Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

He does look like a prick to be honest.

Kinda makes Erik look stupid. I mean, he did fecking train him for years didn't he?

I'm sure there are ways to recognize a potential molestor. Do they have psychological tests on their medical?

What this club needs is a profiler. We can't let this happen anymore.

that’s daft, how will your boss know what you’re upto in your personal life. Its not like anyone who’s a rapist announces it at his workplace.
Do you think this is one of the reasons he still hasn't been suspended? I keep wondering if suspending him would also be an admission that this is/could be true and would obviously look like they did try and cover it up. I don't know. What a mess.

I don't think they were ever going to suspend him without him being charged with a crime, no matter what happened that night. More women coming out might change the calculation, but I don't know.
Not to mention it was allegedly ETH that insisted on signing him.

The manager insisted on signing a (so far) underwhelming player that the club (based on his recommendation) ended up paying hideous fees and wages for, and It’s now looking like said player might be done for with the added joy of dragging the club’s image down. Not sure how this can be spun into something that looks remotely good for the manager, quite the opposite actually.
The problem for me is that he has nothing to justify the attitude. We tried to put it off as having a winning mentality last season, but the truth is he's just a twat. We hoped he could be our twat, etc
Could easily be another Mendy situation. When a court of law charges him, then we can talk. Personally i'd suspend when he's convicted, not before. Can't wait one or two years, it's simply unfair towards the player who's career is very short.
I don't think they were ever going to suspend him without him being charged with a crime, no matter what happened that night. More women coming out might change the calculation, but I don't know.
I don't think you can really suspend someone if they've not been charged with anything, unless you're the one doing the investigation. Might be wrong.
I'm almost certain we can't literally read minds yet. Maybe Musk is working up to it.

You don't have to be a mind reader to spot a rotten apple.

I'm quite certain there are mental health professionals who are able to use some tools to evaluate and spot a possibility of something like this happening.

Someone working as a professional coach should strive to educate themselves in all sorts of psychology.

Not saying Erik should have known he's a fecking rapist.

But he does have a weird temper attitude.
Maybe he could have picked up on that vibe and not pursue the transfer.

that’s daft, how will your boss know what you’re upto in your personal life. Its not like anyone who’s a rapist announces it at his workplace.

Coaching football players isn't your old regular "boss - employee" workplace.

You're dealing with 16, 17 year old kids here, who are on massive superstar wages with through the roof Ego's and fancy sports cars.

It's not a 9-5 job working with highly educated people in a non competitive profession.

We need to invest in proper psychologists, profilers.
Could easily be another Mendy situation. When a court of law charges him, then we can talk. Personally i'd suspend when he's convicted, not before. Can't wait one or two years, it's simply unfair towards the player who's career is very short.

Convicted or charged? Cos even Greenwood I don't think was convicted
The club set a dangerous precedent by exiling Greenwood while nevertheless claiming his innocence. To be coherent, now any player who is accused of wrongdoing by a social media mob has to receive similar treatment, even if falsely accused. I'm not at all saying I know whether Antony is guilty or not, but a single or even multiple accusations should not be enough cause to have a player punished until the facts are examined in a court of law (which is the only place where details will be examined neutrally, and with enough scrutiny to tell us what is most likely to be the truth). If only public pressure matters, while truth (plus institutions seeking truth) counts for little, that is not a manageable or desirable way of running an organisation (or society for that matter).
Why do you think that?

The pressure by fans and media will sufficate everything. It's too much going on to not deal with it heavily. He will look very weak if Greenwood is thrown away and Antony plays like nothing has happened. Sancho case is also there. Media will be all over this for a long time and I think the dressing room will collapse if players like Antony have a free card. I didn't say it was correct, but we have a very bleak management above the manager. Don't trust them to make the correct call at all regarding any of this
If we were still the United of the SAF era, I think we'd have some leeway to try and pull the 'these accusations are taken very seriously, the club and player will cooperate in every way with the relevant authourities and will re-evaluate our position if anything officially changes. But at the moment, the player has not been charged with any crimes, denies any wrongdoing and therefore is available if the coach believes he should be selected."

