2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

In recent speeches, she has moved from “we’re the underdog” to “we will win” and “the momentum is on our side.” Interesting shift.

She’s also infinitely better when she talks the way she’s talking tonight. Basically this and podcasts are her best formats. TV interviews with journos are her Achilles heel.

I cancelled my Post subscription once they hired Will Lewis. Appointing a criminal Murdoch lackey to manage the paper was a catastrophic mistake. America doesn't need another Murdoch-aligned media outlet. Hopefully Lewis will be extradited back to the UK in the near future.
She’s also infinitely better when she talks the way she’s talking tonight. Basically this and podcasts are her best formats. TV interviews with journos are her Achilles heel.
That’s a fair assessment.

It’s also interesting that she pretty much talked about one topic, not a laundry list.
I think that's what some people fail to grasp.

Arabs outside of foreign policy aren't some homogenised voting bloc. A lot of them are traditionally socially conservative business owners who historically have always voted GOP.

If the situation is genocide Palestinian babies vs genocide Palestinian babies regretfully, then the choice comes down to their personal circumstances and politics.

Also constantly calling them idiotic for not deciding to vote for Harris has a counter-intuitive effect.

Though the progressive Arabs who vote GOP to spite the Dems are a little insane.
Just wait for the shaming comments if Harris loses.

I think hat any Arab American voting for Trump has a screw loose, however voting for a third party or simply abstaining is a whole other matter.
Just wait for the shaming comments if Harris loses.

I think hat any Arab American voting for Trump has a screw loose, however voting for a third party or simply abstaining is a whole other matter
Abstaining may make the person feel better but it could still leave a devastating impact to the middle east. I fear for Muslims world wide, as well as Ukraine and the former Soviet countries should Trump win.

My body is so ready for when this blows up spectacularly in their faces comes 2 a.m Nov 6th.

Per Marist, CNN/SRSS and NYT/Siena, early voters are in the range of 55/45 ish to Harris, and that is with this rate of cannibalisation for GOP.

'We were leading the early votes' will be 2024 version of 'We were up 600k in Pennsylvania'.

Side note: Georgia is as of this moment only 4k behind 2020 same day total votes, it most likely will run ahead starting tomorrow.
Abstaining may make the person feel better but it could still leave a devastating impact to the middle east. I fear for Muslims world wide, as well as Ukraine and the former Soviet countries should Trump win.
Trump coming back to the White House would indeed mean the end of Ukraine as a functioning state and the hastened disappearance of Palestine, in my opinion. Harris will just slow down the process of the latter and it will be business as usual, just like in the past 80 years. I dare say that the same will apply to Ukraine.

Iran is another matter. Harris is a hawk and and she'll be no different than Trump on this topic. If any, I consider her a bigger threat than Trump when it comes to Iran. People are so desperate to avoid four more years of Trump that they'll just vote for about anyone else without really looking at the name they're putting on the ballot.

The theory about Russia taking on the Baltic States or Poland, and de facto NATO, is pure fantasy and scaremongering, both of which I'm not willing to entertain.

Many Arab Americans consider that Harris' stance is simply "Yeah it's currently very bad, but I personally have no real problem with it, and I got nothing for you other than lip service. But if you don't vote for me, it's going to be even worse".

The Dems campaign strategy towards the muslim/arab voters is based on blackmail and bullying. A bit like what the US policy in the Middle-East and you don't win votes by twisting your voters' arm. They will still be the main scapegoats for an eventual Harris defeat, make no mistake about that. Just have a look at some of the posts here.

I suppose that a good chunk of the Arab Americans will eventually give in and vote for her while holding their nose. Others won't and turn to third parties or simply won't bother.

One thing is certain, if the Democrats lose, something I personally don't want, it will be because the racist, senile blob refused to step down despite him losing the race, his sycophants delayed it until it was too late, and Harris was an overall shit candidate. Not because the Arab American voters didn't vote for her.
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My body is so ready for when this blows up spectacularly in their faces comes 2 a.m Nov 6th.

Per Marist, CNN/SRSS and NYT/Siena, early voters are in the range of 55/45 ish to Harris, and that is with this rate of cannibalisation for GOP.

'We were leading the early votes' will be 2024 version of 'We were up 600k in Pennsylvania'.

Side note: Georgia is as of this moment only 4k behind 2020 same day total votes, it most likely will run ahead starting tomorrow.

As long as the Dems show up on the E day. At least GOP voters are reliable for that, I would think?

