Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

He saw a dragon flying over Kings Landing which might not have been this dragon. Still, even if it was it's obvious it was just something momentary rather than omniscient knowledge.

It was the exact same shot. It's clear the writers want us to twig that Bran saw this happen in his 'visions'. Why shouldn't he be able to see more glimpses of the future if he has the power to go to any moment in the past? Why is it obvious that he can only see that one moment? I must be missing something here.
It's precisely the same scenario with the Starks and Boltons. Starks switched sides as well and the Boltons stayed 'loyal' to the Crown rather than the people they swore an oath too. Both Houses were going to get a huge reward too so greed certainly played it's part. Yet the Boltons were villains and the Tarlys seen as honorable. Ahuh.
No the Bolton's joined the war against the Lanisters then changed sides half way through. They killed countless Lanister soldiers before changing sides the Tarlys stayed with the oath to the Queen.
It was the exact same shot. It's clear the writers want us to twig that Bran saw this happen in his 'visions'. Why shouldn't he be able to see more glimpses of the future if he has the power to go to any moment in the past? Why is it obvious that he can only see that one moment? I must be missing something here.

This is the problem with his powers.

I'm sure there'll be many attempts to explain this, but none are going to make much sense. They certainly won't be obvious.
"When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who have wronged me. We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground." - Daenerys, season 2


I remember that line being said outside the city of Qarth. Clearly a threat to the person who snubbed her. By the way "those who have wronged me". Yeah, all those poor little kids she burned to a crisp must have really wronged her.

Maybe if that quote said ""When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who have wronged me. And if I am on the brink of victory, and the army has surrendered, I will ignore 7 seasons of being a just woman and burn as many civilians to a crisp as possible."

Yeah, I know Reddit had a field day upvoting that quote as some sort of incredible foreshadowing, but nah, still shit writing. But great spectacle I guess.
I don't think people have been blind to the possible madness of Dany it's just the execution of it that was poor and really really jarring. The reversal in 'humanizing' Cersei didn't need to happen, she IS a monster and whatsmore she's a crazy lioness driven by hatred and jealousy. To have her speak all of 20 lines in the episode and surrender to her fate so meekly was just not a good send off for such a fearsome character. In the same way Dany just flips the other way and is reduced by her massacring an entire population when the war had been won. There are so many ways they could have written this to better effect. There must have been at least 20 minutes of scenes of people being set on fire which just felt very jarring and desensitising in a weird way.

I remember that line being said outside the city of Qarth. Clearly a threat to the person who snubbed her. By the way "those who have wronged me". Yeah, all those poor little kids she burned to a crisp must have really wronged her.

Maybe if that quote said ""When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who have wronged me. And if I am on the brink of victory, and the army has surrendered, I will ignore 7 seasons of being a just woman and burn as many civilians to a crisp as possible."

Yeah, I know Reddit had a field day upvoting that quote as some sort of incredible foreshadowing, but nah, still shit writing. But great spectacle I guess.

Bulldinky. Redlambs - season 8
Prediction for the last episode: jon escapes to argentina to become a lumberjack
I won’t lie I would very much enjoy a meltdown from the people who have built up Dany as the champion of womankind
I don't think people have been blind to the possible madness of Dany it's just the execution of it that was poor and really really jarring. The reversal in 'humanizing' Cersei didn't need to happen, she IS a monster and whatsmore she's a crazy lioness driven by hatred and jealousy. To have her speak all of 20 lines in the episode and surrender to her fate so meekly was just not a good send off for such a fearsome character. In the same way Dany just flips the other way and is reduced by her massacring an entire population when the war had been won. There are so many ways they could have written this to better effect. There must have been at least 20 minutes of scenes of people being set on fire which just felt very jarring and desensitising in a weird way.

Yeah, I can agree with this.

Cersei should have won at the end, but been lonely and miserable. It's an old tale, but one way better than we are likely to get now. I have a bad feeling about who ends up on the thrown, if anyone even does at all.
What, you mean like he's done before?

And who "literally said it"?

Bran? He says he's the memory of the world and that he lives in the past. That one very slight glimpse into the future is the only time he's seen the future, like plenty of different characters have through different magic btw. It's's never been shown or implied that he has complete knowledge of what's going to happen in the future so why would you assume that's the case?

You believe he had the knowledge that the city was going to be burnt to the ground and still let it happen?
I think everyone should have their most trusted friend die in your arms (after being killed protecting you), your son murdered by an arrow through the neck (in front of you), your bestie beheaded at the order of your worst enemy and also find out you've been banging your nephew before judging Danny.

feck, if someone in front of me can't work the self-service till at Tesco I want to burn the whole place down.
Yeah, I can agree with this.

Cersei should have won at the end, but been lonely and miserable. It's an old tale, but one way better than we are likely to get now. I have a bad feeling about who ends up on the thrown, if anyone even does at all.

