Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Coaching football players isn't your old regular "boss - employee" workplace.

You're dealing with 16, 17 year old kids here, who are on massive superstar wages with through the roof Ego's and fancy sports cars.

It's not a 9-5 job working with highly educated people in a non competitive profession.

We need to invest in proper psychologists, profilers.

yea its not as formal as regular jobs but you’re wildly overestimating how close they are. Your managers is still an authority figure.
16 year olds aren’t discussing their sexual life with their manager that’s preposterous. He isn’t your best mate.

Have you been watching too much Pyscho Pass? There is no profiling in the world that can figure out future crimes. What a world would that be just lock up potential offenders before they commit crimes.
That’s some Tom Cruise shit my man.
So I read he called a Utd employee who then called a private doctor not arouse suspicion at a hospital??

Where did you read that? It's a very substantial logical leap.

The fact is premier league players can't really take themselves or family members to a hospital for emergency treatment, so clubs arrange doctors to come to the players.
I have zero doubt Antony has problems controlling his anger, from watching him for the last season.

Does that, along with the description and volume of accusations make me more inclined to believe he did it? Absolutely.
Controlling your anger on the pitch and off the pitch is not the same.
Where did you read that? It's a very substantial logical leap.

The fact is premier league players can't really take themselves or family members to a hospital for emergency treatment, so clubs arrange doctors to come to the players.
Yep if I’m on £200k a week I’m not waiting in Croydon A&E for 12 hours before my family member gets seen
So I read he called a Utd employee who then called a private doctor not arouse suspicion at a hospital??
Maybe because they're filthy rich? Calling Private doctor would make more sense for upper class people Unless it was serious injuries that required advanced medical treatment
The club is now in a very awkward position due to the awful handling of the Greenwood situation.

You’ve got a player jettisoned to Getafe, with all charges dropped - with his partner happily cheering him on from the stands…

Then you’ve got a player in the first team with active charges from multiple women…

And another player in the first team who was also charged with rape and had all charges dropped…

It is literally all over the shop with absolutely zero consistency or coherence.

Utd is now a club with absolutely no leadership from the very top, a rudderless ship that is steered by commerciality and media push and not at all by football matters or owner’s vision.

And if the current owners do not jump ship very soon, it will soon become a shipwreck.
Who you referring to there?
So I read he called a Utd employee who then called a private doctor not arouse suspicion at a hospital??
The players have private drivers, doctors etc. But it’s a bit weird they called the First Team Player Support Senior Officer because that’s apparently the role of the guy who arrived. Not sure why they called a club’s employee if they had a private doctor. Perhaps you can arrange a doctor’s visit through the club.
To be fair, it’s hard to spot pricks like him. Take Zouma for example. He might have kicked a cat, but he has, as far as we know, not done what Antony allegedly has. Conversely, I’m pretty sure Antony wouldn’t kick a cat (at least, not with his right foot), yet here we are.

There was no might have, he was filmed abusing the cat, went to court and was found guilty. I do not recall if he was dropped by West Ham, but I think they just rode out the criticism.
Sports is supposed to be a fun escape. United are far from that these days. Hopefully it changes soon somehow. Doubt it.

Hopefully the truth comes out on all this but we will probably never know. I feel bad for all involved (of course not Antony if he is guilty).
There was no might have, he was filmed abusing the cat, went to court and was found guilty. I do not recall if he was dropped by West Ham, but I think they just rode out the criticism.
Yeah, the evidence against Zouma was as unequivocal as could be - if the MG thing was that level of clearcut (the way some people represent it as), no-one except genuine trolls or the worst kind of MRA would be defending even the possibility of taking him back. Zouma abused an animal right on camera, no possible 'editing' or 'game' or make=-up augmentation defences or anything else. I'm not a member of PETA or someone who sees 100% equivalence between animal and human life (we don't farm humans, for one), but it was blatant cruelty and he should have been banned for 6/9 months or at least suspended long-term by his club.
There was no might have, he was filmed abusing the cat, went to court and was found guilty. I do not recall if he was dropped by West Ham, but I think they just rode out the criticism.
Not if it was Schrödinger’s cat.
Who you referring to there?

I was referring to Jonny Evans.

Though if I made a mistake and he was accused, arrested and then not actually charged I apologise - my comment was not in anyway an insinuation of his guilt, as with Antony or Greenwood.

