Argentina players singing racist chant targeting French players after Copa America final

To be fair 30 years ago using the term 'black,' to describe a person was deemed offensive. Some older generations struggle to keep up with the times. Not everyone means offence. We just need to educate people better in some regards.

I'm fairly clueless on that topic but I have always thought that it's usage was plain weird because it makes me think of crayola.
Jaysus, this thread...

(Just browsed the last couple of pages.)

Are there any interesting/relevant updates that pertains to United (our players)?

Do we know if - and/or to what extent - our players were involved in this thing?
Thankfully coloured players are starting to break into Spanish national team, i know you aren't used to it but hopefully it will slowly change your backwards view on the subject.

they don't really have problem with them. Senna was regular when they needed such player. if Inaki was good enough (strangely, I thought he was), he would have been given more chances as well since they were fairly thin in attack in recent years. Ansu debuted before Nico and Yamal.
What do we expect when half of Argentina is of Nazi heritage?

See how easy it is to make wild uneducated statements about a nations heritage.

I am sure Argentinians would find offence at what I just typed, but as the Argentinian vice president would put it 'telling the truths that they do not want to admit'.

I mean, it's not that wild. They did have a lot of free time on their hands from the late 40s onwards.
I doubt Enzo is going ever going to admit who else participated in singing

Probably not. But it might be possible to identify others from the material itself.

Anyway, I completely agree with those who have suggested that this - obviously - wasn't just a random chant that got started by a few individuals (and seriously frowned upon by the rest).

The chant goes back to the 2022 WC and has - clearly - been embraced by the players to some degree.

Feckin' cretins (at best) - hardly surprising, though.

You mean racist like the president of Kenya?

Just look at the replies to that Twitter post. Using a terrible Kenyan politician looking to score really cheap political points based on the same falsity as the Argentinian song doesn't make the Argentinians not racist.

The French team are French - all born in France, went to French schools, speak French and - most importantly - consider themselves French.

Doesn't matter if you're first, second or third generation in a country, the fact is they are born in the country that they represent and are therefore from there. No different to Americans claiming to be Irish/Scottish/Swedish or whatever, they still consider themselves American first.
Why were they singing about France after beating Colombia in a competition that France weren't even in anyway? Makes no sense even before the racism/transphobia. Idiots.
Someone who belongs to a European ethnic group, obviously. To get more granular, this means those who descended from Early European Farmers, Western Hunter-Gatherers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.

Why don't you get even more granular and look at earlier migration periods to see where we all come from.
Also, the "argument" that this is just about "football folklore" (a ridiculously pompous term - where the feck did that come from?) doesn't fly in the slightest.

"Yeah, they did mock trans people - but that's not 'cause they hate trans people, it's just an...insult! Like when I mock my friend 'cause he's fat! I don't hate the dude, I just mock him 'cause he's fat! And he loves it! Really, he does. He mocks me back 'cause I have slightly uneven teeth!"

No problem there, just "banter".
I'm going to be kind to him and assume that he meant that any player needed to have lived in the country for at least 60 years to be eligible for the national team. I'd watch that tournament. Give a new meaning to "last man standing".
I think it is pretty clear what he meant by "European".
*African descent

The song comes from the Qatar World Cup. I guess that's why it refers to France. If it were another country, I suppose they would look for something equally offensive.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Distorted in the sense that "natives" are not the majority in the national team.
As if there were 10 German descents playing in Japan's national team. Japanese in their own right but a national team that for many would not be authentic.

What do you think native means? 1 parent from the same country, or 2? What about grandparents or great grandparents? Is it the surname? Or the appearance of the person? Is it relating to culture or genetics?

What arbitrary factor makes 1 person native and the other not? Is this arbitrary factor constant or does it change over time?
"to get more granular" :lol:

If you want to maintain a (delusional) idea about "European purity", it's probably best to stay well away from anything "granular" - because the very idea falls apart utterly very quickly when you get scientific about it.

