Stanley Road
Renaissance Man
60 jobs lost due to not having left the eu yet
60 jobs lost due to not having left the eu yet
The uk seem confident that it will manage to get a cherry picking deal with the eu. I much doubt that it as that would be the end of the eu. I wonder what the uk would do if a year and a half after it activated article 50 it hasn't been able to come out with a decent deal for access in the single market. Would it reconsider it's strategy and remain in the eu? Would it sign every trade deal thrown to its way even if it's as bad/worse then ttip?
Its funny how they they think they can restrict immigration but still stay as part of the single market. Highly highly unlikely that will happen. What's more likely is that the EU takes us to the cleaners as they want (and should) use us as an example if other member states want to leave
Oh no, we've been assured by brexiters that wont happen. Were too valuable and great.Its funny how they they think they can restrict immigration but still stay as part of the single market. Highly highly unlikely that will happen. What's more likely is that the EU takes us to the cleaners as they want (and should) use us as an example if other member states want to leave
The uk seem confident that it will manage to get a cherry picking deal with the eu. I much doubt that it as that would be the end of the eu. I wonder what the uk would do if a year and a half after it activated article 50 it hasn't been able to come out with a decent deal for access in the single market. Would it reconsider it's strategy and remain in the eu? Would it sign every trade deal thrown to its way even if it's as bad/worse then ttip?
Posturing before negotiations is understandable by the people involved but the rest of the people I hear talking like this are discontented left over EU/remainders. We will make a deal the best we can and live with the consequences given our 68 billion pound trade deficit with the EU having trade with the EU isn't cherries for the UK alone.
I can't see the point in being all negative now, it could all go tits up but that's life.
How long will the EU continue to have support when they start to lay off all the people who sell products and services into the UK just to make a point about how great the EU is? Its on pretty thin ice already. It would be a little ironic to see the EU crumble because it tried to spite the UK for leaving.
My view is we can't have a free trade deal with the EU without free movement. So pick a number for the tariff rate and lets get on with it. The UK will respond like for like on tariffs and thats that.
I think if the EU really plays it the way some on here want it too I would change my vote from remain to leave if there was a second referendum.
It seems that the UK thinks that it can do and say what it wants without suffer any consequences. It can leave the EU to get rid of the pesky immigrants but still retain its financial passport within the EU which is crucial for its financial services. It can bomb countries and sell weapons to dictators but then it expects the Southern EU states to nanny all the asylum seekers such actions had caused. It can insult the EU institutions but then it expects it to fully co-operate to give them the best deal ever. Well.......that sort of cherry picking doesn't really work in real life and the very existence of the EU lies in not allowing the UK to get that sort of cherry picking. This cherry picking/spoiled brat mentality wont help the UK in setting trade deals with other giants either especially those who can easily live without having a preferential trade with the UK (China, the US) etc. I shiver at the thought of Boris conducting trade deals with the crazy nurse.
You sound very bitter about something
Well I don't see them playing the spoiled brat anywhere, I think its a figment of your imagination
That does sum it all up nicely.This is an excellent article from a non EU/UK source
Well its either that or that they think the EU is lead by a bunch of idiots who can't wait to get themselves screwed by the Brits. Either way, they are wrong.
The EU has appointed a seasoned negotiator who can rely on a proven team which has decades of experience in conducted trade deals.
The UK on the other hand had trusted this delicate role on two people ie a former London major guy who got screwed by his best mate and the other guy who only found out recently that his master plan (ie making trade deals with individual EU country) cant be done. Their respective teams are work on progress and its perfectly evident that prior to the referendum there had been no plans about Brexit whatsoever. That doesn't inspire me with alot of confidence.
Brexit without plans, course not, it hasn't been done before. Remind me what scotlands plans were if they gained independence, what currency they were going to use and what plans they had for all the businesses up there that said they would relocate to London. What genius plan did they have?
Well that much is true
The govmt has yet to put together a negotiating team, if you think they should go in there without one then fair enuff
Brexit without plans, course not, it hasn't been done before. Remind me what scotlands plans were if they gained independence, what currency they were going to use and what plans they had for all the businesses up there that said they would relocate to London. What genius plan did they have?
That is such a silly statement. The fact that it hasn't been done before is exactly why there should have been a plan. Scotland's lack of plan was equally stupid and they were rightly called out on it. It's a horrendous example to try to use. The fact that it hasn't been done before doesn't mean you can't plan for it. Infact it's the opposite. I can't believe people can honestly think that changing the course of our future without a plan is in any way intelligent. I don't think you can define that as anything but stupid.
