Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Antony is only linked to the injuries by the words. Or have you seen pictures with Antony actually inflicting those injuries?
He pretty much confirmed those injuries are real with his interview, just said he wasn't responsible. That's the thing about doing unsanctioned interviews, limits your options in the future depending on how the case goes.
He pretty much confirmed those injuries are real with his interview, just said he wasn't responsible. That's the thing about doing unsanctioned interviews, limits your options in the future depending on how the case goes.
Ah, hadn't seen those comments. Regardless, there's a legal process ongoing with him denying the allegations. Why should the club ban him before that legal process has concluded? Because of the media?
Ah, hadn't seen those comments. Regardless, there's a legal process ongoing with him denying the allegations. Why should the club ban him before that legal process has concluded? Because of the media?
It's safe to say the club will do whatever they can to prevent an asset from being restricted but yes, the media can be influential and I believe the club are waiting to see how this weekend plays out
Owners can't afford to terminate contracts right and left. IF he is guilty (and with 2 new women coming out it does start looking that guy is violent, short tempered prick), he is still investment worth 100 mil.
It is easy for me, you, Rachel and whoever to say; "sack him". But if it was your company in question and your employee doing shit things, then you would think twice about every part of that decision.

I agree it’s a massive decision that needs to be made but we’ve literally just set a precedent with Greenwood. For now until there’s an arrest of some sort I don’t think anything will happen but if an arrest is made I think he’s fecked.

I said earlier as well and I hope I’m wrong but for him to come out and drop this interview hours before the alleged victims I think it’s going to be absolutely damning

He was calming one girl down….the other edited her messages…..hmmmm ok
It's safe to say the club will do whatever they can to prevent an asset from being restricted but yes, the media can be influential and I believe the club are waiting to see how this weekend plays out
But it's very hypocritical of the media to pick and choose who a club is supposed to ban.

A team that we recently faced have been able to play a guy with actual charges against him, who is out on extended bail, for an entire season without any media scrutiny, yet Manchester United is put under intense pressure by the media and its own fans to ban a player for merely being accused of something.
I'm not referring to Mendy's case specifically, but a lot of people are being absolutist about the justice system. We know guilty people walk free all the time, so why should the justice system be the sole metric by which someone forms their opinion about someone's guilt or innocence?

"I don't care about the images, video or audio, he was not convicted so for me he's innocent" is a silly position to have.

Again, not referring to any case specific, but in general.
You are using Greenwood's case where it did ended like you say. But we also know that some innocent people were locked for months and years too. So what do we have left then? Mob rule?
In this case, with this limited facts that we have, it does look that he is guilty. So that is it? Whatever happens next in court, he is guilty? Because "it seems that he is"?
Ah, hadn't seen those comments. Regardless, there's a legal process ongoing with him denying the allegations. Why should the club ban him before that legal process has concluded? Because of the media?

Sadly yep

A bad media imagine would cost United a lot more than the 90m they paid for the player, I’m talking extremes here obviously but if sponsors start to drop and a massive or campaign against the club happens theres a point where it’s best to just put the player on gardening leave/suspension or whatever you want to call it
But it's very hypocritical of the media to pick and choose who a club is supposed to ban.

A team that we recently faced have been able to play a guy with actual charges against him, who is out on extended bail, for an entire season without any media scrutiny, yet Manchester United is put under intense pressure by the media and its own fans to ban a player for merely being accused of something.
Yeah, but its the British media. Hypocritical is one of the lesser criticisms you can level at them.
Sadly yep

A bad media imagine would cost United a lot more than the 90m they paid for the player, I’m talking extremes here obviously but if sponsors start to drop and a massive or campaign against the club happens theres a point where it’s best to just put the player on gardening leave/suspension or whatever you want to call it
Like I've said in other posts. I think the media needs to be reminded that they aren't judge, jury and executioner, and if they wish to be so then to stop cherry-picking, which they're clearly doing if they're putting pressure on the club to suspend a player for allegations while not putting pressure on other clubs who are freely playing charged players on bail.
Like I've said in other posts. I think the media needs to be reminded that they aren't judge, jury and executioner, and if they wish to be so then to stop cherry-picking, which they're clearly doing if they're putting pressure on the club to suspend a player for allegations while not putting pressure on other clubs who are freely playing charged players on bail.

