Nytram Shakes
cannot lust
im 31 and not classed as a skilled worker, the chances of them excepting me are ver littleThere was an article in the Guardian yesterday about a small place in NZ with too many jobs and to few people, get out there
im 31 and not classed as a skilled worker, the chances of them excepting me are ver littleThere was an article in the Guardian yesterday about a small place in NZ with too many jobs and to few people, get out there
So on the second referendum thing, a straight re-run would be dumb but maybe one down the line on joining the EEA (with free movement allowed) would be a goer:
So on the second referendum thing, a straight re-run would be dumb but maybe one down the line on joining the EEA (with free movement allowed) would be a goer:
It's actually even more interesting with this one
The nation really is split down the middle
So on the second referendum thing, a straight re-run would be dumb but maybe one down the line on joining the EEA (with free movement allowed) would be a goer:
Those who voted based on immigration will never change their tune. They don't care about what experts think, they don't care about the econmy, trade deals, jobs, rights, London as a financial hub etc. People who reach a conclusion not through logic or facts can't be reasoned with.
The report "Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union" which can be downloaded here: http://ec.europa.eu/priorities/economic-monetary-union/docs/5-presidents-report_en.pdf shows why the EU is so dangerous, and people are so right to want to leave.
- Starting in 2016 a banking-union that gives the European Central Bank carte blanche over national banks is set in motion
- A fiscal union that gives the EU parliament the power, and phases out the national parliaments will be completed in 2025, this means that national budgets for individual nations are decided by the EU parliament, while the document outlines that "national parliaments will be given an advisory role".
A nice summary about the superstate here, I know the Daily Mail is ridiculous, but it is not their information:
Reactions to the master-plan:
EU is a supranational monsters that never must be allowed to come to full fruition. That the people actually willing are accepting this just shows what a great job global capital and politicians have done in conditioning their populations. Bravo, well done.
People who are in favour of the EU and against Brexit often claims that people that voted for Brexit and are against closer integration is bigoted and vote due to racism, and yes this is often the case. But hardly anyone who voted Remain and are pro EU are educated on what this union is trying to become in the long run, and their motives for doing it either.
Btw, the main sponsors for the Remain campaign were the following: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan. All companies that are known to always want the best for common people, and not acting in the interest of unregulated capitalism.
The EU were so near and then we voted out. Wonder what subterfuge will be going on now to keep us in their grasp. Wonder what pressure Cameron was under to keep us in? Interesting to see how much other countries like this idea.The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”.
Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.
The EU were so near and then we voted out. Wonder what subterfuge will be going on now to keep us in their grasp. Wonder what pressure Cameron was under to keep us in? Interesting to see how much other countries like this idea.
Looks like Leadsom's Leave credibility may be about to be shot. May should say something ridiculous or it'll be too boring a contest.
That one makes absolutely zero senseStill think a referendum in 18 months on EEA, assuming we haven't been able to get a deal to access the single market without dropping free movement, is the only sensible way. Seeing some horrific predictions of what'll happen if we have to fall back on WTO agreements.
It works fine for Switzerland.
No, the polls were wrong before the referendum too. That's why there was a vote and not an opinion poll, and there was nothing complex about the matter, it was a simpe question that everybody understood. The consequences might be complex and difficult to predict, but members of parliament are not equipped for that either.
I came across this video, didn't check too far back to see if it was already posted here. Yes it's full of generalizations, stereotypes, insults and presented by an unpleasent demagogue, so I thought it was very well suited to this topic with al the views and opinions about pro Brexit voters. And it makes some good points, especially with a lot of non-voters demonstrating today.
Common sense mate![]()
"Mrs Merkel has publicly toed the same line, but privately she is under intense pressure from powerful German industry chiefs to accommodate Britain, which is the number one customer for many of the country's manufactured goods."
And that is why you will get your free-trade deal. At the end of the day the moolah rules.
He complains about murders and rapists and then mentions Greek cafés.
Part of me wants Britain to just get cut out so that these people can see what will happen.
Logically, Germany would have worked out a deal with the Greeks but she had to placate her own angry electorate by not caving to their demands. Logically, she'd have allowed Russia to do whatever it wanted because it suited German industry. She answers to voters, not car manufacturers. If people always voted according to economic interests and in line with business leaders rather than on principle, Remain would have got 90% of the vote.
Oh, well, there is a tad of a difference between the three things. Working out a deal with Greece and ask German banks to take massive losses in the process, give free reign to a partially hostile nation like Russia, well let's just say giving Britain a trade agreement will be more acceptable for her voters.
The report "Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union" which can be downloaded here: http://ec.europa.eu/priorities/economic-monetary-union/docs/5-presidents-report_en.pdf shows why the EU is so dangerous, and people are so right to want to leave.
