Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Beyond the accusations, it's a little baffling seeing some people pass judgements on Antony for 'cheating' in his relationship. Since when are we privy to any knowledge of the nature of his or any other player's romantic life, as if the concept of an open relationship doesn't exist?
Given the soap opera, we should just bring him back, if his head is clear. Let the cops investigate and make some progress before we take any decisions. Media can do one with their selective outrage.
Why? I think it’s a golden opportunity for other players to show what they can do on the right. Antony seems to be undroppable despite his poor performances, this cloud could well have a silver lining.
Given the soap opera, we should just bring him back, if his head is clear. Let the cops investigate and make some progress before we take any decisions. Media can do one with their selective outrage.
The club made their bed with Greenwood.

They can't set a precedent then pick and choose when to impliment it.

Antony should be suspended until there's an outcome from Police.
Greenwood was charged with attempted rape. People really need to stop pretending the crimes Antony is accused of and the crime Greenwood was charged with are any way the same. Assault and attempted rape aren't in the same league. It's not to defend either where the crimes have been committed but it's really odd how people are quick to make the comparison with Greenwood as if these cases are in any way comparable.
Maybe we should suspend everyone and we all should quit our jobs for the off chance the police might arrest us for something one day so as not to be a distraction to our employers.
Greenwood was charged with attempted rape. People really need to stop pretending the crimes Antony is accused of and the crime Greenwood was charged with are any way the same. Assault and attempted rape aren't in the same league. It's not to defend either where the crimes have been committed but it's really odd how people are quick to make the comparison with Greenwood as if these cases are in any way comparable.
Not to mention that Antony hasn't been charged with anything yet, has he?
The club made their bed with Greenwood.

They can't set a precedent then pick and choose when to impliment it.

Antony should be suspended until there's an outcome from Police.

Except Antony hasn't actually been charged with multiple offenses like Greenwood was though has he.
You’re an Arsenal fan, mate. Lost that moral trophy a while ago ;)

Please get your tagline changed adex. It’s still confusing :lol:

:lol: that's the beauty of it

Your Greenwood hill/grave is so weird. Even weirder how you seem to glory in it. There's almost something 4chan incel troll about it...

Grave for sure
This is a lame and incredibly weird response
Why? That poster has spent the last months seemingly glorying in 'moral champions FC' and I think their posts in the greenwood thread have been of exactly that tenor - attention seeking and looking to provoke reactions. It's puerile.
The club made their bed with Greenwood.

They can't set a precedent then pick and choose when to impliment it.

Antony should be suspended until there's an outcome from Police.
Found Rachel Riley's secret CAF account
Why? That poster has spent the last months seemingly glorying in 'moral champions FC' and I think their posts in the greenwood thread have been of exactly that tenor - attention seeking and looking to provoke reactions. It's puerile.

Glorying has nothing to do with it.

It's embarrassing frankly. The least I can do is make light of it on an Internet forum where my posts will have no impact on anything in the real world.
Why? That poster has spent the last months seemingly glorying in 'moral champions FC' and I think their posts in the greenwood thread have been of exactly that tenor - attention seeking and looking to provoke reactions. It's puerile.
I think we understood that in your first two sentences. Throwing around terms like "incel" and "supporter of domestic abuse" (not you) is low IMO.
Anyone able to summarise the current situation with this.

It's really not worth following but it seems like at least 1 out of the 3 accusers is probably bullshitting. Remains to be seen if he can discredit the other two as well or if they have a stronger case.
No news on the CAF on this?

It seems the Brazilian starlets are under a lot of pressure.
The club made their bed with Greenwood.

They can't set a precedent then pick and choose when to impliment it.

Antony should be suspended until there's an outcome from Police.

They literally can though they are completely different cases with completely different levels of proof.

If we suspend every player who gets accused of crimes with low evidence we would very quickly struggle to put teams out.
I think we understood that in your first two sentences. Throwing around terms like "incel" and "supporter of domestic abuse" (not you) is low IMO.
I didn't call the poster an incel, did I? Are you their guardian or older sibling?
No news on the CAF on this?

It seems the Brazilian starlets are under a lot of pressure.

Didn't the guy come out and say he was going to seek help for mental health reasons? Not really something to make fun of tbf.
I didn't say you did. Key phase is "throwing around". Ad hominems like that bother me.
We're getting a 50m credit from UEFA for moral reasons, applicable towards FFP. Don't fret
This means a lot to me, and the club I'm sure. Almost worth the financial hole.
Mes que un club, but mancunian
We'll be moral paragons if that happens. That's worth celebrating at least.
Can only hope to know people as virtuous as yourself *bows*
Ok, we're definitely moral champions now

Also the laughingstock of Europe but what's new
What, you have no interest in seeing how a Manchester United player does on loan? :smirk:
This sort of childish, point scoring trolling around a subject as serious as this bothers me. There's also a dozen or so more in locked threads that can't be quoted. But sure, my post was the one that bothers you.
This sort of childish, point scoring trolling around a subject as serious as this bothers me. There's also a dozen or so more in locked threads that can't be quoted. But sure, my post was the one that bothers you.

You need to take things a bit easy. We're chewing the fat on an Internet forum. No one important is reading this going, "oh we need to change things soon because @Pickle85 has a strong opinion on this subject"

And you could have improved your experience by blocking me if my inane posts caused you this much grief. It's not that serious
This sort of childish, point scoring trolling around a subject as serious as this bothers me. There's also a dozen or so more in locked threads that can't be quoted. But sure, my post was the one that bothers you.
I wasn't defending the other poster, so I'm not sure why his posts matter.
It's really not worth following but it seems like at least 1 out of the 3 accusers is probably bullshitting. Remains to be seen if he can discredit the other two as well or if they have a stronger case.
One of the other two claimed to have gotten into a fight with another passenger in the back seat of Antony's car while he was driving. I don't see how that one incriminates him at all.
You need to take things a bit easy. We're chewing the fat on an Internet forum. No one important is reading this going, "oh we need to change things soon because @Pickle85 has a strong opinion on this subject"

And you could have improved your experience by blocking me if my inane posts caused you this much grief. It's not that serious
Me saying 'subject as serious as this bothers me' was intended purely to mirror the other poster saying
I didn't say you did. Key phase is "throwing around". Ad hominems like that bother me.
I just felt like calling your posts out for the kind of trolling, attention seeking nonsense they are
I wasn't defending the other poster, so I'm not sure why his posts matter.
Because you seemed to leap in to defend that poor defenceless poster from my mean 'ad hominem' remarks. So it rather seemed like you were defending them.