Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

If the accusation is proven false it stands to reason club transfer policy shats. For years the board board has MRI though Pallister's hope took a pounding it's all City's fault. Also teeth to the back sick of
of the media pussrap before don't even attempt to let Ince bully you, not withstanding all the next day deliveries of yum yum sloppy. And why weren't we Garth Crooksed when Hope Solo did me real good? Wind your necks in.
Are you having a stroke?
I'm interested to see where you go with this.
I’m interested to know why you haven’t explained to me why women in these high profile cases go straight to social media with their accusations and only later to the authorities.
If the accusation is proven false it stands to reason club transfer policy shats. For years the board board has MRI though Pallister's hope took a pounding it's all City's fault. Also teeth to the back sick of
of the media pussrap before don't even attempt to let Ince bully you, not withstanding all the next day deliveries of yum yum sloppy. And why weren't we Garth Crooksed when Hope Solo did me real good? Wind your necks in.
Now that is some tasty word salad
It feels horrible, but I just can't be bothered to care about this?
I am also much less emotionally involved than I was with the Greenwood events. With Greenwood it was “what a waste of talent, etc.” whereas here it is “we shouldn’t have bought him anyway, 80 mil wasted, …”.
But for the club all this plus the potential financial loss is not good at all so hopefully it can be quickly resolved one way or another.
If the accusation is proven false it stands to reason club transfer policy shats. For years the board board has MRI though Pallister's hope took a pounding it's all City's fault. Also teeth to the back sick of
of the media pussrap before don't even attempt to let Ince bully you, not withstanding all the next day deliveries of yum yum sloppy. And why weren't we Garth Crooksed when Hope Solo did me real good? Wind your necks in.
An ambulance is on its way.
Well, if the part in bold is true, then I suppose it makes (some) sense. That is, it makes sense if her motive is simply to get attention. It makes her utterly despicable, but it does make sense.

Do you know if she has elaborated in any way about the nature of the supposedly "strictly business" meeting she (according to her) was having with Antony? I mean, from an outside perspective, this stands out: if people are supposed to buy her version, surely there must be a reasonable explanation for why she was there - in a sheer business capacity - in the first place?
“Lana alleges that she met Antony in September 2022 after she was asked to help him send money back to Brazil.”
‘Out of nowhere, he tried to kiss me,’ she said.

‘He changed the subject and came at me. I said, ‘what’s going on?’. I went and said, ‘I don’t want it’. Then he pushed me against the wall with hatred. I hit my head against the wall.

‘I said, ‘what’s going on, Antony? I’ve never seen you like this’. And said to me, ‘what did you come here for then?’. I said, ‘Antony, I came to talk about business. Did you invite me for this? I don’t understand what you want’.’
Maybe it would be better if the decision to suspend a player when they're accused of something like this was removed from the club's hands.
Players on multi-million contracts cannot be suspended purely based on an accusation. It should not even be an option. Such a norm can be grossly misused.
Players on multi-million contracts cannot be suspended purely based on an accusation. It should not even be an option. Such a norm can be grossly misused.
Added to that, players are employees of the club so legally it can’t be taken out of the club’s hands as the club is responsible for the player’s welfare.
It's beginning to look like it's three gold diggers getting together to bring him down. Seeing how active he is I'm hoping this will be resolved soon. If they are lying it's a disgrace to all women actually suffering abuse who will find it even harder to find justice thanks to them.

I am not saying this is not the case, but what makes it looks more like it?
You can be abused by someone you want to sleep with.

I really hope it actually is three women who came together to bring him down, as that would be the best case in a bad situation.
If you have evidence etc leave it to the people whose job it is to use it properly

Isn't that what Greenwood did, then the club put out a statement saying he hadn't done anything wrong, yet the court of public opinion had decided he had.
I am also much less emotionally involved than I was with the Greenwood events. With Greenwood it was “what a waste of talent, etc.” whereas here it is “we shouldn’t have bought him anyway, 80 mil wasted, …”.
But for the club all this plus the potential financial loss is not good at all so hopefully it can be quickly resolved one way or another.
Most true fans are emotionally less involved, however this is yet another stain on the Glazers Ownership of the club, when have they ever employed best in class?

What qualities, elite experience and values does Richard Arnold and John Murtough have to be running a club as large as Man United, who agreed to Ed Woodward, who agreed to bringing back Mason only to be forced to change their mind because of public opinion?

Every single aspect of the club which is not dealt with or run the way an elite Football club should operate it’s business is on the Glazers, you can’t own a £6-7 billion asset and want to manage it remotely from 4000 miles five times a year. Like they say in the US, the buck stops at the top !

