DICE announced details for Battlefield: Bad Company 2's seventh map pack today. Unlike previous packs, this one adds new maps rather than new modes for old maps.
Two of the maps, Oasis and Harvest Day, are taken from the multiplayer of the first Bad Company. They can be played in Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush, and Squad Deathmatch modes. The other two maps, Cold War and Heavy Metal, were culled from BF:BC2's single-player. Cold War is playable in Rush, Squad Rush, and Squad Deathmatch while Heavy Metal supports Conquest, Squad Rush, and Squad Deathmatch.
DICE did not announce a release date for the new content. Like other map packs, VIP Map Pack 7 will be free to PC owners as well as VIP console players. The VIP codes were included in new copies of the game. They can also be purchased through Xbox Live or PSN.