Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

He’s probably seen what’s happened with the Greenwood situation and thought, ‘feck that, I’m not gonna let the media control the narrative’.

Who knows if that’s the right or wrong thing to do, but IF someone were innocent of such accusations it would be very hard to sit there and watch the media and rabid social media Karens take over the situation.

But again, I don’t think him speaking out or staying silent should have any sway on people’s opinions.

I don’t think people should even have an opinion until the legal process has been completed or abandoned. It’s ludicrous.

These kind of cases turn the issues into a repulsive soap opera / Jeremy Kyle type scenario where the audience bleats and boos and jeers and cheers and the serious issues are bastardised and warped into entertainment.

It’s pathetic.

In this thread and the Greenwood case the amount of times I’ve read people say, ‘I need to hear an explanation’, ‘until I have it explained to me why this was said’ etc - and it’s like, you have nothing to do with this, nor do I. You are not owed any explanation or information other than the legal outcome. You can then either accept that, or essentially sink into gossip and conspiracy.

I find it completely insane that people can’t grasp this.

It's turned into a soap opera by the ridiculous debate fuelling it. Like yours above.

People don't think they are owed anything. They are entitled hold an opinion on the information at hand.

Telling other people what they and what are entitled to think is the lifeblood of the soap opera element of this whole thing at this point.
He's a wrong-un for cheating on his wife. She's a wrong-un for hooking up with him knowing that he's married.

My spidey sense is telling me this is a pair of immature knobs acting like knobs to each other rather than a domestic violence issue.

Yeah the more that comes out about this the more this is my feeling as well.
I love this. You are 100% convinced that he abused her. The victim managed to forgive him and get on with life, but you can’t.

What has forgiveness got to do with it? He is a scumbag. Nothing that has happened mitigates his behaviour. There is no plausible context where the contents of that recording is anything other than despicable. He hasn't even admitted his behaviour much less shown any regret or contrition. People who treat women like that rarely change so forgive me for continuing to think he is a scumbag.

And if you think victims of DV going back to their abusers is unusual you probably need to do a bit more research.
Indeed, of course it’s their right, if that’s genuinely how they want to spend their limited time on this planet then that’s their call.

But if so, at least be consistent in it - there should be no difference in Ronaldo, Nicky Butt, RvP, Greenwood, Giggs, Antony etc.

That’s another danger when people are respecting the word of media / social media more so than the word of law - they are then almost guaranteed to receive a biased, degraded, agenda fuelled stream of info, rather than an objective one.

React all you like - but please be consistent right across the board.

And again you are fuelling the soap opera by just failing to understand people have a different opinion, implying it might not be genuine or consistent.

This is not about the word of the media, it's what people saw.

This failure to appreciate that is perpetuating the soap opera you said you don't like. Just stop blurrng the facts and telling people what they think or why they think it.
Final point having read the Guardian's summation of the new 'victim' - the third one sounds like she wasn't really his gf at all? Got in a car with the Antony and his then GF, claims the GF abused her while Antony was driving then he did something too, and she hopped out at the next light.

Not quite sure how to read that one, but certainly isn't like the other two accusations of DV.

This is all such a mess. I know the guardian are the holier-than-thou paper of choice, but the entire Manchester Untied section is currently related to Greenwood, Antony and Konopka.
Guardian sank down to the gutter with the rest long ago because it’s where the money is.
I love this. You are 100% convinced that he abused her. The victim managed to forgive him and get on with life, but you can’t.

No, I'm guessing he's 100% convinced he didn't like what he saw and in the absence of any qualification, that's what remains. Also it's not for us at this distance to judge or forgive in any real sense. We just process the data we have.

You've done that and decided the biggest factor is them back together. I disagree but that's OK. Neither of us have any proof, but we don't have proof for a lot of what we think. We are guided by personal perspective.
Indeed, of course it’s their right, if that’s genuinely how they want to spend their limited time on this planet then that’s their call.

But if so, at least be consistent in it - there should be no difference in Ronaldo, Nicky Butt, RvP, Greenwood, Giggs, Antony etc.

That’s another danger when people are respecting the word of media / social media more so than the word of law - they are then almost guaranteed to receive a biased, degraded, agenda fuelled stream of info, rather than an objective one.

