Battlefield: Bad Company 2

I was playing my first MP games last night and had a blast. I have a nasty habit of just running blindly through foilage and directly into or in front of enemy vehicles though, so I spent a lot of time running away and hiding. Hid behind a small building once and the fecker just drove through it and killed me :(

Also had my first feck Yea moment when a sniper tried to jump down behind me for a knife kill. Stupid cnut fell onto my head though so I caught a glimpse of him, spun around immediately and stabbed the fecker in the face

I seem to spend most of my time hiding, or trying to sneak round and flank someone, only to run into a big feck off tank or some cnut with a rocket launcher. Or I forget to reload and get shot in the face.

I also have no idea how to control helicopters. My two attempts so far have involved me flying immediately off the edge of the map and killing everyone on board.
Bought a copy for the PC at lunch... can you do C4 suicide cars on this version? I hope so.
I seem to spend most of my time hiding, or trying to sneak round and flank someone, only to run into a big feck off tank or some cnut with a rocket launcher. Or I forget to reload and get shot in the face.

I also have no idea how to control helicopters. My two attempts so far have involved me flying immediately off the edge of the map and killing everyone on board.


I did the exact same thing. I'm pissing myself thinking about it, I got in, got about 15 feet up in the air then went backwards off a cliff and blew about 4 of my team up.

Then I went on the controls menu and inverted the buttons for flight. The next time I got in a chopper I used it as a battering ram and jumped out of it about 20 feet above a big group of russians. Fun.
I was quite decent with the chopper on the demo, I feel like I'm missing out... need to get a copy :mad:
I might buy this, I'm bored with MW2. Plus, I've been playing Bad Company 1 and I'm enjoying it.

Thoughts from those of you that have had it for a while now? I like both multiplayer and singleplayer equally, so if the SP does indeed "blow" as C&VG say, that would be a concern.
The single player certainly doesn't blow Lance. It's short and sweet, very set piece based like the MW games but with a decent variety to it. You get to drive vehicles, pilot chopper gunner turrets etc...You also get to blow the shit out of buildings which is always a laugh.

The mutliplayer is where the real fun is to be had if you aren't on a team with a bunch of sniping nonces. To be honest though, they've had server issues since the game was up (something to do with underestimating the demand) so it has been a bit hit and miss so far. This is Xbox 360 btw, not sure about PS3
I might buy this, I'm bored with MW2. Plus, I've been playing Bad Company 1 and I'm enjoying it.

Thoughts from those of you that have had it for a while now? I like both multiplayer and singleplayer equally, so if the SP does indeed "blow" as C&VG say, that would be a concern.

It's basically the tedious Call of Duty SP formula, but tarted up to look like Crysis with lots of vehicular combat thrown in. Thankfully, it's not as embarrassingly dramatic and overblown as MW2's campaign, but follows pretty much the exact same pattern.

I didn't even expect a proper SP campaign when I bought the game. But it was a pleasant surpriuse which showed off the GFX and sound, which I probably wouldn't have noticed so much if I was just playing MP. Just because of how impressive it is technically it's a more immersive experience than MW2 at least
Thank you, Gentlemen. I see it on for just under £35, so I will take the plunge.
awsome game
but it takes sooo long to level up
i get around 700-1600 points each game

which is average i think?
any tips if anyone is any better ?

i have over 5000 points one game because of the medals i unlocked.
It quite easy to get between 5000 and 8000 points per game thanks to all the pins you can get. Got 10000 points one round thanks to getting a pin that gave a 5000 point bonus, something like a special marksman headshot pin, and this when i was using a HK 416.

It's got all the elements of something good, it's just the trigger points are poorly implemented, which means you can run through certain parts with ease (and that can be a blessing), your npc squad members are retards that run off and trigger the trigger points while you're still trying to shoot trees down in the jungle, you just randomly die sometimes and it does just get a bit boring, despite trying a couple of new things. MW2 is much more polished and engaging. Multiplayer is worth buying this game for though, once you go through the period of adjustment, it's fecking fun flanking the entire enemy team on a quadbike at 50mph before crashing the quadbike into the enemy's base and raping them all. Sniping is also jizztastic.
Thanks, I appreciate the info. I've already ordered it, so it's good to hear that it's worth it for the multiplayer alone. I'll run through the singleplayer anyway.
Bought this today, its quite good levels are feckin huge and it kinda feels a bit too lacking in numbers in eaach level bar that its pretty good. Im quite shite aswel still havent had a chance of managing to control a vehicle yet
I've gotten real addicted to this online for the pc over the weekend...I'm not the best at it but its still good fun.

Single player is ok, a bit so-so....I havn't finished playing the single player but I doubt I'll go back to it anytime soon
There's one level on Rush - the one on the jungle/mountain side, where if you're on the attacking side you can just flank round the right hand side of the map, and nobody ever bothers to keep a lookout, so you end up behind where the defending mop are, and can just shoot the crap out of them for ages while the rest of your team spawn around you and destroy the base points (unless they're spastics, in which case they just keep charging straight up the hill and getting shot).
I dare anyone to find a person more useless at FPS on the PS3 than me. I spend most of the time looking at the sky or the ground.
This gets a lot more enjoyable once you get the hang of the maps and realise what the feck is going on, sniping is an enjoyable experience and if you get a good balanced squad with say 2 snipers a medic and an assault its really good.

Only issue I have is its taking forever to unlock the ammo crates and the defib.
got this on an impulse buy just now, whats the verdict? is it cock out material?
not too bad so far, i like the fact that anything and everything can be blown to feck but it seems that concrete walls can go down with just a few bullets which is a bit odd
I put a load of C4 on a helicopter, moved away and waited. It filled with people, took off and then I detonated mid-air. Boom. What a great game.
I like it so far. It's a big improvement on the first. They've tightened up the controls, and it looks better. It has also provided more variety than the whole of the first and I'm only in the Andes.

I'll beat the SP before I try MP.
What are the majority of you lot playing on, getting my copy on the weekend and I don't know whether to go PS3/360...
Go PC afro!

Not really getting into the MP on this though, it's actually gotten me into MW2(Which I thought was pants at first), and I'm alternating between the two wondering which is better. Leaning a bit towards MW2.

I'm not a fan of the map design in this, despite each having a different setting or gimmick they're fairly indistinct and the experience is very familiar from map to map. Need some smaller scale maps and straight deathmatch ffs.
I'm on 360.

This is seriously the most into a computer game I've been since about ten years ago.
Think I'm gonna trade in Heavy Rain for this, sounds good.

PS3 for me btw.
Now, now.

What are you playing these days and what is your PSN ID you cock smoker?

hehe I've been meaning to add you. I am known as Dude McStud on the PSN.

What am I playing?

Way of The Samurai 3 (I don't think this one has online play but I get to be a Samurai..woo!)
PS2s Star Wars: Battlefront II
I think I have Rainbow Six Vegas II, Ghost Recon AW2, Sacred 2 and something else.