Television Better Call Saul | Includes Breaking Bad Spoilers

It's clear Chuck is a narcissist. Look at how he's practising his speech before Howard picks him up.

Chuck created "Slippin Jimmy", instead of looking out for his brother he was always resenting him and blocking him from progressing.

He only wanted to help Jimmy when he was below him so letting him work in the mail room was fine but as soon as Jimmy done something good and became a lawyer Chuck made sure to block him from working at the firm as a lawyer and putting Chuck's interests first.

Jimmy was always seeking Chuck's approval but he never got it.
I just watched it. Slowed down a bit again but wait for the end :D
Average episode, had some good moments.
Disappointing episode, especially since the last one was so good.

At least the commercial was funny.
We also got a teaser about what happens to Hector, as well as seeing Gus and Lydia planning the lab under the laundry.

Plenty going on now.
Good. Netflix only showed one more on their preview which confused me.

Well I'm basing that on Wiki saying the last episode is due for air on June 12th, which'd be four weeks.

It's all coming to a head now though.

Saul's fake break down in the insurance office was reminiscent of Walt's phonecall to Skyler after he took Holly. You realise what he's actually doing half way through. Excellent stuff
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Chugs along at a steady pace and keeps me interested, such a well directed show
Last scene was interesting. Does he have a bigger plan or does he simply want to screw Chuck and hit him financially (after he's struggling himself) by going to the insurance company?
Could imagine this being the moment where he starts to fall out with Kim who seems obviously unsure if they did the right thing in the first place so I doubt she'll approve of that scheme.
I like it, and this season is more dynamic than the first one
has this improved? I pretty much fell asleep in the first episode of the new season.

Yes, some very good episodes the last 3/4 weeks. Setting up for a big finale at the moment.
No episode this week.

That's my Tuesday routine fecked.
Just playing catch-up S03 E06 & 07

The story is really rattling along now on all fronts and everyone that stuck with the show can probably finally appreciate why the first two series seemed so slow-moving and contrived. They had to be complicated to lay the foundations for what was to come.

Been waiting for the "'s all good man" reveal since S01 E04 and the Rolex scam (never really bought the "I changed my name because I figured people would rather be represented by a Jew than an Irishman" explanation in BB) but it shows some pretty ballsy forward-planning on behalf of the writers to plant it way back then before they even knew there'd be a spin-off!. Just re-watched the Jimmy and Marco scam montage that aired in the first season finalé IIRC. … and, I … shouldn't … really … be … telling … you … this!

About the only holes I think that I could pick would revolve around Kim. I'm not buying into the "Kim burn-out" storyline, or the "splitting the practice running costs" either. That Mesa Verde account would be worth an absolute fortune in fees for Kim and HHM would have had a whole team of people billing hours if they'd have landed it so why doesn't she get a young paralegal or two to take the weight off her shoulders and fill up that empty office space and pay back Jimmy for landing it for her in the first place? … and as for her "Chuck-remorse" :confused:

Nice to see the "Squat Cobbler" back too :lol:

"I weep for the future" truth! :wenger:
Here comes the fall
Loving this, don't normally like things so 'slow' (not quite fair as there's a lot of things happening, just understated) but it's got something about it, on number 7 of the current series.
The slowness is killing me. I wanted to watch the adventures of Saul goodman not "the making of..."
The slowness is killing me. I wanted to watch the adventures of Saul goodman not "the making of..."

I reckon this will end not long before he meets Walt etc. In BB, everyone knew Saul because of his ad campaign, which would suggest he had just set up the company not long beforehand.