2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

I wonder if hitting the podcast circuit would pay any dividends.
Theo Von viewers are probably already voting Trump.

5m views in less than a day is decent numbers though

It will be driving more people to the polls, for sure. At lof of the viewers wont have voted before.

He can reach far more people via a podcast or youtube than he can via a rally.

I think it is a smart strategy.

Kamala needs to replicate this. Hearing a "sane" voice on platforms where they are not usually heard can change a lot of minds.

She should go on Joe Rogan, set straight some of the BS.
Harris numbers are good compared to Biden's, not against Trump. Trump twice beat his poll numbers, so you need a comfortable gap in numbers when running against him.

If he gets a small chunk of RFK voters more than Harris, that would complicate it for the Dems. more

I'm not optimistic, as I have been throughout this thread. The Dems. seem to be making one mistake after the other; from Biden decision to run again last year, to no open convention and just going with the simplest route with Harris, to antagonizing RFK...etc..

Didn't RFKs running mate, Nicole Shanahan, put tens of millions into the campaign?

I bet she is driving this as she sees the RFK campaign is going nowhere and she doesn't want to waste any more money.

She will want a cabinet position for her return on investment.
The whole "this is a coronation not a democracy" attack on Kamala by RFK is just stupid. If you cared about Democracy, you certainly could not back the guy who tried to have millions of votes tossed out because they werent for him. And you certainly wouldn't support the man behind fake electors trying to undermine democracy. A felon and fraud who preys on society for his own gain.

Two things can be simultaneously true. Harris did not receive a single vote for President from a voter (being the VP on a ticket where people voted for Biden for president doesn't count), and did not have to face any competition by way of a primary process, or even a condescend mini primary at the convention. She was simply fast tracked through by the DNC following Biden's endorsement. Therefore it is closer to a behind the scenes coronation than anything resembling a democratically earned nomination. Trump being a complete undemocratic tool doesn't mean the Dems are above criticism on this specific issue.
I just found out that Cecile Richards has an inoperable brain tumor.

No age for a woman of her stature & gravitas to die.
She should go on Joe Rogan, set straight some of the BS.

Na all these podcasts are very right leaning
Kamala on Joe Rogan isn’t possible.

I few years ago he used to be a bit more “undecided” by since Covid he’s been heavily Republican.

And it’s true for most of the famous non political podcasts.
Minnesota had the highest turnout in 2020. 80%. Keith Ellison was right.

The AG of Michigan is now speaking. These ladies leaders from MI are the best.

Harris: from the court house to the White House?

Trump: from the White House to the court house?
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Regardless of your views on the tragedy in Gaza, that segment with the parents of an American hostage was the most touching moment of this convention.
That was pretty weak from Adam Kinzinger, probably still holding out hope of being reintegrated into the GOP fold in a hypothetical post Trump world.
There have been a shocking number of Trump commercials on MSNBC during the DNC. It’s a pretty crap commercial too..
There have been a shocking number of Trump commercials on MSNBC during the DNC. It’s a pretty crap commercial too..
They’re gradually losing a viewer…

That was pretty weak from Adam Kinzinger, probably still holding out hope of being reintegrated into the GOP fold in a hypothetical post Trump world.
I missed it. What did he say or didn’t say? (I’ll watch it when I find it)
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They’re gradually losing a viewer…

I missed it. What did he say or didn’t say? (I’ll watch it when I find it)
It was actually the former Lt. Gov of Georgia Geoff Duncan, he looked pretty similar except tanned.

Anyway, it’s just ‘vote Democratic makes you a patriot’, and a brief mention that his family was put under police protection due to intimidation from MAGAs/fellow Republicans.
Bill Clinton was the person who drew me to politics. Seeing him still having this charisma makes me miss the golden 1990’s. Look at that class…
It was actually the former Lt. Gov of Georgia Geoff Duncan, he looked pretty similar except tanned.

Anyway, it’s just ‘vote Democratic makes you a patriot’, and a brief mention that his family was put under police protection due to intimidation from MAGAs/fellow Republicans.
I thought Duncan did well. He has never claimed to be switching parties, only that he can not be party to the party of Trump. His speech, by his own admission, was directed at Republicans searching for a reason to vote for Harris.
Clinton seems to be making a bit of mess of his speech, possibly because he apparently ripped up his draft after watching monday's speeches and started over.
Did Comey make a difference. Yes.

THE difference. We will never know.
It’s unknowable. But, if 1-3% of voters changed their votes because of that letter by Comey, then yes, THAT was the difference.

Bit of a dud from Clinton.
He tried to walk the fine line between being optimistic (“hope”) and not being too optimistic. After all, his wife lost when she was supposed to win. His VP also lost in 2000. He has all the reasons to be careful in his approach to this presidential race.
Billy boy must haven a bit jealous of Hilary as he apparently went waayyyyyy over his time. Looks like Coach is going to pushed late into the night. Thank Bill.