Yes he's like a red rag to a bull with Leavers!
No I didn't want to leave, but now things are changing anyway, the effects of climate change already underway (non-reversible) /and the legacy of Covid are already happening and Brexit will help us to make more independent and rational and timely decisions that affect us as a off shore island, rather than as part of the mainland mass. The EU is (so we are told) essentially a trading block, with little political emphasis, but if in future its going to spend trillions of euros, it will want value for money and focused on the main needs of the larger countries. At the moment you are right any country can veto any policy, but how long can that last, when regular wildfires fires are ravaging country sides in Spain, Germany and of course France, when freak weather storms floods the Netherlands/Belgium every year or two years and there is nowhere to run the water off unless you start flooding parts of France, etc. Majority voting has to come and the little guys will pay a heavy price, Presently Germany might bail out their economies, but it wont be able to afford to change the landscape of these countries without major inputs from the other rich EU countries who will have their own devils to fight!
The only way for the EU to go is as a federal state , a United States of Europe, all trading in euro's only. The Federal State then can force the issues, it will have to to survive.