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Anthony Martial France flag

2018-19 Performances

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5.5 Season Average Rating
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He probably wanted to leave but found no top club interested except Spurs, so decided to stick around.
Bold move by him, if this is true.
If this comes to pass does it prove that the rift between player and manager was always invented by media and that they are now scrambling to wrap a far fetched narrative around it ?
Club should not be offering long term contracts to players the manager doesn't want.

Jose won't be here past next season at the latest - so does it make sense to get rid of player with his potential when the manager won't even be here in 3 years time much less.
Lol I can imagine him walking around the dressing room shouting tick tock at Jose after every loss.
Boufhasi reported the same yesterday, so perhaps it has legs. From his pov, he has nothing to lose. The club will still sell if he's hell-bent on leaving.
Also, I'm not so sure Mourinho wants rid. Think his position is that he wants the player if the player wants to stay.
Do we actually know this? Any actual quotes or sources?

I don't believe for a second he tried to get rid of Martial.

The moment he changed his shirt number we know he was the least likely to ever get a game upfront. This has proven to be true especially considering that when they do play as strikers they are made to play like target men centrally with their back against the goal.

So after his shirt number changed he became an official LW; a position he isn't the best in but can score a few goals even if his performances are not good. Fast forward; Sanchez is bought in January - a clear Jose signing & made to replace Martial when arguably he is in his best form he has been the whole year. Not because of bad performances or no goals but just because. Martial is then made to play RW instead of Sanchez & dropped after one game where he doesn't produce at RW.

Of course you don't believe Jose wants to sell Martial - well his actions certainly does. There is plenty proof. Absolutely plenty.
I've been critical of Martial but I hope this is the start of him knuckling down. If he want's Jose out all he has to do is work his bollocks off and start scoring goals.
This would be really surprising. I mean, *if * true then he must be pretty damn confident Jose is not gonna last long, or dare I say it knows he's leaving?

Woodward has a lot of flaws, but he has the club's best interests at heart unlike Jose who puts his reputation first and then the club (natural, as he is an outsider). Ed was wrong about Toby but his call on Martial is correct and he might be proven right on Shaw as well considering the latter's performances.

I am not a blind Martial fan, he is bone lazy and inflexible in terms adapting to tactics. Maybe overrated by our fanbase as well. But he has been hard done by and was ostracized unfairly for Sanchez. Hard to get his motivation up when no matter what he does, Sanchez will still start over him. So if he gets another chance under a new manager, fine by me.
Honestly I just started laughing when I read that article. Feels he can outlast Mou. A war of attrition. Fabulous.

Embarrassing really. I'm happy Martial may stay but to see the club being pulled in so many different directions internally is painful
great if true. The boy still has amazing talent and I for one am hopeful that the next United manager can unlock it.
Best news to come out of United in a while, if true. How people have forgotten how good he is, or can be, is absolutely perplexing.
Good. Don’t repeat the mistakes of Chelsea under Mourinho. Note: I am labelling them Chelsea’s mistakes not Mourinho’s.
Hardly perplexing, 2016 was a long long time ago.
Pretty fecking perplexing. I mean given that he was player of the month 3 times (the most of any of our players) just last season. Furthermore, everyone can see what's happening with Shaw since he's been given a run of games... you know, after being labelled shit and lazy by a certain section of fools.
The moment he changed his shirt number we know he was the least likely to ever get a game upfront. This has proven to be true especially considering that when they do play as strikers they are made to play like target men centrally with their back against the goal.

So after his shirt number changed he became an official LW; a position he isn't the best in but can score a few goals even if his performances are not good. Fast forward; Sanchez is bought in January - a clear Jose signing & made to replace Martial when arguably he is in his best form he has been the whole year. Not because of bad performances or no goals but just because. Martial is then made to play RW instead of Sanchez & dropped after one game where he doesn't produce at RW.

Of course you don't believe Jose wants to sell Martial - well his actions certainly does. There is plenty proof. Absolutely plenty.

The number change was just giving away to seniority, that happens.

The rest is just showing that he doesn't fancy him or that he hasn't done enough in Jose's eyes for him to be a regular yet.

None of those two things signify that he actively wants him out of the squad. Does he want Rashford out or Herrera out too then?

If he signs a contract and there's very little reason for him to do so just yet then its because he's content including with the manager. A player who supposedly could play for the best doesn't tie themselves dowm hoping to out live a manager
Daily Mail's running with the story and not referencing it to the Times either. Would guess it's a leak by Martial's agent to spite Jose.
The moment he changed his shirt number we know he was the least likely to ever get a game upfront. This has proven to be true especially considering that when they do play as strikers they are made to play like target men centrally with their back against the goal.

