Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Yeah if real this completely discredits her as looking for revenge and dogpiling on the situation. Still only 1 of 3...
It's 1.5-2 of 3 as the other one told her to lie about Antony...
Could go either way from here.
It would be 2 of 3 if this is accurate, she kind of alluded to one of the accusers doing this thing to others as well.

How can we both take what she says seriously and use it to say shes discredited?

She's clearly jealous because as she said, Antony gave her no interest because he was interested in the other girl. She's constantly calling her names and trying to frame her as a terrible person. But we know from this that this woman doing the talking is driven by revenge... So guess what - shes probably doing the exact same thing to the woman her man moved onto.
How can we both take what she says seriously and use it to say shes discredited?

She's clearly jealous because as she said, Antony gave her no interest because he was interested in the other girl. She's constantly calling her names and trying to frame her as a terrible person. But we know from this that this woman doing the talking is driven by revenge... So guess what - shes probably doing the exact same thing to the woman her man moved onto.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives
I want to hear what Rachael Riley thinks about all of this. The real question here.
This is both original and hilarious, I've never seen such a genius post, totally the first person to say this on here :rolleyes:
Sure but even still, they must be watching this unfold from behind the sofa, hoping nothing bad comes out.
Seriously, I think if it were me I'd be all over LinkedIn right now, reaching out to contacts and so forth. This is such a mess that's goign to play out in Brazilian media. Then badly translated and cherry picked in such a way to make United look awful by the British media.
I think the main factor initially was that 3 unconnected people making a claim was almost certainly damning.

With it turning out that not only is there a connection but dialogue between the alleged victims make it much less so.

I could see Antony being back within weeks at this rate, but let’s see. This could probably get even messier I’m sure.
Yes, other than pure statistically its much more often women telling the truth about this, then lie, that was the main reason i belived that he had done it.

Also that we should take it very serious when such claims are made.

There will probably be another twist or two in this sad case, but i hope not and its proved that they lied and Antony will live his best life and manage to put this behind him.
. So guess what - shes probably doing the exact same thing to the woman her man moved onto.
Isn't this Gabriella actually his ex? So Ingrid's taking revenge on person whom Anthony had parted away a while ago?
We need a Netflix adaption to explain this mess.
I mean, it is probably worth a super quick summary of the current ridiculous soap opera status:

Accuser 1, his ex, who filed police report and then leaked images and whatsapp chat to the public: This is the most serious case imo and needs proper authorities to investigate
Accuser 2, some random girl who once upon a time got in Antony's car, kicked off with other people in the car, and got hoofed out. No real evidence that Antony did too much wrong on this one, other than potentially pick up the wrong person
Accuser 3, a 'banker' with a million IG followers who claims to have gone for a totally normal business meeting in a hotel alone with Antony and claims to have been assaulted in demands for sex. Also, appears to have sent a whole slew of extremely consensual pre and post whatsapp messages to Antony, somewhat entirely contradicting her story, which she also then declined to assert in a scheduled tv interview.

From my very far away point of view, one of these things this not like the others. And it's really unfair imo to suddenly have headlines like 'Antony who is accused of assault by 3 women' when the validity of two are, quite frankly, pretty farcical.

Now he might still be a total slimebag and did the first one, so let's park the acquittals for the moment, but man...those other 2 accusers aren't great people.
I mean, it is probably worth a super quick summary of the current ridiculous soap opera status:

Accuser 1, his ex, who filed police report and then leaked images and whatsapp chat to the public: This is the most serious case imo and needs proper authorities to investigate
Accuser 2, some random girl who once upon a time got in Antony's car, kicked off with other people in the car, and got hoofed out. No real evidence that Antony did too much wrong on this one, other than potentially pick up the wrong person
Accuser 3, a 'banker' with a million IG followers who claims to have gone for a totally normal business meeting in a hotel alone with Antony and claims to have been assaulted in demands for sex. Also, appears to have sent a whole slew of extremely consensual pre and post whatsapp messages to Antony, somewhat entirely contradicting her story, which she also then declined to assert in a scheduled tv interview.

From my very far away point of view, one of these things this not like the others. And it's really unfair imo to suddenly have headlines like 'Antony who is accused of assault by 3 women' when the validity of two are, quite frankly, pretty farcical.

Now he might still be a total slimebag and did the first one, so let's park the acquittals for the moment, but man...those other 2 accusers aren't great people.
Thanks for summarizing. This thread is all over the place and currently spiraled into the Sun or Daily Mail type gossip section. At least we have something to keep ourselves busy during the international break.
I mean, it is probably worth a super quick summary of the current ridiculous soap opera status:

Accuser 1, his ex, who filed police report and then leaked images and whatsapp chat to the public: This is the most serious case imo and needs proper authorities to investigate
Accuser 2, some random girl who once upon a time got in Antony's car, kicked off with other people in the car, and got hoofed out. No real evidence that Antony did too much wrong on this one, other than potentially pick up the wrong person
Accuser 3, a 'banker' with a million IG followers who claims to have gone for a totally normal business meeting in a hotel alone with Antony and claims to have been assaulted in demands for sex. Also, appears to have sent a whole slew of extremely consensual pre and post whatsapp messages to Antony, somewhat entirely contradicting her story, which she also then declined to assert in a scheduled tv interview.

From my very far away point of view, one of these things this not like the others. And it's really unfair imo to suddenly have headlines like 'Antony who is accused of assault by 3 women' when the validity of two are, quite frankly, pretty farcical.

Now he might still be a total slimebag and did the first one, so let's park the acquittals for the moment, but man...those other 2 accusers aren't great people.

