Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

You don't need to read the replies, you can just stop lying. If you thought she said it about Antony because you were confusing Antony with Greenwood, then you couldn't have known about Greenwood. Yet, you did. You also said it about Giggs, did you think Giggs was Antony, while thinking that Antony was Greenwood, while knowing that Greenwood is Greenwood?

You're a liar, and it's extremely weird.

I'm a liar and I'm weird am I? Right OK cheers for that.
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Something smells fishy. Antony claims that he “never practiced any physical aggression”, but why would they need a doctor then?

I would have believed him if he had said something like “we got in a fight, bla bla bla both were aggressive and physical.”

But why call a doctor if nothing happened as Antony claims?

Honestly seems pretty clear that he is lying.
Something smells fishy. Antony claims that he “never practiced any physical aggression”, but why would they need a doctor then?

I would have believed him if he had said something like “we got in a fight, bla bla bla both were aggressive and physical.”

But why call a doctor if nothing happened as Antony claims?

Honestly seems pretty clear that he is lying.

Nobody said that. It's an admissions of guilt. It'll be a slam dunk case with that line.

Without saying it there are still avenues open, hushed money, amicable forgiveness, etc. But once you said it you're done.

No attorney would advice that
What's that's got to do with presumption of innocence for all parties?

Just because press got hold of it doesn't mean she's guilty
This is obviously hypthetical, as we have no idea what the actual facts are nor should we. But imagine a situation where she did indeed receive cuts on her fingers in a fight with Antony, but - again making this up - he was uninvolved in the cuts. They're yelling, he yells, she drops a glass whatever.

The situation she and the lawyers have created - again they ACTIVELY chose to send images and private text messages to the press - is that Antony cut her. That is what the news stories and images being juxtaposed is designed to do.

And when these are shared by major twitter accounts, this just creates the narrative.

Now maybe it's entirely true, and Antony thus deserves all of the hate and damage to his life that is to come. But. What if it's not?

There's only one reason to go to the press imo: you and your legal team feel that you're better served there then going through legal channels. Whether that's because you want to pressure into a settlement, or you're not convinced of your ability to win. But for me, personally, the second a single-party goes to the tabloids, there have to be questions asked about the motivations to do so.

The Greenwood case is actually an excellent example of this: the parties did NOT want any of it going to the press. It was leaked agains the desire of the victim, which is probably related to why said victim withdrew.
This is obviously hypthetical, as we have no idea what the actual facts are nor should we. But imagine a situation where she did indeed receive cuts on her fingers in a fight with Antony, but - again making this up - he was uninvolved in the cuts. They're yelling, he yells, she drops a glass whatever.

The situation she and the lawyers have created - again they ACTIVELY chose to send images and private text messages to the press - is that Antony cut her. That is what the news stories and images being juxtaposed is designed to do.

And when these are shared by major twitter accounts, this just creates the narrative.

Now maybe it's entirely true, and Antony thus deserves all of the hate and damage to his life that is to come. But. What if it's not?

There's only one reason to go to the press imo: you and your legal team feel that you're better served there then going through legal channels. Whether that's because you want to pressure into a settlement, or you're not convinced of your ability to win. But for me, personally, the second a single-party goes to the tabloids, there have to be questions asked about the motivations to do so.

The Greenwood case is actually an excellent example of this: the parties did NOT want any of it going to the press. It was leaked agains the desire of the victim, which is probably related to why said victim withdrew.

I do not imagine stuff.

If she reported Antony doing it. It's up to the court to investigate. You're imagining that the girl lied before there are solid evidence of her lying.

He either did it or the girl is a lying bitch. Which? It's up to the court to decide. But it's one of those for logical implication

With Greenwood, it's different..he got caught with his pants down with the recording. That's all. It's not imagination or some weird hate for Mason.. it's just logic.

I'm not gonna twist my imagination just to give Antony the benefit of doubt.

And people go to press for various reason. Without exposure a girl with her resources would lose the battle against rich Antony who can afford teams of lawyer. And going public is not against any rule. The flip side is that by going public if you're lying youll be in a lot of trouble.

