Was studying abroad as an eramsus student there. Hearing this reaction a lot, I actually really liked Leicester as a student cityNobody here cares about snow or height of it, but the very first groan will be about ice and the danger it brings on both roads and streets. We also have black ice, which is the special ops of ice that is trying to claim at least ankles and car insurance. Our temperatures don’t hold for long enough for the lovely snow to fall and set, which is why we have all the lovely sleet, ice and panic stations.
I have heard all the jokes from those I know in the aforementioned countries and it is quite surreal how different the winters are that they won’t really get it unless they come and experience it for themselves.
Leicester? You poor guy. What sin did you have to serve repentance for there?

Only rarely ventured outside of city center to be honest, maybe that's why