Because United had some gravitas, a good record of professionalism and obviously Fergie. But today? With the Glazers in charge and after the Greenwood fiasco we lack all crediblity. Imo we have to give into the mob here, no matter if he's innocent or not. Which is sad and pathetic, but it's where we are as a club.
Could be a long time before any clear understanding is gained. I could see him being withdrawn for a couple of months as he possibly won't be in a good frame of mind to play but a full on suspension for 1-2 years seems a bit much, especially with other players continuing. MG is probably an exception not a precedent or rule for any player under an accusation to be suspended indefinitely.
Has he even been arrested yet? Isn't there a certain Arsenal player who has been arrested and bailed for similar issues and no one is complaining that he plays?
Has he even been arrested yet? Isn't there a certain Arsenal player who has been arrested and bailed for similar issues and no one is complaining that he plays?
Plenty of people on this forum have been complaining about it, Arsenal fans just didn't give a shit.
This is somewhat unrelated, but anyone know how the NFL still manage to field teams despite their players...ahem...issues with DV?
To be fair, it’s hard to spot pricks like him. Take Zouma for example. He might have kicked a cat, but he has, as far as we know, not done what Antony allegedly has. Conversely, I’m pretty sure Antony wouldn’t kick a cat (at least, not with his right foot), yet here we are.
Not hard to believe he has zero control of his emotions and underlying anger issues if you've ever watched 20 mins of him on a pitch. Clearly one of those loose cannon morons.
Hear we go
United have to deal with this quickly now.

He has to be suspended pending further developments.

The longer United hesitate to announce this, the more negative press etc.

Whether he's actually guilty of what he's accused of doesn't matter here: this is purely a matter of damage control.

I’m not sure. I think they have to wait for the police to make a decision on if he has charges to face.

Because if hes suspended and it turns out the allegations are false he won’t be coming back.

He needs to be taken out of the limelight but suspended Im inclined to say they need to wait
The club is now in a very awkward position due to the awful handling of the Greenwood situation.

You’ve got a player jettisoned to Getafe, with all charges dropped - with his partner happily cheering him on from the stands…

Then you’ve got a player in the first team with active charges from multiple women…

And another player in the first team who was also charged with rape and had all charges dropped…

It is literally all over the shop with absolutely zero consistency or coherence.

Utd is now a club with absolutely no leadership from the very top, a rudderless ship that is steered by commerciality and media push and not at all by football matters or owner’s vision.

And if the current owners do not jump ship very soon, it will soon become a shipwreck.
The club set a dangerous precedent by exiling Greenwood while nevertheless claiming his innocence.

Possibly, yes.

At any rate it was a feckin' stupid statement. A supposedly "carefully worded" message from Arnold that managed to a) state explicitly that the club are not privy to all relevant details but b) nevertheless confidently state that the player is not guilty of what he was charged with.

They're morons, there's no other word for it.
Could easily be another Mendy situation. When a court of law charges him, then we can talk. Personally i'd suspend when he's convicted, not before. Can't wait one or two years, it's simply unfair towards the player who's career is very short.

When three different women are accusing you of abuse, the probability is strongly against you. Even more so when there is visual evidence and a medical examiner to confirm the injuries inflicted. Mendy's cases didn't have such evidence from what I understand.

Maybe Antony shouldn't be such a scumbag and his career would still be on track. There's no smoke without fire.
When three different women are accusing you of abuse, the probability is strongly against you. Even more so when there is visual evidence and a medical examiner to confirm the injuries inflicted. Mendy's cases didn't have such evidence from what I understand.

Maybe Antony shouldn't be such a scumbag and his career would still be on track. There's no smoke without fire.

Google the Mendy case.

Not a comment on whether Antony’s guilty or innocent - how the feck can anyone comment on that other than legal experts linked to the case.

Just a reminder that ‘no smoke without fire’ is a ludicrously dangerous approach to any case - let alone one where fame / money / celebrity is very much involved.
Google the Mendy case.

Not a comment on whether Antony’s guilty or innocent - how the feck can anyone comment on that other than legal experts linked to the case.

