Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

Doubt the circumstances of this case is standard care, especially given the doctor along with the member off staff who summoned him will almost certainly be interviewed by the police. None of which is normal.
Players can ask the club to send a doctor for their family. That's part of standard care.

I dont think there is anything inconspicuous about what the club have done from what The Athletic have reported.

They also "arranged for a doctor", I don't think they sent any of their own.

" United confirmed this relates to Daniele Bertoli, the first-team player care officer, and that arranging a doctor for partners and family members of players is a common and standard task performed by the club’s player welfare team."
Something tells me a Manc Winston Wolf wouldn't look quite so dapper. Replace the Acura with a Granada Scorpio and the Dinner Jacket with a hoodie and you're probably not far off.

It does beg the question what the player care officer was told / suspected happened though, since at least the club have not denied they were involved. It's going to be some horrible he said / she said isn't it, which won't get past the burden of proof whatever actually happened (as seems too often the case in such incidents, sadly).
Why is it difficult for you to understand that the club got a phonecall from a player, asking for a doctor, and they organised it, and left it at that? He's hardly rang them and said "I bashed my missus and she needs a few stitches", the doctor is not going to contact Utd after the fact and share client information.
Even if that was the case he’s hardly likely to admit he’d bashed his missus and she requires stitches.

The fact remains all those involved will be interviewed by the police, none of which is normal practice.
Even if that was the case he’s hardly likely to admit he’d bashed his missus and she requires stitches.

The fact remains all those involved will be interviewed by the police, none of which is normal practice.
Yes, but you seem insistent on the fact that the club have done something wrong, which doesn't seem to ring true, based on the information available.
Yes, but you seem insistent on the fact that the club have done something wrong, which doesn't seem to ring true, based on the information available.
Not so much club has done wrong…. but the club is complicit.
How would the club be complicit?

Unless the player welfare rep visited them at the hotel and was told directly about a physical attack, the club are not complicit in anything.
Complicit in as much that the club should be aware a doctor was summoned, ie the doctor would have submitted a report and was paid by the club.

Its all subjective, but the club must take some responsibility.
Complicit in as much that the club should be aware a doctor was summoned, ie the doctor would have submitted a report and was paid by the club.

Its all subjective, but the club must take some responsibility.
about as complicit as me buying a milkshake from McDonalds and lobbing it at Nigel Farage
Complicit in as much that the club should be aware a doctor was summoned, ie the doctor would have submitted a report and was paid by the club.

Its all subjective, but the club must take some responsibility.

Doctors aren't supposed to share anything with the club unless it's the player himself that is concerned and if the doctor is working for the club.
I didn't posted much in Greenwood or this thread but my opinion is that we set dangerous precedent with the way we handled Greenwood situation.

Of course domestic violence is big problem and should be taken seriously but I also think that there are official authorities that should take care of this things and public convictions is not the way those things should be decided on. Also internal investigation like our club did is big no no since it definitely violates personal information rights and I was surprised noone picked on that.

There is a reason that "innocent until proven guilty" exist and this brings memories from Me too movement where there were true victims but on the other hand you get Heard vs Depp situation.

Sadly we handled Greenwood situation wrong and will pay the price since there is no way we can handle this situation differently but I didn't expected anything else from incompetent club like ours.

And before anyone mentions. I didn't saw any evidence in Greenwood or Anthony case because those things are disgusting to me. With that in mind I also fully understand that I am pretty clueless about the cases and I'm not stating in any way that any of the two are guilty or innocent. As I said those things should only be judged by right authorities which gather public and not public information to get the right judgement.
Doctors aren't supposed to share anything with the club unless it's the player himself that is concerned and if the doctor is working for the club.
Yes there‘s usually a code of confidentiality. However, nobody knows if the patient had wanted it to remain confidential. Surely the person who called the doctor would want to know of any injuries as a duty of care.

Don’t know how far up the ladder this will go, but feel certain heads will roll.
Yes there‘s usually a code of confidentiality. However, nobody knows if the patient had wanted it to remain confidential. Surely the person who called the doctor would want to know of any injuries as a duty of care.

Don’t know how far up the ladder this will go, but feel certain heads will roll.

No, the doctor isn't supposed to share a thing outside of notifying the police if he suspects that something illegal happened. If you call a doctor for someone in the street or in an hotel or anywhere, the doctor won't share anything with you unless you are a family member.
Yes there‘s usually a code of confidentiality. However, nobody knows if the patient had wanted it to remain confidential. Surely the person who called the doctor would want to know of any injuries as a duty of care.

Don’t know how far up the ladder this will go, but feel certain heads will roll.

All the club would have gotten is an invoice.
The doctor would categorically not be submitting a report about a players' partner to the club. For any reason.

There's no responsibility on the club unless the employee met with her and was told the injury was inflicted by Antony. Which seems very unlikely.
Not sure what you mean…. It’s obvious the injuries were not self inflicted and also suspicious as to why a private doctor was called as opposed to the normal route of ambulance or hospital.