The point is that the club has absolutely no consistency at all through all these charges / accusations.

You’ve then got Nicky Butt, ex head of Utd’s academy and the under 23s Utd coach who’s been arrested multiple times for domestic violence.

It’s all over the place, the club is in absolute crisis and it’s starting to appear that the toxicity within the club has been running very deep for years.
Sancho has been disciplined both when on England duty and with Dortmund, for either behavioural issues or poor attitude in training. Pep was already at City when they let him go, he said: "He didn't want to take this challenge, this opportunity to discover if he was able to ". In hindsight this signing always had a lot of risk to not work out.
Pep also said this about Sancho:

"He is a national team player with huge quality, doing really well in Dortmund. We wanted him to stay but he decided to leave, and when people decide to leave all we can do is (let them) leave."

He wanted him to stay, not tantamount to a player they think is an issue.
The players have private drivers, doctors etc. But it’s a bit weird they called the First Team Player Support Senior Officer because that’s apparently the role of the guy who arrived. Not sure why they called a club’s employee if they had a private doctor. Perhaps you can arrange a doctor’s visit through the club.
The guy was in Manchester from Ajax from Brazil, he probably did everything through player support, especially if the were fluent in Portuguese
I was referring to Jonny Evans.

Though if I made a mistake and he was accused, arrested and then not actually charged I apologise - my comment was not in anyway an insinuation of his guilt, as with Antony or Greenwood.

The point is that the club has absolutely no consistency at all through all these charges / accusations.

You’ve then got Nicky Butt, ex head of Utd’s academy and the under 23s Utd coach who’s been arrested multiple times for domestic violence.

It’s all over the place, the club is in absolute crisis and it’s starting to appear that the toxicity within the club has been running very deep for years.
Yeah you’re mistaken, he was questioned and released without charge. It was a drunken hair brained scheme thought up by a jealous boyfriend.
That’s not what I’ve said, or even intimated.

He could be innocent or guilty - I have no idea. Nor do you.

I'm not implying that you've said he's innocent and I respect that these things must be settled in a court of law.

He could be innocent or guilty, but the accusations are only growing and I think it would be unmoral and of bad taste to allow him to continue playing football for the biggest club in the world. Surely United wouldn't even want him to play as every appearance would just bring bad press and tarnish their reputation further.
You are right, Best wasn’t the……best (pardon the pun) but he was one, look at the behaviour of the players at this club over the last few years it’s disgusting.
I’m not sure about the incident(s) in question but Best was long since retired and long gripped by alcoholism at that point.
Hmm, I think he might be best advised to do this privately and with the Police when necessary. I know the other side is doing things publicly, but getting into it on social media isn't going to go well. What is going on with our players and their advisors? Do they actually have any? Hopefully somebody at the club can get hold of him and get him to wise up. Now he's saying he's grabbed her ffs.

He's made his statement he is not guilty and will deal with the legals. Leave it there son.
Quality control
Better to just get rid of this guy. More trouble than he’s worth, sell to Saudi. He’s literally an inside forward who doesn’t score goals anyways.

Definitely more of a right back than a winger as quite honestly the idea of a cut back or cross seems alien to him. I honestly don’t rate the guy as a footballer at the highest level apart from his tracking back.

He’s a 90m water carrier. .
Yep if I’m on £200k a week I’m not waiting in Croydon A&E for 12 hours before my family member gets seen

Not only that but can you imagine what they'd have to put up with? People asking for autographs or harassing them when they're possibly deeply concerned about a family member. Would be awful for a player to deal with.
I'd say Ten Hag better start planning ahead without him. Doesn't look good at all.

Chap does retaliate abit in games when he is on end of bad tackles or runs in to bit of bother with opposition players so could see that in his character off the pitch as well.
If that's true how else do you stop someone from doing something like that?

This is what I think to myself. It is not unusual for either male or female (particularly young) to get hysterical in a argument. There are so many examples and I am sure a member of the police force would tell people the same when they get called to domestic arguments and noise disturbances.

Yes there are examples of severity when there is force used on another person but as it stand Anthony is claiming to restrain someone. I believe that is acceptable (if that is what occurred).

I do not know what planet people are living on? Get in the real world.

If you are fortunate to have not witnessed such incidents and then good for you.
Sounds like he was protecting himself from a hysterical nutter.