Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Barnier suggests EU might not grant long article 50 extension unless May proposing new approach
Barnier says an orderly withdrawal has been the EU’s objective, not least because of the need for talks in the second stage.

The UK will remain a friend, partner and ally, he says.

He says, ahead of tomorrow’s summit, they have examined the way forward.

He says the EU needs a timeline or roadmap from the UK.

A new element is the start of cross-party discussions in London.

He says at today’s meeting they all expressed their hopes in respect of these talks. They all want a positive result, he says, that might allow a positive majority to emerge for a deal.

If the UK wants to leave the EU in an orderly fashion, the only way to do so is on the basis of the withdrawal agreement.

He says the withdrawal agreement will not be reopened. That continues to be the case.

The political declaration (PD) can be improved, he says, if the UK wants.

He says the UK and the EU could add to the free trade agreement already proposed in the PD a customs union. This could be added rapidly, “within a few hours or days”, he says.

  • Barnier says the EU could rewrite the political declaration “within hours or days” if the UK chose a customs union.
But the request they await from the UK will have to respect that the EU is. He says he is talking about the integrity of the single market, the autonomy of the EU27 and the indivisibility of the four freedoms.

He says the EU is not willing to compromise on the ecosystem behind the single market.

Why is is stressing that the PD could be rewritten? Because that would provide meaning to an extension, he says.

He says he does not want to say more, because this is a matter for EU leaders at the summit tomorrow.

He says the duration of an extension has to be in line with the purpose behind it.

  • Barnier suggests the EU might not grant a long article 50 extension unless May is proposing a new approach.
He says a no-deal Brexit would never be the responsibility of the EU.

If the UK wants to stop no-deal, it can, by revoking article 50.
This doesn't make sense. You have to leave before you can negotiate a free trade deal. You don't seem to want to leave.

I know the Uk likes to negotiate with itself but this is taking things a bit too far. You are still part of the EU, what are you going to do, sit on one side of the table as the UK and then go around the table and sit on the EU side?

Two other points, the bad deal is no deal and a FTA is not your biggest problem by any stretch of the imagination and solves very little. You'll start negotiating that as soon as you leave if you don't lie.

I think that some people still fail to understand how society work. The Withdrawal agreement is simply meant to fix some of the issues that will occur when the UK leaves, some people and companies will inevitably find themselves in trouble from a legal and practical standpoint and the withdrawal agreement is supposed to help fix that. The only reason the UK hasn't left yet is because they are aware of these issues and refuse to accept their consequences which is understandable.

A subsequent FTA or CU will always be an option and they will be in line with what both sides want from it, no one is going to force anything on the other but until these deals are sealed people and companies will still be living and working, and they will have to know which rules they are supposed to respect and where aka the WA.
Ah, The agonies of a local Labour MP in a leave constituency. But also a marginal constituency.

MP claims he is “not against” Brexit, but votes against it every single time because his primary concern is jobs.

His local Labour council want to build another 20k houses, 8k on green belt. Also lots more new warehouses on green belt for additional jobs needed due to expansion.

He seems to be against that, which is also my own position.

Talk about wanting it both ways.

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I think that some people still fail to understand how society work. The Withdrawal agreement is simply meant to fix some of the issues that will occur when the UK leaves, some people and companies will inevitably find themselves in trouble from a legal and practical standpoint and the withdrawal agreement is supposed to help fix that. The only reason the UK hasn't left yet is because they are aware of these issues and refuse to accept their consequences which is understandable.

A subsequent FTA or CU will always be an option and they will be in line with what both sides want from it, no one is going to force anything on the other but until these deals are sealed people and companies will still be living and working, and they will have to know which rules they are supposed to respect and where aka the WA.

I see the WA as a stepping stone to the next stage whereas I have the impression that large parts of the UK see it as the final deal and it's not good enough for them.

I mean, you have to laugh. Don't you?

I think the most laughable thing is that in true hard Brexiteer fashion, he comes in, drops some (to put it mildly) bollocks statements and when he gets challenged on them he vanishes into thin air.

He’s not telling us why he thinks it is undemocratic that the govt is not pulling off a no deal Brexit, when polls show only half of Brexiteers support that (so a quarter of the electorate, give or take). He’s not got any comeback for the fact that his position (FTA or no deal) contradicts the reality that an FTA cannot be negotiated while we’re in the EU. He still dodges the Irish border question altogether. He’s thinks Leave.EU and Farage didn’t lie but when challenged on the particulars he bails.