The recent leaks of their complete ineptitude and negligence of running this club are there for a reason, someone inside the club is trying to out them!

The whole football world can now see how truly incompetent these morons are and that if Daddy had not left them the club, they individually or collectively would have never even owned a club the size of Newport County!

Tampa will also struggle under their complete lack of fortitude and ambition as they see a sporting club as a franchise and more importantly an ATM machine!

They are getting what’s deserved to them and it won’t be long now ?
I am not saying this is not the case, but what makes it looks more like it?
You can be abused by someone you want to sleep with.

I really hope it actually is three women who came together to bring him down, as that would be the best case in a bad situation.

On the basis of what she is reported to have said happened and what Antony has released, the third allegation doesn’t look credible. Have to wait and see if she releases anything else disputing what he has said though.

That said, even if that is the case, that doesn’t mean that the other allegations are untrue. Each allegation has to be treated separately and there’s no current suggestion I’ve seen of any collusion.
It's beginning to look like it's three gold diggers getting together to bring him down. Seeing how active he is I'm hoping this will be resolved soon. If they are lying it's a disgrace to all women actually suffering abuse who will find it even harder to find justice thanks to them.

Wow those messages are clear. I don't know if he should had waited until later to use them in a legal way or something. But for public figures social judgement is as important as legal. I think it's a good thing he's releasing this evidence, if people get in their minds that he's guilty (and many people already think this) then no it doesn't matter if he's found innocent in court. He'll be finished just as Greenwood.

The way Antony has managed himself on this makes me think he's innocent. That Ingrid lady looks totally after the big bucks.
It's beginning to look like it's three gold diggers getting together to bring him down. Seeing how active he is I'm hoping this will be resolved soon. If they are lying it's a disgrace to all women actually suffering abuse who will find it even harder to find justice thanks to them.

Thats one accuser. Why do you say all 3 are gold diggers?
I am not saying this is not the case, but what makes it looks more like it?
You can be abused by someone you want to sleep with.

I really hope it actually is three women who came together to bring him down, as that would be the best case in a bad situation.
Yes you can still be abused by someone you want to sleep with but those messages throw out the window all of Ingrid's version. If she had said she met Antony to have sex and he was violent then the messages wouldn't prove anything different, but she said she was there purely on business. That Antony tried to kiss her and when she didn't wanted to he threw her against the wall violently. That story doesn't add up at all with the "I'll wait for you naked on the bed if you want" and "you make me wet" messages. Also the fact that she was taking screenshots and Antony got mad about it makes me suspicious that it's clear she was looking to take advantage of something.

Plus she sent some bullshit message about Antony being all light and espiritual and that good things will happen etc. Is that something you'd expect her to send after she was violently attacked?

Plus why on earth would you really hope he's guilty?
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Thinking about this issue more broadly, should there be stronger guidance for PL clubs to follow when their players get accused of something like this?

It seems like it's very much left up to the clubs to make things up as they go along on a case by case basis, with the likes of the EFA/Premier League being very hands-off. Which in a lot of ways is very unhelpful, as the clubs aren't independent when it comes to the alleged crimes of their assets and also aren't experts in dealing with these issues.

Whereas in some other sports the league themselves (or another body) would be able to intervene and suspend players, with rules in place that they have to been informed when such allegations are made about a player.

And as an article in The Athletic a few weeks ago pointed out, in the last 18 months six of the 20 Premier League clubs have employed players at different stages of criminal investigations into alleged sexual offences. So it's quite a present, ongoing issue within the league generally and not just for us.

Maybe it would be better if the decision to suspend a player when they're accused of something like this was removed from the club's hands.
It's pretty difficult for the PL to come up with an off the peg solution to the issue of players facing sexual assault charges, given the cases will all have their own unique characteristics and may involve police from different jurisdictions. Not sure the clubs would sign up to the PL being able to force them to suspend a player either, when some would rather keep playing them, and these guys are assets worth tens of millions in many cases.

That stat is horrific though and the problem seems to be getting worse if anything, given the recent spate of cases.
“Lana alleges that she met Antony in September 2022 after she was asked to help him send money back to Brazil.”
‘Out of nowhere, he tried to kiss me,’ she said.

‘He changed the subject and came at me. I said, ‘what’s going on?’. I went and said, ‘I don’t want it’. Then he pushed me against the wall with hatred. I hit my head against the wall.

