Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

This relates to accusation 3 which has played out entirely in the media and quite clearly isn’t going to go to a court of law.
It almost seems like 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'. Which is not doing them any favours and certainly isn't doing victims of DV any favours.
Sure but even still, they must be watching this unfold from behind the sofa, hoping nothing bad comes out.

Yeah, the club will be very risk averse and I doubt any of this is club sanctioned. He’s absolutely destroyed Accuser 3’s credibility though by the steps he’s taken.
I apologise for premature accusations of him. Seems like he did nothing wrong and the women involved just want the clout. Feck them for undermining the actual abused people.
I'd love to know if he's being advised by people from Man United about releasing this stuff. The legal team must be shitting themselves.

His lawyers probably looked at the Greenwood situation and decided they need to put out what they can
She is the banker that allegedly didn't get the kind of bonk she was expecting judging by the WhatsApp messages. Which may or may not have been the intention all along. Cast of thousands this one.
She's a banker? Unless I was looking at the wrong account, she's got 995k IG followers.
That is a very damning read. Unless doctored or lacking some critical context (was she coerced into saying those things?), that transcript pretty much discredits Ingrid's claim.

Not only that, it casts serious doubt on the 'Gabi' claim which kicked it all off, as well. Which would be extremely harmful if she was, contrary to the picture that transcript paints, indeed telling the truth.

Extremely messy situation, and definitely not as straightforward as Greenwood.
Sounds like a plot from a crappy tv drama...the kind of show you flick past while trying to find an English speaking channel in your hotel room.
She’s done if that conversation is legitimate. Basically admitting she’s been offered a large amount of money while throwing in the fact she has large debts. Also incriminating the other women saying they want to harm him and implying she’s being asked to lie about him and causing him harm in exchange for money.
I apologise for premature accusations of him. Seems like he did nothing wrong and the women involved just want the clout. Feck them for undermining the actual abused people.

One of the accusers could be lying, and others may not. There may have been desire to ruin him from unscrupulous women, but there also may have been violence on his end. It's far too murky to draw any conclusions at all.
I apologise for premature accusations of him. Seems like he did nothing wrong and the women involved just want the clout. Feck them for undermining the actual abused people.

Far too early for that imo, especially with us on the outside almost certainly only having access to part of the story.
One of the accusers could be lying, and others may not. There may have been desire to ruin him from unscrupulous women, but there also may have been violence on his end. It's far too murky to draw any conclusions at all.
To be fair if we’re in this position of believing victims because it’s so hard to prove then having damning evidence that discredits one accuser while claiming that same accuser has proof of a conspiracy against Antony then it’s not really murky at all. Unless this turns out to be fiction then I can’t see how anybody can take a neutral stance on this. This third accuser has been absolutely rinsed over the last 24 hours and I find it hard to believe it’s all made up on photoshop
To be fair if we’re in this position of believing victims because it’s so hard to prove then having damning evidence that discredits one accuser while claiming that same accuser has proof of a conspiracy against Antony then it’s not really murky at all. Unless this turns out to be fiction then I can’t see how anybody can take a neutral stance on this. This tied accuser has been absolutely rinsed over the last 24 hours and I find it hard to believe it’s all made up on photoshop

Do you not think it possible at all that only the third accuser was lying, and the conspiracy is to piggyback the legitimate accusation from 'Gabi' with more claims for malicious motivations? I'm not asking if you think that's probable, just possible.

Knowing that multiple such scenarios are possible is all the more reason to stay neutral at this stage and wait for authorities to clean this up.
At the very least, Anthony's team have succeeded in turning the narrative from one of disgust and disappointment towards the player, to the curiousity of a soap opera now that there's multiple counter arguments to the accusations. Or maybe it's just me.
She's a banker? Unless I was looking at the wrong account, she's got 995k IG followers.
Yeah, it's not mutually exclusive. It's not the kind of service I get from my local Barclays mind. I can't imagine the bank(s) involved are too happy about this, and if they are anything like the UK banks it might be ex banker soon.
Do you not think it possible at all that only the third accuser was lying, and the conspiracy is to piggyback the legitimate accusation from 'Gabi' with more claims for malicious motivations? I'm not asking if you think that's probable, just possible.

Knowing that multiple such scenarios are possible is all the more reason to stay neutral at this stage and wait for authorities to clean this up.
When she’s recored telling us that the media paid her to lie then I’m giving Antony the benefit of the doubt, let’s just say that.
I don’t think she says she has proof of other lies nor the agents puts it out there without having the proof. She’ll either be paid handsomely for it or she’ll give it up to save her own skin.
This isn’t he / said she said anymore
At the very least, Anthony's team have succeeded in turning the narrative from one of disgust and disappointment towards the player, to the curiousity of a soap opera now that there's multiple counter arguments to the accusations. Or maybe it's just me.

