2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

I just don't see the purpose here. There are many posters on this forum for whom Palestine is literally the most important thing in the world. That's fine. But this is a thread about the future US President, in a race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The last two pages have been almost exclusively from Palestinian focussed posters basically lamenting that no choice is pro-Palestinian enough. Fine. I get that. I'm hugely in favour of completely reconsidering the federal taxation system, ripping it up and starting again so that we can finally start to address the surging wealth inequality that will one day tear apart the nation. But I know I'm not going to find that in the candidates and parties on offer, so I'm not posting daily about it, or digging out tweets or what not.

As someone that is pretty well-versed in US politics I can very confidently say: it is NOT the most important issue in this election, no matter how much some think it should be. And therefore I don't believe we should be attacking the one Jewish candidate obstensibly because of his religion. I also don't think the same people doing the attacking would stand for that if he weren't Jewish.

Pritzker is also Jewish.

"Ostensibly because of his religion" is you editorialising.

I don't want him because of some of his views and because I think there are far better candidates.
I just don't see the purpose here. There are many posters on this forum for whom Palestine is literally the most important thing in the world. That's fine. But this is a thread about the future US President, in a race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The last two pages have been almost exclusively from Palestinian focussed posters basically lamenting that no choice is pro-Palestinian enough. Fine. I get that. I'm hugely in favour of completely reconsidering the federal taxation system, ripping it up and starting again so that we can finally start to address the surging wealth inequality that will one day tear apart the nation. But I know I'm not going to find that in the candidates and parties on offer, so I'm not posting daily about it, or digging out tweets or what not.

As someone that is pretty well-versed in US politics I can very confidently say: it is NOT the most important issue in this election, no matter how much some think it should be. And therefore I don't believe we should be attacking the one Jewish candidate obstensibly because of his religion. I also don't think the same people doing the attacking would stand for that if he weren't Jewish.

I think its more of a testament of how social media has mangled perceptions of what ordinary people actually think is important in the real world. Its pretty normal to subscribe to highly curated social media feeds that only focus on one subject and come out of that believing that said subject is the most important thing in the world. Its not really the posters fault and more so an emergent property of how technology and algos drive our thoughts and narratives.
It's because the Palestine issue just doesn't rise to the import as other issues for Dem voters. The numbers just aren't there.
Since when have you cared about what the numbers say? These were your responses to Biden's poor polling:
Jesus fecking christ, we are a lifetime away from polls actually mattering. Your 'sky is falling' repetitive mantra is simply unfounded at this point in time.
It will be the margins that win this election & they should ultimately trend Biden's way by early fall.
No doubt we will start seeing a shift towards Biden due to recent & continued ad buys, etc.

This thread is unbelievable sometimes. People making failed prediction after failed prediction and acting like they've got the finger on the pulse of the American electorate.
I've not seen anyone saying he's the logical or enough best choice. What I see is people trying to say he's a non-starter because of his previous support of Israel and something he wrote 30 years ago. Personally, he's last on the list of vetted candidates for me. But I also think he's only being attacked in the way he is (on here) because he's Jewish, and the Gazan situation is more animating on redcafe than any other world topic.

For example, he struggles with unions and that would be a much larger needle mover, politically, than anything he wrote in college.

I think this is pretty spot on. Beyond him being a Governor of a critical state Harris needs to win, the argument isn't that Shapiro is in any way superior, its that he should be considered equally by Harris along with all the others she is seriously considering, given that there is nothing in Harris' own policy background that would justify excluding someone who she agrees with on a vast majority of policies.
Since when have you cared about what the numbers say? These were your responses to Biden's poor polling:
And we were starting to see a shift to Biden, albeit small, up to the debate. Then it was over.

Go back further than February, I like reading my old posts. Don't stop now.
Since when have you cared about what the numbers say? These were your responses to Biden's poor polling:

This thread is unbelievable sometimes. People making failed prediction after failed prediction and acting like they've got the finger on the pulse of the American electorate.
I read this post thinking it was post debate numbers you were talking about but these posts are months and months old. They don’t really make much of a point.
The other thing to take into account is that Israel is an issue rising in importance to a few segments of voters that, while small in relation to total population, are still relevant compared to the margins Biden won in swing states.

@Raoul, if I remember, you said back in November that by summer and the conventions everyone would have forgotten about Israel. I believe you said this because, like myself and many others, you believed Israel would retaliate and be out of Gaza within 2-3 months. Israel has far exceeded in duration and brutality what I think most people believed would happen back then.

So ideally, the Dems do not want someone that will bring the issue even more into the spotlight for groups like Muslims in Michigan or Gen Z potential voters in every swing state since they need the biggest turnout there they can muster.
Anyway, I see Trump has unilaterally decided to move the debate to his safe-space, with no fact checkers and his friends as moderators. Real brave guy.

It's sh*t like that makes me just question how it's possible he reacted how he did in the asassination attempt, even though I'm 100% it was real.
The other thing to take into account is that Israel is an issue rising in importance to a few segments of voters that, while small in relation to total population, are still relevant compared to the margins Biden won in swing states.

