Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

I am not saying this is not the case, but what makes it looks more like it?
You can be abused by someone you want to sleep with.

I really hope it actually is three women who came together to bring him down, as that would be the best case in a bad situation.
She was caught lying, doesn't disprove the other allegations but massively discredits her side of events.
She was caught lying, doesn't disprove the other allegations but massively discredits her side of events.
Since he released the WhatsApp the lady who was supposed to give an exclusive yesterday evening suddenly didn’t. From my calculations he posted it an hour or 2 before she would have gone on TV.
He obviously needed to put those whatsapps out because there's no police investigation going on related to that. No one independent is going to examine the claim of whether Ingrid went to his house *for purely business reasons* and was pushed against a wall.
It wasn't to his house it was to a hotel room. According to her she was going to help him to send some money to Brazil. I don't know how banks work in Brazil but a standard TT should work out so it's a really dumb excuse to meet someone at a hotel room for that.

In any case her version don't make sense at all.
If the accusation is proven false it stands to reason club transfer policy shats. For years the board board has MRI though Pallister's hope took a pounding it's all City's fault. Also teeth to the back sick of
of the media pussrap before don't even attempt to let Ince bully you, not withstanding all the next day deliveries of yum yum sloppy. And why weren't we Garth Crooksed when Hope Solo did me real good? Wind your necks in.

Well said.
Since he released the WhatsApp the lady who was supposed to give an exclusive yesterday evening suddenly didn’t. From my calculations he posted it an hour or 2 before she would have gone on TV.
Is that lady the same from those messages? Or from the other 2?
I’m referring to high profile cases.

if you still refute that assertion, explain to me why the accusations are made in the first instance on social media and not straight to the authorities.

First of all you're just making stuff up, in two out of three instances just involving Antony the authorities were involved first. Regarding high profile cases generally, it's a mix.

Secondly, the reason women are going public, whether before or after talking to the police, is that going to the police very rarely works. Did you miss the whole Me Too thing? Scratch that, you didn't miss it, what seems clear is that a lot of people on Redcafe think it was a bad thing.
If the accusation is proven false it stands to reason club transfer policy shats. For years the board board has MRI though Pallister's hope took a pounding it's all City's fault. Also teeth to the back sick of
of the media pussrap before don't even attempt to let Ince bully you, not withstanding all the next day deliveries of yum yum sloppy. And why weren't we Garth Crooksed when Hope Solo did me real good? Wind your necks in.

Nurse!! he’s escaped again
This is a real mess. Kinda understand why Antony and his team decided to give a public interview and publish whatsapp screenshots. If he thinks he's innocent staying silent won't help his cause at all. Doesn't help that the women purposely looking for attention in the media, putting out evidence and such.
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If the accusation is proven false it stands to reason club transfer policy shats. For years the board board has MRI though Pallister's hope took a pounding it's all City's fault. Also teeth to the back sick of
of the media pussrap before don't even attempt to let Ince bully you, not withstanding all the next day deliveries of yum yum sloppy. And why weren't we Garth Crooksed when Hope Solo did me real good? Wind your necks in.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Here's the Whatsapp chat translated and Antony's comments for context:

This is what the images say:

Image 1:

Ingrid: it is up to you, my love

Ingrid: He just brought me here

Antony : If anything happens talk to him and go together hahahah

Ingrid: If you want i'll wait in bed naked rs (rs is a laugh, sometimes used in naughty scenarios)

Ingrid: Are you coming back love?

Ingrid: I'm going for a walk, tell me if you are coming back. Bj (it's a kiss)

Image 2:

Ingrid: God be with you,

Ingrid: I'll be going to the airport in a minute.

Ingrid: I wanted to meet you... regardless of sex, considering we didn't do it well anyway rs

(This sentence doesnt translate well, but its mostly a few compliments and church like sayings folowed by Ingrid saying that once we die all that's left behind is our legacy (we as in people in general).

Ingrid: Bj (kisses) See you later 'heart emoji'.

Image 3:

Ingrid: Don't get mad

Ingrid: I get wet when I see it

Ingrid: I would never harm you

Ingrid: Don't you trust me?