Which was probably part of their thought process. Switch the public narrative from something he may have done to her, to one where people are questioning whether she did something to him. I don't think we will know what the truth is and most will be left to speculating based on limited publicly available information.
One of the accusers could be lying, and others may not. There may have been desire to ruin him from unscrupulous women, but there also may have been violence on his end. It's far too murky to draw any conclusions at all.
I think allegation two needs to stop being spoken about like it is the same as the other allegations. It was reported over 12 months ago and was a fight in his SUV whilst he was driving 3 others from a nightclub that started between his friend and the other woman. Antony was involved in removing her from his car before speeding away and she ended up being treated for eye injuries. The media report didn’t make out if Antony allegedly gave her the eye injury, if he allegedly did so defending his friend, if he allegedly did so accidentally removing her from his car or if the friend allegedly did. It’s completely different in nature to domestic abuse allegations over a 12 month period - and nothing has seemingly come of the police investigation considering it was reported so long ago and to my knowledge he hasn’t ever been arrested/charged. The press are being deliberately misleading in their headlines of there being “fresh allegations” and “3 accusers” - it is disingenuous.

I completely agree that we shouldn’t read anything into what Ingrid has said in relation to the domestic abuse allegations in that leaked conversation. It seem very likely she was lying about Antony and she could also have been lying on that call about his ex calling her. It could have been stated for additional leverage.
When she’s recored telling us that the media paid her to lie then I’m giving Antony the benefit of the doubt, let’s just say that.
I don’t think she says she has proof of other lies nor the agents puts it out there without having the proof. She’ll either be paid handsomely for it or she’ll give it up to save her own skin.
This isn’t he / said she said anymore

Benefit of doubt in THIS accusation. There's no way we have or will have enough context to know why she's incriminating the first alleged victim or if she has enough proof to do so.

As for her saying things without having the proof, that transcript itself shows she's not making decisions rationally. And on the lawyers' front, sowing public doubt about the accusation is a win in itself, irrespective of whether or not they back it up.
I was leaning towards the claims being true, but open to it not being so.
I am now leaning to the claims being false, but open to it not being so.

I think the main factor initially was that 3 unconnected people making a claim was almost certainly damning.

With it turning out that not only is there a connection but dialogue between the alleged victims make it much less so.

I could see Antony being back within weeks at this rate, but let’s see. This could probably get even messier I’m sure.
Benefit of doubt in THIS accusation.

Yeah I don't see how this "proves" anything apart from the fact that this accusation is fabricated but if the "victim" would fabricate the accusation who is to say that her account on anything else should be taken at face value.

As you have said , the fact that any of these accusations have been refuted seems to have convinced everyone that all of the accusations are false.
I apologise for premature accusations of him. Seems like he did nothing wrong and the women involved just want the clout. Feck them for undermining the actual abused people.
No one wins when people jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts. It’s always better to let things like this play themselves out before you pick a side. There’s no awards handed out for being first the make a decision.
Yeah if real this completely discredits her as looking for revenge and dogpiling on the situation. Still only 1 of 3...
To be fair the second accusation was just found and nothing came of it? What can happen there?
Is there a tldr for this ?

A record phone call with Ingrid, the 3rd women to come forward, and who I assume is a friend of hers, talking about how the 1st women to come forward has been asking her to say Antony assaulted her when he didn’t.

Maybe I misread, it could be the media that is asking her to lie but the 1st women is involved to some extent.
Yeah if real this completely discredits her as looking for revenge and dogpiling on the situation. Still only 1 of 3...
It would be 2 of 3 if this is accurate, she kind of alluded to one of the accusers doing this thing to others as well.
Hope everyone involved gets significant jail time, disgusting behavior.
At the very least, Anthony's team have succeeded in turning the narrative from one of disgust and disappointment towards the player, to the curiousity of a soap opera now that there's multiple counter arguments to the accusations. Or maybe it's just me.

No, no. I think they've very much succeeded in turning this into something different. I could see Antony waking away from this unscathed at this point.
A record phone call with Ingrid, the 3rd women to come forward, and who I assume is a friend of hers, talking about how the 1st women to come forward has been asking her to say Antony assaulted her when he didn’t.

I don’t think it’s clear she’d spoken to Gabi directly. I read it as the press were trying to speak to her and she was being offered big money to say bad things about him, which weren’t true. Which bit do you think indicates she’d spoken to Gabi about it?
Do you not think it possible at all that only the third accuser was lying, and the conspiracy is to piggyback the legitimate accusation from 'Gabi' with more claims for malicious motivations? I'm not asking if you think that's probable, just possible.

Knowing that multiple such scenarios are possible is all the more reason to stay neutral at this stage and wait for authorities to clean this up.
The thing is, the Caf is not neutral.