- Starting in 2016 a banking-union that gives the European Central Bank carte blanche over national banks is set in motion
- A fiscal union that gives the EU parliament the power, and phases out the national parliaments will be completed in 2025, this means that national budgets for individual nations are decided by the EU parliament, while the document outlines that "national parliaments will be given an advisory role".
A nice summary about the superstate here, I know the Daily Mail is ridiculous, but it is not their information:
Reactions to the master-plan:
EU is a supranational monsters that never must be allowed to come to full fruition. That the people actually willing are accepting this just shows what a great job global capital and politicians have done in conditioning their populations. Bravo, well done.
People who are in favour of the EU and against Brexit often claims that people that voted for Brexit and are against closer integration is bigoted and vote due to racism, and yes this is often the case. But hardly anyone who voted Remain and are pro EU are educated on what this union is trying to become in the long run, and their motives for doing it either.
Btw, the main sponsors for the Remain campaign were the following: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan. All companies that are known to always want the best for common people, and not acting in the interest of unregulated capitalism.
Do you regularly read the Express?
I regularly read Express, Le Monde, Guardian, TWJ and the New York times.
Anything from the express isn't worth the bytes of data it's written onI regularly read Express, Le Monde, Guardian, TWJ and the New York times.
Anything from the express isn't worth the bytes of data it's written on
If the express said it was going to be a sunny day, I'd probably take an umbrella, just in case.
They were not the main sponsors. Another financial services mogul and billionaire, Peter Hargreaves, was leave's biggest backer though.The report "Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union" which can be downloaded here: http://ec.europa.eu/priorities/economic-monetary-union/docs/5-presidents-report_en.pdf shows why the EU is so dangerous, and people are so right to want to leave.
- Starting in 2016 a banking-union that gives the European Central Bank carte blanche over national banks is set in motion
- A fiscal union that gives the EU parliament the power, and phases out the national parliaments will be completed in 2025, this means that national budgets for individual nations are decided by the EU parliament, while the document outlines that "national parliaments will be given an advisory role".
A nice summary about the superstate here:
Reactions to the master-plan:
EU is a supranational monsters that never must be allowed to come to full fruition. That the people actually willing are accepting this just shows what a great job global capital and politicians have done in conditioning their populations. Bravo, well done.
People who are in favour of the EU and against Brexit often claims that people that voted for Brexit and are against closer integration is bigoted and vote due to racism, and yes this is often the case. But hardly anyone who voted Remain and are pro EU are educated on what this union is trying to become in the long run, and their motives for doing it either.
Btw, the main sponsors for the Remain campaign were the following: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan. All companies that are known to always want the best for common people, and not acting in the interest of unregulated capitalism.
Looks like Leadsom's Leave credibility may be about to be shot. May should say something ridiculous or it'll be too boring a contest.
That one makes absolutely zero senseStill think a referendum in 18 months on EEA, assuming we haven't been able to get a deal to access the single market without dropping free movement, is the only sensible way. Seeing some horrific predictions of what'll happen if we have to fall back on WTO agreements.
I use it to get my English tabloid fix, since the Sun and DM is just one step to far.
In those EU articles above though it is just stating research and what other people have said. No "political analysis" from the Express, not that they would be capable of it.
Not sure hypnosis is capable of such feats.I wonder if Paul McKenna can shift my burgeoning beer gut?
Not sure hypnosis is capable of such feats.
Who are you behind for the next Tory autocrat? You strike me like a May man.
It works fine for Switzerland.
No, the polls were wrong before the referendum too. That's why there was a vote and not an opinion poll, and there was nothing complex about the matter, it was a simpe question that everybody understood. The consequences might be complex and difficult to predict, but members of parliament are not equipped for that either.
I came across this video, didn't check too far back to see if it was already posted here. Yes it's full of generalizations, stereotypes, insults and presented by an unpleasent demagogue, so I thought it was very well suited to this topic with al the views and opinions about pro Brexit voters. And it makes some good points, especially with a lot of non-voters demonstrating today.
The Express is like a low rent, even more vile version the DM with added Diana and property price obsession tbh.
Yeah the guy in that video is a cnut, could barely get past 20 seconds of it. Probably reads the Express as well.
Anything from the express isn't worth the bytes of data it's written on
If the express said it was going to be a sunny day, I'd probably take an umbrella, just in case.
They were not the main sponsors. Another financial services mogul and billionaire, Peter Hargreaves, was leave's biggest backer though.
I agree on the colossal twat part, but not on the part that validity of arguments has anything to do with that. That wouldn't leave much validity to the arguments of the remainers either.Do you really endorse this in any way? Any validity of his arguments is immediately negated by him being a colossal twat...
You are right, certainly sponsors though:
"...That list will include dozens of individuals, as well as the investment banks Citi, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley - a quartet which has collectively handed over approximately £1.5m."
Hm..... and who backed Brexit the most and had the biggest influence over voters? A man who wouldn't be out of place in a James Bond movie.