Look. Honestly. I'm more inclined to believe antony did it. If it's money she wanted she exactly would avoid public. As it would make antony with no other option that to clear his name. If he indeed didnt do it. You actually threatened for money or you're going public. Not the other way around.
Inappropriate Behavior
I have no idea about the accuracy of the reported allegations against Antony, and so will say nothing.
However I still say he looks like a back street Brazilian drug dealer, and he runs funny and can’t use his right leg other than to stand on and for that reason I say he should be placed on the centre spot 15 minutes before our next home game and shot.

Some parts of this post are serious, other parts may be a bit harsh and should not be taken seriously, you decide which.
I didn't read the replies tbh, knew they would be toxic like yours.

What's the point of posting comments (especially the shit you've been posting in here) on a discussion forum if you're too precious to read the reactions to them?
I have no idea about the accuracy of the reported allegations against Antony, and so will say nothing.
However I still say he looks like a back street Brazilian drug dealer, and he runs funny and can’t use his right leg other than to stand on and for that reason I say he should be placed on the centre spot 15 minutes before our next home game and shot.

Some parts of this post are serious, other parts may be a bit harsh and should not be taken seriously, you decide which.

You could have taken bolded bit of the post seriously yourself. But no, that was too harsh, so you took the remarkably different route of expressing your unfiltered and unadulterated perspective on how you view certain people in this world, instead.

I, for one, admire the way you spewed your bile and then rather cleverly spread a flimsy disclaimer of a napkin over it, because there would have been no way the janitors here would have truly known how revolting the stench was if you'd used a thicker, less percolating plastic bag of silence instead.

Only some parts of this post are serious, others may be harsh and should not be taken seriously as such.
Well.. show us the evidence then

They're hiding behind the victim anonymity / wishes camp. Complicated by the fact that the victim is apparently fine with him now and is rooting for him at games.
You could have taken bolded bit of the post seriously yourself. But no, that was too harsh, so you took the remarkably different route of expressing your unfiltered and unadulterated perspective on how you view certain people in this world, instead.

I, for one, admire the way you spewed your bile and then rather cleverly spread a flimsy disclaimer of a napkin over it, because there would have been no way the janitors here would have truly known how revolting the stench was if you'd used a thicker, less percolating plastic bag of silence instead.

Only some parts of this post are serious, others may be harsh and should not be taken seriously as such.
I see humour isn’t your strong point, must be a laugh a minute at your place.
Try Mums Net if a post like that offends you, silly boy.
I see humour isn’t your strong point, must be a laugh a minute at your place.
Try Mums Net if a post like that offends you, silly boy.

It wasn’t funny, though. And neither is your “comeback” in the second paragraph.
Jesus I didn’t realise how far snowflakery had spread.
Can't even joke about shooting players and denigrate appearances anymore! Or possibly say either of those seriously. What's the world come to eh.

You got a warning for it, time to move on.
Can‘t see as to how Utd are denying a cover up, given she was seen by a club doctor. Surely at the very least the club is complicit.
- It wasn't club's doctor. United arrange private doctor if player resquests. This is a common practice.
- No report was made, nor club was aware of one.

Club's doing good, I'd say, for now...
- It wasn't club's doctor. United arrange private doctor if player resquests. This is a common practice.
- No report was made, nor club was aware of one.

Club's doing good, I'd say, for now...
Yes my mistake. Though it seems a private doctor was called by a member of Utd’s staff. As such a report should have been made and the doctors fee paid.
If police arrest him then they have to treat him like Mason and he's pulled from the squad.
Can‘t see as to how Utd are denying a cover up, given she was seen by a club doctor. Surely at the very least the club is complicit.
No. Did you read the Athletic article?

She also said that a United employee called “Daniele” was “responsible for sending the two doctors to treat me” after the alleged incident at the Manchester hotel.

United confirmed this relates to Daniele Bertoli, the first-team player care officer, and that arranging a doctor for partners and family members of players is a common and standard task performed by the club’s player welfare team.

“Any suggestion that the club covered up these allegations is categorically false,” the club said.
I have no idea about the accuracy of the reported allegations against Antony, and so will say nothing.
However I still say he looks like a back street Brazilian drug dealer, and he runs funny and can’t use his right leg other than to stand on and for that reason I say he should be placed on the centre spot 15 minutes before our next home game and shot.

