Battlefield: Bad Company 2

I wanted to love BFBC2 but I'm paranoid about standing still, ever, and the game just doesn't welcome my kind.
To be fair, this is better than COD... I just think some people find it intimidating. Talked my brother into getting it, he played it for a few hours and got some major rapeage, hasn't played it since...

It's so open and there are so many different methods to achieve objectives I can imagine that for the first time player (or worse yet someone who has been playing COD for ages) it can be a lot to get your head around, but if you stick with it...

Biscuit is never gonna like this though, and even if he did he wouldn't admit to it... he's a FANBOY ;)
I'm not a fanboy. I'm just so used to playing COD, BBC2 feels weird. So I can't really judge if it genuinely feels crappy or it just feels different to playing COD. To me it feels horrible. I could be wrong.

I'm certainly not intimidated. I've played it a couple times. In fact I own it and I've always done alright. I just find it a bit slow paced, hate the feel (it just feels really cumbersome and awkward compared to COD's smoothness), tanks and all vehicles. Also think the destruction looks a bit tacky and unrealistic although it is certainly a move in the right direction. Lack of perks and killstreaks is also annoying.
Killstreaks are also pretty unrealistic Biscuit if you're slamming the realism of the game overall... 'Base, base, I killed 7 people, reward me with a choppah!!!!!'

'Roger, chopper inbound, congrats btw. Keep up the good work.'

You mean that's not how shit goes down in real life :eek:
Is it worth giving this a shot? I hated Black ops and I've only been enjoying Arma 2 lately.
Is it worth giving this a shot? I hated Black ops and I've only been enjoying Arma 2 lately.

It's defo worth it. It's got much more depth than any COD, but be warned, it's still a console shooter and you won't find the dedicated team mates helping you out all the time by actually doing their job.
Is it worth giving this a shot? I hated Black ops and I've only been enjoying Arma 2 lately.

As has been said, it's never going to be in the same bracket as ARMA but the openness in comparison to COD should definitely appeal to will the ability to jump into vehicles. Also, the more realistic bullet physics (ie bullet drop and having to lead a moving target) rather than the point and click physics of COD should be a welcome addition to you too. IMO there're not many better feelings than leading a tango at full sprint and scoring a 500 yard headshot with a bolt-action. :devil:
As has been said, it's never going to be in the same bracket as ARMA but the openness in comparison to COD should definitely appeal to will the ability to jump into vehicles. Also, the more realistic bullet physics (ie bullet drop and having to lead a moving target) rather than the point and click physics of COD should be a welcome addition to you too. IMO there're not many better feelings than leading a tango at full sprint and scoring a 500 yard headshot with a bolt-action. :devil:

Judging distance and bullet fall is awesome when you get it right. A 500 yard headshot on a moving target with a sniper rifle, judging distance ahead of him, and the drop it will take to land it on his head is just... :drool:
Judging distance and bullet fall is awesome when you get it right. A 500 yard headshot on a moving target with a sniper rifle, judging distance ahead of him, and the drop it will take to land it on his head is just... :drool:

It also means the sniping is actually a skill (with the exception of the auto spotter - which is fecking queer).
Is it worth giving this a shot? I hated Black ops and I've only been enjoying Arma 2 lately.

If you' do not regret your purchase of the Driving Force GT, and assuming our taste in games are similar, then I'd strongly advise you to get BC2. I can only speak for the PC version though. I've heard quite a bit on how selfish the console players can be though. Battlefield games are best played on a PC.
Killstreaks are also pretty unrealistic Biscuit if you're slamming the realism of the game overall... 'Base, base, I killed 7 people, reward me with a choppah!!!!!'

'Roger, chopper inbound, congrats btw. Keep up the good work.'

You mean that's not how shit goes down in real life :eek:

No if you actually kill 11 people they airdrop a container full of rabid dogs to your position.


Has COD not got bullet physics then? I s'pose it doesn't need it due to the smaller distances...
I had a strict no vehicles policy because all my attempts to drive in this game ended in tears, but it was Harvest Day and it takes like 6 hours to get anywhere on foot so I decided I'd take a tank into battle. First thing I did - drove over a bridge leading out of spawn only for it to collapse under my weight, forcing me to quit the server, humiliated

feck this game, seriously
I had a strict no vehicles policy because all my attempts to drive in this game ended in tears, but it was Harvest Day and it takes like 6 hours to get anywhere on foot so I decided I'd take a tank into battle. First thing I did - drove over a bridge leading out of spawn only for it to collapse under my weight, forcing me to quit the server, humiliated

feck this game, seriously


Mate, go on a private server among mates and test drive the vehicles until your up to it...
Just like BF2 I'm rocking the medic kit a lot in this. I just can't go past the ability to heal myself and squadmates.
Yep, I'm almost always a medic when my team is attacking. I tend to like being a support class that helps my team-mates since this is about the only FPS to encourage that. If my team-mates are spectacularly crap I might change to assault and try to take the M-Com station myself with C4. A bit of a cheap way to get it, but if it's the only way to do it then so be it.

When defending I change my class to suit the maps.
I love sniping on rush whether it's attacking or defending. Love sitting in bushes or up in the rocks taking out everyone I can see popping out to kill our advancing vehicles. Sending in mortar strikes to clear the area. Making the long range head shots as well with the bullet drop is so satisfying.

I love sniping people stood in the lighthouse window from where I am on the main island on that map, can't remember what it's called but the lighthouse comes into play when you advance past the first point.
I'm not really a big fan of rush, I generally stick to old school conquest mode.

If I am playing rush my role on defense is useless sniper, and on attack it's useless medic who revives team mates in front of tanks

Rush is amazing. My tactics are go straight to the defenders spawn and rape them with an SV98 with 4x scope.
I just bought Vietnam, so I'll get into that tomorrow when I get home from work. I've gotten back into BC2 over the last week or so after mostly playing Black Ops since it came out. Gotta love the bigger maps and the squads (even if most of the time your squad mates are shit).

I love sniping people stood in the lighthouse window from where I am on the main island on that map, can't remember what it's called but the lighthouse comes into play when you advance past the first point.
I just bought Vietnam, so I'll get into that tomorrow when I get home from work. I've gotten back into BC2 over the last week or so after mostly playing Black Ops since it came out. Gotta love the bigger maps and the squads (even if most of the time your squad mates are shit).


That's the one, I love seeing people there in the window from miles away, you aim above the window and judge the distance, fire and it travels, drops right through the window through their forehead. Love that feeling.
Was playing it with clan mates just then.

Tore up for about eight rounds in a row in a chopper (server was doing Heavy Metal -> Atacama Desert rotation) - I was pilot, my gunner got Ace Pin seven of the eight rounds.

I've also been playing BF2 recently. fecking epic game, still a cut above.
BF2 was loads of fun, many a night spent on the 64 player servers back in the day. If BF3 gets close to what that achieved in terms of playability then I can say goodbye to my nights again.
I have tried Rush a few times now since I started playing this again. Still haven't even been able to take ONE station. Why is everyone so shit at this?
Get a caf squad going. Everyone has a habit of doing their own thing and fecking up. Yesterday I was playing rush as the defence, they kept taking A and I was defending B with my sniper, I picked 3 or 4 off every time before I got killed, then they set the bomb and blew it up, fall back, rinse and repeat. I'm thinking wtf are the rest of my team doing, their all off on their own at various points of the map trying to get kills. Squad play >.
Bunch of COD turds. I am certain when I played this months ago people actually worked as a team.