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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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What and why?

It was a lot earlier on the BBC. He was just saying he felt Corbyn's leadership and campaigning for Remain had been pretty spineless. And I think that is a fair criticism. Corbyn came out in favour of the EU, but never really put his heart into it, and Labour heartlands voting Leave has been a significant factor for Leave winning. If he was genuinely in favour of Remain he has failed. If he wasn't, then he was deceitful.

What really has angered me about Corbyn is his suggestion this morning that he is closer to the political centre of the UK than other party's leaders. If he didn't believe in the EU he should have said so. He shouldn't back track now he has lost. He was supposed to be a politician of principle, not shift with the tides.
Simple. Especially Norwegians just don't care because they basically live in a socialistic wonderland. The country shits money so it doesn't matter. Same for Switzerland really. And both countries agreed to freedom of movement, so they enjoy some benefits. Something GB can't possibly do now.

I think this is quite funny. You got fecked over by old people and idiots. This is why direct democracy is a shit idea, voters are even less prone to think outside their small little world and a timeframe over 2 years than politicians are.
Will probably visit GB soon just for shopping, since the Pound is basically worth nothing now :lol:

Wouldn't buying things in the UK benefit the British economy anyway?
Both Norway and Switzerland are year after year named two of the best countries to live in fwiw.

But you are not in EU and therefore you have to be sad, you're not really part of the cool kids circle, you're not in Europe anymore!!!!111

According to some atleast. Seems we have to re-draw maps, cartographers will have plenty of work on their hands to draw Inglunders out of Europe, possibly with a red crayon.
The Remain campaign had an absolute shocker IMO. They didn't take leave seriously, and thought it was just a small group of people upset about immigration.

I don't think they made it clear enough for the average person what the consequences could be. Too many leaver's were decided on just the fact the borders will be shut, but had no idea the financial implications it could bring.

I do think once the initial surge settles the Pound will recover, thing's wont seem so bleak, but right now it's worrying.

If other countries don't boycott the EU as well, we will be the Martyr and it could take years to recover.
:lol: I said I'm no politician.

Can't Britain do the same?

NO! cause more than half of the country entire just voted leave because the do not want freedom of movement, and do not want to pay EU fees.

Norway do both, and have no fecking say in Europe whatsoever and all of the issues.

At least the UK were one of the big 3 until today, your agreement is awful.
My 10 things we need to do:
1) Find a replacement for David Cameron. We've got a choice between an extremely intelligent person who pretends to be a buffoon, and an intelligent person who pretends to be a genius. I'd personally go with the buffoon.... Whilst I say that we get to decide, I do not of course mean us.

2) Keep open borders with Ireland. Unfortunately even if we complete negotiations, we could have them ripped up again if we fail to conclude with everyone else. To solve this, I suggest we just give Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland as a loan.

3) Keep Scotland in the UK. Every borough in Scotland voted remain. The SNP will now be calling for "Independence Referendum II". It would take something pretty substantial to keep them in the UK. I suggest moving Westminster to Holyrood.

4) Increase military spending as a percentage of GDP. Without the EU peace project, we need to show we are still a militarily might. Thankfully the referendum has a built in mechanism for this by tanking our economy.

5) Renew trident. Our nuclear deterrence is a joke. Other countries have the ability to wipe out all life on earth. We have at least one nuclear sub that is out there somewhere, and we just hope that everyone else isn't tracking it.

6) Keep access to the EU single market. The EU may want to make an example out of us, but they would be hurting themselves as much as they hurt us. Especially if we send our tanks into France.

7) Keep border controls in Calais. Remember those tanks into France?

8) Prevent Russian aggression. We're a super power right? Time to make some military bases in Eastern Europe?

9) Keep access to the EU for all our citizens who live and work there. Seems like we might have to keep our borders open anyway for this - but you're welcome to negotiate if you can.

10) Negotiate with the rest of the world. That's why we left right? It'd start by trying to create a Commonwealth Freedom of Movement Union thing. Can't go without union things.
There's so much bullshit in here it's not even funny anymore.
That thing about lightbulbs is just a lie right there.
And nobody said anything about fines for not accepting immigrants.
I do think that your country is deluded for not taking any, but I accept that it's part of the national insecurity. Still stupid, but well. But nobody ever talked about fines or anything. Be grateful at once, we are saving your ass and paying for immigrants coming to Europe without asking for anything in return basically.

Yeah, and attitude like this is exactly why we want to leave this shithole as well by the way. Patronising, being looked down upon by Western countries, being told that we are stupid for not doing everything they do, etc.
So you are saying countries like Japan, South Korea and Australia have no power because they are not part of a economic union?

No, but they have less power, than they would have in they were part of an economic union. These countries are hardly comparable to the UK, too.
Australia is in the lucky position of being a nation of 24 million people with a whole continent full of ressources to exploit and sell. This is how their economy works.
Japan and Korea have economies based heavily on industry. Their companies build factories and bring in knowhow. These are valuable assets.
Your economy is focussed around financial services. London is the european hub for most financial transactions. Guess what has just taken a huge hit with the Brexit...
But you are not in EU and therefore you have to be sad, you're not really part of the cool kids circle, you're not in Europe anymore!!!!111

According to some atleast. Seems we have to re-draw maps, cartographers will have plenty of work on their hands to draw Inglunders out of Europe, possibly with a red crayon.
Do Polish people want out of EU as well? I'd be surprised if they do.
But you are not in EU and therefore you have to be sad, you're not really part of the cool kids circle, you're not in Europe anymore!!!!111

According to some atleast. Seems we have to re-draw maps, cartographers will have plenty of work on their hands to draw Inglunders out of Europe, possibly with a red crayon.

