leader, our finance minister and our main guy in the EU made some pretty serious statements today.
The upcoming negotiations will be pretty damn tough for the UK, especially as the Brexit has created a pretty damning split of the country. The possiblity of Scotland leaving is very real and as they clearly showed their will to be part of the EU, I don´t see any reason for them to be not welcomed back. Without the Scots the UK will lose even more leverage in these negotiations and as the UK are in for years of economical uncertainty, I can see a pretty big part of one of their key sectors (finances) moving away aswell into the heart of the EU and their biggest nation. The prospect of Frankfurt succeeding London as financial capital of the EU might very well play a role in Germany´s stance aswell.
Dropped to 6th behind France already. Pretty sure Morgan Stanley have already confirmed 2,000 jobs are off to Dublin and Frankfurt.
I wouldn't be surprised if Ireland attempt it too. We're very close to the UK, and you tend to have our back in any arguments we make in the european parliament. It's going to be very hard to continue as a small Island on our own, and they'll probably take us for granted as they usually do.
Think they denied it, but might still do it. Maybe didn't want to be seen to kick us when we were down. They will kick us tomorrow. If loads of jobs go can we lock Farage and Johnson in the Tower of London?
Apparently it's a trend: