Antony under investigation by Brazilian authorities for domestic abuse | Inquiries ended | Back in the squad

No. Her lawyers are stating the club liaison officer who works for the club knew she’d been assaulted and covered it up. Ergo Manchester United knew she’d been assaulted.

Ok, so it’s the club liaison officer in the dock, not the medical team? So the risk to the club is what explanation was given to the liason officer for her needing medical care. Which will, I guess, depend on who they talked to. I guess it’s possible that the liason officer actually had a look at the injuries? But that seems completely mad, when you consider the nature of them.
Ah yes. Another male accused of DV and most of this thread goes all “innocent until proven guilty” and “the club isn’t the morality police”.

All these pesky women making things up about footballers with no actual evidence….

Honestly a lot of attitudes in here are why the conviction rates for this stuff are so low. It’s disgusting. YOU are the problem.
What would you like people to say instead?
Ok, so it’s the club liaison officer in the dock, not the medical team? So the risk to the club is what explanation was given to the liason officer for her needing medical care. Which will, I guess, depend on who they talked to. I guess it’s possible that the liason officer actually had a look at the injuries? But that seems completely mad, when you consider the nature of them.
I might be wrong but from what I've been reading, the club liason officer arranged the private doctor for his girlfriend. The club has denied any cover up but admitted to arranging for the private doctor.
So the club has confirmed that they arranged for a private doctor and this is normal practice for players and their families. Guess all it takes is for this private doctor to state he informed the club and United are kind of in trouble.

I'm no expert but if it is a private doctor (or even a club one), I'm not sure they would be allowed under general ethics or regulations for health professionals :
- To opine to United about the causes of whatever they treated.
- To give a full accounting of whatever medical needs were served.
Even if United paid all expenses in full or hired him.
No. Her lawyers are stating the club liaison officer who works for the club knew she’d been assaulted and covered it up. Ergo Manchester United knew she’d been assaulted.
Ok, so it’s the club liaison officer in the dock, not the medical team? So the risk to the club is what explanation was given to the liason officer for her needing medical care. Which will, I guess, depend on who they talked to. I guess it’s possible that the liason officer actually had a look at the injuries? But that seems completely mad, when you consider the nature of them.
The club liaison officer wouldn't even look at any injuries though, Antony would just probably tell them his girl got a cut that needs stitching and the officer would just call a doctor to go look. It's nonsense to suggest this random liaison guy would be looking at injuries or giving his opinion on a medical question when he's just calling a doctor to do it. He's not qualified, doesn't know anything about it, and her own story doesn't say that she told them she was attacked by Antony.

The doctor either should have seen signs and asked questions if there was anything suspicious, or whatever story was told to him was plausible enough to not think anything of it.
Ah yes. Another male accused of DV and most of this thread goes all “innocent until proven guilty” and “the club isn’t the morality police”.

All these pesky women making things up about footballers with no actual evidence….

Honestly a lot of attitudes in here are why the conviction rates for this stuff are so low. It’s disgusting. YOU are the problem.

And then there are people like you who would sentence a man to prison over an accusation, without having evidence provided to you.

A woman in an unhealthy relationship that wants a way out, but simultaneously wants his money, hmm.. it isn't entirely unlikely and it has happened before. Let's see what happens before deciding he is guilty. I bet you also believed Amber Heard right away.
The club has categorically denied this
Absolutely they have. But I think the significance of the allegation and the club saying it is bollocks doesn’t seem to be registering on here. Her lawyers are saying the liaison officer visited at the hotel, knew she’d been assaulted by Antony, stopped her from going to hospital and called a club doctor. The club are saying the liaison officer had no idea she’d been assaulted, called a private doctor and are categorically denying any cover up. It completely contradicts what her lawyers are saying.
He's fecked imo. The fact that the club is aware that medical help was needed, even if we didn't know why, means that all it takes now is for the private doctor to confirm her injuries and that's it.