@Raoul, if I remember, you said back in November that by summer and the conventions everyone would have forgotten about Israel. I believe you said this because, like myself and many others, you believed Israel would retaliate and be out of Gaza within 2-3 months. Israel has far exceeded in duration and brutality what I think most people believed would happen back then.

So ideally, the Dems do not want someone that will bring the issue even more into the spotlight for groups like Muslims in Michigan or Gen Z potential voters in every swing state since they need the biggest turnout there they can muster.

Its definitely dragged on much longer than expected, but seems to have completely fallen out of the media cycles at this point (same with Ukraine for the most part). Therefore, unless something unexpected happens in the next few months, the main focus will still be the economy/jobs/inflation, the border, and one or two other domestic issues.
Anyway, I see Trump has unilaterally decided to move the debate to his safe-space, with no fact checkers and his friends as moderators. Real brave guy.

It's sh*t like that makes me just question how it's possible he reacted how he did in the asassination attempt, even though I'm 100% it was real.

He's obviously scared. Can't blame him given how Harris debates.

I would question whether we actually need a debate at this point. Beyond the entertainment spectacle of it all, we already know where both of them stand on all the issues, especially since she has already debated Pence and has the entire Biden policy record on her CV now.
Its definitely dragged on much longer than expected, but seems to have completely fallen out of the media cycles at this point (same with Ukraine for the most part). Therefore, unless something unexpected happens in the next few months, the main focus will still be the economy/jobs/inflation, the border, and one or two other domestic issues.

But it hasn't fallen out of the consciousness of a few important voting blocks, relative to Bidens victory margin in 2020, in swing states and as I said, it's rising in importance even if some media are trying to keep it out of the public conversation at the moment.

And you combine that his support of vouchers, not being pro union at a critical time, and a potential cover up of a me too scandal and my conclusion is that he simply is not going to enthuse democrat voters to turn out as much as someone like Walz or Beshear.
But it hasn't fallen out of the consciousness of a few important voting blocks, relative to Bidens victory margin in 2020, in swing states and as I said, it's rising in importance even if some media are trying to keep it out of the public conversation at the moment.

And you combine that his support of vouchers, not being pro union at a critical time, and a potential cover up of a me too scandal and my conclusion is that he simply is not going to enthuse democrat voters to turn out as much as someone like Walz or Beshear.

I would have no complaints if she selects Walz, Pete, or Kelly. Beshear doesn't strike me as a national level guy.
Has there been any more Pete buzz? I think one of you posted something yesterday about a meeting between him and Harris, has there been any further rumblings or was that just an isolated shred of hope for the Pete fan club (and indeed my own anti-Pete/pro-Pete one) ?
Has there been any more Pete buzz? I think one of you posted something yesterday about a meeting between him and Harris, has there been any further rumblings or was that just an isolated shred of hope for the Pete fan club (and indeed my own anti-Pete/pro-Pete one) ?

I believe she met with him for 90 minutes yesterday and his meeting some the others over the weekend. Decision expected by Tuesday.
Has there been any more Pete buzz? I think one of you posted something yesterday about a meeting between him and Harris, has there been any further rumblings or was that just an isolated shred of hope for the Pete fan club (and indeed my own anti-Pete/pro-Pete one) ?
Going by my own view of the headlines, it looks like Beshear or Shapiro as favorites with Walz and Kelly in the tier below that. I'm not seeing a lot of Mayo Pete speculation.
Going by my own view of the headlines, it looks like Beshear or Shapiro as favorites with Walz and Kelly in the tier below that. I'm not seeing a lot of Mayo Pete speculation.
Been a while since I've seen that one around! Do you think it's to blame for the horrific amount of fake tan he's on these days?
Been a while since I've seen that one around! Do you think it's to blame for the horrific amount of fake tan he's on these days?
I've always thought it's a reference to his rather bland and inoffensive personality.
I've always thought it's a reference to his rather bland and inoffensive personality.
I’m not American but from the outside he comes across really well in interviews. His oratory skills are far better than Biden’s ever were or Harris’ are from the limited amount I’ve seen of her.
Been a while since I've seen that one around! Do you think it's to blame for the horrific amount of fake tan he's on these days?

Buttiegieg is on a horrific amount of fake tan? Can't say I've noticed.
Buttiegieg is on a horrific amount of fake tan? Can't say I've noticed.

Orange man bad.
I've not seen anyone saying he's the logical or enough best choice. What I see is people trying to say he's a non-starter because of his previous support of Israel and something he wrote 30 years ago. Personally, he's last on the list of vetted candidates for me. But I also think he's only being attacked in the way he is (on here) because he's Jewish, and the Gazan situation is more animating on redcafe than any other world topic.

For example, he struggles with unions and that would be a much larger needle mover, politically, than anything he wrote in college.

In this thread?
There is only one candidate for VP who can drive the youth in endless waves to the polls, who can unite the country, bridge every divide, and that candidate is:
The other thing to take into account is that Israel is an issue rising in importance to a few segments of voters that, while small in relation to total population, are still relevant compared to the margins Biden won in swing states.