Then apparently we’re the bad guys for making this place hostile to different opinions. We should be more accommodating to opinions that contradict reality I guess.
The irony of this whole thing is that today, May is going to Brussels to beg Macron and Merkel not to kick us out .
Ah, The agonies of a local Labour MP in a leave constituency. But also a marginal constituency.

MP claims he is not against Brexit, but votes against it every single time because his primary concern is jobs.

His local Labour council want to build another 20k houses, 8k on green belt. Also lots more new warehouses on green belt for additional jobs needed due to expansion.

He seems to be against that, which is also my own position.

Talk about wanting it both ways.


In many ways Harold Shipman was acting out of civic duty.
Because the scouts promote posters they like and will generally like posters with similar views to their own. Because they're human.
Political alignment doesn't really come into it on the promotion side. Most of the time we don't even know if someone is left/right wing because they only comment on football related stuff and we generally don't go trawling through their post histories before giving a like. If we were against anyone right wing, Colin and Erica wouldn't be here today.

A lot of forums don't have a newbie system but they do have a 'swing' one way or the other

Remain: 73.8% (482 votes)
Leave: 26.2% (171 votes)

The Liverpool Way (Liverpool FC fan forum)
Remain: 80.7% (222 votes)
Leave: 19.3% (53 votes)

Red and White Kop (Liverpool FC fan forum)
Remain: 66.5% (574 votes)
Leave: 16% (138 votes)
Don't know: 7.9% (68 votes)
Not voting: 9.6% (83 votes)

Grand Old Team (Everton fan forum)
Remain: 64.6% (512 votes)
Leave: 35.4% (280 votes)

Wearside Online (Sunderland fan forum)
Remain: 11% (4 votes)
Leave: 74% (26 votes)
Don't know: 14% (5 votes)

Onefootball (UK football forum)
Remain: 64% (112 votes)
Leave: 36% (63 votes)

Digital Spy (Entertainment forum)
Remain: 36% (431 votes)
Leave: 63% (761 votes)

Exit poll
Remain: 26% (85 votes)
Leave: 73% (241 votes)

These are the closest:

Bluemoon (Man City fan forum)
Remain: 47.9% (503 votes)
Leave: 52.1% (547 votes)

Football Forums
Remain: 47% (55 votes)
Leave: 53% (62 votes)
I'm interested to see what reason she's going to give to warrant an extension. I have this image of the other 27 leaders in chorus singing "We don't believe you!"
Brexiteers already making it clear any agreement is toast once they knife her.
I don't think the EU should keep giving extensions. What is agreed for once should be followed through. Otherwise this could keep going on ad infinitum.
Political alignment doesn't really come into it on the promotion side. Most of the time we don't even know if someone is left/right wing because they only comment on football related stuff and we generally don't go trawling through their post histories before giving a like. If we were against anyone right wing, Colin and Erica wouldn't be here today.

A lot of forums don't have a newbie system but they do have a 'swing' one way or the other

Remain: 73.8% (482 votes)
Leave: 26.2% (171 votes)

The Liverpool Way (Liverpool FC fan forum)
Remain: 80.7% (222 votes)
Leave: 19.3% (53 votes)

Red and White Kop (Liverpool FC fan forum)
Remain: 66.5% (574 votes)
Leave: 16% (138 votes)
Don't know: 7.9% (68 votes)
Not voting: 9.6% (83 votes)

Grand Old Team (Everton fan forum)
Remain: 64.6% (512 votes)
Leave: 35.4% (280 votes)

Wearside Online (Sunderland fan forum)
Remain: 11% (4 votes)
Leave: 74% (26 votes)
Don't know: 14% (5 votes)

Onefootball (UK football forum)
Remain: 64% (112 votes)
Leave: 36% (63 votes)

Digital Spy (Entertainment forum)
Remain: 36% (431 votes)
Leave: 63% (761 votes)

Exit poll
Remain: 26% (85 votes)
Leave: 73% (241 votes)

These are the closest:

Bluemoon (Man City fan forum)
Remain: 47.9% (503 votes)
Leave: 52.1% (547 votes)

Football Forums
Remain: 47% (55 votes)
Leave: 53% (62 votes)
Jesus Christ, the Sunderland one :lol:
I don't think the EU should keep giving extensions. What is agreed for once should be followed through. Otherwise this could keep going on ad infinitum.
For me, I think the key are the elections. If we participate in those, the chances of brexit happening diminish significantly. Personally think May is trying to delay as much as possible until it's really her deal or no deal.
For me, I think the key are the elections. If we participate in those, the chances of brexit happening diminish significantly. Personally think May is trying to delay as much as possible until it's really her deal or no deal.
I am not sure what type of botched elections will transpire if we reach that point. Attempts for Tory sabotage of those elections seem likely.
I don't think the EU should keep giving extensions. What is agreed for once should be followed through. Otherwise this could keep going on ad infinitum.

Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Germany are expected to be the worst effected economically by a no deal Brexit (after the UK, of course). The German economy looks to be going into recession (and German manufacturing is already in recession) - I imagine they might all be quite keen on a long extension to A50 to prevent serious damage.

France, Italy and Spain, perhaps less so, as they are less exposed, and might therefore require some real persuasion to continue with this farce any longer.
Brexiteers already making it clear any agreement is toast once they knife her.

I think they're overplaying their hand... again.

Firstly if the WA agreement gets signed by the UK and EU it's not a national law, but an international one. Which means future parliaments are bound by it. The political declaration is not, but it means little if they are already bound by the constraints of the WA.

But more importantly, by loudly proclaiming they will not abide by the political declaration all they are really saying to Labour and Corbyn is "you better push for a 2nd ref because all you agree in is pointless anyway". Which suits me, if we get our second vote.

Labour just need to pull their finger out and coalesce around that. They can't change the WA agreement anyway and that's the only binding legal document.
I don't think the EU should keep giving extensions. What is agreed for once should be followed through. Otherwise this could keep going on ad infinitum.

They (EU) don't want a Brexit, obviously. And the longer this gets delayed the more likely it is to head for a 2nd ref or revocation. Why would they not, bedgrudingly, grant them so long as the UK is requesting them?

There is indeed a massive hassle in keeping this charade going, but putting the breaks on extensions and forcing a no-deal brexit would be political suicide for a lot of those EU27 leaders. Any crisis, political or economical, that ensues from no deal Brexit within their borders they'll be held responsible for by their electorate.

Macron is acting tough, but France GDP growth is like 0.2% per quarter, it has near 100% debt and the country's budget is running on a widening deficit above the EU's accepted 3%. If France takes a financial hit from this, he starts imposing taxes in response, the yellow vests are out on the streets again.... he will be as weak as. It's not in his interest either. He's acting a bit like a populist atm, but he'll back down when the chips are down.
Political alignment doesn't really come into it on the promotion side. Most of the time we don't even know if someone is left/right wing because they only comment on football related stuff and we generally don't go trawling through their post histories before giving a like. If we were against anyone right wing, Colin and Erica wouldn't be here today.

A lot of forums don't have a newbie system but they do have a 'swing' one way or the other

Remain: 73.8% (482 votes)
Leave: 26.2% (171 votes)

The Liverpool Way (Liverpool FC fan forum)
Remain: 80.7% (222 votes)
Leave: 19.3% (53 votes)

Red and White Kop (Liverpool FC fan forum)
Remain: 66.5% (574 votes)
Leave: 16% (138 votes)
Don't know: 7.9% (68 votes)
Not voting: 9.6% (83 votes)

Grand Old Team (Everton fan forum)
Remain: 64.6% (512 votes)
Leave: 35.4% (280 votes)

Wearside Online (Sunderland fan forum)
Remain: 11% (4 votes)
Leave: 74% (26 votes)
Don't know: 14% (5 votes)

Onefootball (UK football forum)
Remain: 64% (112 votes)
Leave: 36% (63 votes)

Digital Spy (Entertainment forum)
Remain: 36% (431 votes)
Leave: 63% (761 votes)

Exit poll
Remain: 26% (85 votes)
Leave: 73% (241 votes)

These are the closest:

Bluemoon (Man City fan forum)
Remain: 47.9% (503 votes)
Leave: 52.1% (547 votes)

Football Forums
Remain: 47% (55 votes)
Leave: 53% (62 votes)

I'm not even that right wing, I just can't stand Socialism. :)
That's the idea.
They (EU) don't want a Brexit, obviously. And the longer this gets delayed the more likely it is to head for a 2nd ref or revocation. Why would they not, bedgrudingly, grant them so long as the UK is requesting them?

