You're a cnut Spammy. I hate the medics. They never stick around to help out if you're getting the shit shot out of you either. They just revive you and then retreat back to their hiding place like a pussy, knowing you're just going to die again.
Had a Rambo-esque moment the other day. Was side gunning in a helicopter on Rush. We had one target left to blow up and were down to our last 5 deaths. The helicopter crashed right by the target building thing, but I somehow jumped out at the last minute and amidst the insuing chaos, managed to sneak up and set the charge on the target. I then turned round to run off and hide round the corner, only to be greeted by an entire wave of cnuts rushing to disharm the charge. Grenaded two of them, then mowed down all except one of the others, who I managed to knife whilst charging towards him. I felt like a king.
Proceeded to then spend the rest of the game getting my arse kicked as per usual.