Juventus fan who used to support United
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I would like it to be more accountable. You have already dismissed my assertion that there is a democratic deficit in the EU so I dont suppose you will see anything substantive in that. Less of the waste, no decamping to Strasbourg once a month, more decisiveness.
Ultimately, as I have said before, I like Europe. So my desire for reform is less about a personal wish list, which might have things like less immigration or less red tape on it. I dont especially want to see less of either of those things, personally. But apparently a majority in the UK do want to see those kinds of things, and if we dont get them, meaning if the whole of the EU doesnt get them, we will be out. And that is what I dont want to see.
So if voters feel there is a problem with immigration, Id like to see reforms that addressed those concerns. Even though I personally dont have a problem with immigration, (people will tell me that is because my job is safe from the competition and wage pressures they bring.)
A tiered approach to EU integration is probably the only way forward that allows us to stay in. If I remember rightly that is something the UK has traditionally fought against - for the reasons Devilish hinted at, that the UK worries about a strong and functioning Europe, and a core that harmonised further without us there to put the breaks on would be impossible for the UK to control. But maybe we will get to the point where we transcend that kind of realpolitik. Further harmonisation is definitely needed to make the euro work, so the eurozone should push on with the necessary integration which will make it a core United States of Europe, there will be no end to the eurozone crises unless that happens. But obviously the UK would need to move in the opposite direction if it was to stay in.
So yes, reforms that address the concerns of UK voters (immigration and an end to the gravy train) and whatever concerns voters in other countries have. More accountable, with a core free to move ahead with more integration and others allowed to opt out of that and treat it more as a free trade zone with common standards.
I agree whole heartely in terms of accountability. The EU is so obsessed in giving a voice to everybody that it completely opened itself to abuse. Its in such ridiculous level, that a region like Wallonia can completely sink a trade deal which took 7 years to complete and a country can vote to leave the EU and then refuse to activate article 50 keeping an entire continent in limbo forever with no one being to do anything about it.
The current EU is a bureaucratic monster which is toothless and whose decisions are taken on a glacier pace. It can’t even defend itself without the need of third party countries (ie the US) and a single country can simply show it the middle finger and go on with their lives as if nothing happened like Hungary did in terms of mandatory burden sharing. My country does the same in terms of hunting. Our so called hunters kill thousands of birds from endangered species and the pro hunting government keep dragging its feet knowing that the EU will take years to take any decision on the matter. Would it do the same if it risks being kicked out of the EU? I very much doubt it. Under such circumstances no wonder the EU is a laughing stock that gets abused by Erdogan, Orban, Boris, Putin, Farage, Grillo etc
PS there's already a tiered approach. There's EU membership, the EEA, the so called Swiss model, the custom union and a CETA like trade deal. The UK can choose from any of these deals. What it can't do is pick and choose which parts of deal it wants