Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

It seems to have replaced all adjectives describing anything remotely negative or problematic (from disagreement to physical assault).

The next logical step is to redeem it as something positive (with the same lack of distinction between degrees):

Yeah, this coffee is toxic but I prefer Toxic Beans - that toxic shit is really toxic.

toxic post.
Apart from the 1.7 million female victims of domestic abuse last year.
Ah, but Beyonce made it clear that women run the world.

Also, have you ever noticed that you can tell a woman to stop doing something but now they're able to tell you to feck off and mind your own business? They don't even have the decency to keep their traumas to themselves like they did before MeToo (not sure what the second Mass Effect game has to do with anything but I'm not an expert).

Now we've got a generation of gobby women who want to do the same work that men do, like work in offices or become celebrity TV chefs, and if you stand in their way they'll cancel you. Just the other day I wouldn't let a woman jump in front of me at the Tesco queue and by the time I got home she has posted on Twitters that I'd assaulted her. Now I can't even get a job as Bear Grylls' fluffer.
However huge amounts of men also suffer from domestic abuse, but as it's seen as a gendered crime they are often not believed or there is a stigma attached to it.

That is true.

But nobody benefits from people taking up "camps". It isn't a gender war. Both men and women (and everyone in between) suffer from the idea that it is.
Thinking about this issue more broadly, should there be stronger guidance for PL clubs to follow when their players get accused of something like this?

It seems like it's very much left up to the clubs to make things up as they go along on a case by case basis, with the likes of the EFA/Premier League being very hands-off. Which in a lot of ways is very unhelpful, as the clubs aren't independent when it comes to the alleged crimes of their assets and also aren't experts in dealing with these issues.

Whereas in some other sports the league themselves (or another body) would be able to intervene and suspend players, with rules in place that they have to been informed when such allegations are made about a player.

And as an article in The Athletic a few weeks ago pointed out, in the last 18 months six of the 20 Premier League clubs have employed players at different stages of criminal investigations into alleged sexual offences. So it's quite a present, ongoing issue within the league generally and not just for us.

Maybe it would be better if the decision to suspend a player when they're accused of something like this was removed from the club's hands.
This is so messy. They're all probably not telling the full truth, which is depressing as they're all making it very public. This will likely help no one by the time this is finished.
This can’t be normal, doing Press interviews and now releasing ‘edited‘ WhatsApp messages all while under police investigation in two different countries.

Who’s advising him? What the hell next?

The Greenwood situation has set a precedent where the court of public opinion means almost as much as a real court. When the accusations are public the response needs to be too. People will make their minds up on whatever evidence they see so it's in his best interests to present his side too. Sit around waiting months for the police to do their thing, your career is already over by then. Hardly surprising he's trying to get ahead of it all.
Thinking about this issue more broadly, should there be stronger guidance for PL clubs to follow when their players get accused of something like this?

It seems like it's very much left up to the clubs to make things up as they go along on a case by case basis, with the likes of the EFA/Premier League being very hands-off. Which in a lot of ways is very unhelpful, as the clubs aren't independent when it comes to the alleged crimes of their assets and also aren't experts in dealing with these issues.

Whereas in some other sports the league themselves (or another body) would be able to intervene and suspend players, with rules in place that they have to been informed when such allegations are made about a player.

And as an article in The Athletic a few weeks ago pointed out, in the last 18 months six of the 20 Premier League clubs have employed players at different stages of criminal investigations into alleged sexual offences. So it's quite a present, ongoing issue within the league generally and not just for us.

Maybe it would be better if the decision to suspend a player when they're accused of something like this was removed from the club's hands.
I think more they need to have a stronger hand vs the journos. This situation’s insanely high profile is completely media generated and outlets have been deliberately adding fuel to the fire, leveraging the Greenwood outrage and you can see it in this thread with so many easily influenced posters, particularly early on with ridiculous opinions like ‘the club has set the precedent’.
Back to Columbo mode.

* I'm not sure when the meeting between the banker (Ingrid) and Antony in Manchester took place.

* The screenshots (see above) are impossible to interpret in any way without further context (at least in translation). Yes, it seems they were not in a business relationship at the time (of the exchange), but was this before or after the alleged incident, and what's the specific timeline?

* There's also something there about images/screenshots she has apparently saved - which he doesn't seem happy about. None of that makes any sense without further clarification.

* As a general point (I repeat): if she's lying (she wasn't going to Manchester on business alone), did she really not factor in that he might be able to catch her in an obvious lie by simply not deleting their WhatsApp exchanges? Did she forget what she said to him in those exchanges? If so, she's an idiot (or possibly suffering from dementia).

