Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Get a caf squad going. Everyone has a habit of doing their own thing and fecking up. Yesterday I was playing rush as the defence, they kept taking A and I was defending B with my sniper, I picked 3 or 4 off every time before I got killed, then they set the bomb and blew it up, fall back, rinse and repeat. I'm thinking wtf are the rest of my team doing, their all off on their own at various points of the map trying to get kills. Squad play >.

I'd be down for this. I've been meaning to get back into BC2 to prepare for BF3 but didn't fancy joining Joe Public squads.

I'm still a few levels short of 50 too so it'd be cool to get there before the new game drops.
Got this 2nd hand for Ps3. Didn’t know about VIP code. Dammit

What am I missing by not having one? Also I looked in the DLC’s and there did not appear to be an option to buy the code.
I only got it yesterday and turned it off in disgust when I saw I needed a VIP code to get all the maps.

I will give it a good try at weekend

Never played a battlefield game before