The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Another telegram from Deadwood:

'He wears the armor of God': evangelicals hail Trump's church photo op

'Many of Trump’s evangelical supporters, far from Washingtons political stage, saw the move as a victory in a world rife with evil.

“My whole family was flabbergasted,” said Benjamin Horbowy, 37. “My mother just shouted out, ‘God give him strength! He’s doing a Jericho walk!’”

A Jericho walk, in some evangelical circles, refers to the biblical book of Joshua, where God commanded the Israelites to walk seven times around the opposing city of Jericho, whose walls then came crashing down.

“My mother started crying. She comes from Pentecostal background, and she started speaking in tongues. I haven’t heard her speak in tongues in years. I thought, look at my president! He’s establishing the Lord’s kingdom in the world. It was the coolest thing he could do. What more could he do, wear blue jeans and ride in on a horse? I believe it’s like Ephesians 6:10 through 1. I believe this is a president who wears the full armour of God.”'
Oh my God :eek:
I thought this was one of your very good satire jokes, I was shocked after clicking the link:lol:

Grasping at fecking straws here looking for the tiniest thing he can brag about. He's so stubborn and full of rage and self importance that he can't see how easy things like the protests and riots and even COVID are to help him gain support and become a loved President. He continuously seems to purposely try to be on the wrong side of history.


I thought Mad Dog was already a well established nickname from back before he even worked for Obama and back to his military days?

He's massively on the backfoot now.

Relgious leaders, Army Generals, the Leader of the National Guard. All of them are turning on him.

Grasping at fecking straws here looking for the tiniest thing he can brag about. He's so stubborn and full of rage and self importance that he can't see how easy things like the protests and riots and even COVID are to help him gain support and become a loved President. He continuously seems to purposely try to be on the wrong side of history.


I thought Mad Dog was already a well established nickname from back before he even worked for Obama and back to his military days?

Mad Dog was being used in press since 2004 already, can't help to lie about the silliest things, his base will love it though.
Should've changed his own nickname to Chaos.

Under President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership, there will be NO burning of churches, looting of businesses, destruction of property, and assaults on civilians and police.

His nickname was “Chaos”, which I didn’t like, & changed to “Mad Dog”...
^This^ is hilarious. He's now so desperate to seem like he's in control of everything & everyone that he's tweeting the most pointless sentences in literary history.
Annnnnd I got this big pencil here. Big ol' pencil. Pencil. Big.
The Hill said:
Nearly 70 percent of voters say the U.S. has “pretty seriously” gone off the right track under President Trump, a Politico/Morning Consult poll released Wednesday found.

Of those surveyed in the May 29-June 1 poll, 31 percent said they thought the U.S. was on the right track, making it the lowest mark recorded in Politico/Morning Consult weekly polling since Trump took office in early 2017.

The 31 percent figure is a dip from last week’s poll, which found 34 percent of people thought the country was on the right track.
Nah Bush was no better. He's been a decent Ex-President (during both of his successors presidencies), that's all I'm willing to give him .
since everybody in this thread wants to give me an aneurysm, just do a bush circlejerk now so that the aneurysm happens asap.
:lol: He's such a giant baby it's unreal.

Everyone who is currently working for him? Doing a great job, just the best job.

Oh someone did something I didn't like? They're fired and they're massively overrated stinky poo poo heads.
Also saw his press sec said the police that attacked the Australian news crew "had a right to defend themselves".

Against a film crew just standing there. Trump's quote about being able to shoot someone in 5th Avenue and have no consequences is basically truth now.
:lol: He's such a giant baby it's unreal.

Everyone who is currently working for him? Doing a great job, just the best job.

Oh someone did something I didn't like? They're fired and they're massively overrated stinky poo poo heads.

genuinely made me laugh out loud!:lol:
I first misread that as he went down into the bunker for introspection which would have been oddly humble and oddly weird.

Grasping at fecking straws here looking for the tiniest thing he can brag about. He's so stubborn and full of rage and self importance that he can't see how easy things like the protests and riots and even COVID are to help him gain support and become a loved President. He continuously seems to purposely try to be on the wrong side of history.


I thought Mad Dog was already a well established nickname from back before he even worked for Obama and back to his military days?

It was. Trump is senile.
Nah Bush was no better. He's been a decent Ex-President (during both of his successors presidencies), that's all I'm willing to give him .
I mean, he did get a shoe thrown at him, dodged it, and then said it was ok because that person now had the right to his freedom of speech. Which is a twisted argument due to the scenario the man was living in but if it was Trump he would've

A) demanded the man was shot
B) shouted Fake News
C) got smashed in his fat face with a shoe
I mean, he did get a shoe thrown at him, dodged it, and then said it was ok because that person now had the right to his freedom of speech. Which is a twisted argument due to the scenario the man was living in but if it was Trump he would've

A) demanded the man was shot
B) shouted Fake News
C) got smashed in his fat face with a shoe

Imagine the fat cnut trying to dodge that shoe :lol:

His lying knows no bounds.. As predicted, and once again he's arguing something that was on camera and broadcast to the world.

I thought of this question this time last week & wondered if it would be true:

If ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, NYT, WaPo, BBC, Sky, CBC, The LA Times, & thousands of simultaneous tweets & video clips all showed the same thing in virtual real time, would it all be ‘fake news?’

Amazingly, it seems so now.
I mean, he did get a shoe thrown at him, dodged it, and then said it was ok because that person now had the right to his freedom of speech. Which is a twisted argument due to the scenario the man was living in but if it was Trump he would've

A) demanded the man was shot
B) shouted Fake News
C) got smashed in his fat face with a shoe
:D Well yeah, that was good. But he does have
-Making torture official policy
-Creating a surveillance state
-Making gitmo into the clusterfeck it's become

and much more going against him though. Trump is easily the more embarrassing president, and he's working on being as destructive, but I wouldn't want Bush back over him. America never used to be the dream it was sold as, but Bush made it significantly worse over his tenure in my opinion. There's like 300millionen Americans I'd prefer over either.
:D Well yeah, that was good. But he does have
-Making torture official policy
-Creating a surveillance state
-Making gitmo into the clusterfeck it's become

and much more going against him though. Trump is easily the more embarrassing president, and he's working on being as destructive, but I wouldn't want Bush back over him. America never used to be the dream it was sold as, but Bush made it significantly worse over his tenure in my opinion. There's like 300millionen Americans I'd prefer over either.
Think of it the other way.
- What would have Trump done if he was in charge during 9/11.
- What would he have done with Gitmo.
- He is ok with sending troops on Americans, what would his torture policy be
- Breaking laws means nothing to him. Surveillance state would be the least of the measures.

Trumps performance during peaceful times points to him being worse that Bush in each of those points above. In saying that Bush was a war criminal and horrible human being because of it. Trump would still have been worse.
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