Your lack of knowledge and understanding is disturbing really.
Simple. Especially Norwegians just don't care because they basically live in a socialistic wonderland. The country shits money so it doesn't matter. Same for Switzerland really. And both countries agreed to freedom of movement, so they enjoy some benefits. Something GB can't possibly do now.

I think this is quite funny. You got fecked over by old people and idiots. This is why direct democracy is a shit idea, voters are even less prone to think outside their small little world and a timeframe over 2 years than politicians are.
Will probably visit GB soon just for shopping, since the Pound is basically worth nothing now :lol:

feck off.

This has the potential to ruin millions of lives and you're being a smarmy dick?

Grow up
That's the feeling at the moment, can't speak for everybody obviously.
800,000 Polish in UK, god knows how many in Ireland. You want out? feckin hell, there's none of you left in Poland now anyway ffs!
Your elitist and patronising attitude, on the other hand, is fascismnating. Oh sorry, fascinating I meant.

You are talking about Switzerland and Norway while not accepting both have agreements with the EU basically meaning they are part of it and having to accept it's legislation. And that both are small countries with highly specialised economies, one with the benefit of having enourmous natural resources.
GB can't do what the are doing and have voted against any comparable agreement.

So what you are spouting here is just dumb.
Feel sorry for people who really believed that nonsense about saving £350 million a week and stopping migration. It's just not going to happen. Soon you will realise what you started. Scotland, Nothern Ireland and Gibraltar will probably leave UK. No way UK will be given the same status as Norway or Switzerland. Firstly, because UK is not a part of Schengen. Secondly, I think EU will strike really hard to show other EU members what are the consequences of leaving and prevent more countries from doing so.
Time will tell but early signs are not good.
Simple. Especially Norwegians just don't care because they basically live in a socialistic wonderland. The country shits money so it doesn't matter. Same for Switzerland really. And both countries agreed to freedom of movement, so they enjoy some benefits. Something GB can't possibly do now.

I think this is quite funny. You got fecked over by old people and idiots. This is why direct democracy is a shit idea, voters are even less prone to think outside their small little world and a timeframe over 2 years than politicians are.
Will probably visit GB soon just for shopping, since the Pound is basically worth nothing now :lol:
Grow the feck up man. Jobs and livelihoods and trade agreements are at risk, and all you can do is laugh.
Go back to obscurity, your distasteful comments aren't welcome here.
800,000 Polish in UK, god knows how many in Ireland. You want out? feckin hell, there's none of you left in Poland now anyway ffs!


Yes I know but you do realise that there can be treaties, pacts, whatever made outside of European Union, right? I mean, given that GB is out now there will be some I guess.
Since the have an even stronger nationalist and right wing movement, it would probably be close. "buhu Germany bullies us" is still a very strong argument in Poland, even after all those years.
But they've taken so much out of EU, that's just shooting yourself in the foot with a shotgun rifle.
Simple. Especially Norwegians just don't care because they basically live in a socialistic wonderland. The country shits money so it doesn't matter. Same for Switzerland really. And both countries agreed to freedom of movement, so they enjoy some benefits. Something GB can't possibly do now.

I think this is quite funny. You got fecked over by old people and idiots. This is why direct democracy is a shit idea, voters are even less prone to think outside their small little world and a timeframe over 2 years than politicians are.
Will probably visit GB soon just for shopping, since the Pound is basically worth nothing now :lol:
This is an incredibly silly and immature attitude, give your head a wobble.
So every country should be forced into staying under a collective government that they don't elect because they will be financially ruined without it? Even if they feel they are being mistreated by said government.
Yep. Deserters aren't liked and the others try to make an example on the first deserter. It has always been like that.
Pretty much paves the way for a unified Ireland and an independent Scotland - potentially within the next five years.

Pretty sure we've just witnessed the end of the UK as a great power, for better or worse.
Do Polish people want out of EU as well? I'd be surprised if they do.

Well, their government tells them relentlessly that the EU is to be blamed for all the things going wrongly. It's an easy solution.
Cameron and the Tories did the same thing for decades. It shouldn't come off as a big surprise, when a lot of people decide to believe in this BS
Both Norway and Switzerland are year after year named two of the best countries to live in fwiw.

Norway have a little population and a lot of petrol, while Switzerland have a little population and a lot a foreign investments for "obscure" reasons and a highly educated population.
Well, their government tells them relentlessly that the EU is to be blamed for all the things going wrongly. It's an easy solution.
Cameron and the Tories did the same thing for decades. It shouldn't come off as a big surprise, when a lot of people decide to believe in this BS

Is this really the type of misinformation you are fed in Germany?

Have to ask you as I ignored the other idiot.
The roof of the nearest multi-storey has been tempting on more than one occasion over the last few years. Today it might as well have Hayley McQueen and Rachel Riley mud wrestling on it.

I'm going to have to go talk to someone.
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Both are very, very special cases of small economies. Not comparable at all.
And both basically are part of the EU.
They give more (per capita) than UK, have freedom of movement and are on Schengen. They are more in EU than UK has ever been.

And as you said, they are two small rich countries. So, the parallels cannot be made.
Well, their government tells them relentlessly that the EU is to be blamed for all the things going wrongly. It's an easy solution.
Cameron and the Tories did the same thing for decades. It shouldn't come off as a big surprise, when a lot of people decide to believe in this BS
At least with the UK there's the argument of money. On paper they contribute more than they take. Unlike Poland who actually benefit form EU, a lot in fact.