Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

This isn’t a loss tbf, a benefit if anything.
Maybe not so much on the pitch, but it's more noise, controversy and disruption when surely what we need now is a period of calm to sort things out. ETH must be pulling Schteve's hair out.
If the translations I saw are correct, there is nothing leaked that implicates him in violence against the girl. He apologized for cursing and breaking stuff. The leaked pictures can't be even remotely considered as evidence of something. I accidentally banged my head on the door the other day and have a worse wound than that...

For now at least, there is no reason for him to be suspended, dropped or anything like that.
Maybe not so much on the pitch, but it's more noise, controversy and disruption when surely what we need now is a period of calm to sort things out. ETH must be pulling Schteve's hair out.
I don’t really have sympathy for the manager on this one because he brought this clown to the club.
If the translations I saw are correct, there is nothing leaked that implicates him in violence against the girl. He apologized for cursing and breaking stuff. The leaked pictures can't be even remotely considered as evidence of something. I accidentally banged my head on the door the other day and have a worse wound that being shown..

For now at least, there is no reason for him to be suspended, dropped or anything like that.
If hes being investigated by Manchester police if he gets charged he’ll get suspended.
In this case I suspect they'll be inclined to say that, pending further developments, he will continue to play. I think I'm right in saying that's what more usually happens when these sort of accusations emerge about a player.

The Greenwood situation was extremely atypical due to audio of an apparent assault being made public. I wouldn't take that situation as the template for how our club will behave.
So it's begun huh. His mother seems to be the only witness though
United set a dangerous prescient. Now they’ll have to give him the Greenwood treatment.

Players get allegations thrown at them all the time, and it very rarely comes to anything.

Greenwood was done from the start because of the audio, and the fact he said those words.
There's gonna be huge pressure to suspend now. His going public with a denial won't change that - the Greenwood precedent can't be seen to not apply here. What a fecking mess (and what a **** if true) again. Serious question - Are we cursed? Did someone sell our souls to the devil for the Fergie years?
Fergie sold our soul to the Glazers morelike...The club has been going downhill since 2005
In this case I suspect they'll be inclined to say that, pending further developments, he will continue to play. I think I'm right in saying that's what more usually happens when these sort of accusations emerge about a player.

The Greenwood situation was extremely atypical due to audio of an apparent assault being made public. I wouldn't take that situation as the template for how our club will behave.

I think you are right on what would normally happen, it has at other clubs. However with the Greenwood issue being so recent, and with so much blood still in the water so to speak with regards to the club handling of it, the sharks will be circling wanting to bite at any opportunity again (just a metaphor, not criticising anyone). The safest move right now PR wise would be to suspend. Maybe that's not correct from a perspective of backing the player and had Greenwood not happened I think you would be correct, but now? It's very tricky. If further evidence comes out then for sure he's cooked until the investigations are over.
Maybe not so much on the pitch, but it's more noise, controversy and disruption when surely what we need now is a period of calm to sort things out. ETH must be pulling Schteve's hair out.

He's fecking done if even a quarter of the shit she is saying turns out to be accurate.
No he's not. Footballers literally get away with murder. There are 2nd and 3re and 4th and 5th chances. No one is done, at least at a professional level unless they go to prison that goes beyond their playing career.
I think you are right on what would normally happen, it has at other clubs. However with the Greenwood issue being so recent, and with so much blood still in the water so to speak with regards to the club handling of it, the sharks will be circling wanting to bite at any opportunity again (just a metaphor, not criticising anyone). The safest move right now PR wise would be to suspend. Maybe that's not correct from a perspective of backing the player and had Greenwood not happened I think you would be correct, but now? It's very tricky. If further evidence comes out then for sure he's cooked until the investigations are over.
The club should absolutely not suspend a player based on accusations alone. Antony came out with a statement that accusations are false. He needs at the very least to have an opportunity to show his side of the story. If following investigation Antony is charged, the club should then consider suspension.
Unreal. Be difficult for him to play, just all seems to current. We have no senior players there to guide players.

Manchester United FC need to get some help, at corporate level, to sort this club out. Player contracts; player behaviour; club ownership; transfer policy.

