Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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"...and it just so happens that I stand to make millions if I facilitate the selling."

Precisely. I was talking to a family member last night. He idolises Farage. When I asked him why he believes in him, he says that Farage is the only one who is honest and trust worthy and speaks the truth. And no. He wasn't drunk or on drugs.

I reminded him of just a few of his blatant lies; like denying that he used a house supplied by one of his backers only to then say - well I may have stayed there a few times.

Apart from Cameron, I have nothing but contempt for this disgusting excuse of a man.
Precisely. I was talking to a family member last night. He idolises Farage. When I asked him why he believes in him, he says that Farage is the only one who is honest and trust worthy and speaks the truth. And no. He wasn't drunk or on drugs.

I reminded him of just a few of his blatant lies; like denying that he used a house supplied by one of his backers only to then say - well I may have stayed there a few times.

Apart from Cameron, I have nothing but contempt for this disgusting excuse of a man.

You seriously put Cameron on a level with Farage? :wenger:
You seriously put Cameron on a level with Farage? :wenger:

Certainly do.
Who was it that caved in to pressure from UKIP and his Eurosceptics to take us into a disastrous referendum with little or no planning on what to do if leave won.
Not only that but then buggered off leaving others to try to sort out his ineptitude.

I also blame him and his mate Osborne for the unfair way that the austerity programme targeted essential services.
*tinfoil, perhaps* Ever wondered why Cameron is far from devastated at the loss of his job, his reputation, and his historical standing? Curious, isn't it?
*tinfoil, perhaps* Ever wondered why Cameron is far from devastated at the loss of his job, his reputation, and his historical standing? Curious, isn't it?

He moved to Wales and they have lots of farms?
Guardian said:
Boris Johnson has done just one newspaper interview, with the Sunday Times, and no major broadcast interviews since the campaign began, and has only made paid corporate appearances in Manchester and Switzerland. His main policy announcements have been made through his Daily Telegraph columns, for which he is also paid.
Labour motion tomorrow to try and take control of commons procedures to block no deal...
Will be interesting to see if they can pull this off because it seems most of the people about to become pm want it on the table...
If they succeed in tying the new PM's hands that might be enough to force the new pm to roll the dice on a snap election
The UK left the real world in 2016 and are seemingly drifting further away from it.

Nearly all the Tory leader candidates are saying they will renegotiate the withdrawal agreement - not possible.

Other politicians talking about taking no deal off the table - the only way to do this is to ratify the WA or cancel Brexit

So what is it?

GE changes nothing and referendum only changes it if remain wins and Brexit is cancelled.
No deal seems kind of unavoidable if everyone is too busy ignoring reality to actually agree on something?! I mean how can you ever settle on the bitter pill (for some) that are accepting May's deal or revocation, when politicians still think they can just re-negotiate a better deal?
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Since no one had even heard of this work a few weeks ago, it hasn't been used for 100s (?) of years, the fact that it is on the front page of every newspaper in the land on a daily basis, no wonder people are confused.
It's the word of the month. Just like "double-pivot" or "Corbyn".
No deal seems kind of unavoidable if everyone is too busy ignoring reality to actually agree on something?!
Call me a cynical bastard but Brexit was never about Brexit, it was about seizing power. Specifically Tory arseholes taking the opportunity to create instability and grab the leadership for themselves when Cameron left. Then, because everyone in that party is so fecking incompetent, everyone fecked their campaigns up and May won solely by being the only person left who hadn't shat the bed. And now they're doing the same thing again because they've got tunnel vision because all they see are the private dinners, former SAS turned MI6 security and that old school prestige that comes from believing in an out of date "subservient masses must adore their emperor" attitude which conveniently overlooks the fact that millions around the golden temple are fecking fecked.

And now just over the horizon a big feck off fire is blazing towards us all. And the ones that do notice it are either too quiet because they don't want to scare anyone or are happy because they can sell whatever is left of the ashes.
@Mr Pigeon

I mean we can complain about Tories being cynical and I wouldn't disagree with you, but I think labour is actually the bigger disappointment, because even now they can't muster a strong stance against Brexit. How can you stop Brexit when even they want it, too? How can you take the deal that's on the table when they tell people that they will somehow negotiate a new one? Looks to me like they are playing games with Britain's future at stake just/almost as much as Tories.
@Mr Pigeon

I mean we can complain about Tories being cynical and I wouldn't disagree with you, but I think labour is actually the bigger disappointment, because even now they can't muster a strong stance against Brexit. How can you stop Brexit when even they want it, too? How can you take the deal that's on the table when they tell people that they will somehow negotiate a new one? Looks to me like they are playing games with Britain's future at stake just/almost as much as Tories.
Totally agree with you mate, hence;