There is indeed a massive hassle in keeping this charade going, but putting the breaks on extensions and forcing a no-deal brexit would be political suicide for a lot of those EU27 leaders. Any crisis, political or economical, that ensues from no deal Brexit within their borders they'll be held responsible for by their electorate.

Macron is acting tough, but France GDP growth is like 0.2% per quarter, it has near 100% debt and the country's budget is running on a widening deficit above the EU's accepted 3%. If France takes a financial hit from this, he starts imposing taxes in response, the yellow vests are out on the streets again.... he will be as weak as. It's not in his interest either. He's acting a bit like a populist atm, but he'll back down when the chips are down.
Nobody sane wants Brexit. But this issue needs to be closed at some point. Far too much time spend on both sides doing pointless discussions. Unpleasant certainty is better than uncertainty.
Hypocrisy isn't involved here. He basically said that he has the right to tell you something politely, he didn't say that he doesn't have the right to not be polite.

Doesn't that go against the CAF rules of respecting other members? I will remember that one next time I want to insult someone on here. Provided I put:

PS Fecking moron, at the end of my post I can mitigate myself of being banned.
So - it seems like instead of diving head first into oblivion we're stumbling into it, hitting every ledge on the way down.
Doesn't that go against the CAF rules of respecting other members? I will remember that one next time I want to insult someone on here.

Could you imagine how different this place would be if we were all polite to each other? How long have you been here? :confused:

Sounds like you're looking for a safe space....
Political alignment doesn't really come into it on the promotion side. Most of the time we don't even know if someone is left/right wing because they only comment on football related stuff and we generally don't go trawling through their post histories before giving a like. If we were against anyone right wing, Colin and Erica wouldn't be here today.

A lot of forums don't have a newbie system but they do have a 'swing' one way or the other

Remain: 73.8% (482 votes)
Leave: 26.2% (171 votes)

The Liverpool Way (Liverpool FC fan forum)
Remain: 80.7% (222 votes)
Leave: 19.3% (53 votes)

Red and White Kop (Liverpool FC fan forum)
Remain: 66.5% (574 votes)
Leave: 16% (138 votes)
Don't know: 7.9% (68 votes)
Not voting: 9.6% (83 votes)

Grand Old Team (Everton fan forum)
Remain: 64.6% (512 votes)
Leave: 35.4% (280 votes)

Wearside Online (Sunderland fan forum)
Remain: 11% (4 votes)
Leave: 74% (26 votes)
Don't know: 14% (5 votes)

Onefootball (UK football forum)
Remain: 64% (112 votes)
Leave: 36% (63 votes)

Digital Spy (Entertainment forum)
Remain: 36% (431 votes)
Leave: 63% (761 votes)

Exit poll
Remain: 26% (85 votes)
Leave: 73% (241 votes)

These are the closest:

Bluemoon (Man City fan forum)
Remain: 47.9% (503 votes)
Leave: 52.1% (547 votes)

Football Forums
Remain: 47% (55 votes)
Leave: 53% (62 votes)
Cheers Damo, interesting figures.
I don’t know where you read that, but there’s a near infinite number of scenarios where this isn’t true. I believe Brexit is one of them.
I was referring strictly to Brexit. I am not sure your sentiment is shared by the CEOs of various multinationals that have operations in the UK or conduct business with companies within the UK . Brexit has rendered long term planning useless.
We’ve decided to keep this Brexit process going, for another FIFTY cycles!

With endless options for renewal...
...endless options for renewal...
...endless options for renewal...
Doesn't that go against the CAF rules of respecting other members? I will remember that one next time I want to insult someone on here. Provided I put:

PS Fecking moron, at the end of my post I can mitigate myself of being banned.

You do what you want but the post that you quoted had nothing hypocrite about it, he didn't ask you to be polite. He simply pointed to the fact that you are not going to prevent people from politely discussing your posts.
I was referring strictly to Brexit. I am not sure your sentiment is shared by the CEOs of various multinationals that have operations in the UK or conduct business with companies within the UK . Brexit has rendered long term planning useless.

Multinationals will adapt anyway. But for other, national and smaller businesses who's model is not viable without a deal and access to the single market.... any delay is stay of execution.

It's not as clear cut as you make it sound. Uncertainty is nerve wracking, but there's no relief in knowing you're doomed either.