Then again, people who are worried about purity generally don't like science - it tends to go against their beliefs rather than confirm them.
Appears to me that racism in Argentina and a few other countries isn’t taken as seriously as in our country and other European countries.
It’s up to FIFFA to punish the Argentina FA and the domestic clubs who employ these players need to just sit down and explain the situation to them. Don’t forget these young players come from a completely different background to us on a continent many thousands of miles away.
We shouldn’t punish these individuals just educate them and explain why it is unacceptable on these shores and not to repeat this sort of behaviour again or else there will be big consequences, explain that it is actually a crime to be racist in this country and that when they are away from the club they still have values to uphold. If they do repeat bad racist behaviour after such education then those big consequences will be actioned.
Remember it’s taken this country decades to educate certain members of our society, you can not change these footballers attitudes over night if it’s been acceptable in their own country.
I don't get that point. In the end it's important where you learn to play football. If a "german" grows up in Japan he is a Japanese footballer for me as he learned his skills in Japan. Or let me give you another example let's say some Inuits from Greenland migrate to Brazil and one their children becomes the next Pele. Is it because they are Inuits or is it because they grew up in Brazil?
I really don't get this ethnicity fixation some of you have.
Yes, to the finer point of where a player belongs to, in my opinion it is important where they learned to pick up the game, but it doesn't have to be limited to that. Some people just feel right at home in a certain town, area or country and that's all there is to it. Really we should respect their wishes whatever they chose to represent if they have a choice. If they want to play for San Marino, and be it.

Black Americans still dominate basketball in the States. They are just American as their White counterparts. But one of the reasons they dominate is because it is a relatively cheap sport to get into, and they will grow up with it around them since they are also at the bottom of the economic classes. There is also a cultural preference towards the sport. It is the same with is a relatively cheap sport, and the reason why a lot of the top players pick it up in the poorer areas is because of the fact it is just that and ever so present. Poorer minorities will continue to dominate the sport in France. On top of it the French have a very good youth system and a proven track record churning out youngsters.

So black kids will continue to dominate the sport in France. It is not necessarily because of the colour of their skin, but in what social standing they were born. Like with Black American football and basketball players. It is a way out of the poverty. That does not make them any less French or American...This racism against these players is just nuts. They have actually worked harder to get out of their surroundings, and still they are being targeted by some vile junk like Fernandez.
If you want to maintain a (delusional) idea about "European purity", it's probably best to stay well away from anything "granular" - because the very idea falls apart utterly very quickly when you get scientific about it.

Then again, people who are worried about purity generally don't like science - it tends to go against their beliefs rather than confirm them.

Even from a strictly cultural standpoint, it gets dicey very quickly when you have european far right members proud to tell you that their culture is Judeo-christian in the context of looking down at the Middle East. They never spot the issue.
Many folks from Africa seem to see no problem in saying the same sort of tripe as Argentinians e.g. "Africans won the World Cup in 2018" because Africans see it as a source of racial pride. As a continent, Africa don't have a lot of global successes to celebrate hence they will celebrate Afro-French players' success because to them, "If African countries weren't poor and exploited we could achieve the same". However South Africans like Trevor Noah lack the empathy to get that Afro-French players don't want to be told that they're less French than a white fellow citizen due to their skin color or ethnicity when they were born in the same cities, attended the same schools, and pay more tax than most to France. Nobody can control where they are born. Also, nobody ever had an issue with Zidane or Benzema being Algerian, or Platini being Italian so it's racism because they're targeting Afro-French only.

Just because Trevor Noah or some crass African politician said the same as Argentinians doesn't mean it justifies their point. Europe doesn't claim the sporting successes of USA just because their sportspeople are of European descent; Germans don't see Trump as if he's one of them nor do the Irish claim Biden. It wouldn't surprise me if the education system in African countries and Argentina is rife with casual racism due to how homogenous they are, breeding a lack of empathy toward other races and nationalities.
I think this an excellent post, but I am gonna guess I’m older, because I remember the fact that Zidane was actually Algerian being brought up quite often.
They never spot the issue.

They don't.

But profound (and in many cases defiant) ignorance is part and parcel of what makes these people what they are.

They represent a sort of non-organized (for the most part) anti-enlightenment in the current era.

And if you point that out to them - they will call you "woke" and think they've done a great service to "true" democracy.

