SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Been arguing for the last hour on Facebook with some moron saying that this virus is 'threatening to only a very small number of people' and we should just let it be. No arguments seem to work. And the worst of all, I had people all over the place jumping on me for 'letting governments tell me what to do' and 'not knowing the real truth about the virus'. One common thing for all conspiracy believers is that they are losers who failed in life and use conspiracies to explain their failures.
Been arguing for the last hour on Facebook with some moron saying that this virus is 'threatening to only a very small number of people' and we should just let it be. No arguments seem to work. And the worst of all, I had people all over the place jumping on me for 'letting governments tell me what to do' and 'not knowing the real truth about the virus'. One common thing for all conspiracy believers is that they are losers who failed in life and use conspiracies to explain their failures.
That would drive me insane. So many absolute idiots in this country.
Even the Nisa round the corner from me has chequer tape marking out 6 foot boxes to stand in both inside and out.

I think at this point any of the big stores not doing this have no excuses.
Isn't that a stupid way to go about things? There is no need to give out the details of the person who passed away, but the stats need to be captured. Else how would the govt decide what scale of help is needed for the public.

Obviously the government know exactly who died and use that information in their decisions. All this means is they don't necessarily tell the public.
That would drive me insane. So many absolute idiots in this country.

Yeah I don't know why I even engaged. People like that are impossible to argue with because they don't have basic understanding of reality, all they know is what they read on one of the conspiracy sites and pretend to be better than 'stupid government controlled population'. What they don't realize is that the ones being tricked into believing in something dumb are them.
Think the Ebola experience is helping Nigeria. Everyone that has come in in contact with a confirmed case being bundled into isolation.
Look, we all know that these are difficult times for everyone, we don't need it constantly pushed in our faces by the self appointed experts on here, or those selectively posting the most "bad news" tweets they can find

There are loads of positives coming out of this, if people on here are too wrapped up in their conspiracy theories to see them then that's their problem

People are looking out for each other more, especially the old and vunerable
People volunteering more
People connecting more with their families through being together or home schooling
People realising that money is not the be all and end all
People realising what is really important
People realising that the people whose jobs are really important are actually those in food production, logistics, delivery, the care system and, of course, the NHS - often those who are paid the least
People seeing the benefits of socialism rather than capitalism and greed
Benefits for the environment
More awareness of mental health
People out exercising or walking as families that would never normally do so
The acceleration of a move towards remote working and the flexibility that this brings
The time to reflect or read or whatever
Well said. This is the most depressing thread I have ever followed on the internet, good to see some positives.
I have never apologised so much in my life, if I go an inch too close to someone outside, it's 'Sorry! Sorry!' How difficult is it too wash your bloody hands. They should be washing their hands anyway. What is wrong with these people?
Yeah one of the weirdest thing to come out of the Covid19 crisis is just many people don't follow very basic and simple health advice, like washing their hands.

Maybe it's one of those thing where if you're not taught it at young age, it never catches on ?

Yeah, I made a similar comment a few days ago. This isn't the aftermath of a terrorist attack. We need to behave appropriately.
My only guess would be for the majority of western populations(Although particularly in Britain)the biggest national crisis before this one was the whole war on terror stuff. So this the first thing some people jump to.

It's all very bizarre.
Anyone coughing at UK police, shop workers faces two years in jail

LONDON (Reuters) - Anyone claiming to have coronavirus who deliberately coughs at emergency workers faces being jailed for two years, Britain’s Director of Public Prosecutions said on Thursday.

Max Hill said there had been reports in recent days of people coughing in the faces of police, other emergency workers and shop staff. Those responsible could face charges of common assault, he said.

“Emergency workers are more essential than ever as society comes together to tackle the coronavirus pandemic,” Hill said in a statement.

“I am therefore appalled by reports of police officers and other frontline workers being deliberately coughed at by people claiming to have COVID-19. Let me be very clear: this is a crime and needs to stop.”

On Wednesday, a 45-year-old man admitted three counts of assaulting an emergency worker after claiming to have coronavirus and directing coughs at London police officers arresting him for another offense, the Crown Prosecution Service said.

