Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

This thread is just full of everyone I don't think your original point was anything outlandish or particularly offending. Anyone should be allowed to put forward a view at this stage it's a football forum its not that deep!

A quick google of Naymar will show he has a past of alleged rape charges against him too, which he was later cleared.
I think the majority of footballers who get involved in affairs and or sleep around probably get a fair amount of false accusations and end up giving out serious hush money. That’s what makes it so hard especially with ex partners as there’s an obvious motive and it’s retrospective.
With Neymar the accuser actually got charged with fraud in the end.
A third woman, banker Ingrid Lana,
33, also alleged Antony pushed her
against a wall and tried to have sex
with her when she visited his house
in England last October on business.
In an interview with Record TV, due
to be broadcast on Sunday, Lana
said: "He tried to have (sexual)
relations with me and I didn't want

From The Athletic.

That's potentially an attempted rape charge?
Quality control
Is it just me that thinks our players are being targeted by every mugget coming out of the depth of Hades.

She claimed her fake breast was busted, that sounds to me like a hideous lie.
This thread is just full of everyone I don't think your original point was anything outlandish or particularly offending. Anyone should be allowed to put forward a view at this stage it's a football forum its not that deep!

A quick google of Neymar will show he has a past of alleged rape charges against him too, which he was later cleared.

If I recall correctly, Neymar had a video clip that pretty much exonerated him and showed him actually getting abused.
It helps sure. Your posts just look like those random X posts about something needs to be done to stop those women who are out there to destroy men's careers and lives.

I don't think its worth talking about. It's best to be balanced but its also very difficult to ignore the accusations at this point. The MG thread was a terrible read and whilst Antony has only been accused, it's probably well advised to just hold off till we get more information.
Is it just me that thinks our players are being targeted by every mugget coming out of the depth of Hades.

She claimed her fake breast was busted, that sounds to me like a hideous lie.
I don’t think that’s amazingly unlikely, it’s a massive silicone implant after all. What doesn’t help her story is it looks like she changed her account of what happened.
I don't think its worth talking about. It's best to be balanced but its also very difficult to ignore the accusations at this point. The MG thread was a terrible read and whilst Antony has only been accused, it's probably well advised to just hold off till we get more information.

Yes. And then you get posts like this one.

Is it just me that thinks our players are being targeted by every mugget coming out of the depth of Hades.

She claimed her fake breast was busted, that sounds to me like a hideous lie.
Is it just me that thinks our players are being targeted by every mugget coming out of the depth of Hades.

She claimed her fake breast was busted, that sounds to me like a hideous lie.

In what way does it sound like a lie?
It's staggering how little we appear to check the background on players before offering massive transfer fees and wages.

For Antony, Greenwood and Sancho, the signs were that they might not have the most reliable behaviour.
Pretty sure EtH would have known about Antony's know considering they've been working together for the past two years....

Greenwood was a youth academy product so again, pretty sure the club knew that guy very well!!

Sancho didn't really show any misdemeanors from what I recall before his move.

Every team, including United, look into every players background/personality, it's part of the scouting process.
Its pretty clear his career at United is over given the options are: a big conspiracy to destroy him and take his money OR its true.

Given clubs insure themselves against player injuries, I wonder if its possible for this sort of thing as well.
Pretty sure EtH would have known about Antony's know considering they've been working together for the past two years....

Greenwood was a youth academy product so again, pretty sure the club knew that guy very well!!

Sancho didn't really show any misdemeanors from what I recall before his move.

Every team, including United, look into every players background/personality, it's part of the scouting process.
Sancho has been disciplined both when on England duty and with Dortmund, for either behavioural issues or poor attitude in training. Pep was already at City when they let him go, he said: "He didn't want to take this challenge, this opportunity to discover if he was able to ". In hindsight this signing always had a lot of risk to not work out.
Its pretty clear his career at United is over given the options are: a big conspiracy to destroy him and take his money OR its true.

Given clubs insure themselves against player injuries, I wonder if its possible for this sort of thing as well.

I've wondered the same.

Looks horrific this case.
I’m sorry I really think Jadon Sancho is a different conversation all together, yes he criticised the manager, but we don’t know the full story with his mental health issues this is a completely different topic to ETH indulging potential criminal offenders and backing them at all costs even when they play crap for the club that paid twice as much as any other elite club would, personally I’m not totally enamoured with Jadon’s attitude and work rate but no way should he be discussed in a conversation with Antony whose under police investigation in his native Brazil, again he should be assumed innocent until proven guilty however my issue is with the club, what sort of archaic leadership completely messes up MG issue, then follows up with an equal shite show with Antony.