Ingrid: Ok

Antony: I'ts not about trust, I just don't like it

Antony: Taking screen shots

Antony: I don't find it cool

Antony: So please delete it

Antony: I do trust you

Antony: But I don't like that

Image 4:

Ingrid: Ok Antony

Ingrid: Thanks for the trust, I came from far away to see you, you still won't trust me.

Ingrid: Not going to answer?

Ingrid: Antony I deleted it

Ingrid: Are you going to be mad at me?

Ingrid: I just need to remove it from the cloud, but don't know how

Ingrid: Talk to me baby

Ingrid: I can't keep your picture so it makes me wet over here (this message is missing something at the very end)

Ingrid: Good morning looooooove

Ingrid: Talk to me my prince rs

Antony: Good morning babe, everything alright?

Ingrid: Excelent

Ingrid: I changed my hair

Ingrid : 'heart emojis'
Not saying he did or did not do anything, but she's a Grade A nutter.
First of all you're just making stuff up, in two out of three instances just involving Antony the authorities were involved first. Regarding high profile cases generally, it's a mix.

Secondly, the reason women are going public, whether before or after talking to the police, is that going to the police very rarely works. Did you miss the whole Me Too thing? Scratch that, you didn't miss it, what seems clear is that a lot of people on Redcafe think it was a bad thing.

I don't know what it is about cases like this that causes people to speak so definitively on issues about which they should not be doing so. This area is notoriously murky and tricky to navigate due to the frequent paucity of probative evidence and the difficulties of collecting accurate data. There is no singular reason why women go public, so why say that? It's just highly reductive and unhelpful. It could be a sclerotic and ineffective judicial process, as you suggest. It could just as easily be a case of vengeance or opportunism, as has also frequently happened in high profile cases. You are just engaging in speculation and masking your biases and presuppositions in a cloak of unwarranted certitude. Such attitudes when circumspection is warranted only make matters worse.

Paul Pogba has just come out in an interview speaking about how his brother and childhood friends extorted him for money in a way that made him want to leave money and football altogether. When money or the prospect of fame come into the picture, people behave in very funny ways. If people that close to you can exploit the media and your public persona to try to wrongly extract money from you, why wouldn't some random person you only met a few times do the same? Am I saying that is what happened with Antony? No, I don't know what exactly happened. But it is another plausible explanation other than simply being fed up with the inefficacy of the justice system.

High profile cases like this are even more of a minefield because you have people with a bunch of ulterior motives to make accusations but you also have famous athletes who are not used to hearing no, entitled and probably on the more aggressive side.

Quite damning on the accusers part...

Reeks of scorned lover/ex syndrome, he should sue for damages
'Provided to them' - was it feck. They took it off Instagram and translated it.

What's the culture on reporting aroundalleged crimes in the media in Brazil?

The reason I ask is I've watched some documentary series about crimes that have occurred in countries like Italy and Spain and it seems completely different to how it is in the UK, right down to relatives of victims being on talkshows regularly and being given air time to promote preposterous theories (See: The Last Hours of Mario Biondo).

I'm just wondering if there may be a cultural difference we attribute to "weaponising social media" or whatever that may explain why this is so tonally different to what we saw with the Greenwood one.

Quite damning on the accusers part...

Reeks of scorned lover/ex syndrome, he should sue for damages

Antony's agent posted the 12 minute conversation on his IG. It looks like emotions and anger are at play here. Pretty crazy situation.

Antony looks like a scumbag for cheating on his partner with multiple women and then effectively not giving a shit about these girls and now they're out to get him. This Ingrid in particular seems unstable and looking at her IG, she's posting loads about the situation and trying to garner support.
Antony's agent posted the 12 minute conversation on his IG. It looks like emotions and anger are at play here. Pretty crazy situation.

Antony looks like a scumbag for cheating on his partner with multiple women and then effectively not giving a shit about these girls and now they're out to get him. This Ingrid in particular seems unstable and looking at her IG, she's posting loads about the situation and trying to garner support.
Who is Ingrid?
Who is Ingrid?
She is the banker that allegedly didn't get the kind of bonk she was expecting judging by the WhatsApp messages. Which may or may not have been the intention all along. Cast of thousands this one.