2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

Desperate times in Trump land

I still can't get over the fact that their chosen lines of attack have been "She's not actually black" and some variation of "She's not actually American"

Who on earth is this supposed to appeal to? The only people I can see eating this crap up are people who would have voted for trump anyway.

Don't these campaigns have people paid large amounts of money to come up with things to say? Is this really the best they could have come up with?
They assumed that "Biden is senile" was all they needed. Now they have nothing apart from a rambling old insane orange bigot.
I still can't get over the fact that their chosen lines of attack have been "She's not actually black" and some variation of "She's not actually American"

Who on earth is this supposed to appeal to? The only people I can see eating this crap up are people who would have voted for trump anyway.

Don't these campaigns have people paid large amounts of money to come up with things to say? Is this really the best they could have come up with?

It was probably Trump's bizarre way of attempting to drive a wedge into Harris black support because Trump was outperforming his 2020 numbers with them prior to Biden's exit. Once MAGA stooges hear Trump say it, they're obviously going to attempt the same to butter him up.
I don't know why everyone still falls for Trumps tactics. It's not about logic or politics or anything with reasoning. It's just about saying and doing stupid sht. It's not an accident that he went to get interviewed by black women and then said stupid sht about Kamala being black etc. Its planned. Now everyone is talking about him and the narrative has shifted from Kamala to him.
People think that him being racist or having sht politics or a rapist or a being a con man etc matters. Well it does to the rational normal people. But for millions they dont care what he says and does. They will still vote for him. Look what he has said and done towards women. They still vote for him. They don't give a sht that he wants to grab them by the pussy, sleep with prostitutes and rape women. Lots of Christians don't either though you think they would.
Trump will now just keep saying and doing as much controversial sht as possible as he has always done and rake in the votes of millions of stupid people as he has always done. Reasoning and things like morals and ethics in politics died years ago. It's all about the reality T.V. sht show and air time you can get.
How did America get to this point? Are we going to live through this blatant racism for 90 more days (and beyond)? Is the whole campaign going to be about the background of Harris?
Do you think things have fundamentally changed? I feel like all that's happened is that about a quarter of the country just figured out that it's fine to say the quiet part aloud again.
I have to say this is definitely a minority take and pretty wide of the mark to be honest. He actually has more appeal than most in the rural Midwest and a lot of data supports that. Swing voters love him with the only concern being that people won’t vote for a black woman and a gay guy. Any other argument is pretty inaccurate at this point and not supported by data.
Do you have any of that data?
Why is Trump attacking Kemp, is he trying to lose Georgia on purpose?
They assumed that "Biden is senile" was all they needed. Now they have nothing apart from a rambling old insane orange bigot.

Their best argument was instantly turned against them once Biden stepped aside. It's amazing.
Why is Trump attacking Kemp, is he trying to lose Georgia on purpose?

He's still mad about 2020 where Kemp wouldn't help him cheat on GA election results. Kemp has also been one of the R Governors who haven't paid full fealty to Trump. Very disloyal!

Even so, they are the #4 rated pollster out of 277 based on their historical accuracy, so their findings shouldn't be glossed over. Harris still has a lot of work to do in swing states and if the election were held today, there's a pretty good chance Trump would win.
This is a bad poll for Harris, but we also saw better one for her in the past week or so.

Regardless, Harris is not a particularly strong nominee, and we knew that. That’s one reason why we need to be careful with the VP pock.
This is a bad poll for Harris, but we also saw better one for her in the past week or so.

Regardless, Harris is not a particularly strong nominee, and we knew that. That’s one reason why we need to be careful with the VP pock.
How is that a bad poll for Harris? How is she not a strong nominee?
Its an okay enough poll/estimate, still work to do.
Even so, they are the #4 rated pollster out of 277 based on their historical accuracy, so their findings shouldn't be glossed over. Harris still has a lot of work to do in swing states and if the election were held today, there's a pretty good chance Trump would win.
Do they not do MRP polling in the states? Or are the states seen as too big for that to work?
How is that a bad poll for Harris? How is she not a strong nominee?
1. According to this poll, she is leading only in one swing state (NV), which also happens to be the smallest of these states. That’s. It a good poll for her.
2. As we discussed two weeks ago, Harris is not particularly popular. She is not a candidate who has a 70-80% of winning. Maybe ~ 50%.

Also, from CNN:
“The Poll of Polls includes a CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday that finds no clear leader nationally, with Harris taking 50% and Trump taking 49% among likely voters. That marks an improvement for the Democratic ticket from the final CBS/YouGov poll prior to President Joe Biden’s exit from the race, in which Biden trailed Trump by 5 percentage points. “

So, yes, she’s doing better than Biden, but would it be enough? I don’t know.
1. According to this poll, she is leading only in one swing state (NV), which also happens to be the smallest of these states. That’s. It a good poll for her.
2. As we discussed two weeks ago, Harris is not particularly popular. She is not a candidate who has a 70-80% of winning. Maybe ~ 50%.

Also, from CNN:
“The Poll of Polls includes a CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday that finds no clear leader nationally, with Harris taking 50% and Trump taking 49% among likely voters. That marks an improvement for the Democratic ticket from the final CBS/YouGov poll prior to President Joe Biden’s exit from the race, in which Biden trailed Trump by 5 percentage points. “

So, yes, she’s doing better than Biden, but would it be enough? I don’t know.
All the swing states are within the margin of error, that is a hell of a lot better than the Biden aftermath.

When was the last time a presidential candidate had a 70% - 80% chance to win? I cannot remember.