Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Only 2 hours to go. I'm hoping to avoid spoilers until then. I think I might wait it out in the crypt, where it's safest.
Just as the fight is about to begin they should cut away like they did in S1 when tyrion was forced to fight
Cut away to euron doing some mad shit then he goes to cersei who informs him the dead are gone but so are the dragons...
I have an exam in 4 hours and I'm contemplating giving up on revision and watching this instead. Don't know what I'll regret more, not studying or not watching this.
Anyone able to send me a link that'll let me go from the start of the episode? Now TV being a cnut.
I know the NK is clearly enjoying pissing about on his dragon but can he not just keep pushing reset on the whites every 2 minutes. The battle would be over in seconds