2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

You are the only non very left modmin in Caf, which in the eyes of @Pexbo makes you a Trump voter and evil.
I'm not very left. Perhaps Moses is. And I always picked Raoul as a fairly typical Democratic voter, which is centre right by most countries standards of course.
If the dems really believe Trump is a fascist dictator in waiting then why did they wish him a speedy recovery after the assassination attempt ?

Political suicide not to, I'd say. Then the GOP could claim high ground: "oh they want us dead to stop us"

I'm glad she brought up potential Supreme Court appointment in the next administration.

That's very good. It's an obvious point to push though - they should hammer it even more.
That word has lost all meaning. Democrats use fascist in the same way Republicans use communist.

It doesn’t mean anything other than person = bad and the reasons given are mostly vague.
What are you talking about? Democrats aren't even vaguely communist. Trump boasts about being a fascist if he is reflected. He is proud of it ffs. There is no equivalence.
I think the problem for the Democrats, whether they like it or not, is that people feel like they've watered down what it means to be a Nazi or fascist. The result of that perception is that the accusations of Trump being a fascist doesn't seem to hit as hard.

This was 2012.
Through campaign co-chairman Norm Coleman, a former Minnesota senator, Mitt Romney's campaign has responded to various Democrats invocations of Nazism during the Democratic National Convention.

Two Democratic officials attending the convention have described Republican falsehoods by quoting Nazis -- one Hitler, one Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian then compared his state's governor, Nikki Haley, to Hitler girlfriend Eva Braun.

“Democratic Party officials need to cease and desist from comparing those with whom they disagree to Nazis," Coleman said in a statement.
What are you talking about? Democrats aren't even vaguely communist. Trump boasts about being a fascist if he is reflected. He is proud of it ffs. There is no equivalence.
I think his point is that Dems have agreed to be tougher on immigration even though during Trump's term they criticized it heavily. So why take Democratic framing of Trump as a fascist seriously?

I think it's a somewhat relevant but also incomplete argument because there's more to Trump's rhetoric and wishes than just tough immigration policy. For the Dems to go along with tougher immigration policy doesn't necessarily invalidate the concerns about what Trump wants (in my view anyway).
Trump's ideology and political program doesn't have to line up perfectly with the fascism of the early 20th century for there to be fascist elements to his stated ideas. There are clear comparisons when it comes to his autocracy, wish to forcibly suppress opposition, control the media, etc.
Harris is showboating about getting support from Dick Cheney. Everything you’ve said here can be said of Dick Cheney(The fecker actual stole a election!).

If fascism isn’t about its economic or political forms and instead just authoritarian vibes then I don’t see the point of calling it fascism.

As for how democrats responded to his assassination attempt, I don't really see the relevance, but if I had to make a guess, I'd say the primary reason was that it would look really bad for them if they didn't respond like that (or at least that's what they thought).
It’s matters because it gives some impression how seriously the dems are about viewing Trump as a fascist. Suggesting potentially bad polling is why Harris wished 2024 Mussolini a healthy recovery doesn’t speak great of her or how seriously she takes the threat.

Tbh the answer is most people when taking about fascism just meaning really bad right wing thing. Pretty much in the same way every 4th punk song was about calling Reagan a fascist.
What the flying 2002 feck is this? Are you incapable of posting a 10 second clip that actually shows this or did the creator just make it up ´?

(I mean it has it all, has LG phone camera optics, Cartoon 4 Frame, 2003 9gag joke set up).

It's a meme slowpoke - but hey, you opted for that instead of engaging with the actual point, you know, the one with sentences and words and stuff.
I think his point is that Dems have agreed to be tougher on immigration even though during Trump's term they criticized it heavily. So why take Democratic framing of Trump as a fascist seriously?

I think it's a somewhat relevant but also incomplete argument because there's more to Trump's rhetoric and wishes than just tough immigration policy. For the Dems to go along with tougher immigration policy doesn't necessarily invalidate the concerns about what Trump wants (in my view anyway).
Fascism isn’t just about being hard on immigration. Trump is a textbook fascist, an authorian who wants a strong state that serves the leader (if the leader is him) with blind loyalty. The word has been watered-down because it’s being used as a broad slur by people who don’t know what it means but Trump fits the bill.
Harris is showboating about getting support from Dick Cheney. Everything you’ve said here can be said of Dick Cheney(The fecker actual stole a election!).

