Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Went back to this earlier, for the first time in months. The update took over half an hour to install, and initially, I couldn't remember all of the controls....but it became very good, very fast. Thankfully, it doesn't seem like the pro nerds have ruined the game.
I was on it again last night. My scores haven't really changed, I still get around 20 kills, with about 18 deaths.

It seems like it's taking forever to make the jump from rank 16 to 17.
My team kept getting slaughtered earlier. There are people now with rank 50. when there are two or more on the same team they just work together and destroy you. I don't get why people don't join squads, what is the point of not joining?
My team kept getting slaughtered earlier. There are people now with rank 50. when there are two or more on the same team they just work together and destroy you. I don't get why people don't join squads, what is the point of not joining?

Tell me about it, good fun though :D
Only issue I've had with this is the teams are too small for some of the maps.
On top of Vietnam we are getting 4 new maps for the original BC2. 2 from Bad Company 1 and 2 completely new maps, including the biggest map yet apparently.

DICE announced details for Battlefield: Bad Company 2's seventh map pack today. Unlike previous packs, this one adds new maps rather than new modes for old maps.

Two of the maps, Oasis and Harvest Day, are taken from the multiplayer of the first Bad Company. They can be played in Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush, and Squad Deathmatch modes. The other two maps, Cold War and Heavy Metal, were culled from BF:BC2's single-player. Cold War is playable in Rush, Squad Rush, and Squad Deathmatch while Heavy Metal supports Conquest, Squad Rush, and Squad Deathmatch.

DICE did not announce a release date for the new content. Like other map packs, VIP Map Pack 7 will be free to PC owners as well as VIP console players. The VIP codes were included in new copies of the game. They can also be purchased through Xbox Live or PSN.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 VIP Map Pack 7 Announced
Oh oh, I got Steam gifted this as an end of exams present the other day by a mate (who I'd steam gifted Black Ops to... so really we could have just spent money on ourselves and called it even).

I've yet to play (I only ever play Battlefield games with mates and they've all been busy/I have none) but I'm looking forward to it.

BF2 was fecking mint.
Oh oh, I got Steam gifted this as an end of exams present the other day by a mate (who I'd steam gifted Black Ops to... so really we could have just spent money on ourselves and called it even).

I've yet to play (I only ever play Battlefield games with mates and they've all been busy/I have none) but I'm looking forward to it.

BF2 was fecking mint.

I will show you the ropes if you like. I have put a good 6-7 hundred hours into it. I go OK, but nothing special, about 1.5 k/d.
A new multiplayer patch is on the way for Battlefield: Bad Company 2, publisher EA has announced.

The update, which hits PlayStation 3 today, fixes bugs and rebalances various weapons. There's a full list of the changes you can expect to see below.

A message on the game's official site added, "We are working hard on getting these fixes out for both PC and Xbox 360 as well, so in the coming days, look for updates on those platforms as well."

It's a busy time for fans of EA's first-rate FPS. There's a new map pack on the way, as well as a Vietnam expansion. Both are expected before the end of the year.

Acog and Red dot scope now equippable on MK-14 and G3.
Fixed a bug on PC where the G3 would do less damage than intended.
Reduced VADS push back and damage to balance it with the ZU23.
Fixed a bug where Vehicle Countermeasures would fail to remove tracer darts at high speed.
Reduced the reload time for Vehicle Countermeasures.
Slightly increased the AT4's damage vs armor to emphasize its anti vehicle role while keeping it balanced vs armor.
Increased the AT4's top speed and acceleration so users spend less time exposed when firing.
Increased the AT4's splash damage so it competes with other AT weapons vs infantry. The AT4 still has the least splash damage of all AT weapons.
Reduced the splash damage of the Carl Gustav to bring it in line with other explosive weapons. The Carl Gustav still has the most splash damage of all AT weapons.
Increased the 1 shot kill range of the M95 body shot to counter its lower rate of fire.
Fixed a bug with the SVU that gave it better close range damage than other semi auto weapons.
Reduced all weapon damage to the MCOM by 50 per cent.
Fixed a C4 vs MCOM exploit on Atacama Desert.
Fixed a bug with FOV when aiming the M1911.
Lowered the close range damage of the AN94 to highlight its long range role.
Increased the accuracy of the F2000 on the move to highlight its role as a mobile AR.
Increased the close range damage of the shotguns to give them a greater advantage vs slugs.
Slightly lowered the damage of the M60 to balance its accuracy advantage vs other LMGs.
Slightly lowered the damage of the MG3 at close range to balance it with other high rate of fire weapons.
Slightly increased the damage of the UH6

Doesn't seem like 1.6 gigabytes worth. Maybe it's the new maps as well.
Oh, fair enough...

Interesting bug fixes.
'Acog and Red dot scope now equippable on MK-14 and G3.' this one especially :drool:
havent played this for since october, is it still going strong? theres a new vietnam update?! how much is it
$15 American, not sure about Sterling. Will pick up a lot with this just coming out I am guessing. It's a cross between BC2 and 1943 in a very good way.
Bah, I turned my ps3 on to get Vietnam and found there's a 1.7g patch first for BC2, that's going to have to be downloaded overnight. No Vietnam for me today.

That patch is Vietnam so once its done you won't have to download anything else. (At least that was the case for PC)
So it is, got it all downloaded but it isn't unlocked yet for PS3 Europe. Supposed to be available today but it's still greyed out in the store.

Yeah I have heard you have to wait until the marketplace refreshes or whatever, not sure when that is for you Europeans though.
I've been playing a lot more of this lately. Thoroughly enjoying it, even though it is basically BF2 lite with added destruction.

My main gripe is the way the classes are set up. I dislike the post BF2 4 classes system - I felt BF2 got it right with their seven kits (arguably Spec Ops was the only redundant one of those).

What I'm really saying is I dislike having a heavy machine gun if I'm medic whoring.
I've been playing a lot more of this lately. Thoroughly enjoying it, even though it is basically BF2 lite with added destruction.

My main gripe is the way the classes are set up. I dislike the post BF2 4 classes system - I felt BF2 got it right with their seven kits (arguably Spec Ops was the only redundant one of those).

What I'm really saying is I dislike having a heavy machine gun if I'm medic whoring.

G3 is for all classes isn't it? and very powerful with scopes. That's more of an assault gun. Or you could go the shotgun with slugs.
Battlefield games are always going to be better than the Call of Duty series. There's more depth to it, it's less about re enacting John Woo movies and more about teamwork. (I'm not suggesting BC2 is an accurate representation of warfare, just that it's a lot better than Call of Duty)

Sniper rifles have actual use in Battlefield. In CoD the sniper class should basically be called the show off trick shooter class. Ditto anti tank launchers, which in CoD are barely even used to shoot down helicopters like they're meant to.
CoD = spray and pray arcade shooter
BF = tactical battles over proper terrain

I know which I prefer. Close combat is far more exciting. If I wanted to piss around with arduous tactics (although I've played a bit of BBC2 and not seen much of this) then I'd have joined the Army. And Spraying is reserved solely for hardcore modes of COD.
I know which I prefer. Close combat is far more exciting. If I wanted to piss around with arduous tactics (although I've played a bit of BBC2 and not seen much of this) then I'd have joined the Army. And Spraying is reserved solely for hardcore modes of COD.

BC > Cod, you still get close combat in BF however it's in tanks, helicopters, flamethrowers, running people over with jeeps, and with better weapons. The maps are better detailed and the objectives encourage team play rather than run around on your own like a spaz racking up many many meaningless kills that don't actually count towards much.