Being watched; will learn to post in the correct f
I just wish there was more people on each map as they are quite big. What's the maximum amount of people you can have?
I was playing my first MP games last night and had a blast. I have a nasty habit of just running blindly through foilage and directly into or in front of enemy vehicles though, so I spent a lot of time running away and hiding. Hid behind a small building once and the fecker just drove through it and killed me
Also had my first feck Yea moment when a sniper tried to jump down behind me for a knife kill. Stupid cnut fell onto my head though so I caught a glimpse of him, spun around immediately and stabbed the fecker in the face
I seem to spend most of my time hiding, or trying to sneak round and flank someone, only to run into a big feck off tank or some cnut with a rocket launcher. Or I forget to reload and get shot in the face.
I also have no idea how to control helicopters. My two attempts so far have involved me flying immediately off the edge of the map and killing everyone on board.
I might buy this, I'm bored with MW2. Plus, I've been playing Bad Company 1 and I'm enjoying it.
Thoughts from those of you that have had it for a while now? I like both multiplayer and singleplayer equally, so if the SP does indeed "blow" as C&VG say, that would be a concern.
Better, worse, or on a par with the SP in MW2?The single player does blow.
Thank you, Gentlemen. I see it on for just under £35, so I will take the plunge.
I'm pretty rubbish at this game.
Think I'm gonna trade in Heavy Rain for this, sounds good.
PS3 for me btw.
speaking of bad company...
Now, now.
What are you playing these days and what is your PSN ID you cock smoker?