Not sure whether it's the contents of Boris' file or the vision of Toriness that is Theresa but it's certainly getting David Davis hot.Has this been posted? Supposedly a Brexit brainstorm
Looks like the pieces of paper that come with a brand new folder.
Maybe he was handed the folder to look better for a photo op, but it doesn't look very good does it?
Has this been posted? Supposedly a Brexit brainstorm
That is such a silly statement. The fact that it hasn't been done before is exactly why there should have been a plan. Scotland's lack of plan was equally stupid and they were rightly called out on it. It's a horrendous example to try to use. The fact that it hasn't been done before doesn't mean you can't plan for it. Infact it's the opposite. I can't believe people can honestly think that changing the course of our future without a plan is in any way intelligent. I don't think you can define that as anything but stupid.
If the UK fails to get a decent deal with the single market then it will make it completely reliant on deals from somewhere else. That means that it will become reliant to China's, the US's and India's whims. The EU may also be in position to throw spanners in the UK works by offering a fast track deal to Scotland or force borders cheques/visas on people from Northern Ireland (to the ROI) and Gibraltar's citizens. I acknowledge that at this point in time it doesn't sound likely. But as they say, hostility from one side will emcourage hostility from the other side and the EU's patience does have its limits.
You paint a really shitty picture of the EU in most your posts. Tit for tat, is that what they're about? Nice bunch, we should join
Course its only normal to take your time and build a team, What plans have the EU got in place for Brexit? None I imagine. They don't even have a plane for if a country like Greece left the EU and Eurozone. they said as much, so they are equally stupid in your opinion right?
Not really. Let us turn the thing in the opposite direction. Do you think the UK will accept a deal were they have to pay a huge contribution to the EU, they would have to accept freedom of movement and they won't be able to access the single market? You know the answer. That doesn't mean that the British are nasty bunch who wants to spoil the EU people's day. They are simply not idiots.
Also the UK is already part of the EU and no one is forcing it to stay or leave. If they want to keep enjoying the benefits of the single market then they are rules they have to abide to. If it wants to leave then it must leave the single market. Its that simple.
Not really. Let us turn the thing in the opposite direction. Do you think the UK will accept a deal were they have to pay a huge contribution to the EU, they would have to accept freedom of movement and they won't be able to access the single market? You know the answer. That doesn't mean that the British are nasty bunch who wants to spoil the EU people's day. They are simply not idiots.
Also the UK is already part of the EU and no one is forcing it to stay or leave. If they want to keep enjoying the benefits of the single market then they are rules they have to abide to. If they want to leave then it must leave the single market, then we'll survive either way. The EU's only (and I think reasonable) request is for the UK to activate article 50 as soon as possible to start the dances. If the UK wants a deal with the EU then it must formulate what they want for everyone to understand. Such requests may or may not be granted.
You are mixing up taking your time and building a team, with having a plan. I'm not sure if you're doing it deliberately or not to divert attention away from the fact that it's clear there is no plan in place.
Whether the EU have a plan for Greece to leave the EU or not has nothing to do with whether we have a plan to leave the EU. Two wrongs don't make a right, I'm not sure why you're trying to say that it's okay for us to mess with our future with no plan whatsoever because hey look, the EU are the same. Yes they are both equally as stupid. They are also separate issues that should be dealt with separately.
I'd like to believe that you're more intelligent than to suggest that there's any way at all to make out that making massive changes to our futures and our childrens futures without having a plan in place is in any way a good idea. Because that is actually mental.
Well the point I'm making is that people in everywhere rarely make contingency plans.
In all honesty I don't really care I live in an EU country and stuff in the UK has become cheaper for me which is nice. What probably makes me appear biased is when I read garbage about how things are really fecked up / will be fecked up / certain famine, I don't hear any of this from friends and family back home that voted to remain, maybe its an internet thing.
I'm not making an argument, you seem to be doing that with yourselfThat doesn't mean it's okay to be stupid because other people do it too. That's a really terrible argument.
Common sense would say it's rational thinking, their lives haven't changed at all in recent monthsCommon sense would say that's entirely down to the fact that we haven't left yet.