And now just over the horizon a big feck off fire is blazing towards us all. And the ones that do notice it are either too quiet because they don't want to scare anyone

feck knows where Labour went because my party isn't there anymore. It's the reason why I vote for those smarmy Tartan bastards nowadays.
27% and 20% of voters saying "I Don't Know" are probably wondering what prorogued means.
I'm more concerned about the 6% of remainers who support prorogation.
Youthful candidate Rory Stewart delivered an utterly refreshing speech which revealed him to be innovative, mercurial, and in touch with The People®. Some quotes from his mightily impressive launch:

"My father once held a pint of something called beer."
"We lived in the Winter Palace, so I know what it is to struggle."
"I'm different to other candidates because I'm not an obvious bastard."
"The Army taught me about using stories of my service as a cheap way to get votes."
"Our Party needs new and maverick leadership, according to my focus group."
Call me a cynical bastard but Brexit was never about Brexit, it was about seizing power. Specifically Tory arseholes taking the opportunity to create instability and grab the leadership for themselves when Cameron left. Then, because everyone in that party is so fecking incompetent, everyone fecked their campaigns up and May won solely by being the only person left who hadn't shat the bed. And now they're doing the same thing again because they've got tunnel vision because all they see are the private dinners, former SAS turned MI6 security and that old school prestige that comes from believing in an out of date "subservient masses must adore their emperor" attitude which conveniently overlooks the fact that millions around the golden temple are fecking fecked.

And now just over the horizon a big feck off fire is blazing towards us all. And the ones that do notice it are either too quiet because they don't want to scare anyone or are happy because they can sell whatever is left of the ashes.
Perfect post.
And the ones that do notice it are either too quiet because they don't want to scare anyone or are happy because they can sell whatever is left of the ashes.

And on this can an average person potentially make money from Brexit? I need something, anything, to keep me sane.
And on this can an average person potentially make money from Brexit? I need something, anything, to keep me sane.
I have a bridge that I can sell you. When we leave Europe bridge prices will rise because we won't be tied down by Brussels red tape. It's called Tower Bridge but you can name it whatever you want once you give me my five million pounds.
I mean we can complain about Tories being cynical and I wouldn't disagree with you, but I think labour is actually the bigger disappointment, because even now they can't muster a strong stance against Brexit. How can you stop Brexit when even they want it, too? How can you take the deal that's on the table when they tell people that they will somehow negotiate a new one? Looks to me like they are playing games with Britain's future at stake just/almost as much as Tories.
Literally today
Labour to launch bid to block new PM from forcing no-deal Brexit

Plus they've called for a second referendum multiple times(Just saying doesn't mean it will happen) . Now If your question is why can't they just stop brexit ? Well for Labour to get into power they need to keep labour leave voters.

In recent poll Remain is only front on single digits and the Brexit party(A party built on one single idea - No Deal)is polling between 1st and 3rd. The idea that a anti brexit stance is sure winner with the public and by Labour not turing up to Remain marchers is stopping them from but 20 points a head in the polls is complete shite(I really wish it was that simply but it's not)
Literally today
Labour to launch bid to block new PM from forcing no-deal Brexit

Plus they've called for a second referendum multiple times(Just saying doesn't mean it will happen) . Now If your question is why can't they just stop brexit, for Labour to get into power they need to keep labour leave voters.

I present you exhibit

Labour respects the result of the referendum, and Britain is leaving the EU.

Labour would seek to negotiate a new comprehensive UK-EU customs union

I present you exhibit

Labour respects the result of the referendum, and Britain is leaving the EU.

Labour would seek to negotiate a new comprehensive UK-EU customs union

Now If your question is why can't they just stop brexit ? Well for Labour to get into power they need to keep labour leave voters.

In recent polling Remain is only in front on single digits and the Brexit party(A party built on one single idea - No Deal Brexit)is polling between 1st and 3rd. The idea that a anti brexit stance is sure winner with the public and by Labour not turing up to Remain marchers is stopping them from but 20 points a head in the polls is complete shite(I really wish it was that simply but it's not)
It's sort of pointless if you don't read the whole post.
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Literally today
Labour to launch bid to block new PM from forcing no-deal Brexit

This is meaningless though - No Deal isn't an option you choose, it's the default if no agreement is reached.

On the second referendum Corbyn's still hesitant about fully endorsing one and it very much still seems to come with the caveat of it'll happen if a deal isn't reached.