‘I said, ‘what’s going on, Antony? I’ve never seen you like this’. And said to me, ‘what did you come here for then?’. I said, ‘Antony, I came to talk about business. Did you invite me for this? I don’t understand what you want’.’

Thanks, mate.

So, he claims that she came to see him in Manchester because they had a relationship (of some kind - but sexual, clearly, to some degree). That's basically his story.

Her story is that - what - in her capacity as bank manager she went to Manchester in order to help him transfer money to Brazil? I mean, that sounds absolutely ridiculous.

Before I degrade myself as an investigator by making bad jokes about the intelligence (and possibly other traits) of the people involved in this "saga", let me end by saying this:

Further investigation is needed.

And will be carried out.

If and/or when I'm arsed/half sober.
If the accusation is proven false it stands to reason club transfer policy shats. For years the board board has MRI though Pallister's hope took a pounding it's all City's fault. Also teeth to the back sick of
of the media pussrap before don't even attempt to let Ince bully you, not withstanding all the next day deliveries of yum yum sloppy. And why weren't we Garth Crooksed when Hope Solo did me real good? Wind your necks in.
I spent far too long trying to make sense of this post. What in the actual sweet feck is this.
Ingrid: OK Antony.

Ingrid: Thanks for the trust, I came from far away to see you, you still won't trust me.

Ingrid: Not going to answer?

Ingrid: Antony I deleted it.

Ingrid: Are you going to be mad at me?

Ingrid: I just need to remove it from the cloud, but don't know how.

Ingrid: Talk to me baby.

Ingrid: I can't keep your picture so it makes me wet over here [this message is missing something at the very end].

Ingrid: Good morning love.

Ingrid: Talk to me my prince *rs*.

Antony: Good morning babe, everything alright?

Ingrid: Excellent.

Ingrid: I changed my hair

More on

So can someone more tech-literate and modern than me, explain this screenshot thing? Did she take a screenshot of his knob or something and he asked for her to delete it? And her excuse was that it made her wet? She then kept messaging him, seemingly panicked he was going to ghost her because she wanted to keep seeing him?
You pretty much fully understand the topic of their conversation. Nudes exchanged, he asked her to delete it because he didn't want it getting out or her to get 'hacked' essentially.
It feels horrible, but I just can't be bothered to care about this?
No, football is an entertainment business after all. You don't have to give a shit about anything that doesn't happen on the pitch if you don't want to. I think most of us just enjoy the escapism of football and find this stuff an annoying sideshow.
Plus why on earth would you really hope he's guilty?
I dont. I hope he is not guilty and it actually is those three who falsely accuse him.

You hope three women are collaborating to bring Antony down ? Interesting.
Yes of course, dont you? That would mean that no one have been abused. Its much better than them telling the truth and Antony has been abusing all three of them.

I dont hope, based on nothing, that three women comes together and collaborating to bring him down. I hope thats the case now, when we are already where we are.
I dont. I hope he is not guilty and it actually is those three who falsely accuse him.

Yes of course, dont you? That would mean that no one have been abused. Its much better than them telling the truth and Antony has been abusing all three of them.

I dont hope, based on nothing, that three women comes together and collaborating to bring him down. I hope thats the case now, when we are already where we are.

Got it. That sounds much better than the original interpretation. :)
On the basis of what she is reported to have said happened and what Antony has released, the third allegation doesn’t look credible. Have to wait and see if she releases anything else disputing what he has said though.

That said, even if that is the case, that doesn’t mean that the other allegations are untrue. Each allegation has to be treated separately and there’s no current suggestion I’ve seen of any collusion.
Yes the other two allegations haven't been proven or disproven. But the third one I think has gone out the window. After Ingrid said: "I didn’t have sex with him and I didn't have anything with him. I was never his lover. I only visited him to talk about business." And then seeing the messages where it's clear they had sex and it was consensual I just doesn't add up. It's clear bullshit.
Thanks, mate.

So, he claims that she came to see him in Manchester because they had a relationship (of some kind - but sexual, clearly, to some degree). That's basically his story.

Her story is that - what - in her capacity as bank manager she went to Manchester in order to help him transfer money to Brazil? I mean, that sounds absolutely ridiculous.

Before I degrade myself as an investigator by making bad jokes about the intelligence (and possibly other traits) of the people involved in this "saga", let me end by saying this:

Further investigation is needed.

And will be carried out.

If and/or when I'm arsed/half sober.

I think that's 2 different occasions? The first one is when they first met.

The Manchester one is obviously they're already connected.

I too am confused as it's text speak so maybe I'm wrong
People who want Antony to be guilty just because they don't like how he plays football, are disgusting.