Best episode of the series yet I thought, though it doesn't quite make up for eps 3, 4 and 5 all being a bit disappointing (I say 'cos I watched the last 3 together)
I'm interested people keep saying Breaking Bad was similarly slow initially. It wasn't remotely. Like all the seasons it started with a bang, then slowed down for a bit in the middle before it built up again towards the season's end, which was then cut short by the writers strike. By 3 episodes in he'd already got cancer, become a drug dealer, killed 2 people, dissolved someone in acid, strangled Krazy 8 and by this long in he'd shaved his head and blown up Tuco's hidehout.
So this is significantly slower than Breaking Bad, even at it's slowest. Which isn't necessarily a critique of course. Different strokes and all that. This is still fantastically well made, and acted, and intriguing. But it was definitely starting to meander a bit for me. Even this ep was largely a flashback and focused on a secondary character rather than forwarding anything about Saul.
I'm still liking it. But I can't help but feel we're all being a lot more forgiving of it than we would if it wasn't attached to BB. For something that's now aired six episodes, I'd struggle to describe a singularly gripping plotline to a non-viewer.