Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

I love how you don't seem to be able to see the difference
Says a lot about the character, or lack of, of anyone who can’t see the difference.

Isn’t Icardi outcasted by most of the Argentinian team because he got with Lopez ex wife. After Lopez took him in and looked after him etc ?

Telegraph Sport spoke to Ingrid Lana and this is what she had to say: -

When contacted by Telegraph Sport, Lana stood firmly by her accusations and questioned the authenticity of the text messages published by Antony. She also claims she was in Manchester for business purposes.

“At no point I said to him: ‘I’m going there to have sex with you’,” Lana said. “You can make jokes and talk with someone. But this doesn’t mean you’re going to meet the person to have sex with them.

“I’d like him to show if there’s any message from me saying: ‘I’m travelling there to have sex with you.’ But if he forged, or even exaggerated or manipulated it, we can get these messages and submit them to a forensic analysis. And we can go to court and sort it out. It’ll be up to him. If he wants war, he’ll have war.”

Telegraph Sport has seen a document that alleges 1,759 messages were exchanged between Antony and Lana between Aug 10 and Dec 12 last year. One of the mobile numbers listed was the same number Telegraph Sport used to contact Lana.

In one exchange, dated Aug 25 last year, the person allegedly messaging Antony tells him: “I’m not wearing any knickers. I don’t like to wear them at home.”

After a graphic image was then allegedly shared soon after by Antony, he received a message back that is alleged to have read: “I’m going crazy here. And at the same time ashamed.”

Lana claimed she had received “hard core” images from Antony that she did not request. “I could do some screen shots here and show even the nudes he sent me – hard core stuff – nudes that he sent me without my consent, without me wanting them,” she said.

Speaking in general terms, Lana said: “Regardless of two people flirting or not, when you both get together but you don’t want to have sex with that person anymore, you’re not obliged to. This doesn’t give the other person the right to assault you. But this was not the case.

“I could well have lied, I could have said that I have been sexually abused. But I decided not to lie because I wouldn’t get anything with it. And I don’t want lies. Him saying that he had sex with me, boasting about it, that’s too much.”

I am not sure what to think here, especially the bolded parts in Ingrid's claims, too provocative messages to be considered jokes, to me at least, but I can't be sure of that as well.

also, the article is updated with what the agent revealed in his IG, and if that phone conversation is authentic, it kinda discredits Ingrid to some extent especially when she says "Media is trying to destroy Antony", but it still leaves some room for doubt, since the transcript of the conversation from UnitedStand does not mention exactly what happened between Ingrid and Antony in the hotel room that night, except for one line "I know I made a mistake with him and he made a mistake with me", that she repeated twice iirc, which might mean that she lead him on in messages she sent (as seen in the WhatsApp messages Ingrid sent to Antony) and yet did not want to engage in a physical encounter with him, but she accepts that she lead Antony on since she says "I made a mistake with him", but that is just me speculating here.
And you have held that sort opinion since when?

It just seems odd in the past you have made posts listing Patrice Evra and Wayne Rooney as issue taken I guess

Oooh you’ve had him there. Ouch.

If you’re gonna detest everyone who has ever cheated on a spouse, you’ll likely end up with billions of people you detest.

Unless of course, you like them as a footballer, then they can stick their penises where ever they please.
Says a lot about the character, or lack of, of anyone who can’t see the difference.

Isn’t Icardi outcasted by most of the Argentinian team because he got with Lopez ex wife. After Lopez took him in and looked after him etc ?
He's only outcasted because Lopez was mates with Messi, otherwise no one would've given a shit.
It’s always like this now. Burned without due process. Not that this means Antony is completely innocent but it definitely feels that there was an attempt to twist the truth to screw Antony over. Whether that was the case with all the accusations - remains to be seen.

You don't see a conflict here?
He's only outcasted because Lopez was mates with Messi, otherwise no one would've given a shit.
Maradona commented and called him a traitor. Anyways, while I accept to some a person sleeping with his brother or friends wife/gf is nothing, there are people to whom it’s a big violation and also just a general sign of a treacherous person
Oooh you’ve had him there. Ouch.

If you’re gonna detest everyone who has ever cheated on a spouse, you’ll likely end up with billions of people you detest.

Unless of course, you like them as a footballer, then they can stick their penises where ever they please.
He’s not opposed to cheaters /adulterers. There are clearly some who are, rather disturbingly, disappointed that things are pointing to Antony not only being innocent but also being set up.

Maybe they don’t like being wrong and were set on their opinion ? Who knows, but the reaction from some to each revelation from Antony and then the transcript is weird and doesn’t seem neutral.
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I am not sure what to think here,
Red flag 1 - Brazilian media articles in April claiming she told journalists she was an ex of Antony when trying to fabricate a relationship in the media with another man.