The doctor will be interviewed by the police and with the girls permission he‘ll have to reveal what injuries were sustained.
Not sure what you mean…. It’s obvious the injuries were not self inflicted and also suspicious as to why a private doctor was called as opposed to the normal route of ambulance or hospital.

The doctor will be interviewed by the police and with the girls permission he‘ll have to reveal what injuries were sustained.
Why? Your first paragraph suggests you know precisely what the injuries were. Maybe they should call you up as a witness.
Why? Your first paragraph suggests you know precisely what the injuries were. Maybe they should call you up as a witness.
Maybe you should be a Utd lawyer ….they’re going to need one.
The venom on here , well you can taste it.
Back seat lawyers and not matter what " I must be offend" brigade are certainly on the soap boxes. The ones who say there needs to be a fair legal process are being basically treated as DV supporters. The whole thing is out of hand.

How about letting the legal system do its job as everything including discussions on here weakens the alleged victims case. I neither support nor against either party as its got nothing to do with me. Get back to hating the Glazers and let this run its due process without lambasting each other and point scoring.

At a matter of fact, long before each case of concern with our players Manchester Police had many many reports of horrendously worse actions and they bascially sat on their hands and ignored it. I wouldn't trust them to find a toilet in a bathroom shop.
In light of that, I expect them to throw the kitchen sink on investigating any footballer so sit back and wait for their verdict.

However, heads at the top of the food chain at United ,not matter what happens, have to roll taking all the incidents into consideration.
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Not sure what you mean…. It’s obvious the injuries were not self inflicted and also suspicious as to why a private doctor was called as opposed to the normal route of ambulance or hospital.

The doctor will be interviewed by the police and with the girls permission he‘ll have to reveal what injuries were sustained.
Cos they're rich?
Not sure what you mean…. It’s obvious the injuries were not self inflicted and also suspicious as to why a private doctor was called as opposed to the normal route of ambulance or hospital.

The doctor will be interviewed by the police and with the girls permission he‘ll have to reveal what injuries were sustained.

I imagine a private doctor would see to your injuries significantly faster than the emergency room when the injuries aren't critical or life threatening?
The victim claimed to be physically assaulted by Antony and a woman in a car in São Paulo. She was admitted to the hospital with bodily injuries and had her exams taken to the civil police.

Given this happened in 2022, this was Gabriela Cavallin presumably??
I wouldn’t make such presumptions at all as to a suspects identity with no proof.
What makes you assume it’s her?
How is it obvious the cut on her head was not self inflicted....?

Could have been from a fall, could have been from her head butting him, could have been from her headbanging a wall for all we know. It's a small cut. Not clear how a headbutt would cause it. Also poses another obvious question for whoever interacted with them - did Antony have any corresponding head injury?

And since it wasnt a serious injury I dont think it's unusual for a foreign player in a relatively new country to rely on the club to sort out medical attention. We know footballers rely on their clubs and agents to organise literally everything for them.

No one with any say in the matter would spend 8 hours in A&E for a cut on the head, let alone multimillionaires.
It’s obvious you love Antony, but you’ve given me a good laugh :lol:

Best leave it to the club and the Greater Manchester police who I’m sure are all on first name terms by now.
It’s obvious you love Antony, but you’ve given me a good laugh :lol:

Best leave it to the club and the Greater Manchester police who I’m sure are all on first name terms by now.

Your determination to find the club guilty of something in this situation is a bit weird
Your determination to find the club guilty of something in this situation is a bit weird
It’s more than just a bit weird. There are some weird United fans who seem to get joy out of United/the players/ETH (potentially) failing.
Reports about a third woman now that he’s physically assaulted.

Absolutely finished.
More likely to be her than anyone else.

Not sure what was funny, all I've done is correct where you've gone wrong about patient confidentiality, why the club has probably done nothing wrong, and why rich people dont go to A&E when they have a direct line to private healthcare.

Couldn't give a shit about Antony, **will go down as one of our worst ever signings guilty or not. Another one I hope we can hawk off to Saudi Arabia.
No worries, we all have our own take on things.

**Will definitely agree on that.
All I know is what I have read on a laptop, but assuming that there is something behind the media smoke it's not looking good for Antony. Whatever process may lie ahead to bring all of this to a resolution, it's probably best Antony to be dropped from competitive matches for a while. I have no for how long, but under the present known circumstances the club would be ill-advised to see him take the pitch against Brighton.

This will be partly why they went so public. Draw out more people with similar situations, more fans to the fire. Assuming the reports are true (and no reason to assume not) it's not looking good at all. 1 person may be telling fibs, but 3? Eeek.
This will be partly why they went so public. Draw out more people with similar situations, more fans to the fire. Assuming the reports are true (and no reason to assume not) it's not looking good at all. 1 person may be telling fibs, but 3? Eeek.
The guy is cooked.