2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

Good intro. A bit of an Oliver Stone, Born on the Fourth of July vibe.

It's quite telling that the Republicans are attacking the Democrats for who they didn't pick, rather than for who they did pick. Walz has a good background and he is likable, so they have to go with the antisemitism crap about the Shapiro snub.
It's quite telling that the Republicans are attacking the Democrats for who they didn't pick, rather than for who they did pick. Walz has a good background and he is likable, so they have to go with the antisemitism crap about the Shapiro snub.

The irony being the Trump people are apparently very relieved it wasn't Shapiro because it keeps PA in play.
Republicans posting pictures of Walz his family to smear him and they look like the most normal family ever.
This makes no sense. He travelled to interview with her this weekend, but then called her team to say he may not be interested.
I don't agree, it makes sense if you view it as someone interviewing for a job while holding one they still like. Personally, I've interviewed (including flying to another city) for other positions before ultimately staying where I am at. If this is true I commend him for doing an honest introspection.
This makes no sense. He travelled to interview with her this weekend, but then called her team to say he may not be interested.

Taking an interview doesn’t guarantee wanting a position.

Interviews are also a two way process. Maybe he wasn’t buying what Harris was selling.
I don't agree, it makes sense if you view it as someone interviewing for a job while holding one they still like. Personally, I've interviewed (including flying to another city) for other positions before ultimately staying where I am at. If this is true I commend him for doing an honest introspection.

Your angle may be correct . I guess we will never know. To me, it feels more like a deliberate leak by Shapiro to make it appear as though he pulled out and wasn't in fact not selected by Harris because Walz was a better pick. . (ie. I broke with you, before you could break up with me).
Your angle may be correct . I guess we will never know. To me, it feels more like a deliberate leak by Shapiro to make it appear as though he pulled out and wasn't in fact not selected by Harris because Walz was a better pick. . (ie. I broke with you, before you could break up with me).
That is likely at least part of it. He may have got the vibes during the meeting that he was not getting it and wanted to get in front of the story.

This could easily be an attempt to control the narrative. Dems get (unfairly) accused of not selecting Shapiro because he's Jewish, so they plant a story about him not wanting it anyway. Seems a bit convenient. Shapiro seems like a highly ambitious fella.
His style was seen by at least some in Harris’ world as showboating. One senior Democrat in touch with Harris’ team called it “counterproductive.”

And there was a sense within Shapiro’s team that, unlike Walz, his interview with Harris did not go as well as it could have. There was “not a great feeling” coming out of it, according to a person in touch with his advisers.

After their meeting on Sunday, Shapiro called Harris’ team and made clear that he was “struggling with the decision to leave his current job as governor of Pennsylvania, in order to seek the vice presidency,” according to a person familiar with the selection process.

Yeah, they didn't get on :lol:
Sometimes you just have to carry on with the momentum. This is already one of the most peculiar election cycles might as well go all-in on good vibes as opposed to hard logic coming from the forgone conclusion just weeks ago anyway.
Taking an interview doesn’t guarantee wanting a position.

Interviews are also a two way process. Maybe he wasn’t buying what Harris was selling.

I'm assuming it's a deliberate leak to save face for not getting it.
I'm assuming it's a deliberate leak to save face for not getting it.

It could be that, but it could just as equally be that he didn’t wanna be on this particular ticket.

I’ve no idea, but I certainly don’t think any scenario is clearly more likely than the other.
I'm concerned that the Shapiro story may also fall in line with the narrative that several Democrats seem to be eyeing 2028.
Eyeing 2028 means they believe Trump will win. :-/
Amazing to risk a presidency over fears that you'll be upstaged by your VP. Should've been Shapiro, Pennsylvania is too important.
There was probably a bit of that, but also probably a lot of sentiment that she and Walz were the best personality match. Which wouldn't be a surprise given his temperament.

You think Biden felt the same about Harris, which is why she was pretty low profile for the past four years?
I didn’t like this video as much as I wanted.

Still, I feel more fired up now to work for her. We need to win this.
I don't know why they needed to have that video. They always seem so cringy when it's her. But hey, if that's the worst of her, I'll take it.
I'm concerned that the Shapiro story may also fall in line with the narrative that several Democrats seem to be eyeing 2028.
Eyeing 2028 means they believe Trump will win. :-/

You could say that about Whitmer and Newsom, although both were never going to get picked anyway. One is too femail, the other too Californian.

Shapiro would have gladly taken the VP role, it seems.
I'm concerned that the Shapiro story may also fall in line with the narrative that several Democrats seem to be eyeing 2028.
Eyeing 2028 means they believe Trump will win. :-/
Trump is still the slight favourite but for Kamala to have closed the gap as much she has is quite unprecedented, they're basically tied at the moment when a Trump landslide win looked nailed on a couple of weeks ago.
Why are so many just assuming PA is now unwinnable because Kamala didn’t pick Shapiro?

Shapiro is still Gov of PA. He is going to be in that state full time campaigning for a Democrat victory.
Sometimes you just have to carry on with the momentum. This is already one of the most peculiar election cycles might as well go all-in on good vibes as opposed to hard logic coming from the forgone conclusion just weeks ago anyway.

It has been crazy.

Biden near death on stage in the debate.
A former President running again after being convicted of 34 felonies.
Trump being inches away from death in an assassination attempt.
Trump picking an absolute flop of a VP.
The incumbent deciding to abandon his campaign.
His VP taking the nomination.
Picking someone at her running mate that no one had heard of before 10 days ago.
Why are so many just assuming PA is now unwinnable because Kamala didn’t pick Shapiro?

Shapiro is still Gov of PA. He is going to be in that state full time campaigning for a Democrat victory.

Is anyone saying that? If people were saying that PA is unwinnable, then as is the race. WI, PA and MI have all gone together since the mid 70s.

I think it is fair to say that it may be harder without Shapiro, but if Walz can connect with working class voters, then maybe not.


I think the chances are Zero.

What a weird thing to say!!!

And putting HUSSAIN in caps. The guy is an utter racist.
Is anyone saying that? If people were saying that PA is unwinnable, then as is the race. WI, PA and MI have all gone together since the mid 70s.

I think it is fair to say that it may be harder without Shapiro, but if Walz can connect with working class voters, then maybe not.

Historically the VP doesn't matter much to the voters, except, and to a small degree, to those in his/her state. A blue collar white Michigan man won't care much about Walz.
Why are so many just assuming PA is now unwinnable because Kamala didn’t pick Shapiro?

Shapiro is still Gov of PA. He is going to be in that state full time campaigning for a Democrat victory.
No one is saying PA is gone. The whole debate is about a missed opportunity to boost Dems chances in the most important state.
The unironic imitation of Obama is weird enough, that Shapiro in addition to that named his dog after Obama's dog is entering creepy territory.
No one is saying PA is gone. The whole debate is about a missed opportunity to boost Dems chances in the most important state.

At best imo, Shapiro would’ve given her a one or two point bump in PA, but even without it , she will still be very competitive and could very well win it. Also, it’s not as if Shapiro won’t be campaigning for her in PA to ensure heavy turnout, especially in Philly, which is critical to a Dem win and also happens to be where he is strongest.