If “fascism” isn’t about its economic or political forms and just authoritarian vibes then I don’t see the point of calling it fascism.
Authoritarianism is a key component of fascism, wouldn't you agree? And also, the original point wasn't whether Trump is the perfect fascist, but whether there is an equivalence between calling Trump fascist, and calling Democrats communist. Which there just isn't, in my opinion.
It’s matters because it gives some impression how seriously the dems are about viewing Trump as a fascist. Suggesting potentially bad polling is why Harris wished 2024 Mussolini a healthy recovery doesn’t speak great of her or how seriously she takes the threat.
Are you open to the idea that politicians may not be 100% truthful all of the time, in an effort to further their political goals? Harris and others probably made the response they thought would be most appropriate to win the election. Going out there and saying "Trump is a threat to democracy, so it's a shame that the incel missed" would have been detrimental to actually stopping Trump, even if that's what they thought.
Are you open to the idea that politicians may not be 100% truthful all of the time, in an effort to further their political goals? Harris and others probably made the response they thought would be most appropriate to win the election. Going out there and saying "Trump is a threat to democracy, so it's a shame that the incel missed" would have been detrimental to actually stopping Trump, even if that's what they thought.
Perhaps the part where they're not being 100% truthful is the part where they call Trump a fascist.
82 American Nobel Prize Winners Endorse Kamala Harris
The letter praises Ms. Harris for understanding that “the enormous increases in living standards and life expectancies over the past two centuries are largely the result of advances in science and technology.” Former President Donald Trump, by contrast, would “jeopardize any advancements in our standards of living, slow the progress of science and technology and impede our responses to climate change,” the letter said.
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[ characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race.
This is what people are talking about by Fascist.
Authoritarianism is a key component of fascism, wouldn't you agree? And also, the original point wasn't whether Trump is the perfect fascist, but whether there is an equivalence between calling Trump fascist, and calling Democrats communist. Which there just isn't, in my opinion.
True but authoritarianism is a key component to many political ideology that aren’t fascist. Stalinism was authoritarianism for example but that wasn’t fascism and the Bush Jr years had massive crack downs on democratic norms and stole a election but wasn’t fascism.
Are you open to the idea that politicians may not be 100% truthful all of the time, in an effort to further their political goals? Harris and others probably made the response they thought would be most appropriate to win the election. Going out there and saying "Trump is a threat to democracy, so it's a shame that the incel missed" would have been detrimental to actually stopping Trump, even if that's what they thought.
What’s to say Harris isn’t lying about saying Trump is a fascist. Maybe she is saying it to scare democrats into voting for her rather than actually viewing Trump as a fascist.

But anyway we will just have to agree to disagree. And Trump is a massive arsehole.
Harris is showboating about getting support from Dick Cheney. Everything you’ve said here can be said of Dick Cheney(The fecker actual stole a election!).

Showboating? hardly.

She may have mentioned it in speeches and interviews because it illustrates the point that even those on the traditional opposite end of the political spectrum know Trump is unfit to be President.

If fascism isn’t about its economic or political forms and instead just authoritarian vibes then I don’t see the point of calling it fascism.

An aspect of fascism is the link between fascism and capitalism. Fascism is a last-ditch effort to preserve the existing capitalist system and class structure. MAGA.

It’s matters because it gives some impression how seriously the dems are about viewing Trump as a fascist. Suggesting potentially bad polling is why Harris wished 2024 Mussolini a healthy recovery doesn’t speak great of her or how seriously she takes the threat.

This is nonsense.

If you are referring to post the assassination attempt, then Biden was the presidential candidate running, not Harris.

And it was right for Biden to wish him well. Biden wishes to unite the country, even though in this climate it is impossible. Unline Trump, who wishes to divide, which is a prime trait of a fascist leader.
True but authoritarianism is a key component to many political ideology that aren’t fascist. Stalinism was authoritarianism for example but that wasn’t fascism and the Bush Jr years had massive crack downs on democratic norms and stole a election but wasn’t fascism.

What’s to say Harris isn’t lying about saying Trump is a fascist. Maybe she is saying it to scare democrats into voting for her rather than actually viewing Trump as a fascist.

But anyway we will just have to agree to disagree. And Trump is a massive arsehole.
I mean, I do see your point that Trump isn't a fascist by the textbook definition, however I'd still say he is a lot closer to being one, than Democrats are to being communist. Even someone like John Kelly uses the term to describe him. "Fascist" has maybe taken the meaning of "autocrat" or "authoritarian", and it would be more accurate to use of those to describe Trump. And I wouldn't rule out some on the left deliberately using "fascist" because it is more scary sounding.
Yup. Rogan has had a lot of conspiracy theorists and quacks on his show over the years.