I agree but the British media are fecking scumbags and will do anything for clicks/buys and a Manchester United player facing these accusations is a massive story
You are using Greenwood's case where it did ended like you say. But we also know that some innocent people were locked for months and years too. So what do we have left then? Mob rule?
In this case, with this limited facts that we have, it does look that he is guilty. So that is it? Whatever happens next in court, he is guilty? Because "it seems that he is"?
Legally he's not guilty, that's why he's playing football in madrid and not in prison.

But we've all seen the pictures and heard the audio, which indicate he's guilty of abusing his partner, that much seems obvious. That's why we're talking about a second chance, he was extremely lucky and got away with it because he convinced his partner to withdraw from the case. Happens all the time.

So why put all your chips on a system that so regularly fail? Both at letting criminals walk free and imprisons innocent people? Makes no sense.
From Reddit, Antony's interview:

Article Text:

Striker Antony detailed his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, DJ Gabriela Cavallin, and stated, in an exclusive interview with SBT's "Fofocalizando", this Friday (8), that he "never attacked any woman". He says that Cavallin manipulated the conversations that were made public last week by a report by "UOL". Gabriela accuses the player of threats and aggression.

Antony says that his ex-girlfriend did not go to live with him in Holland, when he was playing for Ajax, because he was married. He admitted to having cheated on his ex-wife and having the desire to keep Gabriela only as a lover. "(Gabriela) didn't go to live with me in the Netherlands. She went, but stayed in a hotel. Especially because, when I was getting involved with her, she knew that I was already married. But the moment she went to Amsterdam, she stayed in hotels," he said.

To "UOL", Gabriela stated that Antony was controlling and inconsistent in the relationship. The attacker alternated moments of affection with aggressive situations, with attacks of jealousy. In one of these cases, the athlete was reportedly irritated by the fact that she liked old photos of Gil Cebola with Neymar. "What I don't understand is that everything Gil Cebola posted about Neymar you liked. Even though it's an old photo. There's even a commented photo", shows the UOL report. In an interview with "Fofocalizando", Antony denies being controlling.

"No. Of course not (I didn't think I was controlling). As I said, it was something between both parties. There were clothes that I commented on. But she went out several times wearing short clothes. I already (asked her to change her clothes). There were places that I think she could go more behaved. I said: "for me, it's very vulgar", "said the attacker.

According to Gabriela, in June 2022, Antony had a jealous attack after seeing photos of the DJ in a nightclub. He allegedly put her in the car on the way out, attacked her and threatened to throw her out of the car at high speed. "He said that if I didn't stay with him, I wouldn't stay with anyone. That I was pregnant with his child. Either I would stay with him or he, he and our son would die. I told him that I was pregnant, that he was scaring me, making my heart race. I was shaking with fear", said Cavallin. He denies it.

"I never said that. The security guard took me to the car and at that moment she started to get upset inside the car. She questions why I went to the club and didn't call her. She started cursing me, said it was going to end my career. She pushed me, but not hard. At that moment, I didn't even hold her or anything. Never (I pulled her hair). Never (I threatened to throw her out of the vehicle). There are many things that she's saying it's not true," he said.

Antony declared that Gabriela changed the conversations exposed in the UOL report. "There are things that were altered on her part in the prints. She sends a message and deletes one that I sent, for example one that I ask for "forgiveness". She manipulated it and I have proof of all of this. I will contact my lawyers ".

Asked about the print in which the athlete says he wants Gabriela Cavallin to die, Antony clarifies. "Yes (I came to wish her dead). But you need to see the context of the story. It didn't have the meaning of" die ", it was more of a curse word, just like she already did", he said.

Gabriela claims to have been injured with a headbutt, which ended up causing a cut on her head. The image of the injury was attached to the inquiry and revealed by UOL (see below). Antony denies having even touched the DJ. "At no point did I touch her. I left training in the morning and after training I went to the hotel. We had lunch together, everything was normal, and one thing that bothered her was when I said I needed to go. Me sitting on the bed , she put her hand on my face. I stayed in the bathroom for five minutes. She didn't let me leave. She threw a plate at me, I held her back. At no point did I touch her. When she sent this photo (of the cut on her head) , I was already at home. She was not hurt. I held her and calmed her down, after a while she calmed down", he said.

