Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended


Full Member
May 18, 2012
Such an unsatisfying episode, particularly the death of Cersei. For the biggest villain in the show to go like that, and for them to try and make us sympathetic for her is just so ill thought out.


"Did you see Fabinho against Red Star & Cardiff?"
Dec 15, 2015
Victoria, BC
I've just been talking with a couple of people at work about the latest episode.

The two biggest issues we all had were:

- Jaime & Cersei's underwhelming outcome. Jaime's had this redemption arc going since season 3 and gets no pay off. Cersei was a nutter and suddenly we're supposed to feel sorry for the poor terrified rabbit?
- Dany's sudden decision to burn everything. Completely out of character and a change like that needed a bigger, better explained build up imo. It felt really out of place seeing her burn everyone like that.

It feels so rushed, like they suddenly realized they had to finish the series when writing this season and made the decision to rush through. It's quite disappointing when you think about the story they'd told before season 8. There was some really good character development in there. Jaime's story especially was great before this season.


Been caught pooping
Aug 2, 2008

Daenerys burning an innocent man alive, season 5...
Mate no matter what you try to dig up it's not going to make her burning down the entire city any less ludicrous. I'm not even against Dany being a somewhat morally ambiguous character when it comes to justice. She also crucified a feckload of nobles without even stopping to think if any of them might have been decent people. But the context of both examples you've given me are completely different to what she just did. How about instead of throwing up quotes/clips, why don't you at least attempt to make a bit of an argument for Dany's actions?

It wasn't an attempt at vengeance/justice (as you showed me in the clip and quote), it was an attempt to rule through fear to hold onto her crown because she was scared Jon would take it. Now, I know she's wanted the Iron Throne for a long time, but considering she's spent 7 seasons talking about how she wants to rid the world of Tyrant and rule through peace, attempting to hold onto a crown with the greatest act of tyranny we've seen in the whole series is contrived writing inconsistent with her character. It was all done to give us this big amazing spectacle of burning Kings Landing, that's all.

If hey if you wanna go back and dig up clips here's one

Dany almost brought to tears and locking her dragons up because one farmers child died... the same Dany who would go on to kill thousands of children because... umm...


Professional Ronaldo PR Guy
Jan 11, 2016
Porto, Portugal
Sporting CP
Mate no matter what you try to dig up it's not going to make her burning down the entire city any less ludicrous. I'm not even against Dany being a somewhat morally ambiguous character when it comes to justice. She also crucified a feckload of nobles without even stopping to think if any of them might have been decent people. But the context of both examples you've given me are completely different to what she just did. How about instead of throwing up quotes/clips, why don't you at least attempt to make a bit of an argument for Dany's actions?

It wasn't one of justice (as you showed me in the clip), it wasn't one of vengeance (as you quoted), it was an attempt to rule through fear to hold onto her crown because she was scared Jon would take it. Now, I know she's wanted the Iron Throne for a long time, but considering she's spent 7 seasons talking about how she wants to rid the world of Tyrant and rule through peace, attempting to hold onto a crown with the greatest act of tyranny we've seen in the whole series is contrived writing inconsistent with her character. It was all done to give us this big amazing spectacle of burning Kings Landing, that's all.
No, it was done and foreshadowed both in the TV show and books since they started and will rightfully be the end to both. It was obvious she was always stuck between two minds of ending tyranny and her own worst impulses coming out. Her advisors stopped her from making similar atrocities plenty of times throughout the show, now her advisors are either dead or lost her trust.

It could have been better done like it will in the books since it's a much easier medium to portray something like this and there isn't an episode or budget limit to extend the story for as long as it needed to be extended to make it feel more natural. The idea that it came out of nowhere is bullshit though.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
We last saw him carrying King Robert on the fatal hunt.

Which explains why the poor thing still looks so battered :(
what? really the same horse?

Sorry dude! But in fairness it could be the same horse, after all Jaqen never specifically said he could only take the face of people...


Been caught pooping
Aug 2, 2008
No, it was done and foreshadowed both in the TV show and books since they started and will rightfully be the end to both. It was obvious she was always stuck between two minds of ending tyranny and her own worst impulses coming out. Her advisors stopped her from making similar atrocities plenty of times throughout the show, now her advisors are either dead or lost her trust.