Some parts of this post are serious, other parts may be a bit harsh and should not be taken seriously, you decide which.
Chose to ignore it all. Thanks for the option.
If true, whoever involved or whoever made those decisions should lose their job immediately. Hoping it's not true though.
From what we know at least, it's based on them sending a doctor, which is not abnormal and part of standard care for players and family welfare.

If it is based on just that, she's hurt her credibility in the big picture.
From what we know at least, it's based on them sending a doctor, which is not abnormal and part of standard care for players and family welfare.

If it is based on just that, she's hurt her credibility in the big picture.
Yeah, from that angle (club sending in doctors to help players and their families) it could just be normal practice. Here's hoping.
I'm sure some here have experienced at their work potential low level "cover ups" for a variety of issues big and small : Maybe the company is cutting corners on safety. Or recycling. Someone is drinking on the job. Or passing a bunch of unfounded expenses. Rip off clients. Or collude with clients to profit from subsidies of some kind. Unpaid overtime. Could be things you witnessed or maybe just gossip at the coffee machine.

It's not exactly hard to imagine, assuming there's truth to the allegations, that people at the club knew or had suspicions but decided to keep it on the down low both to protect themselves, the club or to not make waves. Does this pass the threshold of "the club covering it up" even if higher management never got wind of it and didn't order to keep such matters hush ?
This is a stretch considering the media mess that was already in play with Greenwood. If it and I am talking hypothetically , anyone was stupid enough to even consider covering anything up, the results for those involved would be carnage.

At any cost, this needs to go to court for all parties to make their case as if not we are back to the court of public opinion which will be a farce.
If her lawyers are that good why are they permitting all this information to be regurgitated all over social media platforms.

That's a great lawyer creating leverage so antony cant squirm that easy. Controlling the narrative.

If money is what she wants, going public should be the best leverage she can have.

Pay me or I'm going public. I'm more inclined to think she has a real case by going public.

If Mason chick didn't go public he'll still be playing fot United
From what we know at least, it's based on them sending a doctor, which is not abnormal and part of standard care for players and family welfare.

If it is based on just that, she's hurt her credibility in the big picture.
Doubt the circumstances of this case is standard care, especially given the doctor along with the member off staff who summoned him will almost certainly be interviewed by the police. None of which is normal.
Not this again, for the 100x time you can't doctor a damning evidence and not being challenged by the police and the forensic and the lawyer from both sides as knowingly admitting doctored evidence could get you disbared

Stop with this shenanigans.

Stop creating strawman arguments, he did what he did and he got caught on the tape. At least that much we should agree on.


But the United seen the other evidence? What other evidence? It could be just 3 panel asking Greenwood what happened? Or any other stupid shit they can do to pretend they did their investigations, and worded based on "EVIDENCE" we studied (a.k.a Greenwood Story) we BELIEVE he didn't do it.

Well.. show us the evidence then
This response is completely incoherent. I actually said the Greenwood audio was damning enough as was the fact he failed to deny the allegations. I dont even think she actually gave any evidence to the police herself, they got it from social media where presumably she posted it.
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I dont think many public figures would give tv interviews during live police investigations.

Gives Jussie Smollet vibes to be honest.
It's possible, and if she was a nobody then I might be inclined to think that. But as an influencer, it's either hide from the public limelight, or face the situation. She chose to do it in a way that garners sympathy, which is understandable.
I dont think many public figures would give tv interviews during live police investigations.

Gives Jussie Smollet vibes to be honest.

Antony went public with his denial is he giving you Jussie Smollett vibes.

She may well feel as he is a famous footballer her best way is to go public and tell as many people as she can
Doubt the circumstances of this case is standard care, especially given the doctor along with the member off staff who summoned him will almost certainly be interviewed by the police. None of which is normal.
Why is it difficult for you to understand that the club got a phonecall from a player, asking for a doctor, and they organised it, and left it at that? He's hardly rang them and said "I bashed my missus and she needs a few stitches", the doctor is not going to contact Utd after the fact and share client information.