The DJ stated that the player would have displaced the silicone prosthesis on his chest with a punch. "I don't remember exactly who the fight was over, but it was someone I had hooked up with years ago. He punched me in the chest and my silicone turned. And then I came to Brazil to operate. I had to change the prosthesis He said 'I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't mean to, it wasn't a punch, I just pushed you, I just held you against the wall'", says Cavallin. Again, Antony denies having physically attacked her.

"Never. Me punching a woman in the chest? It was diagnosed that she had a business to trade in silicone since 2020", he said. "She told me that her silicone (had a problem) because she fell in the bathroom".

Gabriela reported that, in May 2023, Antony tried to hit her in the face with a glass bowl. She defended herself with her hand, which ended up cut, exposing bones in her finger. "Antony locked the door of the house and wouldn't let me leave, and I had my finger open, all hurt. He broke my things, took my passport. His mother and stepfather even arrested him inside the football court, he had a football court inside the living room, surrounded by a fence, like a fence. He was upset, trying to get out of the court in any way, throwing a football at me, throwing a cell phone at me. He was talking that he was going to kill me, that he was going to kill himself", said DJ.

The player version is completely different. He says that nothing reported by Gabriela happened. "Of course not (none of that happened). She was very upset, she had been drinking a lot. We were at a barbecue, she had been drinking a lot. She was sitting on the sofa, and I had drunk a glass of gin. She was holding her glass and asked her to stop drinking. I asked for the glass and she held it. I didn't even pull it, she pushed it down. I wanted her to stop drinking. My mother helps her, washes her finger, asks a friend of mine buy bandages. My physiotherapist came home. They don't even have a key to the house court. There's no padlock, there's nothing", he said.

After the conversations became public, Antony was cut from the Brazilian team . The striker also responded to what he felt when he discovered that he would not be defending Brazil in this World Cup qualifying debut. "It was difficult (being cut from the national team). I was very sorry, because it is something that I am 100% sure is not true. It is not easy, we work and fight to make dreams come true, even more so when we wear the Brazilian team shirt", he said.

The striker was in Brazil after the call-up and, after finishing the exclusive interview with "Fofocalizando", he returned to England and joined his Manchester United teammates. The club is aware of the investigation and is following the case closely. Antony says he does not fear a termination with the team.

"It's something that doesn't cross my mind (losing the contract with Manchester). The truth will come out", he declared.

Gabriela made complaints against Antony in Brazil and England. Processes are underway in both countries. In addition to the DJ, two other women also accuse the athlete of assault.
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Legally he's not guilty, that's why he's playing football in madrid and not in prison.

But we've all seen the pictures and heard the audio, which indicate he's guilty of abusing his partner, that much seems obvious. That's why we're talking about a second chance, he was extremely lucky and got away with it because he convinced his partner to withdraw from the case. Happens all the time.

So why put all your chips on a system that so regularly fail? Both at letting criminals walk free and imprisons innocent people? Makes no sense.
I agree with you that legal system is flawed (and corrupt in same cases). Absolutely. And it sucks to be that person who is fecked by legal system. But between mob rule (which we have today often) and legal system, i choose legal system.
I agree with you that legal system is flawed (and corrupt in same cases). Absolutely. And it sucks to be that person who is fecked by legal system. But between mob rule (which we have today often) and legal system, i choose legal system.
But that's hyperbole isn't it? There is no mob and no one is trying to do justice with their own hands, many people are just against him playing for their football club. They accept what the justice system has done but based on what they saw and heard, they don't like him and don't want to be associated with him. Going from this to mob rule is really pushing it.
This situation keeps getting murkier. No doubt he was advised to not say anything, but he's coming out with specific counter statements to some of the claims. If not true, they'll be used against him, legally. He's also gone with the 'I'll admit to tangential wrongdoings so it seems like I'm telling the truth' approach, legitimate or otherwise, with the admission to adultery.
So... in a case such at his. Extremely he said she said. Obviously don't need to pick a side or believe one or the other, but inevitably the club will come under enormous scrutiny. I have no idea what the right move even is here. Do they suspend him pending the investigation? Or do they play him until the police take a next step? Shit like this could go for months which is why the suspension route to me is a tough one to take even if ultimately guilty.

