Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

This sort of stuff has been going on for years with footballers, agree it isn't any of our business, but this ended up in the public domain.

and I get that, and I don’t have an issue with people commenting on the story, but rather how it was framed. Are we supposed to really be irate about Antony’s supposed extra-marital trysts? Again, so long as the encounters are consensual - what does it have to do with us? I don’t think players are inviting you into their bedroom when they sign for Manchester United. The parasocial relationships with celebrities, players in this case, are reaching “Stan” scary territory.

Penis patrolling is crazy.
and I get that, and I don’t have an issue with people commenting on the story, but rather how it was framed. Are we supposed to really be irate about Antony’s supposed extra-marital trysts? Again, so long as the encounters are consensual - what does it have to do with us? I don’t think players are inviting you into their bedroom when they sign for Manchester United. The parasocial relationships with celebrities, players in this case, are reaching “Stan” scary territory.

Penis patrolling is crazy.
The affairs are unsavoury, but it was the other accusations that worried people.
You were pretty quick to condemn him without any justification other than you felt like it. Is that how you would like people to treat you?
Welcome to the forum where it takes a day to get somewone behind bars and years to prove his innocence.. if it's not too much trouble.
I might be getting old but I'm at the stage where I genuinely couldn't care less if a coven of our players spent their days off trying to summon beelzebub as long as they give a good performance at the weekend.
You do you. I'm allowed to take issue with a United player being a cheating scumbag
And you have held that sort opinion since when?

It just seems odd in the past you have made posts listing Patrice Evra and Wayne Rooney as issue taken I guess
I might be getting old but I'm at the stage where I genuinely couldn't care less if a coven of our players spent their days off trying to summon beelzebub as long as they give a good performance at the weekend.
As long as the performance is on the pitch :D
Lots of people seemed to care when it was Giggs.
Cheating is always bad but there is a standard level of bad that comes with cheating and then the - you're a despicable human being when it comes to having a 7/8 year long affair with your brother's wife. That's beyond fecked.
Glad that he/his lawyers put out the whatsapp conversations in public. Shows he is confident. But wary of his confidence, he was confident he had ability to win us game after Case's Red card. Hope he is not over-confident in everything.
One way or other, it will most likely end soon.
If they really did team up and lie about Antony, they really deserve some jail time.
I mean, it is probably worth a super quick summary of the current ridiculous soap opera status:

Accuser 1, his ex, who filed police report and then leaked images and whatsapp chat to the public: This is the most serious case imo and needs proper authorities to investigate
Accuser 2, some random girl who once upon a time got in Antony's car, kicked off with other people in the car, and got hoofed out. No real evidence that Antony did too much wrong on this one, other than potentially pick up the wrong person
Accuser 3, a 'banker' with a million IG followers who claims to have gone for a totally normal business meeting in a hotel alone with Antony and claims to have been assaulted in demands for sex. Also, appears to have sent a whole slew of extremely consensual pre and post whatsapp messages to Antony, somewhat entirely contradicting her story, which she also then declined to assert in a scheduled tv interview.

From my very far away point of view, one of these things this not like the others. And it's really unfair imo to suddenly have headlines like 'Antony who is accused of assault by 3 women' when the validity of two are, quite frankly, pretty farcical.

Now he might still be a total slimebag and did the first one, so let's park the acquittals for the moment, but man...those other 2 accusers aren't great people.

This is a good summary, the one thing I would add though is that supposedly Accuser 1 and Accuser 3 (person with the phone call transcript) are in the same friend group and as a result, accuser 3 is claiming in that transcript that Accuser 1 is also lying. That's what allegedly makes this transcript even more significant. Accuser 2 is a separate thing that doesn't seem to have any legs to it, as you mention.
I think he is trying to clear his own name in the court of public opinion.

His legal advisors should be telling him to stay silent.

It's tough. Looking at what happened to Greenwood, the court of public opinion is just as important.
And you have held that sort opinion since when?

It just seems odd in the past you have made posts listing Patrice Evra and Wayne Rooney as issue taken I guess
There are people who will despise Antony forever now. As the saying goes “it’s easier to fool someone then to convince them they’ve been fooled”

Look at how suddenly some people are not sure “what it means” when given any evidence that Antony is not guilty or they even blame Antony for releasing it.

Do you think they’d be dismissive of it if the conversations were released by any of the women and showed Antony being threatening etc ? Do you think they’d post saying the women should have kept it private and taken it to the relevant authorities? Clearly not because none of those said that about the women speaking publicly.

Do you think they they’d not “know what it means” if it was Anthony who was shown to be lying? Or if it was Antony who was recorded with a group of guys discussing attacking a woman?
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My guess is that there isn't gonna be much of a legal case coming out of this and that this will entirely be judged in the court of public opinion. Agree or not, Antony's lawyers saw what happened with the Greenwood situation and decided to change the narrative, based on the reaction they were very successful with this. The difference between this situation and Greenwood is that the audio released in the latter situation was very bad, even if he didn't commit a crime there was dangerous behavior exhibited in the audio. From what I can tell, nowhere near that level of evidence has come out in the Antony situation.
There are people who will despise Antony forever now. As the saying goes “it’s easier to fool someone then to convince them they’ve been fooled”

Look at how suddenly some people are not sure “what it means” when given any evidence that Antony is not guilty or they even blame Antony for releasing it.