It could have been better done like it will in the books since it's a much easier medium to portray somethign like this and there isn't an episode or budget limit to extend the story for as long as it needed to be extended to make it feel more natural. The idea that it came out of nowhere is bullshit though.
Thing is, I actually like the idea of the hero becoming the greatest villain, but I don't see how the books can pull this off without it still seeming inconsistent. The only explanation would be madness.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
It could have been better done like it will in the books since it's a much easier medium to portray something like this and there isn't an episode or budget limit to extend the story for as long as it needed to be extended to make it feel more natural. The idea that it came out of nowhere is bullshit though.
This is fair, I think it's the level of her destruction that people think is over the top. That has come out of nowhere in my opinion. Its the sheer level of destruction she unleashed that people don't feel is right for her character. At least in the show anyway. No idea if she's done more Evil shit in the books.


Been caught pooping
Aug 2, 2008
This is fair, I think it's the level of her destruction that people think is over the top. That has come out of nowhere in my opinion. Its the sheer level of destruction she unleashed that people don't feel is right for her character. At least in the show anyway. No idea if she's done more Evil shit in the books.
She could have attacked the Red Keep destroying Cersei and not caring about collateral damage to the thousands that Cersei kept around her to put off such an attack. That would have shown a determined Dany being morally ambiguous and somewhat tyrannical.

But she is literally just flying around burning peasants for shits and giggles. It was way, way too much, it's just straight up evil. Mostly felt gratuitous for shock value tbh.

This would have been better, but then we wouldn't have gotten a 20 minute spectacle of KL being razed would we ;)


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
She could have attacked the Red Keep destroying Cersei and not caring about collateral damage to the thousands that Cersei kept around her to put off such an attack. But she is literally just flying around burning peasants for shits and giggles. It was way, way too much. Mostly felt gratuitous for shock value tbh.
Im of the same opinion. The cynical side of me thinks the writers needed the city to be in flames so they could have Aryas Reporting down at Street level and the only explanation they had for the entire city to be up in flames was for Daenerys to go batshit mad. It makes more sense from her characters perspective to burn the Red Keep down. She did the same with the masters when she freed the Unsullied, she did the same with the Dothraki masters when she got the Dothraki horde. The tactic of going for the leaders has worked for her in the past so why not continue doing so? If nothing else, it's a symbolic gesture for her 'breaking the wheel'.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
She could have attacked the Red Keep destroying Cersei and not caring about collateral damage to the thousands that Cersei kept around her to put off such an attack. That would have shown a determined Dany being morally ambiguous and somewhat tyrannical.

But she is literally just flying around burning peasants for shits and giggles. It was way, way too much, it's just straight up evil. Mostly felt gratuitous for shock value tbh.
Yeah, I agree with this part.

She was always going mad, but to open up on the actual citizens was a bit ridiculous to say the least. Why not just head straight to Cersei? They could have still shown the Arya stuff, but have it about the falling keep bricks rather than flat out direct murder.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
So did Dany have to say "dracarys" a thousand times whilst riding around on the dragon or did he just know to burn everything to the ground?


Massive moobs (planned for Christmas)
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
Such an unsatisfying episode, particularly the death of Cersei. For the biggest villain in the show to go like that, and for them to try and make us sympathetic for her is just so ill thought out.
I ve been wanting to ask those of you who say this - what in your opinion would ve been a satisfying death for Cersei?


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
Yeah you can go back and find loads of examples. The thing is that people had made reasons why they were acceptable until now.

The quality of the writing has remained consistently high. It's the quality of the watching that's got really shit.


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
Such an unsatisfying episode, particularly the death of Cersei. For the biggest villain in the show to go like that, and for them to try and make us sympathetic for her is just so ill thought out.
She's a 3-dimensional character. Of course she's going to be a shade of grey.


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
I ve been wanting to ask those of you who say this - what in your opinion would ve been a satisfying death for Cersei?
Anally raped by the mountain with the blood of Jaime on his hands.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2015
Bayern München
I ve been wanting to ask those of you who say this - what in your opinion would ve been a satisfying death for Cersei?
Jaime killing her would have been the most poetic outcome. Or Arya. Or Tyrion. Or one of the Cleganes. So many possibilities.


Full Member
May 18, 2012
She's a 3-dimensional character. Of course she's going to be a shade of grey.
It didn't come off as a shade of grey to me though, still wanted her to die and felt no sympathy when she did. Maybe I am the baddie after all.


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
So did Dany have to say "dracarys" a thousand times whilst riding around on the dragon or did he just know to burn everything to the ground?
Am I the only who finds the whole dracarys thing a bit lame?

Obviously it's cool when she does it once or twice in battle, but Missandai shouting "Dracarys" and Dany executing prisoners and traitors with her dragon just seems a bit lame or over the top. Just because you have dragon doesn't mean you can't hang people or chop their head off. I'm sure poor Drogon feels abused too.