I would 100% believe that the club would try to cover up for the players. Surprised that some people think we'd report this to the police and be fine with losing a 100m asset. Would never happen.
No. Her lawyers are stating the club liaison officer who works for the club knew she’d been assaulted and covered it up. Ergo Manchester United knew she’d been assaulted.

That's not entirely implausible but there is a long way to prove it actually was the case. That's a long chain of people that may or may not have known, may have or may have not reported official or unofficial concerns up, etc...
That's not entirely implausible but there is a long way to prove it actually was the case. That's a long chain of people that may or may not have known, may have or may have not reported official or unofficial concerns up, etc...
I feel safe in the knowledge that there is very little chance the club could cover it up. This is a club that couldn’t keep a comms strategy secret for 7 days…
Absolutely they have. But I think the significance of the allegation and the club saying it is bollocks doesn’t seem to be registering on here. Her lawyers are saying the liaison officer visited at the hotel, knew she’d been assaulted by Antony, stopped her from going to hospital and called a club doctor. The club are saying the liaison officer had no idea she’d been assaulted, called a private doctor and are categorically denying any cover up. It completely contradicts what her lawyers are saying.

Hotel CCTV could get the club into deep shit. Or exonerate them.
Absolutely they have. But I think the significance of the allegation and the club saying it is bollocks doesn’t seem to be registering on here. Her lawyers are saying the liaison officer visited at the hotel, knew she’d been assaulted by Antony, stopped her from going to hospital and called a club doctor. The club are saying the liaison officer had no idea she’d been assaulted, called a private doctor and are categorically denying any cover up. It completely contradicts what her lawyers are saying.
I think it's wildly clutching at straws from the lawyers or from that media story which is sayin what they think. It's a loose accusation from them, and a lazy one. They think that Antony called the club official to get a doctor for her rather than bring her to the hospital. It's literally common practice for athletes to do this. So they are just being vultures and trying to attack images with this statement. The club instantly strongly rejecting it is conclusive enough for me. The official would have been told "my girl needs a doctor for a cut". That's about it for his role in this. He wouldn't have been told that Antony attacked her, and he wouldn't have examined anything. It's up to the doctor to then make the decision on if he sees signs of DV. If she told the official she had been assaulted, she would have told the doctor as well where it'd be his responsibility to tell the police. Hence she didn't tell the official she was assaulted.

It's a nonsense part of the story. I'm not saying the other bits aren't real, but that bit alone is a complete stretch, and also probably why it's nothing more than a lazy half accusation that the club is involved from the lawyers side. It shouldn't be entertained. If it was legit, it would be a strong and clear accusation.
I’d imagine if the doctor felt an assault had occurred they’d also have informed the police not just the club. The fact her lawyers are accusing the club and the doctor (thinking they were working for the club) of covering it up would lead me to assume the doctor isn’t stating that they felt an assault had taken place. This is why shit like this shouldn’t be drip fed through the media - serious accusations are flying and we’re all acting like Colombo based on aggregator social media sites looking for hits.
Yes even if a club doctor there is a duty to report it but I guess, sadly, some might ask the club what to do. The fact it’s a private doctor makes it much more likely if there was suspicion of domestic abuse it would have been reported.

The issue with this part of the case is, if Antony is guilty she may not have felt able to say how she got the cut out of fear and if he’s innocent and she’s lying, she can just use the above reason as why she never said anything.
Hotel CCTV could get the club into deep shit. Or exonerate them.
I mean there's a very real chance that the official visited them and got a doctor over there after. But if she told the official it had been abuse (this person isn't trained to spot signs), then she would have told the independent doctor as well who would be obligated to tell the police, right?
And then there are people like you who would sentence a man to prison over an accusation, without having evidence provided to you.

A woman in an unhealthy relationship that wants a way out, but simultaneously wants his money, hmm.. it isn't entirely unlikely and it has happened before. Let's see what happens before deciding he is guilty. I bet you also believed Amber Heard right away.

I never said anything about prison.

Evidence in DV cases is significantly difficult to get - if enough evidence can’t be produced does that mean it didn’t happen?