In Blackburn, northern England, a 40-year-old man was jailed after threatening to spit at officers on Monday after they had asked why he was out with two others following the government’s announcement that social gatherings should cease and that people observe strict rules on social distancing.
Yeah one of the weirdest thing to come out of the Covid19 crisis is just many people don't follow very basic and simple health advice, like washing their hands.

Maybe it's one of those thing where if you're not taught it at young age, it never catches on ?

My only guess would be for the majority of western populations(Although particularly in Britain)the biggest national crisis before this one was the whole war on terror stuff. So this the first thing some people jump to.

It's all very bizarre.
If washing hands is new on people, just imagine the state of the rest of their bodies.
My only guess would be for the majority of western populations(Although particularly in Britain)the biggest national crisis before this one was the whole war on terror stuff. So this the first thing some people jump to.

It's all very bizarre.

It's somewhat understandable to consider but when you actually think about it, this virus isn't attacking our society or way of life, it's simply attacking us and we need to protect ourselves. One could argue that it's taking massive advantage of our way of life, mind.
Been arguing for the last hour on Facebook with some moron saying that this virus is 'threatening to only a very small number of people' and we should just let it be. No arguments seem to work. And the worst of all, I had people all over the place jumping on me for 'letting governments tell me what to do' and 'not knowing the real truth about the virus'. One common thing for all conspiracy believers is that they are losers who failed in life and use conspiracies to explain their failures.
I'll admit I like a good conspiracy theory, but it's been pretty disappointing to see people so sure of themselves who have done so little research to reach that opinion.

Of course, the US has done itself no favors with its creeping fascism, that seems to be most people biggest concern, additional loss of liberty.
I went to Aldi on Tuesday, for certain things. They were letting 30 in at a time, when someone came out another could go in. There was plenty of room inside, you could get a lot of things, excepted limited milk available again, they were limiting you to two paper products, so got toilet rolls and a big paper towel, for some reason baked beans have been cleaned out and I couldn't get minced beef, got some today at Tesco. I wouldn't want to be in the house with the family eating all those beans.
It funny seeing different places’ reactions.

In England, stores run out of baked beans. In America, people are buying up all the ammunition and frozen pizza.
Apologies if this question has already been asked, but with most of Europe confined to their house / home and facing fines or jail if they leave it, why do TV Channels keep showing the weather forecasts every hour or so.

Think the Ebola experience is helping Nigeria. Everyone that has come in in contact with a confirmed case being bundled into isolation.

We've just closed our office in Port Harcourt last night and sent everyone home as one of our Loaders there has symptoms although we have no way of knowing whether he has or hasn't been with someone who has subsequently tested positive. In a city like Port Harcourt, that's just impossible. But we're taking no chances.

Our Lagos and Luanda bases are working normally but we have very reduced volumes arriving, especially from Europe, and we're expecting these to drop even lower now that most European airlines have shut up shop until further notice.
Apologies if this question has already been asked, but with most of Europe confined to their house / home and facing fines or jail if they leave it, why do TV Channels keep showing the weather forecasts every hour or so.

Weather isn't cancelled just because everything else is.
The strategic and tactical part of me is finding the decisions and discussing of the timing of lockdowns fascinating.

The negatives of going into lockdown too early should not be underestimated. This crisis has shone a spotlight on just how dumb and selfish far too many human beings are. Lockdown is never going to be a "one and done" type deal and for every implementation you are going to lose (even further) the obedience and cooperation of a decent % of the public who will be of the mindset of "well it didn't work last time".
People forgetting that South Korea never locked down. A solution for one country is not simply the solution for the next.
Actually, I'd say the solution for one country, South Korea, is the solution for every country. What has South Korea done?

They all wear masks, there are free masks on the bus if you don't have one, every store has hand sanitizer at the entrance and everyone uses it or wears gloves.

Once we smash the infection rate back down the whole world can get back to work as soon as we can provide masks and hand sanitizer for everyone in every country. Imho this is what each country needs to do like it's WWIII.

