Battlefield: Bad Company 2

You're a cnut Spammy. I hate the medics. They never stick around to help out if you're getting the shit shot out of you either. They just revive you and then retreat back to their hiding place like a pussy, knowing you're just going to die again.

Had a Rambo-esque moment the other day. Was side gunning in a helicopter on Rush. We had one target left to blow up and were down to our last 5 deaths. The helicopter crashed right by the target building thing, but I somehow jumped out at the last minute and amidst the insuing chaos, managed to sneak up and set the charge on the target. I then turned round to run off and hide round the corner, only to be greeted by an entire wave of cnuts rushing to disharm the charge. Grenaded two of them, then mowed down all except one of the others, who I managed to knife whilst charging towards him. I felt like a king.

Proceeded to then spend the rest of the game getting my arse kicked as per usual.

For some reason when things like that happen to me my heart beats at about three times it's normal rate. But it's only a computer game. Oh and I'm normally the bravest person on my team, it's the only way to get points. Most of the team spend the entire map sitting in a bush 4 miles away.
I like to snipe in hardcore mode. I like to take a good vantage point of the bomb points and protect the bombers as they run in and then protect the bomb as it counts down.

There really isn't as much team work as i thought there would be. A little voice communication and teams would walk over other teams.
Yeah but the potential is there for massive tactical battles. As it is at the moment the game is kind of a free for all, but still massively fun, plus when you do run into someone on your team that understands how to work together you can rape all in your path.
I keep completely embarrassing myself whenever I try vehicles. Usually just end up failing miserably at some three point turn whilst enemy squads take potshots at me with rockets and grenades, teammates all calling me a feckwit and telling me to get off the server. Then I reach the point of humiliation where I just jump out and run away as fast as I can, leaving the tank to the enemy who promptly kill all my teammates with it.

Strictly a foot soldier now, no more vehicles. Despite the fact I've only tried two of them
I got fecking annihilated last night. It was my first time trying the red dot sight and it did not go well.

Which assault weapons are best? I have been using the F2000, but the recoil is pretty severe.
I strongly question the sexuality of those who sit in a building beside a flag in a tank on conquest. Strap on a pair and play the game properly.
I got fecking annihilated last night. It was my first time trying the red dot sight and it did not go well.

Which assault weapons are best? I have been using the F2000, but the recoil is pretty severe.

I used the XM8 until I unlocked the AUG (the one after F2000), as you say the F2000 has a lot of recoil and is quite weak.
I tried the Aug last night, too. Seems to be a better alternative to the F2000. I still got my ass kicked regardless. Ideally I'd like to target people, just hold the button and riddle them, but that doesn't seem to be very successful. Short bursts seems the best method. More realistic I'm sure, but I keep losing track of my target.

I've also unlocked the next sight (zoom x4 or something), but haven't used it yet. I can't be any shitter than I was with the red dot.
For some reason when things like that happen to me my heart beats at about three times it's normal rate. But it's only a computer game. Oh and I'm normally the bravest person on my team, it's the only way to get points. Most of the team spend the entire map sitting in a bush 4 miles away.

I creep round the edge of the map, and only venture out to shoot people in the back and then nick their position, at which point I usually die.

It works quite well on Rush though. I often end up behind the defending team and feck their defensive line up (not that they usually need any help).

I still can't fly helicopters
The HK 416 with a sight and magnum ammunition or the foregrip is probably the best assault class weapon. Remember if charging the enemy to aim high, they will go down faster if hit in the head.
I keep completely embarrassing myself whenever I try vehicles. Usually just end up failing miserably at some three point turn whilst enemy squads take potshots at me with rockets and grenades, teammates all calling me a feckwit and telling me to get off the server. Then I reach the point of humiliation where I just jump out and run away as fast as I can, leaving the tank to the enemy who promptly kill all my teammates with it.

Strictly a foot soldier now, no more vehicles. Despite the fact I've only tried two of them


Keep at it...
The foregrip is a decent bit of kit. The Aug, red dot sight, and foregrip was actually leading to some success for me earlier.

I tried the 4x scope. It sucks balls. It might be useful on certain maps, though. But since it insists on putting me on the same map time after time after time, I didn't get a chance to find out.

Maybe later.
Just got a 32 - 8 sniping, easily my best score, hung about in back play like a camping bitch. Worked a treat, i ran out of ammo at one stage and managed to knife a sniper and take his gun and run back to behind their lines.

I got cocky and stupidly shot at a UAV and missed the second shot and that was my undoing. I could almost see the UAV station from where i was so i should of just shot the controller.
New maps?

How many dog tags have you lot got? What rank are you etc?
Map pack was released today on PC. Consoles gamers will get it "soon."

EA's new Battlefield: Bad Company 2 VIP map pack has hit PC this morning and will soon be on consoles - and gamers can download it for free.

The DLC arrives on the same day that Infinity Ward's Stimulus Map Pack for Modern Warfare 2 lands on Xbox Live - for 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20).