But when they come on, they at least have "evidence" that at least sounds somewhat convincing and plausible to backup their claims.

I knew Trump would come across as the moron he is on Rogan.

How could they? They were not in the Oval Office when Trump was insulting their daughter.

And neither was Jeffrey Goldberg. No senior journalist in US corporate media lies more brazenly and often than Jeffrey Goldberg, and has been doing it for ages. This is the same guy who pushed the false Saddam-Al Qaeda alliance to sell the Iraq War, pushed for the invasion of Iraq and made The Atlantic a hub for Russiagate nonsense. He should be totally shunned, but here we are.
That word has lost all meaning. Democrats use fascist in the same way Republicans use communist.

It doesn’t mean anything other than person = bad and the reasons given are mostly vague.

There are actually 14 core characteristics of fascism and Trump exhibits most of them, therefore one could say he is objectively a fascist. That is light years away from Republicans calling Dems commies as a pejorative to politically vilify them in the absence of all facts or evidence.
I can't believe we even need to address this at this point but:

A) politics are a spectrum of different visions and opinions on an increasing list of topics.

B) you don't need to be Mussolini itself to show fascistic tendencies/nature in your political opinions and actions.

C) since politics are a spectrum, some politics that show fascistic tendencies and some that not can ocasionally agree in some specific topics.

D) one of the most important foundations on democracies is precisely the fact that you don't actively want your political opponent to drop dead, or at the very least, you don't openly declare it.
How Donald Trump Is Making Big Promises to Big Business
Crypto. Big Oil. Tobacco. Vaping. The former president has been making overt promises to industry leaders, a level of explicitness rarely seen in modern presidential politics.
“Trump was the first transactional president,” said Scott Reed, a longtime Republican consultant and former top political strategist for the United States Chamber of Commerce. “He’s now taken it to a new level.”
I can't believe we even need to address this at this point but:

A) politics are a spectrum of different visions and opinions on an increasing list of topics.

B) you don't need to be Mussolini itself to show fascistic tendencies/nature in your political opinions and actions.

C) since politics are a spectrum, some politics that show fascistic tendencies and some that not can ocasionally agree in some specific topics.

D) one of the most important foundations on democracies is precisely the fact that you don't actively want your political opponent to drop dead, or at the very least, you don't openly declare it.

Are you saying you don't have to stand on a balcony with folded arms and a petulant frown to be considered a fascist ?
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Election Officials Face Torrent of Threats as Nov. 5 Looms
Political battlegrounds are taking on the sobering characteristics of actual ones. Drones, barriers and snipers are expected to be deployed at some offices and polling sites. Bulletproof glass and armed security patrols are becoming increasingly commonplace everywhere.
Last month, the Department of Homeland Security issued an internal memo warning that some domestic extremists were “engaging in illegal preparatory or violent activity that they link to the narrative of an impending civil war,” according to a report obtained through an open records request by Property of the People, a nonpartisan group.
“Our polling places have become battlegrounds,” Isaac Cramer, executive director of South Carolina’s Charleston County Board of Voter Registration and Elections, said in congressional testimony this year. He described one particularly unnerving practice being employed against his poll workers — roving groups who show up at voting locations to threaten volunteers and staff with citizen arrests.
There are two separate issues, whether Trump 'is a fascist' and whether different people and institutions believe he is one (and the depth and conviction of that belief).

To me it seems like the Democrats go back-and-forth between treating Trump as an existential threat to democracy and 'dangerous fascist', and a normal political opponent. Some of that is their choice and some of that is out of their hands.
Some quotes from people who think Trump is a fascist but will vote for him anyway.
Analia, (ABC News is not using last names for privacy reasons) a 46-year-old accounting tour operator and former Democrat from Florida, explained she leans toward Trump because of his policies. "I don't like him as the person that he chose to be, but I like his politics," she said. "But as a human being, I would never support."

When asked about an authoritarian leader, she said, "I think it's good for the country. I think we need some sort of order. I do like those kinds of things from [Trump]."
One woman who wished to remain anonymous -- but disclosed she also previously identified as a liberal Democrat -- agreed that Trump fits the definition of a fascist -- on a personal level. "Personally, he's a fascist," she said. "Professionally wise, as president, I think he would do a good job."

"We can call our bosses fascist. Doesn't mean that they're not good bosses," she said.
A 21-year-old independent voter who says he leans moderate and attends St. Mary's University in Texas, told ABC News that while he does not like Trump, he prefers him as a candidate and that his being a fascist isn't disqualifying. "It's something that I'm kind of having to look past," he said. I don't necessarily want to, but considering the candidates we have … I feel like it's something I kind of have to do."