In reality, the rich countries will accomplish this first and I suspect they'll cut off travel from the developing world until a successful vaccine is in wide use everywhere. Rich countries will still import products from developing countries, of course, disinfected if you will by the slow boat ride.
Even the Nisa round the corner from me has chequer tape marking out 6 foot boxes to stand in both inside and out.

I think at this point any of the big stores not doing this have no excuses.

At my local row of shops, the chippy, newsagents, pet shop have it. It's the co-op at the end that doesn't.

They recently had a refurb to fit in an extra aisle by making all the other aisles narrower, so it's a total nightmare in there now.

The chippy are also limiting people going in and spacing the queue out outside. Co-op don't give a shit. Everyone's piling in.

I always thought co-op were one of the good chains, but they seem to be one of the few big stores that aren't setting up shopping times for key workers and vulnerable people, or adopting new opening hours to help their staff.
I'll admit I like a good conspiracy theory, but it's been pretty disappointing to see people so sure of themselves who have done so little research to reach that opinion.

Of course, the US has done itself no favors with its creeping fascism, that seems to be most people biggest concern, additional loss of liberty.

Yeah I in no way believe the virus or the crisis is fake, but I definitely am keeping a close eye on what sort of measures/laws are brought in as a result. One thing I have learned about governments is they are as sly as they come, and if they can strike while the iron is hot, they will strike.
Yeah I in no way believe the virus or the crisis is fake, but I definitely am keeping a close eye on what sort of measures/laws are brought in as a result. One thing I have learned about governments is they are as sly as they come, and if they can strike while the iron is hot, they will strike.

The Liberal Canadian government tried to sneak in unchecked, unlimited power to act until the end of 2021 in their $82 billion support bill.

Thankfully the opposition parties called them on that and were able to ensure that there is some oversight of the government's activity.

I can only hope that the voters remember what sly cnuts they are going forward.
Perhaps we are discussing separate things here. I am talking about what is most useful in tracking the progress of the virus, you seem to be talking about assessing the impact on the country.

I think impact on county and progress of virus are kind of the same thing but appreciate we’re splitting hairs! Both sets of data are obviously important.
You mean they're telling us the forecast so that we'll know what we're going to see through our windows ??

Makes sense, I suppose....

We're not confined to our houses.... I'm out at least an hour each day getting a bit of air and doing some shopping, as are most people..

Life hasn't stopped.
Apologies if this question has already been asked, but with most of Europe confined to their house / home and facing fines or jail if they leave it, why do TV Channels keep showing the weather forecasts every hour or so.

I need to know if it's alright to hang the washing out. It's a fecking ballache pegging everything to the line if rain is coming.
The Liberal Canadian government tried to sneak in unchecked, unlimited power to act until the end of 2021 in their $82 billion support bill.

Thankfully the opposition parties called them on that and were able to ensure that there is some oversight of the government's activity.

I can only hope that the voters remember what sly cnuts they are going forward.

Governments across the world are ruthless and opportunistic; if they can manipulate this crisis in the background to benefit themselves, they will. That's not to say that they're not doing anything of good of course, they are.
You mean they're telling us the forecast so that we'll know what we're going to see through our windows ??

Makes sense, I suppose....

The weather forecast is vital for many essential trades and industries that haven't stopped working.

Farmers haven't stopped farming.

Fisherman haven't stopped fishing.

Many workers make decisions and plans based on the weather forecast, it's not just to tell people whether or not it's good leisure weather.
That will come in time I think, either as a vaccine, and so infected with inactive virus, or the lockdown and social distancing will just stop being followed.
That's already here. Took the baby and dog out this afternoon and was almost overtaken on the kerb by two jakey looking folk who were in a hurry as one was coughing their guts out. Started off about fifty paces behind me and gradually got closer. Eventually I just turned around and told them to feck off across the road because I didn't want her coming any closer to my kid or me.

This is the dream scenario! But again, why so many negative tests if more of the population would have had the illness.

Even with a regard for testing not being accurate, why would such a high proportion of people that felt they needed testing, be negative?

Surely that doesn’t fit into this argument.