React all you like - but please be consistent right across the board.
These were all different cases, with different evidence available so different opinions were formed, that is consistent. If the above were treated the same, that would be inconsistent
Considering that we know from watching him play that he has a short fuse, and the fact that other women came out with more allegations. You have to be really naive to believe this is a conspiracy against him.
Come on we know nothing of the sort, if that's the case then Keane should be in jail for murder.
Like I've said in other posts. I think the media needs to be reminded that they aren't judge, jury and executioner, and if they wish to be so then to stop cherry-picking, which they're clearly doing if they're putting pressure on the club to suspend a player for allegations while not putting pressure on other clubs who are freely playing charged players on bail.

This is becoming tedious.

The nature of the sport as business means it relies on the media. And feeds it. And has huge media teams to use the media.

If you can't control the narrative your 'brand' gets tarnished and your business suffers. What the poster is saying is that in this context maybe a suspension is the wise move.

The media is powerful and a huge part of the business model. That's a double edged sword.

Personally, as, long as it's he said / she said I'd back the player until I couldn't.

I thought when the Brazilian FA suspended him there was a bit more to come out.
Don't think the interview helps his case at all. Apart from the fact that he admitted to cheating n his wife so easily, which doesn't help his image, he actually admitted that all the incidents mentioned in the allegations did take place, but it wasn't his fault. The fight took place but he was just holding her because she was the one throwing stuff. Her finger did break but she caused it. Her breast implants needed fixing because she fell in the bathroom, and she was the one going crazy in the car.

Considering that we know from watching him play that he has a short fuse, and the fact that other women came out with more allegations. You have to be really naive to believe this is a conspiracy against him.

That's the thing for me. I know it's not really fair to think like this, but when you see what sort of person he is on the pitch, you find it really difficult to believe he remained calm or didn't speak, like he claims, in some of those situations.
I've tried to keep out of this thread as much as possible as it's just more negativity associated with the club but if the allegations are true then obviously Antony should face the consequences of his actions. However if the woman is found to have made up the allegations I feel she should have to serve the same sentence as Antony would have got it they were true.

This won’t happen. The logic being that it may discourage victims to not come forward.
This won’t happen. The logic being that it may discourage victims to not come forward.
But only in the case where she is proven to have lied. I agree if the case is dropped due to lack of evidence it's a different case but if a person is proven to lie about these cases they should face the same punishment as the person accused would have.
And you're basing this on what exactly?

Antony just gave an interview saying the fake breast was already butted, it need changing and that he never hit her, I'll lean towards Antony until proven otherwise.
Any idea how long a case like this would take to get resolved? ie either thrown out or he gets arrested?
It can go back & forth for years, depending on how the police see the case. Whether it's criminal or not.
Insane, didn't think he'd be this much of a weirdo. That being said, I'm happy we (Ajax) sold him right on time. It's hard to imagine how things would be if we also had this guy involved in the shitstorm we're currently facing.
No, I'm guessing he's 100% convinced he didn't like what he saw and in the absence of any qualification, that's what remains. Also it's not for us at this distance to judge or forgive in any real sense. We just process the data we have.

You've done that and decided the biggest factor is them back together. I disagree but that's OK. Neither of us have any proof, but we don't have proof for a lot of what we think. We are guided by personal perspective.

I haven’t decided anything. I don’t know enough about it. I do, however, believe in forgiveness and second chances. If he did do something bad (not enough for the victim to still be annoyed) then I think it acts as a good wake up call and, with the help of those around him, he will become a better man. Being punished by ruining his life would more likely lead to reoffending than being given a platform to improve.
What has forgiveness got to do with it? He is a scumbag. Nothing that has happened mitigates his behaviour. There is no plausible context where the contents of that recording is anything other than despicable. He hasn't even admitted his behaviour much less shown any regret or contrition. People who treat women like that rarely change so forgive me for continuing to think he is a scumbag.

And if you think victims of DV going back to their abusers is unusual you probably need to do a bit more research.

You don’t know anything about me or what I know. Going from your messages, you probably haven’t been in a serious relationship and base your experience off “research”, but all relationships are difficult to end. Not everyone sees the same things as important. Cheating, violence, manipulation, laziness etc. Using the “domestic violence victims find it hard to end the relationship” line is a very lazy one; they don’t go back because of the violence; they go back because they see more good than bad. And some humans on the outside need to learn to do the same. Too much negativity from too many people who don’t know enough.
I know we've discussed background checks but there are times I do feel that if United did know that Antony's a dodgy character (not necessarily DV/assault), we'd have still gone ahead and signed him. We did sign back Ronaldo after all, knowing what he's done.
This won’t happen. The logic being that it may discourage victims to not come forward.

That's a fair reason.