Nobody will, they'll hit the reset button in the final episode and kill of Daenery and Jon. I just hope Drogon flies off away from this bullshit and joins up with Ghost and the Wildlings and become mates.
Yeah, but she's plannning on executing slave traders. There is a certain justice in that. There is no justice in deliberately burning all the women and children in the city you want to rule, when the enemy has surrendered. It doesn't make any sense what so ever unless your the night king/Hitler, who Dany sacrificed her army to defeat in the previous episodes.
No she was planning on killing everybody who owned a slave. Thousands of people. Yes slavery is wrong and it was a great goal to stop it but it was something that had been accepted as the status quo. There are ways to stop it without taking thousands of lives.

I remember that line being said outside the city of Qarth. Clearly a threat to the person who snubbed her. By the way "those who have wronged me". Yeah, all those poor little kids she burned to a crisp must have really wronged her.

Daenerys burning an innocent man alive, season 5...
Nobody will, they'll hit the reset button in the final episode and kill of Daenery and Jon. I just hope Drogon flies off away from this bullshit and joins up with Ghost and the Wildlings and become mates.

Someone from Dorne will rule just to really piss everyone off
Bran? He says he's the memory of the world and that he lives in the past. That one very slight glimpse into the future is the only time he's seen the future, like plenty of different characters have through different magic btw. It's's never been shown or implied that he has complete knowledge of what's going to happen in the future so why would you assume that's the case?

You believe he had the knowledge that the city was going to be burnt to the ground and still let it happen?

You are the only one making assumptions here.

I never assumed it was the case, I asked what his powers were. You said it was obvious, when in fact it quite clearly isn't. He has also repeatedly not told people important info right away too.

He has done nothing of any note to change any of the story. He may have sped bits up here and there, but has largely been a huge waste of time.
I think everyone should have their most trusted friend die in your arms (after being killed protecting you), your son murdered by an arrow through the neck (in front of you), your bestie beheaded at the order of your worst enemy and also find out you've been banging your nephew before judging Danny.

feck, if someone in front of me can't work the self-service till at Tesco I want to burn the whole place down.

Excellent point.

Nobody will, they'll hit the reset button in the final episode and kill of Daenery and Jon. I just hope Drogon flies off away from this bullshit and joins up with Ghost and the Wildlings and become mates.

I hope the last episode is one long campaign trail, ending in a democratic vote and some intellectual point about Trump.

And the horse rides the Dragon across the sea.
I think everyone should have their most trusted friend die in your arms (after being killed protecting you), your son murdered by an arrow through the neck (in front of you), your bestie beheaded at the order of your worst enemy and also find out you've been banging your nephew before judging Danny.

feck, if someone in front of me can't work the self-service till at Tesco I want to burn the whole place down.

Duffer Targaryen, first of his name, king of the shopping centre, breaker of self service tills.
She knew that she had to rule through fear, and that the people would never love her. For years her brother told her that they would be welcomed into King's Landing with open arms and instead she hears the bells of surrender. She knows that given the chance the people will choose Jon so she needs to show her might. Over the top, yes, ut she has a dragon not a sword

I don't know. Cersei is probably one of the most hated rulers ever. Most of the kingdom believes rightly that she and Jaime comitted incest thus making all her children illigetimate and she killed Robert. She also blew up pretty much all her allies in the sept, including the tyrrels, the priests and all the common folk in the surrounding area.

Cersei and the lannisters are universally hated by the common folk and other houses. The Targs had ruled westeros for hundreds of years and Rhaegar was loved by the people even though Aerys turned into a shitty king. Dany has the backing of Dorne, the north, the eerie, the rest of the Iron Borne and the riverlands.

She's in a pretty good position to usurp "mad queen" Cersei.

I think winning the Iron throne, killing her enemies and having a bad ass dragon is enough to rule by fear and power. It doesn't make sense to burn all your innocent subjects alive and turn the crown jewel of the kingdom into ash.

I still find the idea of all the common folk and lords of westeros just accepting Jon as a targ and the rightful heir to the throne a bit silly. The show's made a point of papers being without power hence why Cersei mocked Ned for having Roberts command on paper making him protector of the realm.

There is little to no way to prove that Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna apart from Ned being to honorable to feck around.
Such an unsatisfying episode, particularly the death of Cersei. For the biggest villain in the show to go like that, and for them to try and make us sympathetic for her is just so ill thought out.
I've just been talking with a couple of people at work about the latest episode.

The two biggest issues we all had were:

- Jaime & Cersei's underwhelming outcome. Jaime's had this redemption arc going since season 3 and gets no pay off. Cersei was a nutter and suddenly we're supposed to feel sorry for the poor terrified rabbit?
- Dany's sudden decision to burn everything. Completely out of character and a change like that needed a bigger, better explained build up imo. It felt really out of place seeing her burn everyone like that.

It feels so rushed, like they suddenly realized they had to finish the series when writing this season and made the decision to rush through. It's quite disappointing when you think about the story they'd told before season 8. There was some really good character development in there. Jaime's story especially was great before this season.