* Can someone explain what the nature of their business relationship was? She claims to have gone to Manchester on business. What sort of business? What was she doing there (according to herself)?
The Greenwood situation has set a precedent where the court of public opinion means almost as much as a real court. When the accusations are public the response needs to be too. People will make their minds up on whatever evidence they see so it's in his best interests to present his side too. Sit around waiting months for the police to do their thing, your career is already over by then. Hardly surprising he's trying to get ahead of it all.

Completely agree, public opinion is all that matters now.

The police have a hard enough job as it is without all this too.
A sad thing in the middle of all this is that, it seems to me, all all the involved parties find it necessary to try and sort it out in the court of public opinion.

Says a lot about the societal standing of the institutions created to handle these cases.
Back to Columbo mode.

* I'm not sure when the meeting between the banker (Ingrid) and Antony in Manchester took place.

* The screenshots (see above) are impossible to interpret in any way without further context (at least in translation). Yes, it seems they were not in a business relationship at the time (of the exchange), but was this before or after the alleged incident, and what's the specific timeline?

* There's also something there about images/screenshots she has apparently saved - which he doesn't seem happy about. None of that makes any sense without further clarification.

* As a general point (I repeat): if she's lying (she wasn't going to Manchester on business alone), did she really not factor in that he might be able to catch her in an obvious lie by simply not deleting their WhatsApp exchanges? Did she forget what she said to him in those exchanges? If so, she's an idiot (or possibly suffering from dementia).

* Can someone explain what the nature of their business relationship was? She claims to have gone to Manchester on business. What sort of business? What was she doing there (according to herself)?
She states the messages she saved make her 'wet', so it's probably safe to assume they exchanged nudes, he got nervous and asked her to delete them before they ended up on Twitter like that video of Gomes having a wank in his hotel room.

She is a lawyer so probably something relating to that is what she's suggesting brought her to Manchester? Although didn't Antony say he flew her over? If he did then he's an idiot, you can't fly a woman halfway around the world for sex and her not expect more than that.
fecking hell, roll on next season please
next year might be worse

we might have both Antony and Greenwood with major doubts lingering still on the books and the same arguments rumbling on
Says a lot about the societal standing of the institutions created to handle these cases.

On the contrary. I think it says more about society today and the people involved than it does about said institutions.
Just trying to catch up with this. So Ingrid the banker was actually there to bonk rather than bank? Are we sure this isn't all down to some autocorrect error? Either way what a mess.

That's the risk of going to tell stories. If you say you are only there for business and there is evidence to dispute that (assuming said evidence is genuine) then creditability around anything else takes a big hit. These days there is so much potential evidence that you really can't be making things up. That's not to say she wasn't harmed, nor to say she shouldn't receive justice and support for that, but it makes her case and claims much more difficult (and by extension that of other accusers) if she hasn't been entirely honest.

Still not a good look for Antony either though, he was in a relationship when this was happening I assume? The fact too he also seems to have been saying not to report him until after the world cup sort of suggests he knows something happened that should be reported which is a bit of an admission in itself.
The Greenwood situation has set a precedent where the court of public opinion means almost as much as a real court. When the accusations are public the response needs to be too. People will make their minds up on whatever evidence they see so it's in his best interests to present his side too. Sit around waiting months for the police to do their thing, your career is already over by then. Hardly surprising he's trying to get ahead of it all.
Understand he’s trying to get the public on his side, but releasing WhatsApp messages, editing out the stuff to ‘protect his privacy’ or perhaps mIght undermine his story seems like something a child would do.

Surely he realises what’s on his phone is also on hers. Don’t think he’s doing himself any favours.
Understand he’s trying to get the public on his side, but releasing WhatsApp messages, editing out the stuff to ‘protect his privacy’ or perhaps mIght undermine his story seems like something a child would do.

Surely he realises what’s on his phone is also on hers. Don’t think he’s doing himself any favours.
Is he editing out parts of the messages themselves? Do we need to see the dick pics?
Honestly, I can’t see how this isn’t helping him. Totally discredits her story in an accusation that isn’t going to court. It’s literally the only avenue he has to prove his innocence
This is so messy. They're all probably not telling the full truth, which is depressing as they're all making it very public. This will likely help no one by the time this is finished.
This is getting out of hand. Sending Antony on leave was a good idea, though I have no clue how he can go back and be in right headspace, perform week in and week out while this is all over social media. I start to doubt he’ll be back this year.
She states the messages she saved make her 'wet', so it's probably safe to assume they exchanged nudes, he got nervous and asked her to delete them before they ended up on Twitter like that video of Gomes having a wank in his hotel room.