My body is so ready for when this blows up spectacularly in their faces comes 2 a.m Nov 6th.

Per Marist, CNN/SRSS and NYT/Siena, early voters are in the range of 55/45 ish to Harris, and that is with this rate of cannibalisation for GOP.

'We were leading the early votes' will be 2024 version of 'We were up 600k in Pennsylvania'.

Side note: Georgia is as of this moment only 4k behind 2020 same day total votes, it most likely will run ahead starting tomorrow.

the problem with this hyper focus on polling, early voting etc by the online pundits is that Trump is going to call it rigged no matter what. Even if he wins battleground states. If he wins PA 51-49, it's "rigged". If Harris wins PA but lost MI, it's "rigged". Hell, he's going to call New York "rigged".

He does not give a flying feck about the result and they are going to do everything to just try and take states. The poll watchers and pundits think math, predictions, averages, stats mean something to a fascist. They seem to think either he'll be embarrassed or the party will feel embarrassed if their data shows a clear Harris win in X state. They want to take power and they don't care about anything else. If Trump starts the night ahead in PA, that's it, he'll call for an end to counting, he'll send the supporters to the counting sites and his cult will continue to never believe anything else. The only question this time, does he actively tell them to storm the counting centers and "end the steal". There are no dissenters in his orbit any more.
As long as the Dems show up on the E day. At least GOP voters are reliable for that, I would think?
They will show up, fear is a powerful motivator.

the problem with this hyper focus on polling, early voting etc by the online pundits is that Trump is going to call it rigged no matter what. Even if he wins battleground states. If he wins PA 51-49, it's "rigged". If Harris wins PA but lost MI, it's "rigged". Hell, he's going to call New York "rigged".

He does not give a flying feck about the result and they are going to do everything to just try and take states. The poll watchers and pundits think math, predictions, averages, stats mean something to a fascist. They seem to think either he'll be embarrassed or the party will feel embarrassed if their data shows a clear Harris win in X state. They want to take power and they don't care about anything else. If Trump starts the night ahead in PA, that's it, he'll call for an end to counting, he'll send the supporters to the counting sites and his cult will continue to never believe anything else. The only question this time, does he actively tell them to storm the counting centers and "end the steal". There are no dissenters in his orbit any more.
They are welcome to try, they've already file like 95 suits in the battleground states this year and any that got before the judges they lost, often unanimously. If those MAGA fecks try to feck around with the counting, all the better, something in the region of 1600-1900 J6ers were sentenced and did time, I would take the result being delayed for a few days to get them years in the cell, felony recourt, losing all their property like Rudy G, unable to find a job or housing due to their stupidity.
They will show up, fear is a powerful motivator.

They are welcome to try, they've already file like 95 suits in the battleground states this year and any that got before the judges they lost, often unanimously. If those MAGA fecks try to feck around with the counting, all the better, something in the region of 1600-1900 J6ers were sentenced and did time, I would take the result being delayed for a few days to get them years in the cell, felony recourt, losing all their property like Rudy G, unable to find a job or housing due to their stupidity.
Hey, i hope the system holds. Good luck to everyone on the ground whom will need physical protection in a few days time. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes in those counting rooms.

I just get a little...irked by these writers that seem to think "actually here what the data is REALLY telling us" type of content is really telling us anything important. One candidate is going to call the election rigged from the moment a tally goes live on TV, and that will be all the media covers on the night of the count. The statistical breakdown of which kind of voters are turning out at which time basically has a genuine audience of probably statistical professors and hyper-obsessed political junkies like us on this thread. :lol: I just wish we had better stuff coming out to read.

And I hope that doesn't come across as "stop posting these things", by all means, my brain is broken by politics so I'll keep reading all this...stuff to hold onto some form of sanity. :nervous:
So is there anybody here ready to sacrifice their sanity for 3 hours of Rogan-Trump? Cause I ain't doing it. Watching the spin on Twitter doesn't help because MAGAs are like '10/10 interview', 'transformative' while the libs are zeroing in on his answer on the J6 stuff.
Haha go get kindly fecked - For a good couple of years, Biden's stumbles and slip-ups were hard to ignore, yet even the slightest mention of cognitive decline was met with fierce media backlash (and a torrent of abuse in places like this very thread!). Media and the Admin kept pushing this "sharp as a tack" story, telling us he was the best Biden yet, completely lying to the public because they're fake and lack morals. Which is why now that they're crying wolf none gives a shit and we're about to end up with an Orange Clown for 4 more years.