@Raoul, if I remember, you said back in November that by summer and the conventions everyone would have forgotten about Israel. I believe you said this because, like myself and many others, you believed Israel would retaliate and be out of Gaza within 2-3 months. Israel has far exceeded in duration and brutality what I think most people believed would happen back then.

So ideally, the Dems do not want someone that will bring the issue even more into the spotlight for groups like Muslims in Michigan or Gen Z potential voters in every swing state since they need the biggest turnout there they can muster.
The irony of all this is that it's like Harris is a hostage negotiator, and the hostages (those opposed to what Israel is doing) are fighting the person trying to save them. That they would think a second Trump administration would be anything other than an epic disaster for them is truly staggering.
There is only one candidate for VP who can drive the youth in endless waves to the polls, who can unite the country, bridge every divide, and that candidate is:

Interesting shout. She’ll have just turned 35, would be hard for anybody to become the youngest ever prez after that.
There is only one candidate for VP who can drive the youth in endless waves to the polls, who can unite the country, bridge every divide, and that candidate is:
Depend on if she needs to be 35 before the election or before assuming office she either makes or misses it by a month.
I’m not American but from the outside he comes across really well in interviews. His oratory skills are far better than Biden’s ever were or Harris’ are from the limited amount I’ve seen of her.
I don't know. He's certainly a very effective communicator in interviews, but I don't see him as an exciting speaker at rallies or someone that can really make his mark in a debate with multiple candidates.

Maybe I'm being harsh, but I'd steer clear if I was Harris. He comes across as a bit of an elitist bureaucrat, which has become anathema to US politics in some ways. He might be from Indiana, but he screams DC.
What a puss. Harris should stand her ground and call him out for his antics.

She should tell him he can have his Fox debate, after he shows up at ABC.

Who's words will be trusted more, i think is obvious.
I just don't see the purpose here. There are many posters on this forum for whom Palestine is literally the most important thing in the world. That's fine. But this is a thread about the future US President, in a race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The last two pages have been almost exclusively from Palestinian focussed posters basically lamenting that no choice is pro-Palestinian enough. Fine. I get that. I'm hugely in favour of completely reconsidering the federal taxation system, ripping it up and starting again so that we can finally start to address the surging wealth inequality that will one day tear apart the nation. But I know I'm not going to find that in the candidates and parties on offer, so I'm not posting daily about it, or digging out tweets or what not.

As someone that is pretty well-versed in US politics I can very confidently say: it is NOT the most important issue in this election to voters, no matter how much some think it should be. And therefore I don't believe we should be attacking the one Jewish candidate obstensibly because of his religion. I also don't think the same people doing the attacking would stand for that if he weren't Jewish.

The purpose is to talk about what they are passionate about. It is very literally the purpose of a forum. I agree that in certain threads, it can end up almost taking over basically but I do not actually think this is the case here, as it is more of a to and fro (and including other posts on other candidates, other policy outlooks from him), as opposed to a wall of non stop tweets.

Nobody has said it is the most important issue in this election for the majority of American voters. Literally nobody. What has been said is that it might be an important issue for a substantial portion of the Democrat base.

To say that Shapiro is being 'attacked' (as opposed to people just literally quoting stuff he himself has said and done) because of his religion is both incorrect and frankly pathetic.
I've not seen anyone saying he's the logical or enough best choice. What I see is people trying to say he's a non-starter because of his previous support of Israel and something he wrote 30 years ago. Personally, he's last on the list of vetted candidates for me. But I also think he's only being attacked in the way he is (on here) because he's Jewish, and the Gazan situation is more animating on redcafe than any other world topic.

For example, he struggles with unions and that would be a much larger needle mover, politically, than anything he wrote in college.

Raoul has literally been saying essentially that in this thread?

And you come steaming in and effectively saying that any criticism of him, particularly when it comes to his stances on the conflict (in the context of him having previously made some, let's be frank, racist comments about Arabs as a 20 year old) must be anti-semitic.

As I said, in the situation where there's an Arab American called Abbas who's governor of Florida and a potential VP pick and it comes out that he's written an article years ago saying that Jews are too battle minded to accept peace, cant create a state and are essentially too violent and dumb to do so, its going to come up as a potential reason for why some groups may not be so happy about him. And this isn't anti-Arab, every politician gets stuff they've written or said before flagged the more well known they become. And it will be expected that Abbas makes some kind of comment repudiating those views (if its not a Trump like blowhard candidate).

Agreed on the unions point.
She should tell him he can have his Fox debate, after he shows up at ABC.

Who's words will be trusted more, i think is obvious.

Beyond the ratings spectacle, what would be the point. She should stick to her guns that they have to debate based on previously agreed to conditions of ABC hosting. If he doesn't want to do it, then he will be perceived as the one ducking it, not her. Moving it to Fox is a non-starter since Trump is simply trying to set up a farcical 2016 type situation where he paraded all of Bill Clinton's former accusers at the debate to intimidate Hillary. There's no need for any of that nonsense this time, particularly, if Harris is in front by the debate date.