Battlefield: Bad Company 2

hehe I've been meaning to add you. I am known as Dude McStud on the PSN.

What am I playing?

Way of The Samurai 3 (I don't think this one has online play but I get to be a Samurai..woo!)
PS2s Star Wars: Battlefront II
I think I have Rainbow Six Vegas II, Ghost Recon AW2, Sacred 2 and something else.

You suck, I don't own any of those, oh and yes I remember now ripping you for that ID :lol:

Online games I own:

Alien v Predator 2
Uncharted 2
Killzone 2
Pro Evo 2010

I'll add you later if I go on for what it's worth.

Edit: Mine's as here btw.
You suck, I don't own any of those, oh and yes I remember now ripping you for that ID :lol:

Online games I own:

Alien v Predator 2
Uncharted 2
Killzone 2
Pro Evo 2010

I'll add you later if I go on for what it's worth.

Edit: Mine's as here btw.

:cool: Is that alien v predator one good? I was thinking of getting it.

I had Killzone2 but grew bored of it.
:cool: Is that alien v predator one good? I was thinking of getting it.

I had Killzone2 but grew bored of it.

I only got it just after Heavy Rain and have just finished with that so have only played a little online. Have to say I enjoyed the online play alot and that's why I got it, can't beat a good Pulse Rifle Doc.
I only got it just after Heavy Rain and have just finished with that so have only played a little online. Have to say I enjoyed the online play alot and that's why I got it, can't beat a good Pulse Rifle Doc.

hmm...I've spent all my money on guns lately but I might find a little for a new game. keep me posted on this. One day we'll tango via PSN.
There's new PS3s for £210 in Gamestation, according to my mate.

Still not getting one though.
I'm only a level 5 or something, but I'm just loving this game. I had a bout of sniping earlier where I raped 3 of the other teams snipers for the whole map. So satisfying. Then when they eventually killed me, I crept up to the massive building they were all standing on and climbed to the very top (took me about 5 minutes) then I stabbed 3 snipers in the back and captured the flag at the bottom of the building. I also did an ambush kill with my pistol when someone was flying past at 50 mph on a quad bike, fecking hilarious.
Just beat the SP. I don't believe it was as long as MW2. That said, it's been months since I played the SP on that. Regardless, I enjoyed it.

Time for some MP action.
Ok, well, after 3 games on Team Death Match, on 2 different maps, I have concluded that everyone runs to the far edge of the map, and snipes.

Faggotry of the highest order.
The deathmatches are gay.

Play rush or conquest. Much better and not so easy for sniper gimps
I picked TDM because it's the most straightforward. Point and shoot at everything. I will try some of the others.
Rush is the best mode in my opinion, conquest is decent if the map is right. Clocked up a few hours now and just managed to get my k/d ratio over 1 for the first time.
Rush is good. I went 9 and 9 on my first go. Snowy map, at night.

I'm quite certain this is a stupid question, but when the game finishes and you wait to start another, does it always put you back on the same map?
Guess I'm just lucky.

This is badass, by the way. I have no idea where the feck I'm going on the maps (other than straight for A or B), but it's great fun. I think I already prefer it to MW2. It doesn't annoy me anywhere near as much.
I started playing Rush last night and it's a lot of fun, I was cleaning up with some other bloke just nipping around the attackers and murdering them from behind, ended up 27-4, with 15 stabbings :D Prefer it to DM and Conquest, although haven't given Conquest much of a try yet.

Still haven't even tried out any vehicles, except an ATV, which I almost crashed straight into the ocean. Don't think I'll ever have the stones to attempt flying anything, I'll just embarrass myself
Just slowly getting better at this. Finally got around to being a medic, it's fantastic. Once you get the de-fibs it's hilarious. Since playing as medic I've started to actually be top of the scoreboard at the end of the map.
I keep getting put in squads with a bunch of retards. It's like they have absolutely zero clue what the concept of Rush is. They seem to be far more concerned with going lone wolf and avoiding death. MW2 players, obviously.
Whenever someone revives me, I always get shot to shit, pretty much instantaneously.

Yesterday I kept reviving this sniper and he kept getting headshotted by the same opposition sniper about 3 seconds after I revived him. This happened about 7 times in a row. I was pissing myself but I bet he was screaming at me to stop reviving him.
You're a cnut Spammy. I hate the medics. They never stick around to help out if you're getting the shit shot out of you either. They just revive you and then retreat back to their hiding place like a pussy, knowing you're just going to die again.

Had a Rambo-esque moment the other day. Was side gunning in a helicopter on Rush. We had one target left to blow up and were down to our last 5 deaths. The helicopter crashed right by the target building thing, but I somehow jumped out at the last minute and amidst the insuing chaos, managed to sneak up and set the charge on the target. I then turned round to run off and hide round the corner, only to be greeted by an entire wave of cnuts rushing to disharm the charge. Grenaded two of them, then mowed down all except one of the others, who I managed to knife whilst charging towards him. I felt like a king.

Proceeded to then spend the rest of the game getting my arse kicked as per usual.

Yesterday I kept reviving this sniper and he kept getting headshotted by the same opposition sniper about 3 seconds after I revived him. This happened about 7 times in a row. I was pissing myself but I bet he was screaming at me to stop reviving him.

Are there many PS3 players here? I'd like to have someone I can actually blame for losing.