2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

Trump running again in 2028, 4 years older and even more deranged and unhinged, wouldn't be bad for the democrats.
Trump's ceiling was in 2016. Since than he never won an election again.

I agree. He will run again.

I said in a previous post...

My own opinion is that if he loses, he will cause chaos, forcing the GOP to back him and his falsehoods again, thus repeating the same cycle. I think he runs again in 2028, if he is not dead by then. And i suspect he will announce early so he can keep dipping into campaign funds and donations to enrich him and his family as well as pay his legal fees.

His daughter in law is the chair of the RNC. The GOP are wedded to Trump and the Trump family for the long term.
MAGA believes they won California in 2020, yes, thats not a joke.

I don't think it matters how much Harris wins by, MAGA left reality a long time ago, and are not coming back.

Trump said if Jesus came down to earth and counted the ballots, then he would have won in California in 2020.

It takes a special kind of narcissism to think that if Jesus was to come down to earth, then his first priority wouldn't be to feed the poor, it wouldn't be to stop wars, it would be to sit in an election office in California to count ballots on behalf of Trump.
Trump said if Jesus came down to earth and counted the ballots, then he would have won in California in 2020.

It takes a special kind of narcissism to think that if Jesus was to come down to earth, then his first priority wouldn't be to feed the poor, it wouldn't be to stop wars, it would be to sit in an election office in California to count ballots on behalf of Trump.

Then again, evangelicals have created a different version of Jesus to match their ideology, some call him Supply-side Jesus.
Why would we want that? The best thing for the US would be for the GOP to self destruct and never stand a chance of winning a general election again.
The problem is that by definition half of the people in the US are of below average (median) intelligence, which keeps the Republican party afloat. It was the same problem in the UK with Brexit.
The problem is that by definition half of the people in the US are of below average (median) intelligence, which keeps the Republican party afloat. It was the same problem in the UK with Brexit.

Its more so a matter of culture. There are plenty of educated people who vote Republican because they see the country through the prism of free enterprise, lower taxation, and less government (an obvious conflict given conservatives want government in citizens lives in plenty of areas). Culture and identity often play a bigger part in the logic of how someone votes, than policy does.
The problem is that by definition half of the people in the US are of below average (median) intelligence, which keeps the Republican party afloat. It was the same problem in the UK with Brexit.

The argument that people are stupid doesn’t hold and it didn’t hold for brexit either.

They just want different things to you and I.
The argument that people are stupid doesn’t hold and it didn’t hold for brexit either.

They just want different things to you and I.
It is not a notion I would want to subscribe to as a political philosophy, but I can hardly think of a more compelling case for the argument that people are stupid than Brexit.

If I want to be more nuanced or analytical, I'd say people are rabidly xenophobic/racist and this makes them stupid.
It is obviously a bit more nuanced than voters being "stupid", but it is definitely a significant part of the equation! :p