Based on probabilities… do we think Antony’s girlfriend, MG’s girlfriend, the numerous girls that accused Ben Mendy, the girl in the Arsenal players case are all making it up?What is the probability they are all actually innocent?

How many times have you been accused of DV? I’d hope never because you know how to behave. There’s very often no smoke without fire and the absolute lack of awareness of this around DV is astounding.
I feel safe in the knowledge that there is very little chance the club could cover it up. This is a club that couldn’t keep a comms strategy secret for 7 days…

Ah I see your point but it's not entirely comparable. The strategy was a company wide effort -at least upper management-, they had meetings, drafted documents, consulted with the workforce at large, etc...

Here you have potentially a fairly discrete and vertical chain of people that may have potentially known or have suspicions and inform the person above unofficially / off the record or decided to keep it to themselves. It may -if true in some form- have gone up a few steps up in the hierarchy while still involving very few people.
I mean there's a very real chance that the official visited them and got a doctor over there after. But if she told the official it had been abuse (this person isn't trained to spot signs), then she would have told the independent doctor as well who would be obligated to tell the police, right?

The medical ethics here is actually quite complicated. If the patient is a child then yes, absolutely. If the patient is an adult then you need consent to share your findings with anyone, even the police. Although there are exceptions, such as when there is significant risk of harm to the public in general. That’s my understanding anyway. I’m not an expert. Most doctors would discuss with their medical defence union (or supervisor) if in any doubt.
I would 100% believe that the club would try to cover up for the players. Surprised that some people think we'd report this to the police and be fine with losing a 100m asset. Would never happen.
That maybe the case. But other plausible scenarios, assuming the allegations are true.
1) it wasn’t reported as an assault at the time, or maybe even the player or his team did the talking. In that case how can the liaison officer be held accountable, naive maybe depending on what the injuries looked like.
2) The liaison officer acted independently trying to do a favour for the club. Then that is entirely on that individual and you can’t hold the club accountable for the actions of one member of staff.

But finally there is your point.
3) It’s not unheard of for assets to be put above ethics in business. Although I think that is the most unlikely. But who knows. Could have started with 1 turned into 2 and then escalated to 3

Hopefully the truth will come out.
That maybe the case. But other plausible scenarios, assuming the allegations are true.
1) it wasn’t reported as an assault at the time, or maybe even the player or his team did the talking. In that case how can the liaison officer be held accountable, naive maybe depending on what the injuries looked like.
2) The liaison officer acted independently trying to do a favour for the club. Then entirely on that individual and you can’t hold the club accountable for the actions of one member of staff.

But finally there is your point. It’s not unheard of for assets to be put above ethics in business.

Hopefully the truth will come out.

That might well be the case. But I genuinely believe that clubs cover up for footballers all the time. Clubs suspend players only when it gets out of hand, and even then, they offer legal advice. So hearing that the club might have covered this up comes as no surprise whatsoever.
Ah yes. Another male accused of DV and most of this thread goes all “innocent until proven guilty” and “the club isn’t the morality police”.

All these pesky women making things up about footballers with no actual evidence….

Honestly a lot of attitudes in here are why the conviction rates for this stuff are so low. It’s disgusting. YOU are the problem.

That’s incredibly simplistic. Is your suggestion to automatically assume guilt and imprison anyone who has a claim made against them?

Conviction rates are very likely low (although no one really knows the correct percentage) for a huge number of reasons which are distrubing, but the presumption of innocence without a trial is not one of them.

We’ve decided as a society that there needs to be a high evidentiary threshold to prove guilt, as it is significantly more immoral to determine someone guilty who is innocent than vice versa. That is absolutely the correct and moral thing to do.
I'm sure some here have experienced at their work potential low level "cover ups" for a variety of issues big and small : Maybe the company is cutting corners on safety. Or recycling. Someone is drinking on the job. Or passing a bunch of unfounded expenses. Rip off clients. Or collude with clients to profit from subsidies of some kind. Unpaid overtime. Could be things you witnessed or maybe just gossip at the coffee machine.