Good summary. To be fair, Accuser 2 might be a decent person who had a bad experience with Antony and his friends but it’s a completely different issue either way. I agree that it should not be being mentioned in the way it is - which implies he has three women accusing him of DV.
I'd love to know if he's being advised by people from Man United about releasing this stuff. The legal team must be shitting themselves.
United and Antony have mutually agreed to allow him time away from the club to sort this out. I imagine this provides a bit of distance and protection for Manchester United with respect to what's playing out with Antony right now.
There's obviously more to come of this as it's clearly far from settled, but this should be a lesson to the weirdly giddy lot that ran in here to advocate sacking Antony, ten Hag and the fecking dinner lady after being privy to only a sliver of information. It really isn't hard to curb your enthusiasm and wait a little bit for things to unfold before wanting to burn the house down. Only idiot children get away with being impatient idiots, and even then it's fecking annoying.
I'd love to know if he's being advised by people from Man United about releasing this stuff. The legal team must be shitting themselves.
I think he is. Club prob asked him to get ahead of this after seeing how the greenwood situation played out.
I mean, it is probably worth a super quick summary of the current ridiculous soap opera status:

Accuser 1, his ex, who filed police report and then leaked images and whatsapp chat to the public: This is the most serious case imo and needs proper authorities to investigate
Accuser 2, some random girl who once upon a time got in Antony's car, kicked off with other people in the car, and got hoofed out. No real evidence that Antony did too much wrong on this one, other than potentially pick up the wrong person
Accuser 3, a 'banker' with a million IG followers who claims to have gone for a totally normal business meeting in a hotel alone with Antony and claims to have been assaulted in demands for sex. Also, appears to have sent a whole slew of extremely consensual pre and post whatsapp messages to Antony, somewhat entirely contradicting her story, which she also then declined to assert in a scheduled tv interview.

From my very far away point of view, one of these things this not like the others. And it's really unfair imo to suddenly have headlines like 'Antony who is accused of assault by 3 women' when the validity of two are, quite frankly, pretty farcical.

Now he might still be a total slimebag and did the first one, so let's park the acquittals for the moment, but man...those other 2 accusers aren't great people.
You need to update on third one.
Recent phone call 'leak' between Antony's agent and her, she says media used (and paid) her for lying which she didn't want to and regretted involving in all of these. She also called Accuser 1 a b**ch casually or whatever that word in portugese
You need to update on third one.
Recent phone call 'leak' between Antony's agent and her, she says media used (and paid) her for lying which she didn't want to and regretted involving in all of these. She also called Accuser 1 a b**ch casually or whatever that word in portugese
That's no sort of language for a bank manager. I am shocked.
A few people on here could do with swallowing their pride and admiting they may have got this wrong. Might teach people not to be so quick to be judge, jury and executioner.
Fecking depressing either way. Obviously it’s great for us if Antony doesn’t turn out to be a piece of shit, but if this was all a big ploy by this influencer then she has done a massive injustice to the vast amounts of women who deal with this sort of abuse.
Antony looks like a scumbag for cheating on his partner with multiple women and then effectively not giving a shit about these girls

Some of these women are +30.

It's really not shocking that a 23 year old is trying to have as much sex as possible. Me and my friends were the same at his age. He just so happens to be a famous millionaire athlete with access to a lot of women
Because of the goldbridge channel tweets? Will you be so quick to pull out the old told you so schtick if he has done wrong?
The difference is I haven't condemned either party either way. You (and others) rushed out to do it at the drop of a hat. And you still can't see why that's completely stupid behaviour and would seemingly rather dig in? Shock.
I want to hear what Rachael Riley thinks about all of this. The real question here.
I'm sure she will be just as quick to condemn these people for the negative effect and injustice they have caused to real victims of aduse....but I highly doubt it.
You were pretty quick to condemn him without any justification other than you felt like it. Is that how you would like people to treat you?
I’m alright with what I said. The chances multiple women coming forward about something like this and it just being fabrication isn’t that high. I was pretty over all the abuse allegations labelled at players of the club, hence the overzealous sacking claims.

Having said that if I am wrong and his reputation has been damaged for nothing then that’s fair enough and ill happily be wrong and think that this will sadly only damage a cause that’s not got a lot going for it anyways. Encourages the trolls more too.

I do find it amusing that the commenters moaning about people being quick to get rid of him are now the ones jumping all over the WhatsApp tweets today though. Little bit of hypocrisy there no?
A few people on here could do with swallowing their pride and admiting they may have got this wrong. Might teach people not to be so quick to be judge, jury and executioner.

Agreed. Whatever the outcome, hopefully people have learned a lesson and stop being judgemental and quick to judge. One thing is certain though, this is a mess for sure.
Seems this Ingrid case was the low hanging fruit for Antonys defence, as it looks an easy win in the court of public opinion and will turn the media narrative. But it goes without saying that they are three separate issues and should be judged individually from both sides of the argument. They could all be upto the same tricks, in which case they'll be then judge accordingly by pretty much the whole world. But equally, its dangerous to try to lump them all in together if one is proven to be lying.
The difference is I haven't condemned either party either way. You (and others) rushed out to do it at the drop of a hat. And you still can't see why that's completely stupid behaviour and would seemingly rather dig in? Shock.
Good for you man. I’m not really letting all affect me. Me (or anyone else) calling for a multi millionaire to be sacked isnt all that worth getting your knickers in a twist for. And neither is me moaning at you about it. Probably good to just let it play out. Lesson learned for me too, jumped the gun. Still see it as a mess that the club could do without.