SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

I don't think this is all that wrong. The government's advice isn't that clear. They said you can get about an hours exercise in provided that you practice distancing measures unless those people live with you. People seem to be more distanced here than they would at a local park or shop.

Did the government set any limits on how you could go from your house?
I don't think this is all that wrong. The government's advice isn't that clear. They said you can get about an hours exercise in provided that you practice distancing measures unless those people live with you. People seem to be more distanced here than they would at a local park or shop.

Did the government set any limits on how you could go from your house?
They probably couldn't get the drone into the bushes where the dogging event was taking place.
I don't think this is all that wrong. The government's advice isn't that clear. They said you can get about an hours exercise in provided that you practice distancing measures unless those people live with you. People seem to be more distanced here than they would at a local park or shop.

Did the government set any limits on how you could go from your house?

Damn right. If you can walk for hours away from other people then good for you. How do the rozzers know how far these people live from there. If it's twenty miles or so then that's fine. It's safer than a municipal park.
Governments across the world are ruthless and opportunistic; if they can manipulate this crisis in the background to benefit themselves, they will. That's not to say that they're not doing anything of good of course, they are.

We are fortunate that they have a minority government otherwise it would have passed.
Ventured out into the outside world this morning for the first time for a week to go supermarket shopping. Well stocked including toilet paper, only thing missing was fresh milk so got long life milk, people behaving well, keeping distances, no queues, no problems.
I'd also like to know why you can't buy giant feckoff tubs of peanut butter like you get in America? Crappy little servings here.
Wow, the difference between some European countries is crazy. 15.9 ICU beds in Belgium (and capacity has been increased massively in the last 2 weeks), only 6.4 in the Netherlands. Does anyone have an explanation for that?
ICU beds, wards and the equiptment they contain are expensive to maintain and aren’t a great investment in desiring people to live longer and healthier lives. It’s pretty much a given that your classic healthcare infrastructure is only a small proportion of the factors that decide an average individual’s overall health. Investment in prevention gives a far greater return etc.
Damn right. If you can walk for hours away from other people then good for you. How do the rozzers know how far these people live from there. If it's twenty miles or so then that's fine. It's safer than a municipal park.

Exactly, the footpaths/hills I trek in every evening/late afternoon have the odd dog-walker or jogger but if a policeman stopped me I could be on my 10th walk of the day for all he knows! I'm not, of course, but I'm just saying, it's impossible to police. They know they can't stop people going outside, its the pisstakers they are targeting - the gatherings, the groups and those who are clearly just outside socialising rather than getting their allocated fresh-air.
what the feck is wrong with him?

felt flu symptoms on the Saturday, had a nap and felt better so still went out socialising
This kind of nonsense does more harm than good. It is more likely to make people roll their eyes and not heed advice.

One person going for a walk in the middle of nowhere. "YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" Piss off.
I don't think this is all that wrong. The government's advice isn't that clear. They said you can get about an hours exercise in provided that you practice distancing measures unless those people live with you. People seem to be more distanced here than they would at a local park or shop.

Did the government set any limits on how you could go from your house?

It's non-essential travel. It's really not that difficult, is it?
I couldn't get flour but everything else I needed was available. Parmesan, balsamic, horseradish, mozzarella, mint clubs and Spitfire ale were my main gets.
Now that’s an episode of Ready, Steady, Cook right there.
I don't think this is all that wrong. The government's advice isn't that clear. They said you can get about an hours exercise in provided that you practice distancing measures unless those people live with you. People seem to be more distanced here than they would at a local park or shop.

Did the government set any limits on how you could go from your house?
The idea of an hour came because that was said in France and people got confused with it being said in the UK. Once it was posted by said confused people on facebook and the like it became established fact, which it wasn't. The UK government said you could exercise once a day, there was no time or distance limit, although police forces have since said you must do the exercise from home, and not travel by car to do it.
Here we go. My first real brush with a suspected COVID-19. It is not only in my small rural midlands village, but less than 100m from my door as it has hospitalised two of my best friends Mum and Step Dad.

Flu like for the last 3 days, a huge wait to get through to 111 yesterday and both wheeled into ambulances with oxygen masks this morning. My friends have said the hospital strongly suspects the virus.
Apologies if this question has already been asked, but with most of Europe confined to their house / home and facing fines or jail if they leave it, why do TV Channels keep showing the weather forecasts every hour or so.
Because working from home in the garden is one of the perks of this. Fantastic weather in Manchester.

So they've filmed people who are getting their exercise in what is probably a place much less crowded than outside their houses, got the footage back, edited it and then posted in on Facebook. Wow, essential work that.
It's non-essential travel. It's really not that difficult, is it?

Technically exercise is non-essential, I think people haven't been given clear enough advice on what is or isn't allowed.
The idea of an hour came because that was said in France and people got confused with it being said in the UK. Once it was posted by said confused people on facebook and the like it became established fact, which it wasn't. The UK government said you could exercise once a day, there was no time or distance limit, although police forces have since said you must do the exercise from home, and not travel by car to do it.

Fair enough but I don't think this message got through to people. Those people will think "we're in a car and then we're staying well away from others so what's the harm?" I don't see any bad intentions. If this is purely to put people off going out then fine but people need to be given clear instructions on what they can or can't do.
Here we go. My first real brush with a suspected COVID-19. It is not only in my small rural midlands village, but less than 100m from my door as it has hospitalised two of my best friends Mum and Step Dad.

Flu like for the last 3 days, a huge wait to get through to 111 yesterday and both wheeled into ambulances with oxygen masks this morning. My friends have said the hospital strongly suspects the virus.

Sorry to hear that, wishing them and you all the best!
Apologies if this question has already been asked, but with most of Europe confined to their house / home and facing fines or jail if they leave it, why do TV Channels keep showing the weather forecasts every hour or so.

"We did this Chinese virus better than anyone. More tests, more infected , more recovered and more deaths. Nobody had bigger numbers than we did. Tremendous numbers."
Technically exercise is non-essential, I think people haven't been given clear enough advice on what is or isn't allowed.

No doubt it could be clearer, but it's not difficult to work out that getting in your car to drive to do exercise is covered by 'no non-essential travel' given that you can do exercise within km of your house. Nobody needs to essentially drive to a national park to go for a walk, if you happen to have one on your doorstep lucky you.

Most of the advice isn't difficult, people are acting like babies trying to look for loopholes to go about their life like normal. See also: 'What if I go for a 24hr walk once a day, huh, huh huh?'.
Apparently around 1,400 people die a day in England and Wales which means weekly the numbers are bigger than the overall Covid19 deaths in Italy.

Makes you think.
So China has stuffed Italy.......sending them testing kits that are suspect.