My stance on what clubs should do is really going the route of "just go with the police decision ultimately". The club are out of their depth in those situations, the police are on it and it's up to them to get to the bottom, so I don't think it's really a fair solution for them to suspend pending investigation like many are saying. As that can open the door to spiteful, strategic accusations to force players to miss important opportunities. Just something to keep mind of.

IMO, for the 0 it's worth, is that the "other accusers" help her case more than anything she's said or the way she's said it and makes me believe he is a piece of shit, but without them I dunno.
Mason stayed silent and that didnt help him at all.
No matter what these players do there will be downsides.

Maybe they could just stop (allegedly) abusing their partners. I reckon that would help.
In portuguese, in these topics, "touch her" is used as "hurt her" not literally touch someone.
From Reddit, Antony's interview:
Even if he does ultimately end up being innocent, which one should hope he is, he comes across as quite a douchebag. Also the him being controlling thing definitely seems on point, even in the way he describes incidents.
Even if he does ultimately end up being innocent, which one should hope he is, he comes across as quite a douchebag. Also the him being controlling thing definitely seems on point, even in the way he describes incidents.

You can argue he came across that way regardless of the incidents.
It was translated so gotta keep that in mind for these little bits

Yeah I was wondering if something may come across differently in translation.

I'm not really sure there's anything constructive you can say about what he has said. I'm just going to ignore all of this now because it's going to be messy and frankly it's already pretty ugly. As the MG threads have proved, there's little point in really discussing it.
But that's hyperbole isn't it? There is no mob and no one is trying to do justice with their own hands, many people are just against him playing for their football club. They accept what the justice system has done but based on what they saw and heard, they don't like him and don't want to be associated with him. Going from this to mob rule is really pushing it.
But it is a mob rule. Look how many people (in general, not only Caf) are convinced (not just that they think) that he is guilty. And they demand from the club to at least suspend him. Look at all this pressure on club also.
I am strong believer in "innocent until proven guilty". And until he is found guilty, he should be free to live his life. If he is guilty then burn the violent prick.

I am with you with outrage towards women, child (and animals:wenger:) abusers. They need to be punished severely. But Antony is already basically proven guilty without trial.
I've been with a girl in the past who used to behave eerily similar to what Anthony described in those last tweets.

She was not mentally unstable or in need of medical help, was just a conniving & manipultive person to put it nicely. Who would create a situation whenever she wouldn't get her way with something. Like throw plates, glasses or anything else easy to smash.

Most of the times my first instinct was always to leave the house but at times she made that difficult as well. So have had to hold her hand or by her arms etc. Which she used to then go and tell my friends and family that I was hitting her.

Was the worst 3 years of my life. And couldn't even leave her as she had told me she'd register a rape case against me if I did.

Another comparable thing is that to trigger me, to get me to react in anyway she'd say I was terrible at things she knew I took pride in being good at.

Anyways, not saying Anthony's case is the same and we should blindly side by him and turn against her.

It just reminded me of my horrid past and thought it might be good to share here and remind people in this thread that there still might be a chance that he's not guilty.
I am strong believer in "innocent until proven guilty". And until he is found guilty, he should be free to live his life. If he is guilty then burn the violent prick.

This is a position that puts a heck of a lot of trust in the legal system in both directions.

What matters is Greenwood was never tried, yet we all know what we know.
Well if nothing else. That interview does confirm that he’s a throughly unlikable bloke.

It’s always the ones you least suspect.
Calls for the club to ban him with an ongoing legal process are stupid, and if the media are calling for the club to take action the club should just respond with the Arsenal guy's name, who is actually charged and on bail, and ask them why they are letting him have a free ride.

The Arsenal guy hasn't been charged. Also I couldn't care less what other clubs are doing and would be more worried about supporting a team with someone potentially abusing women playing.

I don't think he should be suspended unless he is officially charged but at the same time the amount of people who seem to put winning games and protecting assets above everything else is what I hate about this and the Greenwood situation.
ngl, his statements gives me some Amber Heard type of vibe. The woman sounds crazy and vindictive.