It's not exactly hard to imagine, assuming there's truth to the allegations, that people at the club knew or had suspicions but decided to keep it on the down low both to protect themselves, the club or to not make waves. Does this pass the threshold of "the club covering it up" even if higher management never got wind of it and didn't order to keep such matters hush ?
He's fecked imo. The fact that the club is aware that medical help was needed, even if we didn't know why, means that all it takes now is for the private doctor to confirm her injuries and that's it.

I would 100% believe that the club would try to cover up for the players. Surprised that some people think we'd report this to the police and be fine with losing a 100m asset. Would never happen.

The people who would have covered it up know they'd be thrown under the bus, become unemployable for the rest of their lives and potentially be criminally charged. It doesn't matter how much it's worth to the club, it's not their money.
If he done what is suggested he’s a rat.

However unlike Greenwood, where everyone had witnessed the undeniable evidence, there doesn’t appear to be as such with Antony yet.

I see he has already been tried by social media however.

I’ll await judgement until more comes out.
Course her lawyers would say that. $$$ You'll have to forgive my incredulity when listening to what layers say (i being one them).
If her lawyers are that good why are they permitting all this information to be regurgitated all over social media platforms.
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Just having the idea alone that the club may have covered it up is nauseous. These are heavy allegations that are going to be quite hard to prove, or dispel to be honest.
Something is wrong with United, don't we do some background or character check before signing. Don't we get to understand who they mixed with in their social life. Don't we hire a mental doctor to work with them? I cannot understand why millions of dollars are flush down the toilet when these problems surface. No wonder United is in a mess.
Ah yes. Another male accused of DV and most of this thread goes all “innocent until proven guilty” and “the club isn’t the morality police”.

All these pesky women making things up about footballers with no actual evidence….

Honestly a lot of attitudes in here are why the conviction rates for this stuff are so low. It’s disgusting. YOU are the problem.
Horrendous post. Surely you realize it's entirely possible to take an allegation seriously without jumping to conclusions about guilt?
Think it's the opposite, from what I've seen reported. Antony refers to and apologizes in text, for assaulting her... or one of the very things he's apparently being charged with. Whether you believe the alternative accounts leaked re. MG and/or his partner's social media post following the retraction around the images, for the CPS and for the club higher-ups there is at least reasonable doubt that those particular offences took place. That seems not to be the case entirely for Antony.

Again, people are (understandably, psychologically) stuck on what they can directly see or hear and reluctant to consider whether other evidence complicates that narrative or not, compared to less flashy things like texts (see likewise the Arsenal player admitting to sexual activity and saying 'you can't prove you didn't want it' in leaked texts, and the social media/club response there). Nevertheless, there seems to be more 'concrete' evidence that Antony inflicted injuries on his former partner. Doesn't mean that he's going to be found guilty or that we won't find out new evidence that complicates parts of the narrative. However, telling that there is a concession there as well as evidence of engagement with medical professionals, it would seem, that indicates she was physically harmed to a level requiring proper medical attention.
The bolded is not true. I read the texts in the original Portuguese. Antony offers up generic apologies for some unspoken wrongdoing, but there's no smoking gun where he admits to assault.
Seriously? Doctor flies from England to Brazil in a risk of losing his/her license?
Let's me guess, You believed the rumor that Ole & club knew GW had DV tendency and tried to cover that up too?

You think ManUnited FC is mafia or something? If the people who running this club were that competent, United wouldn't be in this mess for 10 years :lol:

What on earth are you talking about, why would the doctor fly from England to Brazil?
Seriously? Doctor flies from England to Brazil in a risk of losing his/her license?
Let's me guess, You believed the rumor that Ole & club knew GW had DV tendency and tried to cover that up too?

You think ManUnited FC is mafia or something? If the people who running this club were that competent, United wouldn't be in this mess for 10 years :lol:
One of the alleged incidents was in Manchester, no?