He also expressed that he does not think Trump can impose fascism in America.
Forty-two-year old Mindy from North Carolina told ABC News Trump "definitely" fits the definition of a fascist, and responded affirmatively when asked if she supported authoritarian leadership.

Despite that, she said she doesn't think Trump would take away personal freedoms. "Kamala Harris is taking away our freedom," she argued.
Are Americans not remotely concerned that he tried to overturn the previous Election results? It just doesn't compute how any semi intelligent person wanting to live in a democracy would vote for him. It's bizarre.

Can't non-Americans understand that the reason Trump is leading is that the alternative simply isn't good enough? The Dems' main pitch is basically, "We're not Trump," and that's not enough. Kamala is seen as a continuation of the Biden administration, which has overseen:
  • Lying about the president's cognitive health, accusing those who provide evidence of his decline as right wing conspirators
  • Selecting the Democratic nominee through a closed process, bypassing a fair primary
  • Choosing an unqualified candidate when better options are available
  • Suppressing alternative candidates and limiting their media access to maintain control
  • Weaponizing the legal system against political opponents
  • Opposing voter ID and proof of citizenship requirements, undermining confidence in election integrity
  • Opening borders to unscreened immigrants, dumping them in areas cannot handle the influx, straining communities and infrastructure
  • Implementing reckless economic policies and massive spending, ignoring inflation and the deficit which has grown rampant
  • Financing in an unpopular war in Ukraine and financing one side in a conflict the international courts have called a plausible genocide
  • Defunding the police and changing bail laws, releasing violent criminals, harming communities, and promoting lawlessness
  • Continuing liability exemptions for pharma, pushing a 72-shot vaccine schedule without evaluating cumulative effects
The problem isn't just Trump—it's the lack of a compelling alternative
Can't non-Americans understand that the reason Trump is leading is that the alternative simply isn't good enough? The Dems' main pitch is basically, "We're not Trump," and that's not enough. Kamala is seen as a continuation of the Biden administration, which has overseen:
  • Lying about the president's cognitive health, accusing those who provide evidence of his decline as right wing conspirators
  • Selecting the Democratic nominee through a closed process, bypassing a fair primary
  • Choosing an unqualified candidate when better options are available
  • Suppressing alternative candidates and limiting their media access to maintain control
  • Weaponizing the legal system against political opponents
  • Opposing voter ID and proof of citizenship requirements, undermining confidence in election integrity
  • Opening borders to unscreened immigrants, dumping them in areas cannot handle the influx, straining communities and infrastructure
  • Implementing reckless economic policies and massive spending, ignoring inflation and the deficit which has grown rampant
  • Financing in an unpopular war in Ukraine and financing one side in a conflict the international courts have called a plausible genocide
  • Defunding the police and changing bail laws, releasing violent criminals, harming communities, and promoting lawlessness
  • Continuing liability exemptions for pharma, pushing a 72-shot vaccine schedule without evaluating cumulative effects
The problem isn't just Trump—it's the lack of a compelling alternative

the only 2 things in this remotely relevant to the election outcome are the perception of increased crime and migration, and post-covid inflation; the rest is a conservative grievance list as blinkered as any of the stuff you mock in this tread.
Can't non-Americans understand that the reason Trump is leading is that the alternative simply isn't good enough? The Dems' main pitch is basically, "We're not Trump," and that's not enough. Kamala is seen as a continuation of the Biden administration, which has overseen:
  • Lying about the president's cognitive health, accusing those who provide evidence of his decline as right wing conspirators
  • Selecting the Democratic nominee through a closed process, bypassing a fair primary
  • Choosing an unqualified candidate when better options are available
  • Suppressing alternative candidates and limiting their media access to maintain control
  • Weaponizing the legal system against political opponents
  • Opposing voter ID and proof of citizenship requirements, undermining confidence in election integrity
  • Opening borders to unscreened immigrants, dumping them in areas cannot handle the influx, straining communities and infrastructure
  • Implementing reckless economic policies and massive spending, ignoring inflation and the deficit which has grown rampant
  • Financing in an unpopular war in Ukraine and financing one side in a conflict the international courts have called a plausible genocide
  • Defunding the police and changing bail laws, releasing violent criminals, harming communities, and promoting lawlessness
  • Continuing liability exemptions for pharma, pushing a 72-shot vaccine schedule without evaluating cumulative effects
The problem isn't just Trump—it's the lack of a compelling alternative

None of which are good enough reasons to allow Trump and this far right extremist iteration of the GOP back in power. They are not all true either.
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