Just a reminder that ‘no smoke without fire’ is a ludicrously dangerous approach to any case - let alone one where fame / money / celebrity is very much involved.
+ the Neymar case
Plenty of people on this forum have been complaining about it, Arsenal fans just didn't give a shit.
that's why I think there has to be some kind of agreement....its not fair to have these discrepancies
Plenty of people on this forum have been complaining about it, Arsenal fans just didn't give a shit.
True. Another factor is Arsenal's Voldemort actually plays well for them.
United's Voldies don't
Plenty of people on this forum have been complaining about it, Arsenal fans just didn't give a shit.

And zero of the media. Doesn't make enough clicks when it's not man utd. Without being dismissive of the allegations, of course.
And zero of the media. Doesn't make enough clicks when it's not man utd. Without being dismissive of the allegations, of course.

The media legally can't talk about the Arsenal case I believe.

The fact that Anthony's accuser have gone public with his name means its already in the public domain.
I'm not sure he's feeling too good that someone he has known and worked with (and presumably gets on with) for years is up for something as nasty as this. It wouldn't make my day that's for sure....

Look it's ok to want Antony out as a player if people think he's not up to it. However being happy that something like this has happened (if it's true) because it gets rid of him, or if he is falsely accused and the dirt ends him, is fecking low. Have people genuinely lost sense of perspective here? 3 women have potentially been battered, but at least we can get rid of someone who isn't up to it so its not all bad. On top of that a young guy who plays for the team we support is in an unholy mess but tough, he's not good enough. Just wow.

It was a joke mate.
The media legally can't talk about the Arsenal case I believe.

The fact that Anthony's accuser have gone public with his name means its already in the public domain.

The media can’t name the Arsenal player, but they can allude to the fact that an unnamed Arsenal player has incredibly serious charges and the club should not be playing him.

But they haven’t, and won’t.

Likewise none of the celeb moral council ever comment on it.
For all those who want United to suspend Antony till this gets resolved please do tell me how does it impact any body other than United .
Google the Mendy case.

Not a comment on whether Antony’s guilty or innocent - how the feck can anyone comment on that other than legal experts linked to the case.

Just a reminder that ‘no smoke without fire’ is a ludicrously dangerous approach to any case - let alone one where fame / money / celebrity is very much involved.

Because no one guilty ever gets cleared of wrong doing. The legal system has massive flaws for certain crimes and the rich and powerful can afford legal representation who exploit these flaws.

So Antony is squeaky clean and all these women are lying? Nah, not for me.
Hear we go
I have zero doubt Antony has problems controlling his anger, from watching him for the last season.

Does that, along with the description and volume of accusations make me more inclined to believe he did it? Absolutely.
To be fair, it’s hard to spot pricks like him. Take Zouma for example. He might have kicked a cat, but he has, as far as we know, not done what Antony allegedly has. Conversely, I’m pretty sure Antony wouldn’t kick a cat (at least, not with his right foot), yet here we are.

You have the measure of him alright
Plenty of people on this forum have been complaining about it, Arsenal fans just didn't give a shit.
The pros and cons of supporting United. Everything is news. No one cares about Partey even though as you say he’s been arrested and is on bail because he plays for Arsenal. Look at how little press Mendy got and he had like 6 woman accusing him of rape.
The media can’t name the Arsenal player, but they can allude to the fact that an unnamed Arsenal player has incredibly serious charges and the club should not be playing him.

But they haven’t, and won’t.

Likewise none of the celeb moral council ever comment on it.

I'm not even sure they're allowed to name the club.
Because no one guilty ever gets cleared of wrong doing. The legal system has massive flaws for certain crimes and the rich and powerful can afford legal representation who exploit these flaws.

So Antony is squeaky clean and all these women are lying? Nah, not for me.

That’s not what I’ve said, or even intimated.

He could be innocent or guilty - I have no idea. Nor do you.
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To be fair, it’s hard to spot pricks like him. Take Zouma for example. He might have kicked a cat, but he has, as far as we know, not done what Antony allegedly has. Conversely, I’m pretty sure Antony wouldn’t kick a cat (at least, not with his right foot), yet here we are.
To be fair, it’s hard to spot pricks like him. Take Zouma for example. He might have kicked a cat, but he has, as far as we know, not done what Antony allegedly has. Conversely, I’m pretty sure Antony wouldn’t kick a cat (at least, not with his right foot), yet here we are.
Well he would, but it wouldn't get very far