It would set us on a dangerous path in sexual assault/rape/domestic abuse cases where not guilty automatically means the victim becomes a liar because the courts couldn't prove guilt.
You don’t know anything about me or what I know. Going from your messages, you probably haven’t been in a serious relationship and base your experience off “research”, but all relationships are difficult to end. Not everyone sees the same things as important. Cheating, violence, manipulation, laziness etc. Using the “domestic violence victims find it hard to end the relationship” line is a very lazy one; they don’t go back because of the violence; they go back because they see more good than bad. And some humans on the outside need to learn to do the same. Too much negativity from too many people who don’t know enough.
You ought to stop talking about a topic you really don’t know anything about. Many victims of domestic abuse return to their abuser because during said abuse, they destroyed the victims support structure, isolated them from everything else in their lives, and created a sense of dependency that victims can’t shake and emd up feeling they need their abuser for survival. Of course that’s not always the case but you really need to stop peddling it as a reason why things must be ok.

I do too believe people deserve second chances. But not sure why you think his life is being destroyed. He’s still playing professional football in a top league. He shouldn’t play for us ever again, though.
It would set us on a dangerous path in sexual assault/rape/domestic abuse cases where not guilty automatically means the victim becomes a liar because the courts couldn't prove guilt.

I think many on this forum are already on this path going by a couple of recent threads.
Did you ask the same question to people who want him suspended based on accusations?

Not all. I'm a bit busy. I've said nobody should be suspended on mere allegations. Is that enough for you?

I just don't like the use of certain language towards alleged victims. Sorry if that offends you.

Do you interrogate in all directions?

Edit - no need to answer, your posts and warnings on Greenwood are not exactly balanced or sympathetic to the formerly alleged victim there either. You're quite the charmer.
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I haven’t decided anything. I don’t know enough about it. I do, however, believe in forgiveness and second chances. If he did do something bad (not enough for the victim to still be annoyed) then I think it acts as a good wake up call and, with the help of those around him, he will become a better man. Being punished by ruining his life would more likely lead to reoffending than being given a platform to improve.

OK, you posted as if them being back together meant Wibble should move on. I assumed that's what you thought.

You also don't know if she's still annoyed or not. Life is not that black and white. Couples have broken up years after what would appear much smaller differences.

And I'm happy you can forgive him. Whatever you are basing is on or it means in the grand scheme of things. Why does it bother you that others haven't arrive at forgiveness?
That's the thing for me. I know it's not really fair to think like this, but when you see what sort of person he is on the pitch, you find it really difficult to believe he remained calm or didn't speak, like he claims, in some of those situations.

I do actually think that's unfair. I'm not saying there's no correlation, but I've known plenty of people who turn into Vinnie Jones on the football pitch during meaningless 5-a-side games, but are some of the calmest and kindest people I know in their every day life.

Antony is obviously an arsehole both on and off the pitch, by his own admission in terms of the adultery. The former I don't actually mind, we've lacked players with fight and probably need a bit more of that from a few others, but I digress... However, it's a leap to say that because he's fiery on the pitch then he obviously beats up the women he dates.

Keane had some moments of terrible rage on the pitch, and a fair few heated exchanges off of it too, but in his family life he seems to be a caring husband and father, so it's dangerous to make these assumptions.

The relationship between Antony and the ex accusing him of these things was obviously very toxic. They were both very young, and neither of them sound very mature or rational. I wouldn't be surprised if both of them actually believe their version of events is the correct one, and that actually both of them are telling the truth. I'm still going to wait and see what the authorities make of it after looking at any evidence they're provided though.
Having worked directly with numerous domestic abuse victims, I can confidently say that 99% of perpetrators claim that their actions were part of self-defence or aimed at trying to 'calm' the situation down. Antony's video response has certainly made it worse for him as it just reaffirms the common male response in such a situation.
You ought to stop talking about a topic you really don’t know anything about. Many victims of domestic abuse return to their abuser because during said abuse, they destroyed the victims support structure, isolated them from everything else in their lives, and created a sense of dependency that victims can’t shake and emd up feeling they need their abuser for survival. Of course that’s not always the case but you really need to stop peddling it as a reason why things must be ok.

I do too believe people deserve second chances. But not sure why you think his life is being destroyed. He’s still playing professional football in a top league. He shouldn’t play for us ever again, though.

I didn’t say that.
OK, you posted as if them being back together meant Wibble should move on. I assumed that's what you thought.

You also don't know if she's still annoyed or not. Life is not that black and white. Couples have broken up years after what would appear much smaller differences.