Act like a big club, a massive global business, and get a grip of this.
No he's not. Footballers literally get away with murder. There are 2nd and 3re and 4th and 5th chances. No one is done, at least at a professional level unless they go to prison that goes beyond their playing career.
I think the done is probably in relation to his career at United. If even one of the accusations of violence can be backed by an audio or any proof, he's done here.
I don’t think we should suspend until he is either charged in Brazil or the UK. He’s innocent until proven guilty and denies the accusations. If he is charged, I’d imagine he will be suspended given the nature of the allegations.
I think the done is probably in relation to his career at United. If even one of the accusations of violence can be backed by an audio or any proof, he's done here.
Even then I'm not sure. The precedent was set when audio of sexual violence in the act was deemed redeemable. When it's physical violence it's not seen the same way. We've got NFL owners. A guy in the NFL knocked his wife out on camera in an elevator and dragged her away by her hair and he came back. An inside suspension maybe but I can definitely see him come back when the public evidence is as vague as they are now at the moment.
Will be a good opportunity for him to sort his garden out ready for next year.
Club has responsibility to uphold the same standard as in case with Greenwood. There are differences in circumstances of public evidence but it's following the exact same trajectory.
Even then I'm not sure. The precedent was set when audio of sexual violence in the act was deemed redeemable. When it's physical violence it's not seen the same way. We've got NFL owners. A guy in the NFL knocked his wife out on camera in an elevator and dragged her away by her hair and he came back. An inside suspension maybe but I can definitely see him come back when the public evidence is as vague as they are now at the moment.
He won’t be suspended unless he’s charged would be my assumption. If he is suspended then Mount will still play right ahead of Sancho.
Club has responsibility to uphold the same standard as in case with Greenwood. There are differences in circumstances of public evidence but it's following the exact same trajectory.

Which if he is charged I'd expect them to do. I see no grounds for suspension yet.
At what point was Greenwood suspended. Was it when he was arrested or charged?

Before any of that.

He was suspended the day accusations came out on 30th Jan 2022. He was arrested on 1st Feb and released on bail on 2nd Feb.

Surely we now have to do the same with Antony or we will be showing a massive double standard?

Which if he is charged I'd expect them to do. I see no grounds for suspension yet.

Greenwood was suspended before he was even arrested let alone charged.
Club has responsibility to uphold the same standard as in case with Greenwood. There are differences in circumstances of public evidence but it's following the exact same trajectory.

Nah, that’s not true. Every case has to be treated on its own merits. And there were exceptional circumstances in the Greenwood case that don’t apply here. A closer analogy would probably be when Jonny Evans was accused of rape. The club waited for the CPS to give an opinion before making a decision about whether or not to take action against the player. I expect the same will happen here.
Before any of that.

He was suspended the day accusations came out on 30th Jan 2022. He was arrested on 1st Feb and released on bail on 2nd Feb.

Surely we now have to do the same with Antony or we will be showing a massive double standard?

Greenwood was suspended before he was even arrested let alone charged.

Nope. For obvious reasons. The circumstances are very different here.
The club should absolutely not suspend a player based on accusations alone. Antony came out with a statement that accusations are false. He needs at the very least to have an opportunity to show his side of the story. If following investigation Antony is charged, the club should then consider suspension.
Oh I agree in normal circumstances, 100%. If I had been accused by one of a myriad of ex lovers I would expect my employer to back me up until the charges were made at the very least. Unfortunately though life is not so binary as what is right and wrong. There are other pressures here. If my employer had been recently dragged through the mud due to their handling of a similar case and were desperate to get some image back I can certainly see how they might put that first and play it safe. It's always shades of grey. Would suck for me, but I would understand it.

We can get this wrong in two ways. We back him, it turns out the evidence is damning and he's lying about what happened. He gets charged. The club management are done for, no way back. The PR will be off the scale negative. If however we suspend and it turns out he's innocent? Well he's pissed off and we maybe look bad to some for not standing up for our own, but the PR is ok and the management survive. Which do you think they will risk?

The case may be different in facts and evidence to Greenwood right now, but only on what we know. It's about risk, not reality.
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if only he could deliver on the end product id be very happy with him. Just seems to not have that final play n him yet. Hopefully he works on it and starts to click. Will hold out hope until i see him with a proper CF at least.
Yes that is a very fair point.
Nah, that’s not true. Every case has to be treated on its own merits. And there were exceptional circumstances in the Greenwood case that don’t apply here. A closer analogy would probably be when Jonny Evans was accused of rape. The club waited for the CPS to give an opinion before making a decision about whether or not to take action against the player. I expect the same will happen here.
Wasn’t Nicky Butt accused of domestic abuse whilst at the club a few years back? I don’t think he was suspended. Granted he was a staff member but you’d expect the same employee rights to apply.
Club has responsibility to uphold the same standard as in case with Greenwood. There are differences in circumstances of public evidence but it's following the exact same trajectory.

I can't bold things for some reason, but it seems you want the first part of your post to happen.
Wasn’t Nicky Butt accused of domestic abuse whilst at the club a few years back? I don’t think he was suspended. Granted he was a staff member but you’d expect the same employee rights to apply.

Yeah, innocent until proven guilty is a fairly straightforward concept. You can’t condemn based on hearsay alone. The evidence that came out against Greenwood was uniquely damning and very very unusual.
Even then I'm not sure. The precedent was set when audio of sexual violence in the act was deemed redeemable. When it's physical violence it's not seen the same way. We've got NFL owners. A guy in the NFL knocked his wife out on camera in an elevator and dragged her away by her hair and he came back. An inside suspension maybe but I can definitely see him come back when the public evidence is as vague as they are now at the moment.

Assuming you mean Ray Rice, he never played another down in the NFL