Do you think they’d be dismissive of it if the conversations were released by any of the women and showed Antony being threatening etc ? Do you think they’d post saying the women should have kept it private and taken it to the relevant authorities? Clearly not because none of those said that about the women speaking publicly.

Do you think they they’d not “know what it means” if it was Anthony who was shown to be lying? Or if it was Antony who was recorded with a group of guys discussing attacking a woman?

Same stuff. There are people who doesnt believe MG tape and try hard to mental gymnastics over it. Roleplay. Cough

People are looking for what they want to hear depending on who's involved. If this is Gerrard or Halaand most of them would be singing a different tune.
Ingrid claiming the voice call was doctored by Antony, now.

Should be very easy to tell. Deepfake audio models need extensive training data, and no matter how convincing they sound, always show stark contrast to original audio for any moderately long piece of synthetically generated audio. I'm sure I could find out using simple open source tools if given access to the audio of the transcribed call, I'm sure experts can conclusively state who's lying.
It's tough. Looking at what happened to Greenwood, the court of public opinion is just as important.

Greenwood is different. The recording is cold hard slam dunk. There's nothing much he can say and it's better to keep quiet and not stoking the fuel to fire.

Look at what happened as we speak where it becomes laughable soap opera. If the whole shenagigans entered legal court all of them could be in for something.
I took my time to digest everything that has come out today. Seriously, this thing is smelling even more rotten on the accusers' side as time flies.

My take is simple: I hope everything is taken to a court of law ASAP. From there, what matters is that we find out which side is right and which side is wrong on every single accusation. IF the accuser is found to be wrong and thus lying, I hope the law will punish just as severely as it would if Antony was to be found guilty on the other side of the coin.
A few people on here could do with swallowing their pride and admiting they may have got this wrong. Might teach people not to be so quick to be judge, jury and executioner.
It’s always like this now. Burned without due process. Not that this means Antony is completely innocent but it definitely feels that there was an attempt to twist the truth to screw Antony over. Whether that was the case with all the accusations - remains to be seen.
You do you. I'm allowed to take issue with a United player being a cheating scumbag
A little FYI, whinging on an internet forum Antony is very unlikely to read isn’t really taking an issue with him. It’s just whinging for whingings sake. None of your business what him, his Mrs or any other consenting parters get up to in their private time, as it in no way affects you, unless it’s you he’s cheating on.
You do you. I'm allowed to take issue with a United player being a cheating scumbag
There’s no point. Most of your sporting heroes would also be tarnished if you start caring about that. It’s a horrible thing to do in general but I’m well past the point where I give sportsman’s private lives any importance unless we’re taking about criminality etc
Lots of people seemed to care when it was Giggs.
You don’t think a guy sleeping with his brother’s missus for seven years and then turning the mum against the brother when it gets exposed is pretty different?

Most people have a code. Yes normal adultery is also breaking a code and trust between the married couple. But what Giggs did was something a lot of people can’t comprehend. Literally fecking over your own brother. It showed that Giggs isn’t really someone you’d want to be in the trenches with or trust with anything.
Greenwood is different. The recording is cold hard slam dunk. There's nothing much he can say and it's better to keep quiet and not stoking the fuel to fire.

Look at what happened as we speak where it becomes laughable soap opera. If the whole shenagigans entered legal court all of them could be in for something.

Agree that it is different in a sense. Greenwood is best served keeping quiet. But just that my point is public opinion matters. In Antony's case, it is probably calculated to show that he is not the only one in the wrong. I doubt he has not had legal advice on this.
Agree that it is different in a sense. Greenwood is best served keeping quiet. But just that my point is public opinion matters. In Antony's case, it is probably calculated to show that he is not the only one in the wrong. I doubt he has not had legal advice on this.

Public opinion matters and could not be avoided in 2023.

Like it or hate it, we as a club have to adapt and prepare better for this. We simply can't rely on the public do not know or the public can form 100% unbiased opinion.

To be fair to United, we're just extremely unlucky with this 2 incidents in a row, and there's nothing we could have done any better. We could have done everything right and moaning fans gonna find something to moan.
And you have held that sort opinion since when?

It just seems odd in the past you have made posts listing Patrice Evra and Wayne Rooney as issue taken I guess

Did I miss something? What did Evra do? I only remember him licking a raw chicken, but not adultery?
I’m alright with what I said. The chances multiple women coming forward about something like this and it just being fabrication isn’t that high. I was pretty over all the abuse allegations labelled at players of the club, hence the overzealous sacking claims.

Having said that if I am wrong and his reputation has been damaged for nothing then that’s fair enough and ill happily be wrong and think that this will sadly only damage a cause that’s not got a lot going for it anyways. Encourages the trolls more too.

I do find it amusing that the commenters moaning about people being quick to get rid of him are now the ones jumping all over the WhatsApp tweets today though. Little bit of hypocrisy there no?
Of course, and for what it's worth I'm still on the fence until it's clear someone is in the wrong, nothing is confirmed yet. To be honest more people should be like yourself and change their opinion based on whatever facts are available at the time, while baring in mind there's a chance they are still wrong in whatever emotions they are feeling.