We live in very dangerous times (well, all times have been pretty dangerous, I suppose) - but we live in times that many of us didn't see coming a couple of decades ago (when we kinda thought we had gone past a certain point...but no, we have not, not at all).
I've been to Argentina multiple times and I never saw a black person there which is a bit weird specially when you look at other south American countries where a big part of their population is of African descent. Does anyone know the reason for this? Why is Argentina the exception in this regard compared to their South American neighbour's?
It's rather peculiar that people in here are actually mocking the idea that European ethnic groups exist.
It's rather peculiar that people in here are actually mocking the idea that European ethnic groups exist.

Maybe you could respond to people so they could understand what you really mean but you seem unable to clarify?
It's rather peculiar that people in here are actually mocking the idea that European ethnic groups exist.
Indeed. It'd kind of discrimination turned upside down bc some of those countries taking jabs at it are in essence saying how "pure" they think they are in comparison. Fecked up when you think about it.
Since when has NATO been a violent organisation?
I’m curious about this as well? Maybe they meant the actions of specific member countries? Or maybe they are confusing NATO with UN forces?

NATO for nearly 50 years had zero actual actions. Then they have enforced no fly zones and Naval blockades to help put an end to some rather infamous genocidal conflicts; ushering in many of the more notable peace treaties related to European stability we have today.
I've been to Argentina multiple times and I never saw a black person there which is a bit weird specially when you look at other south American countries where a big part of their population is of African descent. Does anyone know the reason for this? Why is Argentina the exception in this regard compared to their South American neighbour's?

I believe you can say the same about Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay (all right next to Argentina), and in a lesser degree Peru, Bolivia, Mexico. Argentina received slaves although they quickly abolished it. Some of the national heros are afrodescendants. Then in early 1900 they received millions of inmigrants from Spain/Italy and other parts of europe.

There are black people living, although most are migrants, not descendants of people of that era.
It's rather peculiar that people in here are actually mocking the idea that European ethnic groups exist.

I don't think that there is any issue with the idea of European ethnic groups existing at some point a long time ago. The issue is when you state that people in 2024 are actual Europeans and refers to groupings of people that are only relevant if you go back 4000 years ago. And the issue with this is that genetically you will struggle to find people that aren't very mixed because during that period of time there has been a lot of exchanges between Asia, Europe and Africa but more importantly from a cultural standpoint anything that is thousands of years BC is highly irrelevant to 2024. In 2024 a yoruba that has never left Nigeria has more in common with an Irish than anyone from Europe 4000 years ago, they share more culture than the groups you listed.
Someone who belongs to a European ethnic group, obviously. To get more granular, this means those who descended from Early European Farmers, Western Hunter-Gatherers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.

Lot of words to say white.
Don’t take this the wrong way but I would suggest not using this term in future as it now considered offensive by a lot of people.

Trying to call someone else backwards and using the term 'coloured' :lol:
Are you guys white?

I'm not and don't have an issue with he word in the context I have used it in.
they don't really have problem with them. Senna was regular when they needed such player. if Inaki was good enough (strangely, I thought he was), he would have been given more chances as well since they were fairly thin in attack in recent years. Ansu debuted before Nico and Yamal.
I was responding to that person specifically.
My apologies to the admins for responding, and I will try to refrain from getting drawn off topic.

But the reason people are bringing stuff like that into the discussion is Argentinas VP, instead of issuing an apology on behalf of her nation , made a big attack statement on not being reprimanded by imperial colonist countries when Argentina has never imposed their beliefs on others the way the French have (I presume it is the French she is referring to)

If you don’t rightly keep it shut down it will spiral into imperialism debates, etc. Which, maybe is what the VP wants, to distract.

What it makes wonder is how isolated and indoctrinated are Argentinians? She made it sound like Argentina had stayed above the whole colonization “thing”, stayed out of everyone else’s business, and by implication were “just/only” Argentinian.

It was a … weird defensive statement to come out with; not by the leader of the football administration, but of their country.

Her whole “We stand by Enzo and his fellow players!” Shtick is NOT going to be helpful.