Feck the media

What the flying 2002 feck is this? Are you incapable of posting a 10 second clip that actually shows this or did the creator just make it up ´?

(I mean it has it all, has LG phone camera optics, Cartoon 4 Frame, 2003 9gag joke set up).
If Trump loses this election the Maga experiment is done. It will demonstrate that moderate republicans are done with their shit.
He will run again, even from prison, count on it.

Don't take it from me, Maggie Haberman who has covered him for decades and has connections in that circle said as much on Ezra Klein's latest podcast.

Whether the traditional Rs will defect or hold their nose again is another matter, but he will run.
Maybe Bezos is eyeing government contracts for his space company, hence not antagonizing The Donald?

Former President Trump met with leaders from the Jeff Bezos-owned aerospace company Blue Origin following his speech in Austin, Texas.

The Republican had a short meeting with the aerospace company CEO David Limp and vice president of government relations Megan Mitchell, according to The Associated Press (AP).
What the flying 2002 feck is this? Are you incapable of posting a 10 second clip that actually shows this or did the creator just make it up ´?

(I mean it has it all, has LG phone camera optics, Cartoon 4 Frame, 2003 9gag joke set up).

That actually explains a lot. No wonder he is how he is if he's so online that he thinks posting shitty memes is the best move there.
That actually explains a lot. No wonder he is how he is if he's so online that he thinks posting shitty memes is the best move there.
It seems so.

I know I'm far from a saint myself, but I find that level of communication infuriating. It's 2024, if that happened, post a clip of it. Even with clips we need to be eagle eyed to actually see whether it's real, but at least there's a chance.

In all honesty I think a good proportion of people in the western world have exposed themselves to so much bs and troll content that they have absorbed it and are now themselves indistinguishable from paid Petersburg trolls.
Six million views in six hours on YouTube. That's not counting Spotify. Listened to it, it was everything to be expected. Joe Rogan went super easy on him. A lot of waffle about rigged elections, conspiracy theories, the best wall ever made etc
Why is joe rogan put on such a high pedestal, I have never understood what is so great about his podcast?
Why is joe rogan put on such a high pedestal, I have never understood what is so great about his podcast?
I've listened to quite a few of his podcasts and while his interviews of jungle survivors and UFO sighters could be entertaining as a background noise while working or surfing on the net, I'll never understand the hype around him.
Why is joe rogan put on such a high pedestal, I have never understood what is so great about his podcast?
He’s a moron who somehow sounds smart to other morons. That’s it. But that can get you very far.
It's just first mover advantage, all there is to it.

Long form podcast with interesting guests of different backgrounds from a relatively known celeb due to his past work. Once you get the ball rolling you can prove yourself an utter meathead and that won't slow it down one bit.
I remember listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast reasonably often 12 or so years ago, he was just some bozo comedian who had other bozo comedians on, they’d be clearly high talking wank but it was a easy listen while I was working or walking. He’s still the exact same Bloke but probably an even bigger bozo.

It’s odd he’s so ridiculously popular and well paid now, he’s got no reason to be a political doormat but the path he’s ended up on is so weird and funny.
Why is joe rogan put on such a high pedestal, I have never understood what is so great about his podcast?
I've not been a big listener, but I think in his best podcast days he became known for bringing on a variety of guests that had insights into some very interesting topics. He coupled that with an ability to let the guest do most of the talking and ask good follow-up questions - essentially he was a good interviewer. All of that has gone to the wayside of course, but there was a reason he became popular.
I've listened to quite a few of his podcasts and while his interviews of jungle "survivors" and UFO sighters can be entertaining as a background noise while working, I'll never understand the hype around him.

I think he was a lot of people's first introduction to long form podcasts (at least was for me and my friends). He had interesting guests, mainly the scientists like Brian Cox etc, so it was also a lot of people's first exposure to those types of guests. The UFC also starting to become big led a lot of people to his podcasts especially after fights etc. He was always a conspiracy nut but mainly on things you could overlook like UFOs etc. However, at some point (probably around the time of the "intellectual dark web" crap) he started to, at least to me, shift more towards the right (he also might have always been on the right and this was just coming out more). Then around Trump and then Covid he proper jumped off the deep end. I stopped listening around when Trump took charge. In essence, he used to be like that friend who chats a lot of crap but is harmless and has interesting guests, to now someone who you think actually believes the crap he says and actively panders to the right.