And I'm happy you can forgive him. Whatever you are basing is on or it means in the grand scheme of things. Why does it bother you that others haven't arrive at forgiveness?

There are about 4 threads with 100000s of posts on this. We could ask every poster the same question.

Every relationship has its difficulties, of course. We learn from our mistakes and become better people; but that can only happen with forgiveness rather than punishment. The UK and the USA focus too much attention on punishment and discard of people far too quickly. They could learn from other countries and how they help people become better humans by offering them the tools they need to do so. Nobody wants to be bad.

And yes, I did mean that Wibble should move on.
I didn’t say that.

I haven’t decided anything. I don’t know enough about it. I do, however, believe in forgiveness and second chances. If he did do something bad (not enough for the victim to still be annoyed) then I think it acts as a good wake up call and, with the help of those around him, he will become a better man. Being punished by ruining his life would more likely lead to reoffending than being given a platform to improve.
Ok so you used the word ruining rather than destroying. But hey, obviously let’s just get stuck on semantics, rather than actually reply to the core content of the post. But we all know what you’ve done that.
There is definitely a victim. Whether it’s Antony or the 4 accusers time will tell.

I can’t find if he addressed the other accusers or just the one. interested to see what he has to say about there being multiple allegations from different people.

That's 4 now? Seriously i mean he hasn't ended up with four crazy aggressive women.

I honestly cannot believe the club have not suspended him and by the looks of it don't seem to have any intention of doing so
Mason stayed silent and that didnt help him at all.
No matter what these players do there will be downsides.

Yeah. Mason's silence is th
He’s probably seen what’s happened with the Greenwood situation and thought, ‘feck that, I’m not gonna let the media control the narrative’.

Who knows if that’s the right or wrong thing to do, but IF someone were innocent of such accusations it would be very hard to sit there and watch the media and rabid social media Karens take over the situation.

But again, I don’t think him speaking out or staying silent should have any sway on people’s opinions.

I don’t think people should even have an opinion until the legal process has been completed or abandoned. It’s ludicrous.

These kind of cases turn the issues into a repulsive soap opera / Jeremy Kyle type scenario where the audience bleats and boos and jeers and cheers and the serious issues are bastardised and warped into entertainment.

It’s pathetic.

In this thread and the Greenwood case the amount of times I’ve read people say, ‘I need to hear an explanation’, ‘until I have it explained to me why this was said’ etc - and it’s like, you have nothing to do with this, nor do I. You are not owed any explanation or information other than the legal outcome. You can then either accept that, or essentially sink into gossip and conspiracy.

I find it completely insane that people can’t grasp this.

great post
Ok so you used the word ruining rather than destroying. But hey, obviously let’s just get stuck on semantics, rather than actually reply to the core content of the post. But we all know what you’ve done that.

I said “ruining his life would more likely…”.

Forget the semantics and think about the grammar. I didn’t say anyone was ruining or destroying his life. I said it would (hypothetical). I’d have used will if I thought that was what was happening.
The move by Antony to get his side of the story out there, and get ahead of the impending mob verdict, is smart. If he had waited in silence while the courts do their job, he'd probably have been heavily penalised at United since the club doesn't have the brains or backbone to defend truth. They just care about image, which is in turn linked to social media mob opinion.

And what exactly is the truth?
Having worked directly with numerous domestic abuse victims, I can confidently say that 99% of perpetrators claim that their actions were part of self-defence or aimed at trying to 'calm' the situation down. Antony's video response has certainly made it worse for him as it just reaffirms the common male response in such a situation.
however, as someone who had relationship with a borderline personality person, what he's described matched awfully close with my experience.
That's a fair reason.

It would set us on a dangerous path in sexual assault/rape/domestic abuse cases where not guilty automatically means the victim becomes a liar because the courts couldn't prove guilt.
If it's a case where the accuser is found to be clearly lying and fabricating the story, then I wouldn't have any issue with this. Like if the person accused can prove what happened, or that they weren't even with the person when the allegations took place, CCTV or whatever.. Then I don't see why that person (man, woman, whoever) shouldn't face the full weight of the consequences of their lying.

If the case is less clear cut, there's a lack of evidence etc.. then obviously that's a completely different story. Last thing you want to do is discourage assault victims. But the law shouldn't be leaning in any direction. If a person is found to be clearly lying for personal gain / reputational damage of another individual, then that person deserves to have the book thrown at them.

In that case, the law is not making it harder for other abuse victims to come forward, its the lying person basically spitting in the faces of all abused people out there that makes it harder for them.