Common sense would say it's rational thinking, their lives haven't changed at all in recent months
I'm not making an argument, you seem to be doing that with yourself
The timing of when it is triggered is perhaps the best leverage the UK has... a 2 year timeframe is going to be difficult to stick to to achieve a comprehensive exit arrangement - and whilst its an understandable negotiating tactic from the EU to say no negotiations till article 50 is triggered its equally valid from the UK point of view to say we could trigger it in the middle of a french / german election - or we could not trigger it for years and veto legiatlation in the meantime
I think it was a good first step that we did not take up the rotating presidency and hopefully wilst formal negotiations wont start till article 50 is triggered we can have good will on both sides and enter informal talks in good faith.
Personally Id rather we stayed but if we are going to go our best leverage in the negotiation is that we control the timing so I dont see us giving that up.
It may well be however that political pressure internally to be seen to be acting on the referendum result becomes impossible to ignore and we will see article 50 triggered sooner rather than later - but certainly not because it suits external interests
I suspect we will adopt most EU standards, remain part of the arrest warrent system etc - I would not be surprised to see us loose access to the EU for certain sectors (fisheries / agriculture for example) but we will fight pretty hard for services to be included ( even if we have to pay a bit more for that) - freedom of movement will be the big sticking point but I suspect something will be fudged together with a points type system but being from an EU country scores a fek load of points
You edited your post
I expect UK will say "we want all this" and The EU will say "Well you cant". Then I expect lengthy negotiations that will see both sides claiming a victory and the UK ending up with something better than Camerons deal
In all honesty I don't really care I live in an EU country and stuff in the UK has become cheaper for me which is nice. What probably makes me appear biased is when I read garbage about how things are really fecked up / will be fecked up / certain famine, I don't hear any of this from friends and family back home that voted to remain, maybe its an internet thing.
Companies lay people off all the time but from now and till forever, each layoff will be because of Brexit and that's madness.
The trade deficit thing is something that is constantly being misunderstood. Yes the UK runs with a trade deficit. There again its scattered throughout to a number of countries in the EU. The UK on the other hand exports 47% to the EU. Now lets keep it simple by using an example. The UK buys 25 from Germany, 20 from France, 10 from Sweden and 5 from Italy. However it sells 47 to the bloc. Who will tank that better? Now lets use the real percentages. About 44% of the UK’s exports go to other EU countries, while somewhere between 8-17% of exports from other EU countries go to the UK (depending on how you measure it). Who would end up suffering the most with tariffs? Especially considering that the right deal may see a big chunk of London's financial services moving to Frankfurt, Paris and Dublin. That would sweeten the blow
I also encourage you to see things from the other side of the barricade. The EU is a membership club and anyone whose not part of the club cant enjoy the benefits that club gives. If that was the case no one would be in the club in the first place. Also the EU and its citizens had been demonised for decades. The UK foreign secretary had likened the EU to a nazi project while EU immigrants had been blamed for everything under the sun from abusing on the NHS to clogging the M4. This situation had reached the ridiculous now with a number of EU citizens being abused and EU sympathisers/citizens are even killed (a Polish guy had been killed recently in Harlow, at the eve of the referendum Jo Cox was also killed). These sort of things doesn't allow negotiations to be conducted in a serene manner.
It seems that the UK thinks that it can do and say what it wants without suffer any consequences. It can leave the EU to get rid of the pesky immigrants but still retain its financial passport within the EU which is crucial for its financial services. It can bomb countries and sell weapons to dictators but then it expects the Southern EU states to nanny all the asylum seekers such actions had caused. It can insult the EU institutions but then it expects it to fully co-operate to give them the best deal ever. Well.......that sort of cherry picking doesn't really work in real life and the very existence of the EU lies in not allowing the UK to get that sort of cherry picking. This cherry picking/spoiled brat mentality wont help the UK in setting trade deals with other giants either especially those who can easily live without having a preferential trade with the UK (China, the US) etc. I shiver at the thought of Boris conducting trade deals with the crazy nurse.
This is total nonsense, along with the rest of your argument.the French right wing parties will use this as an excuse to scrap the Touquet treaty,
This is total nonsense, along with the rest of your argument.
I did some digging on this. Eurotunnel is a french company. It will make the french govt pee its pants if UK threatened to close the tunnel due to illegal immigration.
In the worst case scenario the 6k illegals living in the calais jungle will come over to the UK. Big deal... we have 1.5m illegals in the UK right now. 6k will be a drop in the ocean.