Richard Arnold is simply not up to the job so he should resign and no right minded executive from any other club should accept any job given to them by the Glazers and they should tell them straight to their face and in the media they need to resign their ownership and sell the club before some form of new legislation comes in from the EPL about owners or CEO’s needing to hold a certain level of integrity and honest with decent values and they must invest money into their PL team, not use it as an International ATM!

To me it seems like someone high up in the club is deliberately leaking all this do Joel and Avram have to fly over to the Uk and stay for a month or so and do sone actual work!

Sancho is just a bonus since I want to get rid of him as well so let's take the chance for a clear out and start fresh.
Is it just me that thinks our players are being targeted by every mugget coming out of the depth of Hades.

She claimed her fake breast was busted, that sounds to me like a hideous lie.
This a windup or are you really this charming in real life too?
Is it just me that thinks our players are being targeted by every mugget coming out of the depth of Hades.

She claimed her fake breast was busted, that sounds to me like a hideous lie.

Please @Mogget stop targeting our players. :(
If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. This guy must be the worst signing United has done ever considering performance, stats and behaviour of pitch contra all that money spent. It’s sad you don’t are allowed to return him with some kind of warranty.

Strictly talking about his showings on the pitch, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if we were forced to depart with him and give somebody that can beat his man a chance on the RW.
Mutu was sued into oblivion by Chelsea for taking cocaine. Obviously much harder to establish facts in Anthony's case, but if he is found guilty I'd imagine the club would do just that.
is he going to be okay or is he "finished" like greenwood ?

There’s a tv interview with one of the alleged victims airing over the weekend it’s more thank likely going to be damning isn’t it. If/when he’s arrested will be the turning point

I mean Greenwood’s partner was never going to press charges but it seems these will do it could be worse
Inappropriate Behavior
Hopefully this investigation gets sorted quickly
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These kinda stories go some way to explaining a complete stagnation since he arrived. It’s hard for the manager to know a human being inside out regardless of time spent together. It’s happening too much at our club at the min and they need to be moved on quickly if only to show all players what’s on the line when these things emerge.
There’s a tv interview with one of the alleged victims airing over the weekend it’s more thank likely going to be damning isn’t it. If/when he’s arrested will be the turning point

I mean Greenwood’s partner was never going to press charges but it seems these will do it could be worse
Would a TV interview not be the worst thing the victim could do? It would bias a potential jury so even if Antony got found guilty he'd appeal based on that alone.
Just a thought
Would a TV interview not be the worst thing the victim could do? It would bias a potential jury so even if Antony got found guilty he'd appeal based on that alone.
Just a thought

In the long run possibly but by the time we’re getting to jury verdicts the damage would have probably been done in this day and age

You know what it’s like the club and sponsors won’t want the bad publicity especially so soon after Greenwood
We should maintain caution in taking a strong position in this matter for now.

The Mendy situation could very well be an anomaly and not in any way normative, however, that an instance of collusion involving multiple parties happened in a case so similar to this, there is enough reason to let the process play out without taking a hard line on the matter. If there's even small percent chance of a repeat of the above, then we'd do well to say as little as possible. It's not about what is likeliest; it's about what is determined from rigorous and honest scrutiny of the evidence presented in a court of law.

If the Antony situation proves to have no common relationship to the Mendy one, and indeed he's proven to be a serial committer of that which the allegations assert that he is, then the relevant testimony will be upheld in court as evidence and the evidence found sufficient will condemn him, but, and I can't stress this enough; but, let the condemnation come from legal minds who will engage in their profession and not from X from Redcafe who prematurely will emotionally take positions on Antony both in support of him, or in condemnation of him.

We don't have anything other than public information and a gut feeling, whichever way you engage this issue, so, what's the point merry-go-rounding on a thread like this with countless points, counter-points and retorts.
We are going to become a feeder club for Getafe aren't we. We sign a criminal for a large fee and then within 18 months Getafe get a great player and ignore anything bad that may or has happened .
We are going to become a feeder club for Getafe aren't we. We sign a criminal for a large fee and then within 18 months Getafe get a great player and ignore anything bad that may or has happened .

Criminals have a get-away car. We have a get-afe club.
I hope this curse on our United is lifted in my lifetime. The last decade has been nothing but pain.
Surprised he’s not yet been suspended by the club, given he’s under investigation by the Manchester police.

Maybe the club is hoping for some kind of miracle climb down by his three accusers? Surely Utd must realise this is going to drag on for the foreseeable future, they need to act.
The time for the club to act is now, not the day before the manager’s next media availability.
He does look like a prick to be honest.

Kinda makes Erik look stupid. I mean, he did fecking train him for years didn't he?

I'm sure there are ways to recognize a potential molestor. Do they have psychological tests on their medical?

What this club needs is a profiler. We can't let this happen anymore.