According to the BC2 blog, today's Battlefield VIP 2 Map Pack 2 includes:

* Arica Harbor Conquest Mode: Take to the streets and put your infantry skills to the test! Capture strategic town positions as Arica Harbor is enhanced with Conquest Mode.

* Laguna Presa Rush Mode: Capture and secure M-COM stations in Laguna Presa's Rush Mode and discover all-new areas of the maps to take on the enemy.

I am rank 8. No idea how many dog tags I have. I'll have a look tomorrow.
I'm only rank 3, but I have 35 dog tags
I have 5 dog tags. Can anyone enlighten me as to how you get them and what purpose they serve?
They're a trophy from your stabbing victims. Knife someone and you get their dog tags.
Since I started playing this online, I have been kicked from games twice. Just tried to start a game as normal, pick class, etc, then boom, "you have been kicked from the game." I mean, I'm shit, but I'm not that shit.

They must know me or something...
How fecking annoying is it when you've taken part in one of those games that has gone on for over 30 minutes, only to lose at the end. That's a rhetorical question, by the way, but feel free to agree with me.

I have now reached the lofty rank of 13. Obtained pretty much everything in the Assault class, and just started the Medic class today. Unlocked the defibrillator in my last game, but haven't used it yet. I'm looking forward to trying it out on the enemy.

This game takes a hefty dump, and smears it all over the face of MW2 online.
How fecking annoying is it when you've taken part in one of those games that has gone on for over 30 minutes, only to lose at the end. That's a rhetorical question, by the way, but feel free to agree with me.

I have now reached the lofty rank of 13. Obtained pretty much everything in the Assault class, and just started the Medic class today. Unlocked the defibrillator in my last game, but haven't used it yet. I'm looking forward to trying it out on the enemy.

This game takes a hefty dump, and smears it all over the face of MW2 online.

I hated MW2 but I have heard nothing about this game. Might get it.
How fecking annoying is it when you've taken part in one of those games that has gone on for over 30 minutes, only to lose at the end. That's a rhetorical question, by the way, but feel free to agree with me.

I have now reached the lofty rank of 13. Obtained pretty much everything in the Assault class, and just started the Medic class today. Unlocked the defibrillator in my last game, but haven't used it yet. I'm looking forward to trying it out on the enemy.

This game takes a hefty dump, and smears it all over the face of MW2 online.

I hate it when you are 30 seconds from winning and they blow up the second station... then the other team seems to always cakewalk the other stations.
I hated MW2 but I have heard nothing about this game. Might get it.
You should. They are both FPS's, obviously, but totally different gaming experiences. In my opinion, BC2 is much more rewarding, and absolutely less frustrating.
You should. They are both FPS's, obviously, but totally different gaming experiences. In my opinion, BC2 is much more rewarding, and absolutely less frustrating.

What's the team play like? Does anyone bother to do it? All my mates have MW2 so I'd have to try and be tactical with strangers which hardly ever works.
I hate it when you are 30 seconds from winning and they blow up the second station... then the other team seems to always cakewalk the other stations.
That happened to me earlier. Although I'll take that scenario over being teamed with a bunch of fruits, who can't manage to work together in order to seize ONE station. I've experienced that a few times. It's embarrassing.
What's the team play like? Does anyone bother to do it? All my mates have MW2 so I'd have to try and be tactical with strangers which hardly ever works.
It's quite clever, in that there are incentives to work together. For example, if you are in an Assault squad you can supply ammo to team mates. When they pick it up you gain points. Same thing if you're a Medic. You throw out med packs and gain points when team members pick them up. As you gain points and rank up, you unlock other gadgets/abilities that can help out your team.

That's not to say that everyone understands the concept of teamplay, inevitably, you will encounter some feckwits. But the plus points outweigh the negatives. For me, anyway.
It's quite clever, in that there are incentives to work together. For example, if you are in an Assault squad you can supply ammo to team mates. When they pick it up you gain points. Same thing if you're a Medic. You throw out med packs and gain points when team members pick them up. As you gain points and rank up, you unlock other gadgets/abilities that can help out your team.

That's not to say that everyone understands the concept of teamplay, inevitably, you will encounter some feckwits. But the plus points outweigh the negatives. For me, anyway.

Yea that sounds something like what I'm looking for. MW1 was alright because you could do team party chat in Search and Destroy but since they got rid of that in MW2 it annoyed me.

It's quite clever, in that there are incentives to work together. For example, if you are in an Assault squad you can supply ammo to team mates. When they pick it up you gain points. Same thing if you're a Medic. You throw out med packs and gain points when team members pick them up. As you gain points and rank up, you unlock other gadgets/abilities that can help out your team.

That's not to say that everyone understands the concept of teamplay, inevitably, you will encounter some feckwits. But the plus points outweigh the negatives. For me, anyway.

I hate it when your in a squad and you're pretty far forward, and a couple of you die, and instead of remaining hidden the last guy goes and gets stupidly shot so you have to start at the start spawn again instead of pressing their base.
Downloaded the demo of this the other day. It seems nice enough but why would you play the mp instead of CoD?
What does everyone think of the SP mode?

For me it's a bit seen it all before.. destructible scenery is nice though.