Red flag 2 - She claims to have travelled all the way to Manchester from Brazil at Antony’s expense on a business trip to help him transfer money from Brazil to England.

Red flag 3 - Antony released numerous messages which appear sexual in nature in the build up to that trip and that continued after the trip - including him appearing to send her a naked picture and her claiming to be wet.

Red flag 4 - 12 minute audio conversation where she claims to be offered money to make up stories about Antony linked to the DV allegations. She completely contradicts having any knowledge of Anyony attacking women in this recording.

Red flag 5 - The allegations she has made are precisely what you’d make if you wanted to make a pay day from the news as indicated in red flag 4. It’s low-level enough that it will never be subject to a criminal investigation - there was no sexual assault, no attempt at sexual assault and no visible injuries - but serious enough to corroborate the character painted in the DV allegations - “I don’t think he’d ever heard no before”.

This is also a terrifying thing to say in support of yourself:

“I could well have lied, I could have said that I have been sexually abused. But I decided not to lie because I wouldn’t get anything with it.”

So there was a decision to make about whether to lie? Umm…what!? Why was that even a consideration?
Red flag 1 - Brazilian media articles in April claiming she told journalists she was an ex of Antony when trying to fabricate a relationship in the media with another man.

Red flag 2 - She claims to have travelled all the way to Manchester from Brazil at Antony’s expense on a business trip to help him transfer money from Brazil to England.

Red flag 3 - Antony released numerous messages which appear sexual in nature in the build up to that trip and that continued after the trip - including him appearing to send her a naked picture and her claiming to be wet.

Red flag 4 - 12 minute audio conversation where she claims to be offered money to make up stories about Antony linked to the DV allegations. She completely contradicts having any knowledge of Anyony attacking women in this recording.

Red flag 5 - The allegations she has made are precisely what you’d make if you wanted to make a pay day from the news as indicated in red flag 4. It’s low-level enough that it will never be subject to a criminal investigation - there was no sexual assault, no attempt at sexual assault and no visible injuries - but serious enough to corroborate the character painted in the DV allegations - “I don’t think he’d ever heard no before”.

This is also a terrifying thing to say in support of yourself:

“I could well have lied, I could have said that I have been sexually abused. But I decided not to lie because I wouldn’t get anything with it.”

So there was a decision to make about whether to lie? Umm…what!? Why was that even a consideration?

yeah mate a lot of red flags indeed, and her comments in the interview vs what Antony released plus the phone conversation with the agent are quite damning for her, however, and I am not saying Antony did something to her at all, but from what is in the public domain so far, there is a small room for doubt about what occurred in that night of question
Red flag 1 - Brazilian media articles in April claiming she told journalists she was an ex of Antony when trying to fabricate a relationship in the media with another man.

Red flag 2 - She claims to have travelled all the way to Manchester from Brazil at Antony’s expense on a business trip to help him transfer money from Brazil to England.

Red flag 3 - Antony released numerous messages which appear sexual in nature in the build up to that trip and that continued after the trip - including him appearing to send her a naked picture and her claiming to be wet.

Red flag 4 - 12 minute audio conversation where she claims to be offered money to make up stories about Antony linked to the DV allegations. She completely contradicts having any knowledge of Anyony attacking women in this recording.

Red flag 5 - The allegations she has made are precisely what you’d make if you wanted to make a pay day from the news as indicated in red flag 4. It’s low-level enough that it will never be subject to a criminal investigation - there was no sexual assault, no attempt at sexual assault and no visible injuries - but serious enough to corroborate the character painted in the DV allegations - “I don’t think he’d ever heard no before”.

This is also a terrifying thing to say in support of yourself:

“I could well have lied, I could have said that I have been sexually abused. But I decided not to lie because I wouldn’t get anything with it.”

So there was a decision to make about whether to lie? Umm…what!? Why was that even a consideration?

In South America there are an awful lot of shakedowns for young rich footballers, it’s why you have to hope that Antony always kept his wits about him, this type of behaviour is not uncommon especially if the women feels scorned or ignored, remember most of the players are catholic and highly religious, there is even more outrage if the perpetrator is actually proven to be abusive and more outcry from the victim’s family publicly and much more shame for the offender, this is why Antony has come out so publicly to defend himself.

I say this without knowledge of the actual events and hope they can be resolved quickly without the club having to continue to play out in such a public soap opera but also note that if Antony has committed any form of DV he should be shown the door, but he also deserves to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
I'll support Antony until proven Guilty of any wrong doing.
Of course, and for what it's worth I'm still on the fence until it's clear someone is in the wrong, nothing is confirmed yet. To be honest more people should be like yourself and change their opinion based on whatever facts are available at the time, while baring in mind there's a chance they are still wrong in whatever emotions they are feeling.
Have to strongly disagree with that. Assuming the facts you have in front of you is all there is to the story is not a good approach. Especially when there is due process to uncover all relevant evidence in a case. Reserving judgement is 100% the right thing to do in these cases. Publicly declaring a verdict based on your emotions and limited evidence (if it even can be called that, all we have had so far in this case is unsubstantiated accusations) is very unhelpful. Advocating for punishment to be meted out before due process has been completed is even worse.

I fully understand that people can have reactions, but humans have been shown to be very error-prone with limited evidence and emotions running high. It's not at all surprising, but needs to be understood and corrected for, which is why we have principles such as "innocent until proven guilty".
Says a lot about the character, or lack of, of anyone who can’t see the difference.

Isn’t Icardi outcasted by most of the Argentinian team because he got with Lopez ex wife. After Lopez took him in and looked after him etc ?

I'm not sure where you are coming from? I feel like we might be some how agreeing.

Antony cheating on his wife with some random bird isn't on the same level as Giggs (your original comment) cheating with his brothers wife, nor even on the same level as cheating with your mates ex wife.

Not justifing his actions obviously.
I'm not sure where you are coming from? I feel like we might be some how agreeing.

Antony cheating on his wife with some random bird isn't on the same level as Giggs (your original comment) cheating with his brothers wife, nor even on the same level as cheating with your mates ex wife.

Not justifing his actions obviously.
We are agreeing there is a huge difference. My point was about the character of those who don’t see a difference, or act like they don’t.
Red flag 2 - She claims to have travelled all the way to Manchester from Brazil at Antony’s expense on a business trip to help him transfer money from Brazil to England.

"I flirted a bit with him on WhatsApp, but the meeting was all about business and he had no right to presume I was there for any other purpose".

(Paraphrasing - not a quote.)

Fine, of course - and he certainly had no right to attack her physically because he was disappointed she wasn't in the mood for sex. All that is very clear.

(I'm talking about her take on it, I'm not saying he did attack her physically.)

But why the feck did she make that trip in the first place? What was her professional connection to him? Traveling to Manchester in order to "help him transfer money" makes no sense whatsoever.
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If he says he's willing to turn his evidence to the police it kind of indicates he hasn't already. So based purely on the one sided evidence the police currently have they do not think they have enough to even make an arrest.

Yet there were calls from fans to throw him out of the club.
"I flirted a bit with him on WhatsApp, but the meeting was all about business and he had no right to presume I was there for any other purpose".

(Paraphrasing - not a quote.)

Fine, of course - and he certainly had no right to attack her physically because he was disappointed she wasn't in the mood for sex. All that is very clear.

But why the feck did she make that trip in the first place? What was her professional connection to him? Traveling to Manchester in order to "help him transfer money" makes no sense whatsoever.

Assuming it’s an accurate transcript, she also says in her call with the agent that Antony was never aggressive towards her.
If someone is not part of your domestic life(as the girl claims) then it’s not domestic violence.
Sadly there will be a lot of disappointed United fans if this turns out to be lies.
I don't believe a word from all the ladies involved, they'll have to do more to convince me on this.
It does look increasingly like a shakedown when you read the info released.
What?? Why?

Just go threw this thread alone, some had already decided he was guilty. I remember one individual calling for him to be sacked.

It does look increasingly like a shakedown when you read the info released.

I wouldn't be surprised if he is back in the squad for the Bayern game to be honest. From what I can see, I may have missed it, but it all seems to have gone very quiet from their end since he released this evidence. I was expecting some sort of retaliation for a better word or escalation to the claims. Didn't one cancel an interview, or did I imagine that?
Just go threw this thread alone, some had already decided he was guilty. I remember one individual calling for him to be sacked.

But why would they be dissapointed? If anything they would be relieved that he didnt hurt those women and that he is innocent?
he conversation from UnitedStand does not mention exactly what happened between Ingrid and Antony in the hotel room that night, except for one line "I know I made a mistake with him and he made a mistake with me", that she repeated twice iirc, which might mean that she lead him on in messages she sent (as seen in the WhatsApp messages Ingrid sent to Antony) and yet did not want to engage in a physical encounter with him, but she accepts that she lead Antony on since she says "I made a mistake with him", but that is just me speculating here.

I'm also speculating but I think this may be answered in the leaks.

Ingrid's mistake: In the whatsapp leaks Antony isn't happy that she's taking screenshots of something (probably the nudes) and talks about 'losing trust' in her.

Antony's mistake: The messages which have been released make it seem like he basically ghosted her afterwards. In that alleged phone transcript she says "he knows he made a mistake with me. He just used me". And then again "He used me and the other day, he pretended that I didn't exist...and you know it hurts right?".
IF it appears he's innocent & they were false accusation, I wonder will the likes of Rachel Riley come out & apologise.