So after his shirt number changed he became an official LW; a position he isn't the best in but can score a few goals even if his performances are not good. Fast forward; Sanchez is bought in January - a clear Jose signing & made to replace Martial when arguably he is in his best form he has been the whole year. Not because of bad performances or no goals but just because. Martial is then made to play RW instead of Sanchez & dropped after one game where he doesn't produce at RW.

Of course you don't believe Jose wants to sell Martial - well his actions certainly does. There is plenty proof. Absolutely plenty.

FFS not the shirt number shit again. When Zlatan comes in you give him the number simple as. It has nothing to do with him playing not as a striker.
Shaw, Martial and Bailly are all clearly very talented players. I hope he is staying because I still think there is a good chance all three can translate their early promise into consistent performances.
FFS not the shirt number shit again. When Zlatan comes in you give him the number simple as. It has nothing to do with him playing not as a striker.

Right so Jose says with his own mouth that he doesn't see martial & Rashford as strikers under him - he said this BTW not some made up transfer news - and at the same time Martial's number changes from 9 to 11 - a traditional striker number to a wingers number - you think that I make this up?

Of course it would just be a damn shirt number if Martial was number 11 and playing upfront next to Ibrahimovic or playing next to Lukaku. Did that happen? No - he has continued to play as a makeshift left winger who's primary goal is to provide a target with suupply.

If you continue to think martial is not playing ST because we regularly play with regularly two up front & he isn't performing - then that is wrong. If you think that martial has the capability to play as a striker under Mourinho by performing as a LW - you are wrong.

Do you know why - because Jose said - Martial is not a striker under me.
Right so Jose says with his own mouth that he doesn't see martial & Rashford as strikers under him - he said this BTW not some made up transfer news - and at the same time Martial's number changes from 9 to 11 - a traditional striker number to a wingers number - you think that I make this up?

Of course it would just be a damn shirt number if Martial was number 11 and playing upfront next to Ibrahimovic or playing next to Lukaku. Did that happen? No - he has continued to play as a makeshift left winger who's primary goal is to provide a target with suupply.

If you continue to think martial is not playing ST because we regularly play with regularly two up front & he isn't performing - then that is wrong. If you think that martial has the capability to play as a striker under Mourinho by performing as a LW - you are wrong.

Do you know why - because Jose said - Martial is not a striker under me.

We don't think you've made it up we think you're incapable of understanding a simple concept of senior players getting the number they want.

It happened with Teddy and Beckham and it's happened at evey club over and over again. Martials change in number was because Zlatan wanted it. It's that simple
Not sure him possibly signing a new deal is good news.

It's the Woodward Way. Players who haven't earned it are put on fat contracts so we can't shift them. We can't have Ronaldo to Madrid situations happening on his watch, it would hurt his ego.
One of things that does excite me about the possibility of Zidane is how much he'll get out of Pogba and Martial. After all they'll be playing for their nations footballing idol.

Yes, and on the flip side, if Zidane can't improve Martial (assuming Zidane is hired in the first place), then Martial will never amount to anything much in his career.
We don't think you've made it up we think you're incapable of understanding a simple concept of senior players getting the number they want.

It happened with Teddy and Beckham and it's happened at evey club over and over again. Martials change in number was because Zlatan wanted it. It's that simple

But does Jose regard Martial as a striker in his eyes?
One of the rare times I'll side with the board,they're thinking beyond Jose's eventual flameout thankfully

Club should not be offering long term contracts to players the manager doesn't want.

Shows how little they care for the managers opinion at this point...
Right so Jose says with his own mouth that he doesn't see martial & Rashford as strikers under him - he said this BTW not some made up transfer news - and at the same time Martial's number changes from 9 to 11 - a traditional striker number to a wingers number - you think that I make this up?

Of course it would just be a damn shirt number if Martial was number 11 and playing upfront next to Ibrahimovic or playing next to Lukaku. Did that happen? No - he has continued to play as a makeshift left winger who's primary goal is to provide a target with suupply.

If you continue to think martial is not playing ST because we regularly play with regularly two up front & he isn't performing - then that is wrong. If you think that martial has the capability to play as a striker under Mourinho by performing as a LW - you are wrong.

Do you know why - because Jose said - Martial is not a striker under me.

Jose thinks Martial is not a striker and hence he's not playing him in that position. It would've happened even if he'd retained his old number. What's so hard to understand?

Here is the breakdown of Martial in his whole career

Pos App G A
Left Winger 87 24 23
Centre-Forward 79 20 13
Right Winger 14 2 -
Attacking Midfield 1 1 -

There is nothing here to suggest he does amazingly well when played as a CF than a Left winger.
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