Yes, that's the impression I got. "Don't you trust me?" and what not. So, he included this part (in his screenshot share) to demonstrate that they were intimate. Makes sense, I suppose. I'll leave it at that for now.

She is a lawyer so probably something relating to that is what she's suggesting brought her to Manchester?

She's a lawyer (I thought she was a "banker", as in: some kind of financial adviser/consultant/representative...person)? If so, that seemingly makes her potential actions even more potentially idiotic.

But...look, if her version of events (as this has been presented so far in English) is that she traveled to Manchester in order to meet Antony in a purely professional capacity, it can't be too difficult to establish exactly what the meeting was about? Or - again - what sort of purely professional relationship existed between the pair of them in the first place? I'm unable to, well, find this out. Perhaps I'm terrible at googling. Perhaps everything that actually contains any useful information is in Portuguese.
Understand he’s trying to get the public on his side, but releasing WhatsApp messages, editing out the stuff to ‘protect his privacy’ or perhaps mIght undermine his story seems like something a child would do.

Surely he realises what’s on his phone is also on hers. Don’t think he’s doing himself any favours.

I think the privacy part is in relation to his dong...

I'm sure she could share that if she wants, but there are laws about that kind of thing now. Well, in the UK there are.
Understand he’s trying to get the public on his side, but releasing WhatsApp messages, editing out the stuff to ‘protect his privacy’ or perhaps mIght undermine his story seems like something a child would do.

Surely he realises what’s on his phone is also on hers. Don’t think he’s doing himself any favours.

Nobody wants to see the dick pics. He's completely undermined her story now.
This is getting out of hand. Sending Antony on leave was a good idea, though I have no clue how he can go back and be in right headspace, perform week in and week out while this is all over social media. I start to doubt he’ll be back this year.
I think it was a wise decision from him and the club, but playing out accusation and defence in public is just a shitty thing to do. Whoever is advising the complainants is doing a terrible job.
She states the messages she saved make her 'wet', so it's probably safe to assume they exchanged nudes, he got nervous and asked her to delete them before they ended up on Twitter like that video of Gomes having a wank in his hotel room.

She is a lawyer so probably something relating to that is what she's suggesting brought her to Manchester? Although didn't Antony say he flew her over? If he did then he's an idiot, you can't fly a woman halfway around the world for sex and her not expect more than that.
Yes, that's the impression I got. "Don't you trust me?" and what not. So, he included this part (in his screenshot share) to demonstrate that they were intimate. Makes sense, I suppose. I'll leave it at that for now.

She's a lawyer (I thought she was a "banker", as in: some kind of financial adviser/consultant/representative...person)? If so, that seemingly makes her potential actions even more potentially idiotic.

But...look, if her version of events (as this has been presented so far in English) is that she traveled to Manchester in order to meet Antony in a purely professional capacity, it can't be too difficult to establish exactly what the meeting was about? Or - again - what sort of purely professional relationship existed between the pair of them in the first place? I'm unable to, well, find this out. Perhaps I'm terrible at googling. Perhaps everything that actually contains any useful information is in Portuguese.

Yeah she's a bank manager.
Understand he’s trying to get the public on his side, but releasing WhatsApp messages, editing out the stuff to ‘protect his privacy’ or perhaps mIght undermine his story seems like something a child would do.

Surely he realises what’s on his phone is also on hers. Don’t think he’s doing himself any favours.
Think you missed the part where it completely undermines her story
Nobody wants to see the dick pics. He's completely undermined her story now.

By releasing edited messages that tell us nothing at all?

He would really be better not doing this publically
By releasing edited messages that tell us nothing at all?

He would really be better not doing this publically
No he wouldn't. You can see the reasoning he's done this considering the general public outrage that has automatically presumed him guilty.
If the woman is allowed to publicly accuse him and do interviews left right centre, which causes him to be dropped from the Brazil squad and given a leave of absence by United, he should be allowed to publicly defend himself.
Is he editing out parts of the messages themselves? Do we need to see the dick pics?
Honestly, I can’t see how this isn’t helping him. Totally discredits her story in an accusation that isn’t going to court. It’s literally the only avenue he has to prove his innocence
Are they dick pics? feck knows what he’s sent?…. I definitely don’t want to see.

It does seem he’s deleted parts of the text, It reads like something out of a Norman Collier sketch :lol: